CHANGES | adam banks [1]

By -kay1ee

91.3K 1.1K 663

❝ "I'm not leaving." He said grabbing my hand. "Promise?" I asked holding out my pinkie, making myself and Ad... More

New Coach
Damn You Banks
Garbage Boy
Knock, Knock
Mama Conway
Take the Fall
Double Traitor
Aspen Johnson
Quack, Quack
Here, Here
For Banks
Final Goodbyes
Book 2 Cast list
spin off!


4.2K 64 52
By -kay1ee

*Scarlett POV*

"And welcome to my house that you definitely haven't seen before." I shut the door behind me and Adam as my dog came up and started jumping on him. "Hi, Bentley." Adam pet him as he rolled onto his stomach. "Oh, no." I sighed knowing what was about to happen.

"Bentley don't you dar- no!" I chased my dog away as he started to 'happy pee' all over the floor. "Ugh, I never get used to that." Adam said walking to the kitchen to wash his hands. "No! Stop! Oh my god! No stop rolling in your own piss, that's disgusting." I chased my dog with a mop while I wiped up his pee.


"Try living with it."

Whenever people my dog doesn't see much come over, he happy pees, as we call it, all over the floor. It's disgusting but it happens more than you think.


"Welcome to my, very" I stopped to throw an old shirt under my bed. "Very clean room." I smiled as Adam looked around. "Number 13 rules bi- wow." He read off my wall.

"Nice right?"

"You're rooms awesome. My parents would never let me decorate like this." He said spinning around in my desk chair. "My parents aren't here to care so, might as well do what I want with the place, huh."

"You think we could be better friends now?" Adam asked picking up one of my rings that had 'A' engraved into it and slipped it onto his thumb. "What do you mean?" I asked grabbing a black marker to draw on my wall. "You said if I wasn't such an ass we could be better friends. So, can we?"

"Hmm. I don't see why not, but no one can find out about this." I responded drawing:

'McGill is a...'

Followed by a drawing of a dick. I draw shit about him quite often actually.

"A, for Adam." He raised his eyebrows while giving me a thumbs up with the ring.

"More like 'A' for Anderson but that works too." I laughed while he spun the ring around his finger.

"Keep it." I said after while. "What?" Adam looked at me confused. "The ring. Keep it." I nodded to my ring he has on his finger. "We can have matching ones." I held up my pointer ring with a 'J' engraved on it. "Sweet."


"Hey, Lester." I smiled jumped into Averman's bedroom window. "Hello, Scarlett." He answered flatly, not looking at me. "What's up? Did you kill another fish?" I joked plopping onto his bed next to him. "That's your thing, not mine. Can you just, leave, please?" He took a deep breath moving away from me.

"Why?" I laughed scrunching my face up in confusion. "Just go." His voice got louder and he finally looked at me. "Averman..."


"Fine then." I flipped him off climbing out of his window.


"Hey, Hans." I smiled walking into his little shop. "Oh, hello there, tulip."

"Need any help today?" I asked looking at a whole bunch of gear on a shelf. "Not today. How was your game? Did you win?"

I've been coming here for my hockey gear since I was little. I eventually started to help Hans around the shop with little jobs.

He calls me tulip because I paint tulips for him all the time. They're my favorite flowers so for his birthday a couple years ago, I painted some for him, and he has it hanging on the shop walls.

"No, but are we surprised? Coach made us pretend to be hurt to win, and we still didn't. Me and Charlie didn't think it was the best idea, but as long as I'm playing the game I'm happy."

"I want you to do what you think is right from now on. Play the game how you want to play it. Alright?"

"Yeah, thank you Hans."

"Of course, tulip."


"Hi, Hans." I heard a familiar voice from the back of the store. "Hello there Mr. Banks. Skates need new laces? Sharpening?"

"Laces, please. Thank you so much."

"Of course, son. I'll get those right now."

"Here I've got it Hans, let me help."

"Thank you, Tulip." He grinned and walked into the back.

I brought out a new laces from the back storage room. "Here Banks. Long time no see."

"Thanks Anderson."

"I didn't know you came here. I always thought you went to some rich people store." I joked as we walked around. "This is my favorite shop in town." He rolled his eyes at my joke. "Mine too. Except the crystal shop downtown comes in a close second."

"You can go now, Tulip. Go ahead. I'll see you soon. Here." Hans came out and put a five dollar bill in my hands. "For your help today."

"Oh, no. I can't take this." I refused trying to hand the money back. "No, please I will feel much better if you had it." He nodded wrapping my hand around the money. "Thank you, Hans."

"Goodbye, dear." He smiled a sweet smile before waking back into the back room.

"Wanna hang out?" Adam asked me as I looked at the money in my hand. "Yeah, just one stop before we leave here though."

We walked out of the shop and I left my five dollars tucked into the tulips I bought for him a little while ago.

"Why does he call you tulip?" Adam asked while I grabbed his hand and swung it up and down. "They're my favorite flowers." I looked at him as he watched our hands while a red tinted his cheeks. "Good to know." He smiled and we made our way to his house.


We walked into Adam's house, and some redhead was sitting on his couch reading a magazine. She looked like she was in high school. "Oh, shit. Cindy I am so sorry. I total forgot I was supposed to watch Claire. You can go."

Adam gasped as he ran to pick his sister up from next to the girl. "Next time you go out with your girlfriend, take her with you please." The girl sighed picking up her bag and leaving. Adam rolled his eyes at the girl while the both of us grew hot in the face.

"Hiya, Scarlett." The blonde little girl waved from the couch. "Hi Claire. You wanna ditch this loser and watch 'The Little Mermaid' with me?" I smiled at the six year old girl sitting on the couch.

"Duh, he never wants to watch movies with me. It's all hockey this, hockey that, Scarlett this, Scarlett that." She mocked his voice sassily. "Shut up, Claire." Adam narrowed his eyes at his little sister while she laughed at him.


I love Claire. I feel like the Banks family consists of all boys and one little girl who's definitely the favorite.

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