Forbidden Love - George Shell...


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Forbidden Love - George Shelley Love Story
Just Getting Started
Flirtatious Morning
Rumour Has It
Best Friends


426 9 1

Jess's POV

I had gone to the studios, just for a chat with Tulisa, my mentor, about the competition, and the week, and stuff! Tulisa so's kind, she's like a big sister to me,

'So now you have to go and do a photoshoot, for a spread in a magazine about the contestants,' she smiled, ' everyone should be going now,' she smiled,

'What type of a photoshoot is it..?' I asked,

'Well, it depends on what the photographer wants to happen, if you feel uncomfortable with anything let me know ok,' she smiled,

'Yeh, I'll ring you if I have a problem,' I said, giving her a quick hug,


I got to the place with Ella, and looked around. Hectic. Hair stylists everywhere!

'Miss Drift,' a lady with a clipboard said,

'Yes,' I smiled,

'You need to go to hair and make up now if that's alright,' she smiled,

'Ofcourse it is,' I said, leaving Ella and sitting down in a chair. They were doing my hair when the photographer came,

'Hello Jessica,' he smiled,

'Hey,' I giggled,

'I've noticed that you're a very very pretty girl, with a great body, and I was wondering if you wanted to go for more of a seductive shoot?' he asked,

'Um,' I thought, ' I don't really think at this stage in the competition it would be a good image, don't get me wrong, in the future maybe, but I don't want to be seen as the 'slut' of the competition if that's alright with you, because I'm really not like that, and it would make me uncomfortable, so the answer is no' I said,

'Fine by me, I totally understand,' he smiled and walked off,

'Wow, you're really strong,' someone said from behind me, I looked in the mirror because I couldn't move because they were doing my hair. It was George,

'Oh hey Shelley,' I smiled,

'Never knew a girl like you could stand up for yourselve like that' he smiled,

'And what do you mean exactly by 'a girl like me'?' I asked,

'Oh nothing,' he said, ' well I'd better get going, get my hair done, see you later,' he said, but he turned around, ' when's your birthday again?' he asked. Um why did he care?

'It's in a week exactly, why? Next monday,' I asked,

'Oh it's nothing,' he smiled, and turned away. What was Larry Love Child up to.....

Georges POV

I was going to surprise Jess for her birthday, we could go to the club, all of us contestants, because I've got her this mahoosive cake, decorated just for her! But I'm not going to say I planned it, because then I would look desperate..and what I meant by 'a girl like you'..was, too pretty, and beautiful, so I assumed she would be very 'girly' is that the word? You get what I mean,

'George! You're hair needs doing!' Clipboard lady shouted, snapping me out of my day dream!

Jess is taking over my mind!

Jess' POV

I had just had my photo shoot, and was choosing the pictures...

'Umm that one!' I beamed, pointing at a pic (pic on the side btw)

'Good choice, thank you for today,' the photographer waved me off,

'No thank you!' I giggled, and I bumped into someone, 'oh sor- Hey Shelley,' I smiled. Wow he looked great- NO HE DIDNT JESS, THIS IS A COMPETITION,

'I saw your shoot, it was great,' he smiled,

'Well good luck on yours, the photographer is freaky, anyways I've got to go, bye,' I giggled, giving him a quick hug. Why did I give him a hug? It might lead him on? But he likes Ella, so it's ok.

'Oh wait before you go, come meet the boys,' he smiled, not taking my hand. TAKE MY HAND YOU DAMN BAFOON. TAKE IT- oh no wait, it's good he's not holding hands with you, it means he doesn't like you...which is good...

'This is Jaymi, Josh and JJ!' he smiled,

'Hey, I'm Jess,' i smiled,

'George save some pretty girls for the rest of us!' JJ beamed,

'Um, George and I are just friends, the only time I see him is his daily banging session with Ella,' I giggled, so did Josh and Jaymi,

'Ella and I are just best friends!' George moaned,

'Oooh earlier today you were friends, and now your best friends, things are moving swiftly Georgey,' I giggled sarcastically nudging him,

'I don't fancy Ella though,' he said, straight faced,

'Anywho, we were going to watch a film tonight in our room, wanna come? Bring Ella,' Josh said,

'Oooh so you like Ella!' I giggled, 'Ella's so lucky, every boy likes her!' I pretended to fake cry, making them laugh, ' anyways I need to go get changed and stuff, and yeh sure I'll come, and I'll bring Ella, Josh and George. Ooo there might be a little band rivarly going on here!' I giggled,

'COMPETITION!' Jaymi giggled,

'Byeeee' I smiled, turning around and running to Rylan.

Georges POV

She thinks I like Ella. Great. Now she's got the boys thinking that aswell. I don't like Ella. I like her as a friend dont get me wrong, but not romantica-

'George, mate we're on,' JJ said pulling me,

'Oh yeh sorry,' I said, walking on set.

I started thinking about whether I should of taken her hand... but it would look weird right? She would reject me right? I'm not sure how I feel about her fully, all I know is she's on my mind 24/7,

'GEORGE GEORGE YOU NEED TO FOCUS BOY!' the photographer shouted. Jess was right...he is freaky..

Jess...Jess...Jess....that's all I'm thinking about..

(A/N) Hey hope you like it so far! Please vote and stuff! The more votes I get, the more I'll update! Feedback is great! Love you monkeeeeeeeys! X 

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