Is This Love?

By XxShimmyDelightxX

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When Ricky comes to visit Amy in New York what if him and Amy connected and found out that they had feeling f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 10

862 34 2
By XxShimmyDelightxX

Today was the first day for the Grant High students. It would officially be Adrian, Ricky, and Jack's senior year. While it would be Amy, Ben, and Grace's junior year. This would be the year for everyone. All of the senior students were going to make sure of it. This was the year that counted the most to them they needed the best scores possible for college for most of the people felt that way while other feel like school is a waist of time, but who cares about them.

Adrian walks into the school building showing off her noticeable bump on her belly. She was only 20 weeks pregnant only halfway. Ben is walking into the school on the other side of the hall and notices the beautiful young woman from afar. "Hi Adrian," Ben catches up to her with little breathe left in him. Her face lights up when she sees her crush standing right in front of her.

"Hey Ben," she gives him a flirty smile. He makes a small wave gesture with his hand.

"So how was your summer?" Ben asks her. She turns and faces him while rubbing her belly.

"We had a very good time just lieing around the house eating and going on small little walks around the park," Adrian pats her growing stomach.

"I hope the baby is as gorgerous as you," Ben throws out of his mouth. His face stains red a little after he realizes what he says.

"Thank you I am very flattered," Adrian says before shutting her locker lightly, but doesn't walk away and stays put right in front of Ben to stay and keep conversation.

"So... When is your next appointment?" Ben asks rasing an eyebrow at her not remembering when she said the next appointment was to see his child again.

Adrian smiles at his curiosity. "I thought I told you Benny. Its today," Adrian says in a bit of a whiney voice before wrapping her arms around his neck. She sees his reaction and then moves them off of his shoulders and just dropping them on each other her sides.

Ben's eyes widen. "Wait really today. What time do you want me to come pick you up?" Ben asks her.

"I can drive myself. I can still drive," Adrian replys. Ben shakes his head.

"No I want us to do this together like we should do for the baby," Ben gestures to her stomach. Adrian smiles at him lovely before grabbing his hand.

"Okay fine and don't be late," Adrian says pointing her red painted finger at Ben making him chuckle a bit.

"Okay I won't. Wait. What time?" Ben asks. Adrian taps her long boney finger to her chin before flipping open her new black phone she had just gotten.

"Its at 5:30. So come get me at about. Let's say 5:00. Since I am an early bird," Adrian states. Ben nods his head before holding Adrian's hand and walking her down to her class east of the main hallway.

The doors open widely as Ricky steps through then Amy does right behind him standing close by him. With a scared and frighten look on her face. "I'm scared," she peeps out. He smiles a bit at her. He tugs on her arm a bit.

"It will be fine Amy. I promise I am here every step of the way," Ricky replys before wrapping his arm around her waist making her jump a little at his sudden action. They maneuver down to her locker at the end of the hall. Ricky reaches into his pocket to pull out a folded paper handing it to her. She looks at him confused before grabbing it. "Its your schedule," he states simply.

She smiles with gratitude while looking over her schedule at all of the teachers names not remembering a single one. Not even her own band teacher. "We have first hour together don't we?" Amy asks him. He nods his head.

"Yes we do. Our teacher's name is Mr. Sedlack," Ricky says before pointing to a name at the beginning of the list. Amy smiles and then looks down at the lunch she has and notices its lunch 2.

"Do we have the same lunch," Amy sighs. Ricky shrugs his shoulders before pulling out another piece of paper from the opposite pocket folded up too.

"I have lunch 2," Ricky tells her. Her face lights up when she hears those words come out of his mouth.

"Me too," Amy cheerfully smiles. Ricky smirks at her giant smile that was plastered on her face. "What I can't be happy about that?" Amy asks with a small pout. Ricky shakes his head.

"No I think its good that your happy. I just hope we find the guy who did this to you," Ricky tells her. She nods in agreement.

"What guy who did what to Amy?" A voice asks behind them. Ricky and Amy both turn around to see who the voice belong to and they see Madison and Lauren standing there assuming Madison was the one to asks the question.

"Didn't you guys know?" Ricky asks them. They look at each other as confusion fills Madison and Lauren's faces.

"Didnt know what?" Lauren asks this time.

"Amy was in an accident," Ricky tells them. Everyone's eyes around them widen including Madison and Lauren's.

"What!" Madison yells. Ricky nods his head.

"Madison be quiet," Amy says shushing her. Ricky is taken back by what she says.

"You remember them?" Ricky asks her. Amy smiles.

"Yea I guess so. Its kinda weird I remember them just not my family," Amy shyly tells him.

"Wait who did you forget?" They ask.

"Well pretty much everyone in my family and that one guy named Ben. Who set me off for some reason," Amy says shaking off the weird feeling she had when he was near her.

"Wow I cant believe you forgot Ben," Madison says shaking her head lightly.

"Yea me neither," Lauren adds in.

The bell chimes over them telling them to get to class.

"Well we have got to go and what lunch fo you have?" Madison asks me.

"2nd," Amy responds. They smile.

"We do too. See you at lunch Amy," Lauren waves at Amy and Ricky before walking away.

"So do you want to go to class now?" Ricky asks her while holding out his hand to let her grab it. She smiles at grabs it.

"Yea lets go," she replys. He smirks and they walk down to band class with giant smiles covering their faces.

"Ricky I hate that I forgot some people," Amy tells him truthfully.

"Amy don't worry about anything everything will be fine. I am 100% sure that today will be a good day for you and me," Ricky says reassuring Amy as he opened the door for the band room to see some people staring at them. "Stay strong," he whispers in her ear. She nods her head and takes a seat. He winks at her from his side of the classroom. She smiles and puts her French horn together and gets started on her new day.


This was the time of day where everyone was finally able to see each other and talk to the people they didn't see over the long summertime break. Amy was sitting at a table with her two best friends and Ricky. Amy smiles at Ricky as she takes a bit of her sandwich she got from the cafeteria. "Hey Amy," Lauren greets as she starts up conversation.

"Hey," Amy repeats back using almost exactly the same words that Lauren used to greet her.

"So how has your day been some far?" Madison asks her. Ricky looks at Amy wanting an answer too.

"It was fine, but there was times when a kid came up to me asking if I remembered them from last year. I only remembered a couple of them which made me feel worse," Amy sighs. Ricky grabs her hand that was under the table and holds it.

"Its not your fault," Ricky reminds her. Madison and Lauren nod in agreement.

"Yea Amy don't beat herself up about this. This is defiantly not your fault the person who hit you it was their fault," Lauren tells Amy. Amy shrugs her shoulders as she takes another bit of her sandwich.

"I know it wasn't my fault. Its just that if I had stopped and looked both ways I would be here all confused and stuff," Amy says.

"Wait a minute Amy do you remember anything about the car accident?" Lauren asks her. Amy racks her brain to see if she could remember anything about the scene of the crime.

"No I can't remember," Amy says pushing her finger tips into the side of her temples to try and remember something.

"Hey don't try remembering to hard," Ricky replys while pushing her soft fingers off of her face. Amy blows air out from her mouth before looking at Ricky.

"Do you remember anything?" Amy asks him. Ricky shakes his head.

"No all I remember is seeing you get it and I heard a loud screech noise," Ricky jogs his memory to see if he could see anything else maybe even see if he could remember the car, but he saw nothing except Amy's limp body laying on the cemente road still.

"Okay," Amy says simply before taking a big gulp of her orange juice that she loved dearly.

"Amy I actually wanted to ask you something," Ricky says with a small cough at the end.

"What is that?" Amy asks him. He smirks at her before reaching for her hand again and setting it on top of the table.

"Will you go on a date with me tonight?" Ricky asks her with a small sparkle of hope in his eyes. Amy bites her lip as nervousness kicks in at 100 percent.

"Umm...yea sure," Amy flips her hair out of her eyes showing that she was very nervous. Ricky smirks before kissing her on the lips. She freezes and he looks over at Madison and Lauren who are smiling ear to ear watching Ricky having a total effect on her.

"Ricky you are soo romantic," Madison says with a small giggle at the end.

"I know I am," he says very cocky. Amy blushes a little as Lauren looks over at her with a big smile.

"You know Amy. I just realized something about you." Ricky says touching her face lightly with the finger tips on his fingers.

"What?" Amy asks tilting her head slightly still keeping her eyes on him.

"That you blush and bite your lip every time you get nervous around me," Ricky says with a smirk. Amy covers her face a little bit. Ricky chuckles a little. "And that's something I like about you," he comments. She smiles at him.

"Get a room you two," Lauren says with a small laugh. Amy's face instantly turns all red from the out burst Lauren made.

"Amy she was just joking," Ricky says leaning away from Amy. Amy laughs a bit to try and make her nervousness go away, but of course it didn't work for her.

"Hey Ricky where are we going for our date?" Amy asks changing the subject back to their date. Ricky smirks at her.

"Its for me to know and for you to find out," Ricky chuckles a bit. Amy rolls her eyes.

"Okay fine, but do I need to dress up?" Amy asks him. He shakes his head.

"Wear what ever you want," Ricky winks at her. "Just make sure to wear something or we may not be able to make it to the date,"

Amy's face turns bright red. Lauren and Madison looks at Ricky with their mouths wide open. Ricky laughs at them all.

"I was kidding. Maybe," Ricky says teasing Amy.

"Stop it," Amy says.

"Stop what?"

"Making me get nervous and making my face turn red," Amy says seriously.

"Well then stop making your face red," Ricky jokes.

"You know Amy Juergens I could really get use to you," Ricky smiles. Amy smiles too.

"Yea I could get use to you too," Amy says.

"Aww," Lauren and Madison say as Amy and Ricky share another kiss.

At another table with Ben, Henry, and Alice are sitting together in a weird silence.

"So Ben how are you?" Alice asks Ben. Ben shakes his head.

"Other than the love of my life lost her memories about us. Just fine," Ben sarcastically let's out. Alice rubs her arm nervous.

"Oh and did you guys here. Adrian apparently likes me, so if me and Amy don't work out. I guess I always will have a back up plan," Ben smiles.

"Wait did Adrian say she likes you or are you just assuming?" Alice asks him.

"She told me she liked me a couple of days ago," Ben recalls from his memory from a couple of days ago.

"Oh wow didn't see that one coming," Henry says saying his first words of the school day to anyone.

"Henry why have you been so quiet?" Alice asks him. Henry looks at her confused.

"What are you talking about?" He asks her.

"Never mind. It's just that you and Ben seem like your finding something from me," Alice points out. Ben and Henry look at each other and shake their heads.

"No nothing is going on Alice, so don't worry to much," Ben adds in.

"Okay fine," Alice rolls her eyes slightly still not convinced that nothing was wrong.

"So when do you find out the sex of the baby?" Alice asks Ben changing the subject before anyone gets mad at each other.

"Umm today I think. We have an appointment today," Ben says recalling from his conversatuon with Adrian earlier in the day.

"So now its we," Alice says with a slight smile covering her face. Ben nods.

"Yea we decided to take things slow now," Ben says in a smooth voice.

"Well isn't it a little late to take things slow considering she is already pregnant," Henry points out.

"Hank," Alice says under her breath as she lightly hits him.

"What I am just saying," Henry says.

"Hey Ben can we talk?" A voice from behind him says. He turns around to see a very pregnant Adrian standing behind him with a small smile on her face.

"Oh hey Adrian," Ben says turning all of his attention on Adrian now. Alice and Henry look at each other before getting up from their spot on the picnic table. Adrian waddles a bit over to the table and sits down.

"So Ben I wanted to talk a little bit about us," Adrian says grabbing a fruit that she packed away so she could eat through out the day.

"Okay what did you exactly mean by us," Ben asks her.

"Well you said a couple of days ago that you wanted to try and see if we could be together," Adrian explains to Ben. Ben nods his head remembering that he had said that to her.

"Okay Adrian I have thought about that and I was wondering after the appointment would you like to go on a date with me?" Ben asks her. Adrian smiles brightly and beautifully.

"Yes I would love too," Adrian smiles before giving Ben a small kiss on the cheek.

"So what time?" Adrian asks.

"Well I was thinking that the drive would take us to the appointment and then we could go to a small date at the park like a picnic," Ben explains.

"Yea that would be fine," Adrian replys while standing up. "I will see you later,"

Amy walks into the house with John on her hip. "Hello?" Amy called our to her family to see if she could find anyone. The house was dead silent all you could hear was the small refrigerator making a noise as it made ice. "Oh well I guess its just me and you buddy," Amy says to her giggling son. She sets him down and throws her keys on the counter before grabbing her phone out of her purse.

To: Ricky

From: Amy

Home alone. Made it here okay. See you later. :)

Amy smiled before grabbing John and walking upstairs to start trying to figure out what to wear to her date. She picked out a nice comfortable outfit that was still a bit more casual and a pair of sandals since it was still very hot outside considering they lived in California and it was still considered summer here. She hears her phone beep silently from her pocket waiting for her to answer the text message.

To: Amy

From: Ricky

Okay well then I can see if me parents will watch John tonight, but if they can't then we could always bring him along.

Amy starts writing up a reply without even thinking about what to write.

To: Ricky

From: Amy

Yea that should be fine. See you later.

Amy jumped slightly as excitement overcame her. She was now officially excited for her first date with Ricky. Okay maybe not the first date with him. The first date with him was actually Band Camp. She freezes at the thought of her last date with Ricky. She got pregnant. She started feeling her hands shake at the thought of getting pregnant again. She shook off those thoughts as she grabbed her clothes and set them on her bed and made her way downstairs where she saw the girl who is said to be her sister.

"Hi Amy," Ashley says to Amy. Amy smiles at her.

"Hi," Amy says simply.

"Are you and Ricky going on a date?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

Amy nods her head. "Yea tonight we are going somewhere just not sure where,"

"Okay well I hope you have fun," Ashley says with a small laugh. Amy smiles at her before Ashley gives her a sisterly hug. Amy freezes as a memory pops into her head remembering the last time she had a hug here with her sister in this exact spot. (Flashback)

"Does he know?" Ashley asks Amy while walking closer to her. Amy shakes her head.

"No," Amy peeps out before Ashley wraps her blanket around Amy and gives her a hug. (End of flashback)

"I remember something," Amy says. Ashley looks at her a little confused before getting out of the embrace.

"What did you remember?" Ashley asks Amy.

"I remembered standing here maybe a couple of years ago and you asked does he know and I replyed with a no," Amy explains. Ashley smiles and then nods.

"Yea that is when you told me you were pregnant with John," Ashley recalls. Amy smiles at Ashley and Ashley smiles back at her.

Adrian and Ben are waiting in the waiting room waiting for their name to be called so they can head back and see their lovely baby. "I'm excited," Ben says to Adrian with a giant smile plastered on his face.

"Yea me too," Adrian says shaking a little bit with excitement running though her body. Ben smiles at Adrian's enthusiasm.

"Adrian Lee," an obgyn nurse calls from her place next to the door. Ben helps Adrian stand up and he grabs her hand with still the same smile covering his face. They walk hand and hand into Room# 121.

Ricky knocks on Amy's house door with a single rose in his hand making Amy smile when she opened the door. "Thank you and come in," Amy says holding open the door and Ricky hands her the nose. She leans over and smiles the rose.

"Wow you look good," Ricky says looking from Amy's long legs to her face.

"Thank you," Amy says blushing slightly as she played with her curls that were lose and cascaded down her back.

"Your welcome," Ricky says.

"You don't look back yourself," Amy flirts back at Ricky. He smirks and walks into the kitchen following Amy. She grabs a small vase and puts the single rose in their.

"What's this suppose to mean?" Amy asks Ricky pointing to the one rose. He leans against the counter.

"Well the one rose is suppose to the single rose we have named John," Ricky says with a true smile on his face.

"Aww thank you," Amy says walking around the counter and giving him a small peck on the lips and she lingers a little bit. He smirks at her.

"You ready to go?" Ricky asks her. She nods with a smile.

"Oh and I got my sister to watch John," Amy says grabbing her small handbag from the table. Ricky nods his head and she grabs his arm and they walk out the door into the warm California breezy air. He opens the car door for her and she slips into his car and he opens his door and gets into the car too.

"Open the glove compartment," Ricky says. She smiles and then opens the compartment and sees a small scarf.

"What's this for?" Amy asks him holding it up.

"You have to put it on," Ricky responds with a smirk across his faceface.

"What. No I am not," Amy says crossing her arms over her chest. Ricky smiles

"Yes you are because you like me and wouldn't ruin the surprise of where we are going," Ricky tells her. Amy rolls her eyes at him and wraps it around her head.

"Okay fine I will," Amy says waiting for him to tie it around her head. He ties it around her head and looks at her with satisfaction.

"Okay I got it. How many fingers am I holding up?" Ricky asks not holding anything up.

"Two," Amy responds. Ricky smiles at her.

"Okay we can go," Ricky says turning on the car and pulling out of the driveway.

"Wait. Where are we going?" Amy asks with a little bit of whine in her voice. Ricky rolls his eyes this time.

"I am not telling you which is suppose to be the point of the scarf covering your eyes," Ricky explains to her. She scoffs a bit and crosses her arms across her chest. They pull up into a parking lot and Amy suddenly feels the car make a sudden stop.

"Are we here?" Amy asks Ricky looking up at him as if she could see him.

Ricky turns off the car ignoring her question and walks over to her side of the car and opens it for her to get our and helps her out. He reaches behind her head and undos the knot and lets it drop in his hand. She smiles really big before turning around and giving him a big hug. "Thank you soo much," Amy says before looking back up at the sign that said Olive Garden.

"Your welcome," Ricky says grabbing her hand and walking her to the doors of the restaurant. They walk up to the front desk to get a table.

"How many?" The blond says flipping her hair out of her face and giving Ricky a flirty look.

"Two," Ricky responds. She grabs two menus and walks them to a table where it can sit two people. They sit down at the table.

"She was flirting with you," Amy tells Ricky right after the blond walks away from the table. Ricky smirks at Amy.

"Yea and are you jealous?" He asks tilting his head at Amy. She shakes her head with a smirk now on her face.

"No," Amy lies. Ricky smiles at her.

"You are such a bad lier," Ricky says to her.

"No I am not. Okay maybe I am, but its true she was flirting with you way to hard," Amy says to Ricky. He laughs a little.

"Yea maybe just a little to hard," Ricky agrees with her. A man walks up to them.

"I will be your waiter my name is Mark and what would you like to drink tonight?" The waiter ask Amy pointing at her.

"I would like an ice tea please," Amy responds. He nods before pulling out a pad of paper and a black pen and scratches something down on the paper.

"And you would like?" He asks Ricky. Ricky smiles at Amy.

"I would like the same," Ricky tells him. He nods to him too and then writes down it again while walking away from their table. They get their drinks and food and they eat and then they pay and leave. They walk down to the car and they get in.

"Okay so where are we going next?" Amy asks him while buckling her seat belt and looks at Ricky. He smiles at her.

"How about the park?" Ricky asks her. She nods her head.

"Yea a nice smoothing place to go sounds fun," Amy replys before setting her hand on top of Ricky's which was sitting on the arm rest. Ricky looks up and throws a smile toward her. Her heart melts a little. She was defiantly falling for him bit by bit everyday. She turns on the radio and a song starts playing.

I remember when you walked into my secret life
I remember holding hands for the very first time

Amy mind flashback to Band Camp thinking about the lyrics of the song. She knew Ricky was thinking that same exact thing.

I remember when you kissed me and
I was so scared but some how I knew that you would always be there
And I remember everything

I don't know what life will bring tomorrow
But I want you there next to me
I don't know where I'll be tomorrow
But I'll remember you and me (you and me)

Amy smiles. She was happy that she remembered her and Ricky. If she could remember anybody it would have stayed the same. She may not love Ricky yet, but she did care about him beside John. He was the second most person she cared about in her life.

I remember dancing in your arms all night
I was staring into your eyes in a circle of light
I remember your laugh and how we cried sometimes
I remember everything

I don't know what life will bring tomorrow
But I want you there next to me
I don't know where I'll be tomorrow
But I'll remember you and me (you and me)

Leafs will change the world is rearranged
Why do we all have to grow up so fast
People come and go, walk in and out of your life

She thought about the guy named Ben who was apparently her ex-boyfriend. She didn't care right now.

The ones that you really treasure
Will be with you for all time (time)

And I know all the odds are staked against us
But I know the rules don't apply to love
I do know that you came to rescue me from my secret life

I don't know what life will bring tomorrow
But I want you there next to me
I don't know where I'll be tomorrow
But I'll remember you and me (you and me)

I remember you and me
You and me

Ricky smiles and grabs Amy's hand and gives it a small faint kiss. She feels her breath speed up when he kissed her hand.

They pull into the park and he grabs her hand when she got out of the down He walked over to her side and grabbed her hand and led her over to a park bench where they sat down staring at each other.

"I had a really fun time," Amy says smiling while looking up at Ricky.

"Me too," he says kissing the top of her head. She leans into him and sets her head on his shoulder.

"We should probably leave soon my sister said she wanted to leave at about 10 and it is almost 9:30," Amy says looking at her phone screen.

"Yea we should probably, but I wanted to ask you a question first," Ricky says to Amy. She looks up at him with confused eyes.

"What is that?" She asks him.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks her. Her eyes light up as she hears him say those exact words.

"Really?" She asks him. He nods his head.


"Okay well then yea of course I will be your girlfriend," Amy cheerfully says as she closes the deal with a small peck on the lips.

"I do like you Amy," Ricky admitts.

"I like you too," Amy says standing up a bit and Ricky grabbed her hand too.

Amy and Ricky were walking hand and hand through the small miniature park only a couple of miles away from Ricky's apartment. "Thanks Ricky for everything you have done for me. I really couldnt have been able to do this without you,"

"You don't have to thank me," Ricky states. Amy nods and bites her lip.

"Yes I do,"

Amy looks around the park one more time before walking back to the parking lot. She takes a sharp glance around the parking lot until her eyes lock onto the black car parked a couple of spaces away from them. (Flashback)

"Amy!" Ricky screams. Amy takes a small glance behind her to see a black car racing toward her at full speed. Then everything goes black. (Flashback ends)

Amy's breathing speeds up. "No," Amy whispers under her breath. Ricky keeps walking and sees Amy looking at the car.

"Are you okay?" He asks taking a couple of steps toward.

"I'm fine. Its nothing. I thought I saw something, but I didn't," Amy says walking back to the car with Ricky. She looks back at the car and sees that it is gone and gulps before heading into Ricky's sliver hybrid. She knew that was the car that did this to her. Now all she needed to find out was who exactly did this to her. She played with her fingers as a song popped up on the radio bringing her out of her thoughts.

I don't like the way he's looking at you
I'm starting to think you want him too
Am I crazy, have I lost ya?
Even though I know you love me, can't help it

I turn my chin music up
And I'm puffing my chest
I'm getting red in the face
You can call me obsessed
It's not your fault that they hover
I mean no disrespect
It's my right to be hellish
I still get jealous

'Cause you're too sexy, beautiful
And everybody wants a taste
That's why (that's why)
I still get jealous

'Cause you're too sexy, beautiful
And everybody wants a taste
That's why (that's why)
I still get jealous

I wish you didn't have to post it all
I wish you'd save a little bit just for me
Protective or possessive, yeah
Call it passive or aggressive

I turn my chin music up
And I'm puffing my chest
I'm getting red in the face
You can call me obsessed
It's not your fault that they hover
I mean no disrespect
It's my right to be hellish
I still get jealous

'Cause you're too sexy, beautiful
And everybody wants a taste
That's why (that's why)
I still get jealous

'Cause you're too sexy, beautiful
And everybody wants a taste
That's why (that's why)
I still get jealous

You're the only one invited
I said there's no one else for you
'Cause you know I get excited, yeah
When you get jealous too

I turn my chin music up
And I'm puffing my chest
I'm turning red in the face
You can call me obsessed
It's not your fault that they hover
I mean no disrespect
It's my right to be hellish
I still get jealous

'Cause you're too sexy, beautiful
And everybody wants a taste
That's why (that's why)
I still get jealous

'Cause you're too sexy, beautiful
And everybody wants a taste
That's why (that's why)
I still get jealous

Oh (that's why)
I still get jealous
Oh (that's why)
I still get jealous

Ben was holding Adrian's hand and holding a picnic basket in the other as they walked through the same park Amy and Ricky were just at. They find a small patch of green grass next to a bench. Ben sets the picnic basket on the bench as he pulls out a red and white checkered blanket and lays it on the ground. Adrian sits down on the smooth blanket and Ben grabs a brown bag out of the basket that says. "Poppy's Tacos". Adrian smiles. "Aww Benny you didn't have too," Adrian says calling Ben by the nickname she gave him.

"I had to. I didn't want my baby girl or the mother of my daughter to be hungry," Ben says as he sets it down my Adrian she opens the bag to see that it is filled with a bunch of tacos. Adrian licks her lips before unwrapping the taco and taking a bite of the warm and fresh taco.

"Mmm I love it Ben," Adrian says grabbing a napkin at the bottom of the bag and whipping her face with it.

"I am glad to here that," Ben says sitting on the blanket with Adrian grabbing a taco from the bag too.

"I am happy that she is a girl," Ben says truthfully.

"Why is that?" Adrian asks him.

"Well I don't know I have always wanted a girl and it changes things up a bit in my house since we are all guys except Betty," Ben explains. Adrian nods in agreement.

"Yea I am happy too. I really didn't want to have a boy because I can't really go shopping with a baby boy," Adrian says with a small laugh. Ben chuckles with her. Ben pulls out a small radio from his bag and plays the first song on the playlist.

"Dance with me," Ben says holding out his hand for her to grab it. She smiles a bit and then grabs his hand and wraps they around his neck and puts his hands on her waist swaying to the slow song.

Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying

She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don't see what I see

But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

Her lips, her lips
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
Her laugh, her laugh
She hates but I think its so sexy

She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Oh you know, you know, you know
Id never ask you to change
If perfect is what you're searching for
Then just stay the same

So don't even bother asking
If you look okay
You know I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

The way you are
The way you are
Girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

The music stops, but Ben and Adrian don't stop dancing they dance with the wind. Adrian looks up at Ben with a small sparkle in her eyes.

"Ben I think I am falling for you everyday," Adrian says kissing him on the lips.

"Me too," Ben says giving her kiss back.

"I am glad I have you by my side," Adrian says getting out of the embrace.

"I am glad I have you by my side to. To help me through this to catch me along the way. I don't think we would where we are if it wasn't for you Adrian," Ben says sincerely making a couple if tears come down her face.

"Stupid hormones," Adrian says wiping away the tears. Ben reaches up and wipes away a tear against her cheek.

Maybe this could be a new start for everyone. Maybe Adrian and Ben could start over and actually fall in love and Maybe the same for Amy and Ricky. Time will tell. Only they know what will happen in life not me only they will, so they will tell you about the story about their life's that was drama, romance, and many different things along the way. Some might even find love or perhaps marriage.

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