Once its gone.......

By LinoQuiroz

24.3K 636 251

"I'm sorry Izuku....... lets just stay friends?" I asked him as he gave me a sad smile. "Sure Mo-Yaoyorozu-sa... More

Once its Gone
"Reluctant Heros"
"Memories of a new life pt.1"
"Memories of a new life pt.2"

Mother's advice and Izuku's secret

5.4K 133 44
By LinoQuiroz



~~~~~Momo POV~~~~~

" I have to draw the line........ otherwise I'll forget that we are just friends.." His words echoing throughout my mind. His words cutting me deep, what was worse he said it with no malice. I couldn't feel any intent to hurt me. To him, it was him simply stating a fact, he was doing exactly what I asked him. To stay as friends, he cared about me so much he closed off his heart to me.

This was just like him, once he decides to do something, no matter what he feels about it, he'll follow through. He was also so different from how he used to be. He was way more confident in himself. He used to be so shy, his only friends being myself and katsuki.

It was a completely different story now, in just one day he had befriended the entire class. He fit in so seamlessly, if you had a stranger walk in and point out who was the new person Izuku would be the last person they would think. They would have thought that Izuku was the popular kid in class.

Soon enough I made my way home, only to find Izuku was waiting for me by the gate. I was surprised to find him waiting on me. Before I could ask him why he waited, he looked up at me and gave me a small smile.

"It'd be weird to walk into your house without you..... Sorry, just give me a bit of time to adjust and this awkward air will go away. Everything will go back to how we were before I confessed bestie." he said as I made my way to him.

('I don't want to go back to being just friends...... but I don't know how to go forward after I hurt him so bad.')

I found myself reaching out to his back as he started walking into the house, I wanted to stop him. Tell him how sorry I was for rejecting him back then, how I should have listened to him, but most importantly how much I love and missed him.

Yet I couldn't bring myself to stop him from moving forward. Neither metaphorically nor physically as I slowly pulled my outstretched arm back to my side as I walked behind him. Soon enough we were greeted at the door by my families servants. Many of which instantly recongized Izuku and were excited to see him again.

Izuku had always been rather popular, although he never seemed to notice due to his shy personality. Everyone loved him to a greater or lesser extent, I was once again reminded just how great of a guy Izuku is. As he quickly greeted each and everyone of them politely and in a well mannered fashion, even going as far to refer to everyone by name.

This seemed to shock many of them, as they seemed to have expected for him to have forgotten them. Since he had only learned their names in passing and he had spent most of his time with me while here. I let out a small smile at this, as this was another part of Izuku that had remained the same.

He always had a really good memory, he was usually able to remember everything he was shown or that he was told instantly. So I wasn't surprised that he remembered them all, in fact I expected it of him. It perfect sense to me that he was one of the very few able to pass that extremely tough transfer exam.

"Ah young master Izuku, it is great to see you again. The master and madam have been eagerly awaiting your arrival." came the voice of Bruce Wingate my family's head butler

"Its nice to see you again as well Bruce-san, is my room ready?" asked Izuku so naturally you'd have thought he was part of the family. Although in a way Izuku was viewed as part of the family already. Bruce had seen Izuku grow from a small child into the outstanding young man standing before him.

 "Of course young Master, please follow me. Your things from home arrived yesterday and we have set up a separate room for your........ job." he said as he quickly glanced over at me. I wondered what that was about.  Izuku smiled and nodded

"Thank you very much Bruce-san, I'll go check it out after dinner. Speaking of which, I'm guessing auntie and uncle want us to go to the dinner table after we change?"

"It is as you've assumed young master, the masters wish for you to join them as soon as you've finished changing."

"Sure thing Bruce-san, let them know I'll be there as soon as I finish changing." Izuku turned to face me. "I'll see you at the table in abit." before walking off in the direction of his room. I sighed as I turned and walked towards mine to change as well.

~~~~~Timeskip/Dinner table~~~~~

Izuku seemed to be having a blast speaking to my father like they were old friends, while my mother seemed to be more focused on me rather than Izuku.

"So Izuku my boy, how were things in America? Anything interesting stories to tell?" asked my father Ichika

"Plenty uncle Ichika! Where do I start?! Oh I know! You know how they say america is huge? Thats an understatement! If you were to travel all of japan islands, in the same amount of time it'd take you to do that, you'd have crossed one maybe two states in the U.S."

"Speaking of which, the culture there is so different! People are alot more open about what they think and say. Oh and everywhere is so different from one place to another, like if you go from the east coast to the west one you'd have thought it was a different country with how people speak, act or even the food cooked there! Honestly its an amazing country despite its problems. But thats everywhere anyways, no place is perfect."

"Is that so?! I guess we'll have to make plans to visit your parents and your home in America soon. Although I am glad you decided to come back to japan, even if its just for a short while."

There it was again, another reminder that Izuku was only here for a year. I lowered my head as I picked at my food, not really wanting to be here. I just wanted to retreat to my room and cry at my own foolishness. This didn't go unnoticed though as my mother spoke up suddenly.

"So Izuku...... when are you and momo planning to have your wedding?" she asked a sly grin spread across her face. I stiffened up like a deer caught in the headlights, as I'd never told my parents about our falling out. I looked at Izuku who, like me seemed to have be caught off guard by my mother.

Izuku paused and seemed to be thinking on how to best answer her awkward question, while my father watched on apparently excited at the thought of Izuku becoming his son-in-law. In truth I also wished for that despite everything, so I waited with some hope to hear his answer.

"Oh auntie Houki, I don't need to marry Momo just to come visit you guys! I'll always come visit when I can, there is no need to force us to get married just because you don't get to see me often!" He said with a laugh as he played it off as a joke.

What little hope I had for a positive answer was crushed, much like my heart was. I could feel my tears threatening to burst from my eyes. I couldn't take it anymore

"I'm sorry everyone...... I'm not feeling very well, I think I'll go ahead and call it a night. Goodnight mother, father, Izu...." I froze slightly as I used my nickname for Izuku, before making a beeline for my room.

Soon after I shut myself in my room, I laid there crying into my pillow. ('Why?! I didn't I realize it sooner?! How could I have been so blind?!') As I laid there crying I didn't hear my door open and shut and nearly jumped out of my skin when my mother spoke.

"Alright then, since I'm sure by the way Izuku dodged the question and the fact you bailed as soon as you could something happened between you two." she said softly as she hugged me

"So tell me, what exactly happened Momo? Why is Izuku acting so distant from you? He used to love you so much, honestly I was shocked to hear him reply like that." I hesitate to answer her, but being the one who gave birth to me, she knew I was hesitating.

"Momo, I can tell you love him and his answer hurt you..... I can't help you if you don't tell me what happened between you two."  after a minute I decided it be best to just tell her otherwise she'd just stay there until I gave up. So for the next few minutes, through my tears and sobbing I told her everything.

About Izuku warning me about Shoto, about him confessing, me turning him down at the park, learning the truth about Shoto from Katsuki, and even the fact that Izuku was made plans to take care of me even after what I did.

She sat there in silence, simply listening to me as I told her everything. Her face showing clear signs of rage when I told her about Shoto, but relaxing when she heard about how Izuku made plans for him to be dealt with through Katsuki. After I finished telling her about everything she sat there still hugging me before speaking softly.

"After everything that happened you finally realized what everyone else already knew. Izuku was, and still is the perfect guy for you. As much as I want to help you this is a problem you have to solve yourself."

"But mother, how? How can I undo what I've done? I should have trusted Izuku's words over shoto, but I didn't. I broke years of trust over nothing in an instant, how can I possibly even begin to fix that?!"

"Tell me Momo....." my mother said in a serious tone "Are you sure you love him and aren't holding on to the past out of guilt?"

"OF COURSE I LOVE HIM!" I shouted at her enraged by suggestion, however instead of reacting she just calmly waited for me to calm down abit. "Sorry.... its just that, I know I messed up. It took him being gone for me to realize how I truly felt about him. The thought that he might not be there with me in the future never crossed my mind."

"After he was gone, I finally realized what I really felt. I should have known that just because he was my best friend, that didn't mean he'd always be around. I never thought about what would happen if he fell in love with another girl and started dating. Would he still make time for me? Would his girlfriend even allow him to have a girl best friend?"

"None of these thoughts ever crossed my mind until I'd already lost both him and my chance with him. I do love him mother..... I really do, but I'm afraid its too late and the damage is too much."

My mother sat there in silence as she processed my words. " You know, I said I can't help you with mending the bridge between you two. That doesn't mean I can't give you advice, what was once broken can always be rebuilt. Will it take time? Sure will, rome wasn't built in a day, and that is basically what you have to do with Izuku. Rebuild his trust, after all I'm sure that boy still loves you."

"How can you be so sure?" I asked her as she smiled seemingly caught up in a memory

"Because, Izuku is very much like your father was when we were young. Although I must say though your father was far denser, so at least you'll have an easier time with that. Which was somewhat of a blessing for me, though it didn't feel like it at the time."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well...... much like Izuku, your father was... and still is much to my annoyance a very popular man. He basically had an international harem competing for his love. In the end I was able to get through that thick skull of his and claim him as mine. Now you have to do the same, you know as well as I do that Izuku is prime husband material and many will be after him."

I sat there as I took in my mothers words. She was right, I couldn't expect to just jump right back into his life as a lover after everything that happened. I had to rebuild his trust in me first, he said it himself. He doesn't hate me, he just doesn't know how to act around me. I have to show him, prove to him, that he means more to me than just a friend.

"I will win your heart back Izu..... and this time I won't let you go."

~~~~~~IzukuPOV/Izuku's studio room~~~~~

"Young master Izuku...... are you sure you don't wish to inform mistress Momo of your "job" as you put it?" asked Bruce the head butler of the Yaoyoruzu family as I was editing one of my latest songs. I stopped what I was working on as I spun around to face him.

" As much as I dislike hiding things, it'd be a big problem if word got out I was in japan before the announcement is made. Besides this isn't just my secret, imagine the media frenzy when they find out about the bands surprise tour."

"I understand your concerns young master, but I still believe you should inform the young mistress. After all she has thought of very little else but you in these last three years." I froze at his words, I was briefly overcome with emotions. However I managed to get myself under control. Letting out a deep sigh, I leaned back in my chair.

"Thought of me huh....... she must have been pretty lonely after I left, other than that trash that calls itself a man todoroki and myself she never really did talk to anyone else. She must have missed her 'friend'...."

"Young Master......"

"I know Bruce, I know........ you can't control who you love, I don't blame her for that. I guess I just wished she would have believed me. Other than Katsuki, she's the only person I thought would trust me wholeheartedly. Like I did her..... I just don't know Bruce, I want to trust her but the past speaks for itself."

"Very well young master, Master Ichika and I shall assist you in keeping this a secret for now. However I wouldn't count on the Madam keeping quiet if she were to learn of this. She most definitely "ships" you two, to put it in her words."

Bruce was right, auntie Houki would definitely spill the beans if she found out. Uncle Ichika said that while auntie looks calm and collected around us. She has quite a fiery temper and is quick to act on her emotions. So on his advice and with his help we were keeping my real job a secret.

He had convinced auntie that I worked as a part-time photographer, and the room set aside for me was an old-fashioned dark room to keep her and Momo out of it. I was glad to have both uncle Ichika and Bruce supporting me and helping me out with this.

Especially Bruce, he often gave me advice and taught me much about human nature. Along with many great life lessons, I viewed him as a wise grandfather as I'd never met mine. He along with Katsuki were the only ones to know about what happened between me and Momo.

I loved uncle Ichika, but that was something I couldn't talk to him about. Bruce however, I could and that is why he knows of the tension between myself and Momo. Although he's made sure to remain neutral in the whole affair, as he views both of us as his own grandchildren. So of course he couldn't take sides, not that I'd want him to.

In the end this is something we need to resolve between ourselves. Although, I'm sure things will never be the same. Whatever we had is gone, and once its gone things will never be the same.

A/N: So due to popular demand, I am making this a full story rather than the one-shot I had originally intended. So this chapter was a bit shorter than the first, but it's only because I felt this is a good stopping point for what I have planned next.

Please note as I never intended this to be a full story, it will have irregular updates. I will do my best to update it when I can, please do not rush me. As always thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

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