Freya Ironside, Gifted by the...

By stefivare

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Freya Ironside grows up in the family of Ragnar Lothbrok. Her father is Bjorn Ironside and from an early age... More

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Preparing for the Mediterranean
Ragnar Returns
Ready to sail
Queen Lagertha
Before England
Blood Eagle
A death, a wedding and goodbyes
Broken ties and loss
A New Love
Death and Escape
Wessex and a new marriage
King Bjorn and new beginnings
Lagertha leaves and Trap
King of all Norway and Escape
The shieldmaiden's funeral, and another goodbye
The Russ attacks, the King of Kings and a prophecy
Ragnarssons back to Kattegat
The end of an era
Reaching Valhalla
Beginning of a new era
An unlikely return
Queen of all Norway
Negotiating with the old bear
Closer to the end

Family has to stick together

182 4 0
By stefivare

Family has to stick together

It had been almost a month, in which rumours about her being Queen started to spread all around Norway, Denmark and to the rest of Scandinavia, to Rus and to the Mediterranean.

Freya and Hvitserk were still in bed, cuddled up together as she drew circles with her fingers on his chest and played with his now long hair. He seemed lost in his thoughts, he stared at the ceiling while playing slightly with her hair.

"What is it, my love?" she asked curiously, he sighed as she put her hand on his chest and waited for him to answer her, "It's Ubbe" he said, keeping his eyes fixed on the ceiling, "What about him?" she enquired, "I wonder where he is, if he has found this new land ..." "I'm sure he has" she said positively, "How can you tell?" he asked, "Neither him nor Torvi have used the necklaces I've given them yet, only Asa ..." she said and she got moody all of a sudden. He looked down at her, squeezed her and gave her a kiss on the head.

"I just wish I could tell him how sorry I am for everything that happened – I know he thinks I have betrayed him, more than just once" he let out sorrowful, "Don't even say that" she shushed him, "Everything that happened was fate – and he knows it" she said and with that she crawled up onto him and looked at him in the eyes, "Ubbe loves you, never doubt that" and she kissed him. He returned the kiss and they ended up having sex.


Kattegat was now playing host to a few other Jarls and messengers from Norway who wanted to get to know their new Queen and a fellow ruler. Jarl Thorkell the Tall and Jarl Hrolf had been the first to arrive. Although Freya did not have a very good first impression when she met them at the election more than a year back, she had been grateful to know that they were by her father's side against the Rus in the end.

She was sporting a long blue and red linen gown, with a belt tied around her waist, carrying her axe and daggers. Hvitserk glanced at her and smirked, "What?" she asked, "We're having a welcome feast, not preparing for battle" he said amused, she chuckled and said, "If I have learned anything in my years of living close to a monarch is that you never go anywhere without a weapon" she said firmly. She stood up and gave him a kiss on the cheek before handing him his sword and axe as well, he put them in his folders and started kissing her, putting his hand through her hair and grabbing her waist. She stopped him, "We cannot be late, we're the hosts" she said charmingly and she walked outside as he followed a little let down.

The hall was now full of people, mostly the ones that had come with Jarl Thorkell and Jarl Hrolf and the three messengers. As Freya and Hvitserk entered, everybody ceased to talk and waited for the Queen and King to sit down and once they did all the guests found themselves a spot around one of the many tables as well.

Aegir walked before them all, "Queen Freya, King Hvitserk" he said looking at the two of them, "Jarl Thorkell the Tall and Jarl Hrolf have arrived here this afternoon together with three other messengers from Aggersborg, Dublin and Kungahälla" finished Aegir and the five people stood up.

The two Jarls walked before Freya and Hvitserk and although a bit disappointed in seeing him sitting on the throne of Kattegat, they bowed before both of them.

"Queen Freya, when we first heard that you weren't to succeed your father after his death, we were saddened but of course the Norns were already aware of your destiny" said Jarl Thorkell, "We are glad to have you as Queen and we offer you our allegiance" said Jarl Hrolf and the two of them kneeled in front of her showing her their arm rings. Freya stood up and walked down the steps that divided them and taking their hands she had them stand up, "Thank you" and she smiled to them both, "You've been faithful to my father in a time of great danger and I will never forget that. You, your family and your men will always be welcome here" she told them with a big smile, their men exulted and shouted, "Skål" and drank to their sake.

"Eat with Hvitserk and I, please" she said showing them to their table and they sat at both sides of them.

Freya went on to meet the messengers who were showing their respects from their Jarls and Kings, all of which wanted to be able to tell that they were on good terms with Queen Freya Ironside, Gifted by the Gods.

The feast went on for hours, with people coming and going, eating, drinking, dancing to the sound of the musing played in the corners and in all that, Freya and the two Jarls were talking politics.

"People will soon see you as Queen of all Norway" said Jarl Thorkell leaning in towards her, Freya chuckled, "That is no title of mine" she said calmly, "You succeeded King Harald and he was" said Jarl Hrolf sure of her statement, and to that Hvitserk added, "They're right. Harald came out winning and you got his reign and Kattegat now" "That reminds me of two things, we need to send someone back to King Harald's old reign, Tamdrup, with people to live there, otherwise Kattegat will soon become overcrowded ..." said Freya, Hvitserk nodded, "What's the second one?" asked Jarl Thorkell, "We need new elections – for the new Queen or King of all Norway" said Freya calmly, "You are" insisted Jarl Hrolf, Freya chuckled and said, "I want to do things properly. If the other Kings and Jarls do want me, I will be more than happy but if they don't, it's their right to choose someone else. I can't get whatever I want without asking, it's not what good rulers do" said Freya plainly. The two Jarls nodded and seemed to agree with her proposition of having new elections.


A couple of weeks had gone by and all the Jarls had left and Freya and Hvitserk had taken their horses and had gone up river, through the hills behind Kattegat, near the mountains. They had stopped to let their horses drink and were now lying on the green grass, over the cold ground.

Freya ... Freya ... my child ...

Suddenly she was panting, she could clearly see a clearing between tall trees, a tent and pair of small eyes. She sprang to her feet, followed by her worried husband. "Freya!" said Hvitserk at once, holding her by her waist as she stood still again.

"Are you all right? What is it, are you hurt?" he questioned checking her torso and drawing his sword, looking around to see if there was anyone.

She clung to his shoulders and said, "I heard mother – I know where they are, she needs me!" she burst unable to calm down, "What are you talking about?" he asked shaking his head, "It was like with Asa ... I heard her, I need to go" she said curtly, not wanting to be late as she had been for her sister. "Go?! Go where?!" he enquired looking at her with bulging eyes, grabbing her arm firmly, he didn't want to let her go. "Go back to Kattegat, leave my horse here. Tell them I've gone to check on King Harald's old reign ... I think I'll be away for a while" she said rushing all the words out. Hvitserk shook his head and snorted at her saying, "What – no!", Freya grabbed him by the face and calmed him down, "You trust me?" she asked, he panted and then nodded, although she knew he wasn't happy with what was happening, "Then let go" she said and he slowly took away his hands from her waist.

She backed away but kept staring at him, "I'm about to do something but I still don't know what it is ... just know I'm alright, okay?" and he nodded, looking aghast and worried. With a loud CLACK she was gone, twisting her body away, out of thin air.

As he saw that, Hvitserk jumped towards her as to hold her back but as he stepped foot onwards she was gone. "Freya –'' he called, he looked around but nothing, "FREYA?! FREYA?!" he shouted after her but he was shouting to nothing. He thrashed back and forth, searching for her, walking to the spot where she had vanished.

She had been spinning for a long time when, finally, she fell down onto many leaves and twigs and once she opened her eyes she was surrounded by trees taller than she had ever seen, she could hardly distinguish the sky between the tops. She felt most tired and weak after that, it took her a moment to stand up on her feet. Once she did she felt as if around ten arrows had hit her right in the chest; she looked around and saw a small tent to her right in front of which was a small fire and the most beautiful sight, her mother, she was much more tanned and her hair more unkept but it was her in all her glory, standing still, unable to move, not knowing herself if she was seeing a ghost or not.

"Freya –'' she gasped, taking her hands to her mouth, both of them began to shed tears.

Freya mustered all her strength to run to her and once they embraced they could hardly let go, it took long before either of them could stop sobbing.

"How did you – how could you – I mean, you're here" said Torvi laughing happily, "I told you I would have come" said Freya shaky, touching her mother to make sure she wasn't dreaming, "But how?" asked Torvi beyond herself, "It's something new" she said and Torvi nodded and clutched to her necklace and smiled again.

They heard a baby cry and Torvi hurried inside the tent and returned outside with a beautiful little bundle in her arms. Freya started crying again, "This is –'' "Ragnar, he was born in Iceland" said Torvi handing him over to her. Another sibling, someone else to love.

They sat in silence for a while, while Torvi breastfed him and Freya regained her forces, little Ragnar returned to his dreams right away. Ubbe had a son, Torvi had another son. Once he was again fast asleep inside the tent, the two women returned outside.

"Why did you call me?" asked Freya looking around, noticing she wasn't in any danger, "We've lost many, we're the only ones left" began Torvi, "If it were only me and Ubbe, we'd be fine, but our son would never know anything but this, he'd be alone, an outsider" continued Torvi, "Outsider?" she asked, "There are people here" she informed her, "What?" she said astounded and her mother began to tell her about the group of people living there, how they were just like them and yet nothing like them. How they had helped them and how many of the ones who had sailed with them had been greedy and got a death sentence on themselves.

She understood why her mother had called her, she wanted to go home, to raise her child somewhere familiar.

"I took Asa" said Freya after her mother had been silent for a moment; Torvi looked down, all gloomy, "She was still alive when I rescued her but she had too much water in her, I buried her alongside Hali" she told her and Torvi took her hand and kissed it without saying anything.

It wasn't much before they heard someone approaching, "Torvi! I'm back" and Freya recognised that voice immediately.

In front of them was Ubbe, with game on his back, carrying an arch and arrows, sporting almost longer hair than his wife. As he saw the two women together, he stopped.

Freya leapt to her feet and Ubbe put aside all he was carrying on his back and she ran to him, swishing her long hair from one side to the other as she got closer and closer to him and once in his arms she immediately felt safe and calm, as if it still were eight years ago and they were all still young in Kattegat. "I've missed you" he whispered.

He took her head, checked it, touched her as if he couldn't really tell if she was real or not, all while smiling brightly at her.

The three of them sat down in front of their tent, around the fire and began to talk.

"You called her?" asked Ubbe eyeing at Torvi, "I did" she said with a broad smile towards her, Ubbe nodded, he must have known how lonely Torvi had been since getting there. Freya told them everything that happened, about Ivar and King Harald, she knew that the news of Bjorn had travelled to Iceland as well. " ... and I'm Queen now" she said and they turned to her, "And Hvitserk is King consort. He misses you" she said to Ubbe who curled his lips in a small smile.

They told her all their misadventures in Greenland with Kjetil who had turned up against everyone, all the ones who had died in the sea and those who had met their destiny against a tribe they had met there.

"Why did they kill them? Why not you as well?" she asked curiously as it got darker and darker, "Many of ours got together to try and steal their gold, as if it mattered anything now that we were so little ... those people, they are honest, they killed only the ones who were responsible for harming them and stealing from them" explained Ubbe, "Not you" said Freya happily, "No, not us, nor Floki" added Torvi, "Floki?!" jumped Freya and Ubbe calmed her down and explained how Floki had left Iceland and had gone alone out in the sea and found this land.

"Where is he?" she asked, Ubbe and Torvi looked at each other and said, "He has left on foot, deep into the forest one day, he wanted to explore as much as he could of this new land ... he knew he was going to die soon" said Torvi, "When did he leave? Was he ill?" asked Freya, "Yes, he was ill, he started forgetting things" said Ubbe under his breath, "He left last full moon" he added calmly.


Freya remained there that night, to recharge and the next morning, Ubbe showed her a batch of strange berries and handed it to her and Torvi for breakfast. "Thank you" she said trying them, they were sweet at first but left a sour taste right afterwards.

"Do you want to come back with me?" asked Freya as Torvi fed little Ragnar, "I don't see how that is possible" said Ubbe with a grin, "I took Asa back with me, I can take you as well" she insisted and Ubbe looked strangely at Torvi once Freya had named Asa but did not ask anything. "I know I can do it" she insisted, "It's up to you, do you want to stay here? Or do you want to come back to Kattegat with me, around people, around your family?" she asked. Ubbe glanced over at Torvi who spoke, "There is no one here, Ubbe, not enough land to farm, at least not here. We are alone, there should be more people ... I want to go back" she urged him.

Ubbe looked distant, "This is a new land, more than anything father could have wished for" he argued, "And if you come back, you can persuade more people to come here, to farm this land, to finally put a stop to wars amongst our own. After all, you know how to get here now" said Freya trying to make him see reason.

That night, Ubbe had agreed on coming back, he wanted to give a future to his son, make his wife happy and be around his family.

"So, you're sure Floki cannot be found? We could take him back –'' began Freya after Ubbe had finally accepted to leave that new land; he shook his head, "He's gone and besides, he wouldn't want to go back. You've seen this place, it's –'' "Calm" she said looking around, "Yes, he needs it now" he finished.

They would have gone back the next day; they left all their things there as they wouldn't have needed them once back.

Freya was waiting for them in the clearing where she had arrived, they were looking around for one last time before walking towards her.

"Hold onto me real tight, alright? For whatever reason, never let go. It will take some time" said Freya firmly. Torvi secured and wrapped Ragnar onto her chest and put one hand onto his head while with the other she clung onto her daughter's arm, while Ubbe grabbed Freya by her other arm and his other was behind Torvi's back. Freya thought intensively of the hill, where she had been with Hvitserk a few nights prior and then CLACK.


It was dark already there and much colder. Once they opened their eyes, they saw they were somewhere else. Both Ubbe and Torvi let go off her immediately and threw up, "I'm sorry" she said hurrying to Torvi, "It's okay –'' said her mother standing up again.

"FREYA" shouted Hvitserk from afar, he was rushing up the hill with two horses. She turned around to see him and left Ubbe and Torvi a little behind, she felt heavy on her chest. "I've been waiting here –'' said Hvitserk quickly from his horse as he reached the top of the hill and once he did, he also saw Ubbe and Torvi and he jumped off at once. The two brothers stared at each other, dead in the eyes, both as if they were frozen.

"Brother" said Ubbe calmly and to that Hvitserk ran to him and held him. With that beautiful sight in mind, Freya felt extremely weak and fell to her knees. "Freya" said Torvi and both brothers ran to her, keeping her seated, "My love, talk to me, what is it?" asked Hvitserk apprehensively, "I'm fine, just really tired, I didn't think it could weaken me so much ... it was furtherer and more difficult than I expected taking three people" she said and Hvitserk turned to Torvi and noticed that she was carrying a child. He turned to his brother, "His name is Ragnar" said Ubbe, Hvitserk smiled happily and nodded.

They remained there for a few hours, enough for Freya to recover. Hvitserk had taken furs and food with him so that they wouldn't freeze and Ubbe told him about Floki and Kjetil and the new land they had discovered. It was a relief seeing Ubbe and Hvitserk together again, talking to each other. The last time they had seen one another, Hvitserk had just been banned from Kattegat and was a completely different person.

Torvi was sitting next to Freya as she was gaining her strength back, trying to make little Ragnar fall asleep. "I still wonder how it is possible, that you brought us back here" said Torvi pensive, "It's ... I don't even know – I just can" she said smiling at Ragnar, "Perhaps coming and going in such a short time, has weakened me a little now" she added, "I know you'll be back on your feet in no time. You always are" said Torvi holding her hand. Her mother turned around to glance at Ubbe and Hvitserk and then turned to her daughter again, "I know you don't like Hvitserk after what he did to Guthrum and Lagertha" said Freya and Torvi diverted her eyes before saying, "But you love each other, Ubbe loves him and I will learn to do that as well" said Torvi with a weak smile.

She knew her mother was happy to be back, as much as she had wanted to leave for her adventure with Ubbe, she had missed Freya, she had missed Kattegat.

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