• Blue In Your Eyes • || JIKO...

By MinMin_Beauty

946 76 13

!! ON HOLD !! Jimin feels so lonely in the small mansion. Even though his best friend Hoesok visits him every... More



144 11 1
By MinMin_Beauty

I want a child

Jimin POV

It's hot. The room is full of smoke. I can barely breathe. The only thing I see is fire. Fire everywhere. I hear screams and muffled sounds from far away, wood cracking, the sirens going on and off in the background.

Where am I?



"Where are you?"


My tears are tracing a line down my cheeks. My sobs getting louder.

I want mom

Someone's coming. I can't see who. He's very big and has this strange uniform on.

"I've found the last one here! Get the breathing mask immediately!"

He crouched down, holding me in his embrace.

"It's okay little buddy. you're safe now, we got you. You're such a strong hero, you know?"

Soon enough I could see two other men coming towards us. They all had the same uniform on. One of them placed something on my face. It was uncomfortable but I was able to breathe, at least better than before. He lifted me up and told me to close my eyes. Being the obedient child my parents raised me as, I obliged.

When I opened my eyes again I was in my grandparents arms. My grandma was crying, she looked..... scared? And...... sad? I tried to look back but she only hugged me tighter, preventing me from seeing the house caught in flames.

"Eomma. I want to see eomma. Halmeoni can you take me to eomma?"

She only sobbed more. I looked at my grandfather, pleading him with my eyes.

"J-Jimin-ah, you're strong, right? Strong like a hero-"

My head is hurting. I'm getting sleepy. Why is it dark here? I don't want to be alone.




"Huh? A-ah nae what did you say?"

"What's wrong honey? You're so quiet today. You've been zoning out too much. Are you not feeling well? Should we call a-"

"Halmeoni please, I'm fine, ok? Everything's good, no need to worry"

"Yah silly, of course I should worry. You're my grandchild after all. But you still didn't give me an answer, are you sure you can take care of yourself in this house alone? Maybe I should hire someo-"

"Halbeoji, could you please help me?" I gave puppy eyes to my grandfather sitting in front of me, pleading him with my eyes.

"Honey, stop it. You can clearly see how well he is doing, no need to overreact- oh! I almost forgot. How's it going in the company, I heard you're trying to find a good company to sign a contract with."

"Ah, I guess Hoseok hyung told you, well I'm still looking. No one has caught my interest yet"

"Well that's ok, but you know that you can ask me whenever. I don't want to pressure you too much, you know, for your health."

"Thanks for worrying but I don't feel pressured, it's all thanks to Hoseok hyung. I could never ask for a better secretary, and of course friend" I could feel a smile appear on my face just by thinking of Hoseok hyung and how he was there for me all the time.

"Yeah, he's such a ball of sunshine and he's helped us so much without asking for anything in return. It's rare to find people like that nowadays. They're all out for money. Jimin-ah take care of him well because you won't find a better friend. But as said, aren't you feeling a little lonely here? Besides from Mrs Lynn there's no one else here. You sure you don't wanna come back and live with us?" And here we go again. The fact that it took me almost a whole year persuading them to let me move out, and now they're trying to make me move back again. Not in million years! But I can't blame them, I have that shitty illness, of course they're overprotective. But let me live a life for once!

"Actually, about that...ehh I would like to say something" My palms were sweating as I was holding the knife and fork. I started playing with the food on my plate, trying to come up with a good sentence and not make them freak out. Even though I already know the answer I still want to try.

"We're listening"

I raised my head and switched my gaze from the food to my grandparents sitting in front of me. My grandmother had placed down her fork and knife, giving me her full attention. Same goes to my grandfather. I took a deep breath.

"I want a child"


It's been three months I've been trying to convince them. You may be asking why it's taking so long. Well, when I was a kid my parents died in a fire. They were victims, I'm a survivor. My grandparents has taken care of me ever since. But the thing is, they're so overprotective that I'm not even allowed to go outside.

At least I convinced them to live on my own in this big house, well you could call it a small mansion. But there's also another reason as to why they're so overprotective.

I have an "illness". My blood is blue. Like literally, there's blue liquid flowing through my veins. No one knows why I have blue blood. I was born like this. And the fact that no one else has blood like me makes it scarier. It's always dangerous, everywhere. My grandparents are scared that I'd get into an accident and loose much blood. When normal people loose blood they can get a blood transfusion. But because my blood is rare, I wouldn't be able to get one. And I'd die. Like literally die, no prince charming coming and kissing me back to life.

Another reason is that if people find out about my abnormality, they'd turn me into a lab rat, someone they could experiment on. And that's why people shouldn't know about my blood.

It's also why I've been kept hidden from the outside world. Ever since I was a child I've been homeschooled. Even now I work at home. I'm a CEO who works in a company, imagine employees not even knowing how their boss looks like. My bestriefnd, Hoseok, who's also my secretary takes care of everything in the company while I work at home. As told I was homeschooled when I was a kid, and I wasn't able to meet or talk to someone my age. Mrs Jung used to be our maid. One day she brought Hoseok hyung home to us. We got very well together and not too long after we became very close friends. My grandparents agreed to let him live with us and pay for his education. It would be better for his future and I would have someone to hang out with.

Now, enough about me. Back to the adopting-a-child topic. Yes, I want to adopt a child. And no, I'm not insane. Of course I've been thinking about this for a long time. I'm not doing it because I'm bored being by myself at home. Not at all. Even though I'm a CEO in a company doesn't mean I have no clue about raising kids. My love for kids is unlimited. They're just so cute and chubby and smol, I just love them so much. And I'm ready to raise a child by myself. I have the money, knowledge and love I can give to my child. What else do I need?

Welp, here I am. Standing in front of my front door, waiting for my grandparents to arrive.

Ding dong

"Halmeoni! Halbeoji! You're here"

I let them in and gave each of them a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Of course we're here you dummy, where else would we be?" I giggled at what my grandma said as we headed towards the living room.

Time skip

"...please, aren't these enough reasons for you to let me adopt a child?" My grandma was sitting beside me on the sofa while my grandpa sitting in front of us. They were looking at each other and talking with their eyes. My foot was tapping nervously on the floor as I played with the hem of my sweater. Just now I realised that I was biting my lip, almost making it bleed. I heard a sigh and instantly looked at my grandma.


"Okay?" I asked, not understanding completely.

"Okay, we'll let you adopt a child. We've thought about it over these three month's and we think it will be better if you have some company in the house. Besides, you'll have something to do instead of laying around feeling bored." I furrowedmy brows at her last sentence "Halmeoni this is not something I want to do just to kill time, I hope you understand that. But thank you so much, I really appreciate it." I said while hugging her, then going towards my grandpa to give him a hug too.

"Of course doll, but first I have to teach you some things and see if you're capable of doing this. You know you can't just throw away a child after they start becoming annoying. You must have patience-" "Yes yes I understand, I'm very hungry right now, can we please go eat?" I gave her the puppy eyes while pouting, hearing my grandpa chuckle. "You little devil, what did I tell you about interrupting? And yeas we can go eat now"

"Sorry, food here I come!" I said sprinting towards the kitchen and started helping Mrs Lynn, my chef, with setting the table.

Author POV

The old couple were smiling while following their adorable grandchild to the kitchen. "What am I gonna do about this mochi, he's still that little child, wondering where his mom was while I held him in my arms." She said with a sigh, a sad smile on her face when she remembered the painful memory. "Don't worry honey, it'll be okay. He has us, right?" Her husband said reassuringly "But who will he have when we're not here anymore?"

"Don't think about it now, our prince is happy right now, let's keep that smile on his face" was the last thing he said before they entered the kitchen, hearing small giggles from Mrs Lynn and the living mochi.


What do you think?
This is my first time writing a story/ff so I'd appreciate it if you give me your opinion, it helps me a lot 🙃🙂

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