Princess of Asgard

By belleblossom123

21.5K 291 63

'They may have always been my enemy, but I became their worst nightmare' We all know Asgards famous prince's... More

Princess of Asgard
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note

Chapter 21

303 4 5
By belleblossom123




"Where do you plan to take us?" I demanded resisting against the men holding me.

"That is non of your business Kiara," Arvid turned to walk away.

I snapped back, "That is princess Kiara to you, I asked where are you taking us."

"Your title will do you no good where you are headed, men separate them in the ships, Riden with me."

The surrounding audience of soldiers dropped their stance and headed off to full fill Arvid's orders. Me Thor and Loki fought the best we could to get out of their grip, but it was no good. We were hand cuffed, powerless and as of now I was the only one able to talk.

"Riden, please do not go, help us help me you know it is right," I pleaded with him hoping to spark any emotion in him.

Riden stood conflicted inbetween me and his father. I could see the utter confusion he was in on one side he had a girl who loves him and his childhood friends and on the other was his father and his people. After all we have been through hunting this place down all the killing along the way even if he planned that all along maybe, just maybe he would choose me.

My vision blurred as tears brimmed my eyes, a lump in my throat made it hard to speak making me seen vulnerable and desperate.

"Riden please, I don't want too go I don't want to die."

"Kie I," Riden looked as if he were going to come over to help until Arvid stepped in, "ignore her boy she was just a pawn in our plan that we, well you, successfully played."

"Did you chose to lead me on to get that close, using me as some game piece in your father's plan!" I was a mix of anger and frustration "Did you!"

"Yes," he whispered quietly "I thought getting close to you like that would make it easier to use you."

"Really so it was a lie earlier everything you said to me you don't really love me you really did just use me," my flow of tears easied up, but I still tasted the salty drops as they ran into my mouth staining my face along the way.

"No Kiara it was real, I do love you, I really do, I promised myself I would not fall for you but I did I - I," his words came out in a mess at this point I had no idea what was going on in that brain of his.

All the while we were slowly getting dragged further and further from him my Thor and Loki already nearing the flying ship.

"Stop just stop it!" I yelled making the guards around me jump and stand frozen in place.

"Stop going back and forth it is confusing and manipulating, you either go with your father and leave me and my brothers to be enslaved and have gods what done to us, or stand up for me and what you know is right if you mean what you say," my voice was low the inside of my throat throbbing from the crying.

"The decision is based on love, and love never fails you, so me or your father."

The whole area was silent, birds silent, wind silent even the onlookers held their breath in anticipation for Riden's answer.

I didn't know if what I am doing is right, but I don't know what else to say or do. Whether or not Riden used me doesn't matter if my brothers or people get hurt because of this mess I got us into from trusting him. I needed to find a way out of this with or without Riden. Even if we escape we will still declare war over this, people don't take kidnapping the prince's and princess of Asgard very likely.

Either way a lot of people are going to die and that would be a lot of blood on my hands. It is all my fault for trusting him.

And it's my birthday.

"I can't Kie I must be with my people, my family, you would do the same and you know it."

And with that he turned his back walking alongside his father and uncle the rest of the army following in suit like the cowards they are.

"You are all a bunch of fucking, manipulative cowards who harassed three young children for years, for your own selfish gain!"

"Fuck you, fuck you!" I yelled at the top of my lungs fighting through the pain.

"Shut her up!" I heard Dolan yell back as a warrior came with a similar metal mouth guard roughly attracting it round my head, the grooves from the metal dug into my deep bleeding gash.

I was still trying to fight my way out of the grip of the many soldiers while screaming through the cold metal, by now my brothers had already given up.

Something came over me I have never felt any emotion like this. I was angry and mad yet disappointed and saddened most of all I was humiliated.

Determination forced me to fight back like earth.
Emotions flowed around me like water.
Agony filled me with rage like fire.
Love flew through me like wind.

I could feel power rushing through my bones, something I have never felt before.

An explosion of deep royal blue came from my core blasting anything in its way for miles. All warriors were now knocked down, my bounds now broke I was free.

I glared at Arvid straight in his eyes, watching his soul quiver over my strength. The two men holding me were knocked out dead from the explosion, soon people started to flee including my next targets.

Air gusts few out of my hands heading directly towards a large group of approaching warriors. Many were knocked out from the impact the few left crawling on the floor received another blast sending them flying into the cliff face.

Water weaved inbetween men soaking them to the core before ice begun forming round them freezing them alive, ice much to dense to be melted by the sun alone.

Earth quakes the ground causing everyone but me to loose their footing and I make my approach matching towards them. Vines dragged people away one by one as I formed huge bolders using my bare hands crushing anyone in my way.

Fire burned all around me making me untouchable, it scorched any who dared came near threatening to burn the remains of the Beserkers home.

I approached Dolan, Arvid and Riden, fear and humiliation controlled their actions.

"So, do you really love me?" I stared Riden dead in the eye, I could see my own reflection the hues of blues, greens, reds and whites that fought for dominance over my eye colour.

"You do not want too do this," he edged back slowly.

"Do what, leave you to suffer in the mess of the element's, leave you to die, why not it's not like you haven't done the same."

My right hand created a large boulder behind them while my left moved the air around them pushing all three up against it unable to move.

"Now, what is your master going to say about this you have lost everything; your people, your Vanaheim home, your dignity seeing as a 16 year old has beaten you and your entire army," I smirked enjoying how terrified and vulnerable they look

"Now Kiara let's talk rationally about this," Dolan spoke up against the chaos of the whirlwind of elements surrounding us.

"Rationally, you want to talk rationally about this, what like when you locked me up in that prison cell without any sort of explanation why even after I tried for a peaceful agreement," I retaliated.

"Well, I think it is about time I leave my mark on you," I saw my eyes turn a dark blue as I moved the water molecules in his bloodstream to break through to the surface forming a perfect K on his left wrist.

"Seeing as your left handed and all," I laughed as he cried through the pain just as he did to me.

My stare ventures over to Arvid who is trying to keep out of this as much as possible "got anything to say Lord Arvid," I tilted my head raising an eyebrow.

"What are you going to do with us?" he asked cautiously glancing over to make sure his brother doesn't bleed to death.

"Non of your business nor will your fake titles help you," I smirked "see now you are the most wanted criminals in Asgard going after the three young gods of Asgard, bad move, your going to face the cruel and harsh asgardian justice."

"Kie please do not do this," Riden turned my attention back to him.

"Why you did the same to me."

"We did what we had to, to save our people tell me that you wouldn't have done the same."

I had no response he was right, but I was his enemy never his love how did we go from lovers to enemies so fast.

"You betrayed me, used me like I was some object in this scheme of yours," I could feel the emotions getting the better of me again as the chaos of element's around me lost more control.

"I know I am sorry, but it was not just you but your brothers and father even your mother we had to betray it makes no difference," he reciprocated.

"Yes it fucking does, you kissed me you slept with me you were my first for all of that and then I thought that I might actually love you even see a future with you," a silent tear fell down my face starting a drizzle of rain.

"And then I found out it was all fake every bit of it, that it was not supposed to go that far you used my body, manipulated me into doing all of that because why, you felt like it," I spoke quietly against the rough patter of rain crashing in the surroundings.

He was speechless he had nothing to say not even an apology.

"Now if this so called monster wants me and my brothers that badly tell him he has to do better, rather than cower away leaving two weak clueless men and a child to bring in three powerful gods, they don't call us gods for nothing," I spoke down to them through gritted teeth watching them squirm against my strength as they still stood pushed up against the rock.

I simply laughed off their fear seeing the men in charge of making my childhood dangerous and miserable practically bow down to me in fear is my greatest achievement yet. Next would be ripping their souls from their body.

"Now I want you to remember there is one more think more dangerous than a humiliated man ... It's a nasty woman."

I snarled at them, wafting away the rock supporting them blasting them away. Losing control of my powers I tried to centre myself before using anymore powers as I could cause some serious unwanted damage.

The once happy bustling keep where children ran round playing and people went about doing their daily jobs was now a land of devastation. Bodies scattered the land like the splatter of blood stained on my armour. Trees collapsed, the ground muddy, parts of the cliff littered the battle field. You could smell the faint sent of blood and decaying bodies, some now days old. The rain rinsed my bare skin, it was chilling although it wipped my armour clean of any trace of murder.

I trudged through the mess of mud and blood, eyes locked onto my first target, my hands carried fire like it was nothing. Before I could get there something got my attention.

"KIARA!" a familiar voice shouted, "KIARA!" a similar one yelled.

I turned around now overwhelmed by the power surging through me. Thor and Loki were making their over dodging flying debris, waves of fire all the while by jumping over bodies and taking out the few remaining guards.

"Kiara, your going to collapse the cliff on us on everyone here you need to stop this," Thor shouted over the screams of crying children and their parents.

I look to the tent I blew over ages ago to see innocent people trying to scramble their loved ones to safety. The cliff face was already so damaged and could not take any more abuse.

"Listen to me Kie calm down think calm thoughts; reading in the library, sitting in mother's garden, feeling the cool sea air while laid in the sand," listening to Loki's soothing voice make me feel the most relaxed I've been all day.

The wind died down, gravity pulled all the debris back the trees became normal again and fire no longer threatened anyone. A wave of exhaustion hit me, I slowly glanced round to see Arvid, Dolan and Riden slowly backing up.

"Now wait right there!" I yelled shooting my arm out in order to drag them back in, but before I could do that I heard the sound that I really didn't want to hear.

A large rumbling and cracking noise came from the looming cliff followed by cries to move, along with Thor and Loki yelling. But there was no use I was too close, too tired, I simply closed my eyes and braised myself.

Darkness ...


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