Souls In Hiding

By KokiAvocado

1.7K 58 284

For centuries, supernatural beings lived openly amongst humans in peace, but when a new king takes the throne... More

The Phantom and Vampire
Immortal Banishment
Familial Troubles
One Thing After the Other
Death Sentence
Will It Be Love?
Stream of Lovers Quarrel
House of Nightmares
Pigtail Girls
The Cabin Murderer
Friends and Foe
A Traitor In Death
Relationships and Blood
Rescue Squad
Deadly Escape Rooms
The Phantom Thief
Gay Thoughts and Kisses
Burning of the Witch... Maybe
Beginning of a Love Triangle
A Traitor In Our Midst
Soulless Witch
One Down, 13 To Go
He's Lying... He Has To Be
How Could You?
Let's End This
A.I. Gone Corrupt
How Everything Turned Out

Love Over All

53 1 4
By KokiAvocado

Screaming forced its way into Shuichi's mind, waking him up with a jump. Bandits surrounded the group, attacking everyone with no mercy. None of them seemed to care about how cowardly their actions were as they shot arrow after arrow into the crowd. Shuichi whisked behind a tree, using his cloak to disguise himself in the dark woods.

He searched around the camp, trying to see an opening to help anyone. Everyone seemed to be able to handle their own, winning the fight against the invaders, or at least that's what Shuichi thought before an arrow impaled into Kaito's arm. Hearing the scream of pain, Kaede rushed over to help but only received her own arrow skewering itself into her leg. One by one, the others ended up with a sword to their throats, daring them to move.

Shuichi was about to use his speed and take out their attackers but soon found himself in a chokehold with a sword against his throat. "Empty their supplies. Take anything useful," ordered one of the bandits. Maki and Ryoma struggled against the multiple bandits holding each of them down but to no avail.

One by one the rescue squad's supplies plopped to the ground. They couldn't survive without their supplies and Shuichi knew just as much. He grabbed the sharp blade against his throat, using what strength he could muster to bend it away from his neck, ignoring the stinging sensation on his palm.

Using his speed, he took down a few bandits holding back Maki and Ryoma, giving them the chance to help the others as he went to grab some of their supplies from one of the runaway bandits. It wasn't long until he tracked down the thief. Little did he know the bandit anticipated the vampire's attack, slashing a blade around him as protection. The blade embedded into Shuichi's arm, the boy falling to the ground in a heap of pain and groans.

Hearing the pattering of footsteps slowly growing faint, Shuichi wanted to punch himself for letting the thief get away. Unfortunately, his arm was more of a problem. Fluid leaked through the tear in his cloak and shirt, slowly soaking his clothes. Considering vampires had no blood, they had what was called 'vampire blood'. It was similar to human plasma with no smell, and clear, yellowish colours.

Shuichi dropped to the ground as his vision blurred, the hand covering his stab wound dripping with vampire blood as his body wavered between shock and health. Not wanting to look at it, he assumed his injury was probably worse than what the stinging sensation was telling him. He stared at pale orange stars above him. Sunrise was almost upon them.

He was ready to succumb to the fact he was about to die, either by the stab wound in his arm, or the sunlight ready to peek over the edge of the horizon. Closing his eyes, he prepared for death. "Oh no you don't." Shuichi was lifted into the air. "Oooo that looks bad." The vampire's saviour sung, carrying him away.

Opening his eyes, Shuichi looked up to see Tsumugi smiling from ear to ear. "Why are you so happy?" He groaned. 

"Because I found you. Everyone else is safe and accounted for!" She chuckled. "Cover your ears."

"What? Wh-"

"Hey everyone! I found him!" Tsumugi screamed, Shuichi's ears bursting from the sound-barrier breaking. Shuichi felt himself falling as Tsumugi gently rested him next to Kaede, whose leg seemed healthier than ever like no arrow had ever hit it. Kaede closed her eyes and held her hands over Shuichi's heart. It felt like heaven itself coursed through his veins as his body felt warm and fuzzy. 

"All done, how do you feel?" Kaede stared down at him, seemingly worried that she might've messed up her spell.

"I'm okay. Well, better than okay. Thanks, Kaede!" Shuichi jumped to his feet, inspecting the now completely smooth skin on his arm. His skin looked healthier than it did before his life went to shit for a second time. Noticing the orange skies, he quickly shoved his cloak over his head and made his way to the trashed campsite. "Sunrise, we should get going before it's too late." 

Everyone agreed, cleaning up their camp before continuing on their trail towards Kokichi.


"So, how's your relationship going?" Kokichi grinned, trying to reduce his boredom in the horrible cell.

"Himiko is the sweetest, smartest, adorable-est person I've ever met! She's so beautiful and funny an-" 

"Please. Shut up." Korekiyo groaned, tired of Tenko's obsession. Himiko looked indifferent as she only yawned in response.

"So why are you two mortals trapped?" Kokichi continued, needing some sort of entertainment.

"I couldn't let my sweet Himiko get kidnapped on her own, so I forced them to kidnap me too!" Tenko grinned, holding her girlfriend in her arms.

Korekiyo rolled his eyes, "I was involved with a lot of different species. I find them interesting so I made a journal full of information like weaknesses and abilities, et cetera. I think the reason I'm here is pretty obvious." Kokichi nodded, finding it a little creepy that Korekiyo may know everything about him. Well, maybe everything about a normal phantom.

"So what about you Kokichi? Why are you here? The king seems really interested in you..." Himiko asked in her usual drawl. 

"Well..." Kokichi fumbled with his fingers, his confident facade fading as he remembered what happened. Ah fuck it, can't hurt to tell the truth right? They seem trustworthy after all. "Something happened with the people I live with in the woods. I went after this guy and saw him kissing someone else... so I ran. I ran away alone and all I remember after that is getting attacked." Kokichi motioned to his bandages.

"'This guy' is someone more than a friend to you I presume?" Korekiyo questioned. Kokichi just nodded, not wanting to admit it out loud.

"Sounds like a degenerate! Just like all men!" Tenko hissed to herself.

"Can I ask how love works between supernatural beings? It's something I've been curious about for a long time." Korekiyo's emotions were never as obvious as the curiosity he was exhibiting.

"Same as humans. We have the same ways of thinking and shit like that. All that's different is our 'cool superpowers'." Kokichi explained, knowing Korekiyo's curiosity wouldn't be quelled any other way.

"Just remember Kokichi, same-sex love is looked down upon. We've experienced enough to know the worst of it." Himiko warned, satisfied with Kokichi's nod of understanding. "Oh right, I should check your wound again."

"But it's been- oh... How long has it been?" Kokichi mumbled.

"Don't know, better to check too often than not often enough right?"

"Either check every hour or risk getting an infection before we can treat it. Not like we have a bunch of medicine here to help if you are sick." Tenko sighed, watching her girlfriend like a hawk.

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