May The Gods Forgive Us (Tech...


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Cover Art by forgotteneucalyptustree on Instagram! Goddess!Reader X God!Technoblade Technoblade didn't believ... More

Prologue: The Beginning
Chapter 1: The Apprentice
Chapter 2: The Ball in Triox
Chapter 3: The Fifth God
Chapter 4: Veri, the Kingdom made of Blood
Chapter 5: The Child in the Snow
Chapter 6: A trip to Valtameri
Chapter 7: The Nightmares
Chapter 8: Valtameri, the Kingdom by the Sea
Chapter 9: The Blood Prince
Chapter 10: Fundy, Childe of Wibur
Chapter 11: Wings for The Blood God
Chapter 12: Heart to Heart
Chapter 13: Coronation Day
Chapter 14: The Queen
Chapter 15: Visiting King Eret
Chapter 16: Solis, the Kingdom kissed by the Sun
Chapter 17: Wedding Preparations
Chapter 18: Redamancy
Chapter 19: The Hunt
Chapter 20: Redemption
Chapter 21: The Dreams
Chapter 22: Invitation
Chapter 23: Las Nevadas, Kingdom of Entertainment
Chapter 24: Somber Presage
Chapter 25: Change of Pace
Chapter 26: Withdrawl
Chapter 27: The Four Horsemen
Chapter 28: The Nether
Chapter 29: The Death of a God
Chapter 30: Unfinished Symphony
Chapter 31: Fire in the Distance
Chapter 32: The New King
Chapter 33: Brave Little Theseus
Chapter 34: Declaration of War
Chapter 36: The Gift of Resurrection
Chapter 37: Destroying Amon
Chapter 38: Dream's Freedom
Chapter 39: The end of the Universe with You...
Chapter 40: Day of Salvation
Story Lore/After story stuff

Chapter 35: A Sacrifice made with Love

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The cold morning air caressed my cheek, the cold reminded me that it was time to wake up and get ready for the upcoming battle that awaited us. A part of me wanted nothing more than to stay in bed with my husband and enjoy our usual talks until the sun rose on the horizon. That part of me wanted to go back when the days were full of happiness and peace yet there was none left when my brothers were murdered and the kingdom was at risk of being destroyed. The week had passed and there had been no response from Valtameri and Solis, it felt strange to not hear from either of the Kings. My only hope was that neither had joined Amon's side to wage war against us. The thought of killing my friends brought a shiver to my spine, the voices began to whisper reassurance before reminding me of my husband's presence. 

I carefully removed my husband's arm before waking him, his red eyes looked into mine before his hand cupped my cheek. "Is it time?", he asked. A sigh escaped me before I nodded, he smiled before sitting up. I was carefully placed in his lap before we sat there for a while. The warmth he radiated was soaked into my body, my eyes closed and my sole concentration was on his heartbeat. "We will win this... Don't worry.", he whispered as he placed a kiss on my head. I hummed but kept my head on his chest, I wanted to make the moment last. We began to get ready and by the time we had our armor on, there was a soft knock on the door. "Come in...", said Techno, fixing his helmet. Tubbo entered, he wore his black armor with a green and red ribbon that hung from his bow. "(Y/n)... Techno... I'm ready...", he whispered before bowing. 

A smile graced my lips before I headed over to him, I carefully cupped his face and patted his cheek. "We want you to accept the following, Tubbo...", I said. Tubbo nodded before Techno walked over with Tommy's sword. I saw Tubbo begin to choke up as his shaky hands took the weapon. "Thank you...", he whispered, hugging the sword against his chest. We then made him swear an oath, one that was best for Ranboo's happiness, Tubbo would retreat to Veri if Techno or I fell during battle. "I swear it...", he said, before he placed his hand over his heart. We thanked him before we went towards the stables, it was best to save our energy until the battle so we would use horses to get to the battlefield. "You don't have your cape with you, Techno.", frowned Tubbo as we walked towards the gate. My husband smiled before explaining that he had given it to Ranboo as a gift, this made me grip the reigns to my horse a bit tighter. My mind became blank as I saw Philza and Kristen standing at the gates. "Come back to us...", whispered Kristen, hugging me tightly. My arms wrapped around her, there was no way I would break her already bleeding heart, as her last child, I swore to come back. 

Even if that means that I will have to kill my friends to make this true, Mother...

I hugged Philza before getting on my horse, we began to ride towards the location. The voices began to whisper and command me to look back. My eyes met with my son's lovely pair of eyes. He stood at the top of the gate wall, he gave me a small smile before he waved. I smiled before sending one of the ravens towards him, it carried a set of ribbons in between its talons, a gold one and a (f/c) one. My son immediately took them before tears fell from his eyes, they belonged to my husband and me, he had picked them for us when we had officially had become his parents. "PLEASE COME BACK SAFELY!", he shouted, hiding the ribbons into his chest. My smile became a small laugh as I shouted that we would. Techno and Tubbo also agreed before the horses began to gallop, our focus was now on the horizon where the sun would rise. 

The horses whinnied as we made it to the territory where Triox and Veri met. Technoblade looked at us and we nodded, there would be no soldiers from our side since we didn't want to lose innocent lives in a matter of Gods. We had ordered them to protect the ocean monument where all our people were hidden away for the chance that a surprise attack would happen in our absence. Tubbo began to dismount with me before we released our horses back towards the path we had taken, I sighed and began to prepare my bow. The precious gift that my friends had given me was now going to be used in a war against them. My mind focused back on Ranboo and how he would be next to be crowned, he needed to stay safe. "They're here...", whispered Tubbo. I looked in the direction Tubbo was looking in and saw my friends on the other side. Quackity was on a brown horse while Sapnap was on a black horse, the involvement of Las Nevadas was no surprise since Sapnap was practically raised in Triox, meaning he would die for that kingdom as well. In the middle was the figure of Dream, though all of us knew that the person on that horse was nothing but a vessel now and not really our friend. 

My eyes scanned the area but to my relief, Karl wasn't in sight. "Damn it...", growled Tubbo. I looked in the direction he was looking at and my blood froze. Bad and Skeppy were there, this would be bad since Bad was good at healing while Skeppy was amazing at illusion magic. My gaze looked towards my husband. "Techno...", I whispered. We were cut short as a rumble began to shake the area we were in. Quackity pointed towards the sky and the winds brought black clouds over us. Rain began to pour over us and we all looked equally as troubled. "5 Gods against 3... This will be fun.", sighed Techno, a smirk began to form on his lips. Tubbo chuckled before agreeing and cracking his knuckles. They looked at me and I couldn't help but smile at their newfound confidence. "Well, let's get this over with, boys...", I sighed. Tubbo levitated into the air after releasing a pack of wolves that had recently joined him as familiars. I joined him by releasing my murder of crows and my ravens, Techno smiled before he released his familiars, pair of polar bears. They wore black armor and waited for their master's orders.

The ground shook as the entity that possessed Dream's body went on one knee and slammed his hand against the ground. Hundreds of creatures began to sprout from the dirt and all of us prepared. Tubbo sped up and began to shoot arrows and cut down the closest creatures, while I looked at my husband. "Don't die..", I whispered. He chuckled before he took my hand and kissed it. "Don't you know already? Technoblade never dies.", he smirked and let go. I nodded and watched him race towards the creatures with his horse. A sigh escaped me before I also took flight. My arrows took down many creatures before I pulled out my sword and dove down to attack. To our relief, our familiars were doing much damage to the creatures summoned. I heard a trumpet and to my dismay, it was the army of Valtameri. "No...", I whispered. The person leading was none other than Ponk. He noticed me and his face expressed pain, he lifted his sword and commanded the army to eliminate us.

I looked for Sam but he was nowhere to be seen, I began to make my way to Ponk but was attacked by Quackity. "I can't let you pass, (Y/n)...", he frowned. He began to fight with me and I growled as our swords clashed. "WE DON'T HAVE TO FIGHT, QUACKITY!", I shouted and pushed him away. The God rushed at me and I could hear Techno shouting at him. He tried to make his way to me but was intercepted by Bad. Tubbo was fighting both Sapnap and Skeppy, I concentrated on blocking the attacks from Quackity. "I don't want to fight but if we don't then Sapnap will be lost forever!", shouted Quackity. He looked heartbroken, I couldn't understand what he meant by that, he didn't allow me to ask before he managed to cut my cheek. The clouds kept thundering while I fought the God off. My sword finally made contact with his arm and he hissed in pain. "Wither Skeleton sword... A gift from my friends down in the Nether...", I frowned. Quackity looked uneasy but soon began his attacks on me once again, with each strike the gold in his eyes became less. We stood a good distance from each other while the rain poured down on us. "(Y/n)... Amon can control Gods but not all of them, that includes me... I can't join you because he will crush Sapnap's soul... I have three requests, I hope you can at least listen to them.", he smiled as he held his wounds. I nodded before my hold tightened on my sword, Quackity sighed before he opened his golden-colored wings. "Kill that Amon bastard that caused all this... You brought our gift with you and I'm grateful, we never explained what those purple arrows do... I want you to kill Sapnap and me with those... and my final request, well... that's waiting for you back in Veri.", smiled the God. He flew up and I followed, my hand found the beautiful purple arrow and I aimed it at my friend. "Thank you.", grinned Quackity as he began to fall back down towards the ground.

My mouth went sour as I let go of the string, the arrow pierced Quackity in the heart and he began to disintegrate into millions of blue forget-me-nots. A heartwrenching scream shook me to the bone as my eyes looked down to see Sapnap. His eyes were full of hate and anger, I readied another purple arrow but a storm of arrows began to shower over me. I raised my hand up and destroyed them with fire magic. "I'm going to turn you to ashes, (Y/n).", growled a menacing voice. Red flashed next to me as I locked eyes with Sapnap. He didn't possess wings yet he had launched himself up using his own fire magic to reach me. My sword barely made it to block off his attack, I was shot down with his mere strength. My vision was blurry as I was heading straight towards the ground, my wings opened as I tried to cover myself for impact, my arms covering me the best they could. I fell from a good distance and rolled out of Sapnap way as he came down with his sword. My wings felt burnt but to my relief, only the bottom half was damaged heavily damaged.

"Why did you have to kill him, (Y/n)...", asked Sapnap as he approached me. His red eyes were now amber, large tears cascaded down his face as his hand was over his heart. He was now in his God form, large horns and black scales covered his body. The tears hissed against his skin as he kept crying for Quackity. "He asked me to...", I sighed, trying to get up carefully. Once I stood up, I noticed that my sword was cracked meaning that it would only be good for a few more hits. Sapnap looked at me but before he could say anything his eyes turned black. "This one is hard to control...", mumbled a distorted voice. My body shivered as he looked up and smirked at me. "Technoblade is busy right now and so is that brat... I wonder what expressions they'll make once they see what I'll do to you.", laughed Sapnap. I gritted my teeth and prepared to attack yet Sapnap didn't move. To my surprise, Skeppy was now holding Sapnap in a tight hold, his large blue eyes looked into mine before he nodded. "I know the plan... Shoot the arrow...", he said. Sapnap began to struggle before cracks began to show on Skeppy's face and body as he tried his best to keep his son down. I pulled out the purple arrow and aimed, the arrow pierced both of them before Sapnap stop struggling. "Now you won't suffer anymore, my son.", whispered Skeppy as he held Sapnap close. Sapnap closed his eyes before Skeppy smiled at me, my mouth went dry as they both became a pile of white forget-me-nots.

I fell to my knees and felt so much pain as I had killed people that were close to me. The worst part was that none of them could control the actions they committed. "That bastard... Amon... I'll make sure to rip you apart.", I growled before getting up. I summoned my ravens and commanded them to find Ponk, once they told me his location, I began to make my way there. Corpses of Valtameri's army laid before me as I had to cut down the remaining ones that attacked me. "So much innocent blood...", I growled. When I arrived with Ponk, he was fighting against Techno's familiars. "Baba... Ed... Stand down...", I commanded. The bears growled at Ponk before they joined my side. "You have an explanation to give me, Ponk.", I snarled. The man stabbed his sword into the ground before he screamed, it was a scream full of despair and pain. "I had to do this... For Sam... He has Sam... I needed to listen to him since he cant control me...", confessed Ponk. I walked to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, Ponk looked at me before his eyes filled with tears. "Our people are dead because of me... Sam is going to hate me when he sees how much damage I've caused to Valtimari...", whispered Ponk.

My hand tighten a bit before I helped him up, he was yet another victim of this sick game that Amon had created. My eyes caught a flash of pink, I looked in that direction to see my husband fighting against Amon. "Command your people to retreat to Veri... We can properly talk there...", I frowned and began to head towards the pair. Baba and Ed began roaring and I understood their worry. "It's okay... Your Master wouldn't die that easily...", I reassured them. I saw Amon shoot some magic into the air and the army of Triox emerged from the surrounding forest, they began to massacre Valtamari's army and those closest tried to attack Techno. I raised my bow and attacked them. "Baba! Protect Ponk and Ed reinforce Tubbo.", I commanded. The polar bears separated while I kept attacking the army of Triox.

Why!? Things just keep getting worse!?

A familiar horn sounded in the distance and I looked towards the direction of Veri and relief washed over me. Solis and Veri's armies were arriving with Fundy and Eret in the front leading the men, they began to detain the soldiers on Triox's side before more of our men came to aid us. I looked in Techno's direction and saw that he was pointing his sword at Dream, who was laying on the ground. I ran over and my eyes widened as I saw Techno fall to his knees, I grabbed him before he could fall into the snow. Dream laughed before he stood up and smirked at me. "He's just sleeping for a bit, Goddess.", laughed the distorted voice of Amon. I hated how he twisted and cracked Dream's body to his pleasure, he sighed as a large scar appeared on his cheek. "I guess the deaths of Philza and Kristen are weighing heavily on his mind.", smirked Amon. I couldn't believe it and was about to attack him when two familiar items fell in front of us, a green hat and a purple sash. Both prized items that belonged to my parents, items that practically could not be taken from them unless they had ceased to exist.

"Guess this war is victorious for Triox."

Apologies for errors
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