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IF I WERE YOU • in which two people have an argument and switch bodies by accident - a zach herron fanfic - ... More

000; introduction
001; come to 7/11
002; we may have lost zach
003; you're a liar
004; mr. celebrity
005; you stole my body
006; be each other
007; can't sleep
008; where are you
009; bye
010; melanie's cousin
011; you cheated on me
012; you like josie
013; release party
014; don't get too cocky
015; bowling
016; you aren't pregnant, are you
017; love her
018; girl is hiding
019; tell each other everything
020; introduce myself
021; come to new york
022; performance
023; long ride
024; i care about you
025; need each other
026; flirty when drunk
027; things like that suck
029; start dating again
030; i have some news
031; fly out
032; happy to see her again
033; look who i found
034; i guess i've lived a life
035; now we are tied
036; what are friends for
037; change of plans
038; i'm tired
039; i hated that dog anyways
040; a bribe
041; i think you should go mom
042; what love is
043; he's not here
044; as long as we have each other
045; you and only you
046; she's my girlfriend
047; epilogue
thank you !!

028; and that hurt

245 12 6

— third person —

It was later that same night, everyone had gone back to their houses after the meeting. It was just the basic's, the bands rehearsal schedule and upcoming tour information.

Besides that, Daniel was feeling better. He was still upset about his family situation but he was going to go hang out with his siblings for the night.

Skye had Jack drive her home and instantly got out of the car without saying a word to the boy. He noticed the distance from Skye in the past few hours and decided to let Melanie deal with it.

He texted his cousin, letting her know that Skye was off today and that she should check up on her. Of course, Melanie being the control freak she is, she had decided she would have Zach deal with this.

It was perfect opportunity for them to get closer by having a personal conversation. And if Skye didn't curse out Zach at the end, it was improvement in Melanie's eyes.

Skye laid in Zach's room. She had already had dinner and just wanted to be alone for the night. That didn't happen when the phone next to her started ringing. It was a face time call from Zach.

She picked up the phone and hesitated to answer. He could of had something important to tell her but she also didn't feel like talking to anyone. After some mental debated in her head, she hit the green button and an image of her own face popped up on the screen.

"Hey!" Zach said excitedly into the phone. Skye noticed he was looking a lot better then how they left him last night. Guess the hangover was cured.

"Hey Zach." Skye mumbled. She placed the phone against the pillows on her bed and sat up straight across from it.

"So. . .I came to check up on you. How are you?" Zach asked, guessing Skye wouldn't be open with him and would click the hang up button. It was worth a try though.

Skye raised her eyebrow at the boy, "How'd you know?"

"Jack told Melanie who told me. If you need someone to talk to I'm here." Zach sent the girl a gentle smile. He hoped that she would open up because he honestly was curious about what was bothering her.

"If I were to talk to someone, it wouldn't be you. So bye." Skye rolled her eyes and grabbed her phone.

Before she clicked the hang up button, Zach yelled at her. "Wait!" He didn't really have anything else to say, so he sat there as Skye looked at him.


"I've got nothing. I was just trying to stop you from hanging up." Zach chuckled as he played his the rings on his fingers as he would do when nervous.

Skye sighed, giving him her classic eye roll. "You are a useless nobody."

"I'm not going to take that to heart since I know somethings bugging you. Just talk to me okay, it could help." Zach said, truly not mad at the girl for insulting him. All he cared about right now was her mental health and helping her.

Skye stayed quiet, thinking if she wanted to open up to the boy. She had told him plenty of things about her and he was probably close to knowing how she dealt with things. For starters, he was literally living in her body.

But if she opened up she wouldn't be able to take back anything she said. She would spill her guts out to Zach and that's something she didn't want. She didn't want to get close to Zach, meaning after all of this go their separate ways and never see each other again.

But, she was dying to talk to someone. She would call Melanie but she has had this conversation with Melanie so many times. Zach could be a fresh person to talk too. He was really her only other option because she was for sure not going to talk to Jack about this stuff.

"Skye?" Zach questioned since the girl hasn't spoken in a little bit.

"Hmm?" she looked up at the boy, blinking a few times as she was exiting the thoughts in her head.

"Come on, just talk to me. I'll be a great listener." Zach said softly.

Skye let out a subtle sigh, "Fine. But what I tell you must never leave this face time call. Got it Herron?"

"Deal." Zach quickly said, surprised he got through to Skye. He would have thought for sure the girl would have shut him out in an instant.

Skye played with the sleeves of Zach's hoodie she was wearing, as she looked down at her hands and started talking. "So, today Daniel told me his parents were getting a divorce—"

"—Keri and Jeff are getting a divorce?!" Zach went wide eyed but got a glare from the girl for interrupting her. "Sorry, continue. I'm listening."

"Well, it kinda brought up old memories about my parents. If you didn't know, my parents are divorced. I mean they are for a good reason but it was still a hard thing for my family to go through.

"See, it happened when I was a freshman. You know, I thought I was on top of the world, starting high school, wearing mascara for the first time, had Melanie at my side, the basics. But. . .that year was just the beginning of the sucky years of high school.

"I remember, I was hanging out with Kaylee in my room. We were playing Mario Kart on the wii that we connected to this portable TV we brought into my room. We were laughing and yelling at each and at the same time we heard loud yells coming from downstairs. That's when we paused the game and creeped onto the stairs to listen to what all the fuss was about.

"Thinking back to it now, we shouldn't have listened. We should have kept to our own business but at this point it doesn't matter. See, my dad and mom were in the kitchen fighting. More then usual. Sure, they would have their little fights but this one was different. They were actually mad at each other.

"Anyway, Kaylee and I listened. I don't remember the exact conversation but my dad mentioned he wanted a divorce. When I heard those words, my heart shattered. I've always heard about families splitting up but never thought it would happen to mine, I mean we seemed happy. So when I heard those words, I didn't know what to think. Kaylee was a few moments away from bawling her eyes out so I had to slap my hand over her mouth to keep our snooping on the low."

Skye took a huge breath that was needed. Her emotions her breaking through the surface, tears rolling down her eyes as she continued to talk.

She also noticed Zach was hanging onto every word she said. It was like he cared for her which brought a small ounce of comfort to her. Zach nodded his head for her to continue, so Skye let out a faulty breath.

"Um. . .they kept arguing and I was just trying to figure out why my dad suggested a divorce. I heard constant yells about a person called 'him'.

"I didn't understand until I heard my mom admit to cheating on my dad. She was having an affair with someone from her work for months. She had been lying about it to our faces every single moment of the day. Night and day she was fucking some other guy. I mean it's one thing to cheat when you are boyfriend and girlfriend but when you are married with kids, it's different. You have to deal with the consequences instead of running away and ignoring everything.

"So that night my mom spent the night at a hotel. She stayed involved with our lives, yet she wasn't around as much. They did go through with the divorce, they couldn't work it out. So about a month later my parents were free from each other. I thought that Kaylee and I would have two different houses now, two different parent life's to experience but that's not what happened.

"I found out from my dad that my mom left. That she didn't fight for Kaylee or me in the court, that my dad had full custody. At that point I was completely broken. You know, at least they would both still be in my life with this divorce, I had thought. Instead, my mom ran away. She left. She left her only children and that hurt."

Skye was now full on crying, trying to tell the story through her sobs, chocking on her own air. Every second she would wipe away tears, more appearing from her eyes.

On the other side of the screen, Zach wanted to cry with her. He didn't like seeing her so upset and he couldn't do anything about it. He was across the country but he knew if he was there with her, he would give her the biggest hug ever.

For a second he didn't want her to continue, to stop crying but he realized Skye needed this. She needed to cry about her problems because if she didn't they would just stay bottled up.

"Hey, hey. Look at me. You are okay. It hurts and I will never be able to relate to you but I promise things are better like this." Zach tried comforting her, pulling the screen closer to his face as Skye stared at him.

"How is it better my mom left me because she didn't love me?" Skye shot back.

Zach was taken back, but he knew she was just looking for an answer. From anyone. "Because she doesn't deserve to be in your life if she doesn't love you."

"But she's my mom, she suppose to love me!" Skye cried more, rubbing the hoodie over the snot coming out of her nose. She hated crying like this in front of Zach but it also felt nice in a sort of way.

"Just because she left doesn't mean she doesn't love you. You may never know the reason on why she left but I promise, I promise this Skye that no matter how much she meant to you, it didn't matter because no one deserves to love you and treat you that badly. She was your mom and I get that but you deserve better.

"You are a strong, independent, loving girl that doesn't need someone like that. Your mom missed out on the best thing in her life. You. She will never know how you turned out, how you graduated high school, and how you end up living you leave dream life. Because guess what, you are going to do that without her. If she didn't need you then you don't need her."

Skye slightly smiled at all the nice things Zach said to her and they were all true. Everything he said made her feel better. But some part of her didn't want to let go of her mom because no matter how much she hated her for destroying the family, it was her mom.

"I wish I still had a mom." Skye whispered, grabbing the phone and laying back down on the bed.

Zach gave the girl eyes on sympathy, "I know you do. Let me tell you, they aren't that great. You aren't missing out on much."

Skye rolled her eyes playfully, "Okay, you are saying that to make me feel better. It's not working."

"Okay, well. . .what about this? You don't need a mom, all you need is people who love you. If she isn't one of those people then your mom is quiet an idiot." Zach quietly said to her, watching a small bit of light enter Skye's eyes.

"Thanks Zachary."

"Anytime Skylar."

"You know you aren't too shabby at comforting people. Jack said you were horrible at it." Skye mumbled, chewing on the hoodie sleeve.

"Eh, I only save it for my friends who are trapped in my body." Zach joked which made Skye laugh a little bit.

"Did I hear you call us friends?" Skye raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, I didn't know if you actually meant what you said last night." Skye shrugged, wiping the last few tears coming across her cheeks.

"What did I say last night? I don't remember much of it." Zach frowned, confused. He hoped he didn't say anything mean.

"Oh nothing much, just that you wanted me to be your friend. Because you know, we haven't really ever used the term friends." Skye explained to him.

"Oh. Well, you don't have a choice. You are officially my friend Skye." Zach smirked, his mind calming down since she didn't seem explain that he said anything mean to her last night. The last thing he wanted to do was be mean to her.

Sure they had their banters but it was all fun and games. He never met any of it, same goes for Skye. It was friendly banter, since they were friends after all.

"I need sleep. Are you going to be okay tonight?" Zach asked the girl since it was pretty late over in New York and he had to go to school in the morning.

"Yeah, I think I'll be fine. Thanks for everything Herron, you aren't that half bad of a person." Skye sent a small smile.

"Why thank you. You aren't to shabby yourself. I'll call you in the morning if you want." Zach suggested, getting a nod from the girl. "Okay. Bye Skylar."

"Bye Zachary." Skye said before Zach hung up the phone.

She felt better, genuinely better. Zach honestly did help her a lot but she obviously wouldn't be healed over night. It would take time but for now she was hanging off the edge of 'I'm fine'.

Skye was going to get ready for bed but she heard a knock on the door. She watched as the door opened into the room and Myta, Zach's mom, came into the room.

"I heard crying, is everything okay sweetie?" Myta asked, shutting the door and taking a seat on the bed. She couldn't help but notice her sons eyes were red and puffy, tears on the brims of them.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Or I will be." Skye softly smiled as Myta pouted the bottom of her lip.

"Do you need anything?" she asked and didn't get a answer. Instead, Skye jumped into her arms and the two hugged. For a long time.

It was what Skye needed to finish off the night. A pair of arms around her. Besides she didn't mind that they belonged to her fake mom.

• ♡︎ •

that was sloppy

i hate it

oh well

also if you need a hug i wish i could give you one but for now i'm sending virtual hugs :)

love you all <3

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