I Gave You The Stars (But You...

By a_naberry

692 33 2

Mix and Earth have been dating for quite some times. But it seems that Mix was never Earth's priority. Whethe... More

I Gave You The Stars (But You Gave it to Somebody Else)

692 33 2
By a_naberry

The rain splattered from the sky to the ground. While the harsh wind passed through the air, swinging the branch on the trees harshly. The sky was dark, but there is no stars or moon to accompany the night. Instead, the sky was filled with thunder and lightning.

No sane human would go out in the middle of rainstorm like this. Except, there is a man standing beside a gazebo near his campus. Then man has a small stature, wearing nothing but a black and white stripe shirt and a beige trousers. His hands were crossed on to his tiny shoulder, trying to give himself some warmth. But the temperature was getting colder as the night went by, leaving him cold and shivering.

Three hours have passed since he first waited near the gazebo. But his boyfriend, who were supposed to pick him up were nowhere to be found. Mix could go home by himself, of course. But his phone ran out of battery, so he can't order an online taxi. Moreover, he was now stuck on the gazebo near his campus, all thanks to the rainstorm that came without any warning. For now, he just wished for some kind of miracle to occur.

The horn from the car wake Mix's up from his daydream. A black car stopped right in front of him. He wished with all his heart for car in front of him belong to his boyfriend Earth. But he knew that car. And that car does not belong to Earth. But belongs to Bright. The one who came out of the car was not Bright, of course. But it was Win, who happen to be Mix's best friend since infancy.

"Get in the car!" shout Win. His hand was holding a big umbrella, trying to shelter Mix from the rain. While his other hands was put onto Mix's shoulder, guiding him to the back seat of the car.

The car ride was silent. Nobody dares to speak for awhile. But the sound of silent crying can be heard from the back seat of the car.

"You need to break up with him," Win stated honestly.


"No, Mix! How many times has this happen? You, waiting for him for godknows how long. And him, playing with some random person that he met from godknows where. You're my best friend, Mix. And I hate to see you hurt." Hearing Win's outburst, Mix realize one thing. That he is not the only one who suffered. Every time he cries, every heartbreak that Earth caused, Mix is not the only one who is hurting. But his friends too.

The truth is, Mix is tired. Tired of seeing someone who doesn't see him back. Prioritizing someone who does not even appreciate him. But what can Mix do? He loves Earth. He loves him with all his heart. It seems like not only Mix's body and heart who fell in love with Earth. But his soul is too.

Mix hated this feeling. The feeling of helplessly in love with someone who does not return the feelings. But it's not like Mix could control his feelings.

"Mix, I'm pretty sure that Win does not mean to dictate your relationship with your boyfriend. It's just that, Win and I hated seeing you suffer. After all, we are your friends. You don't have to follow what Win said. Because after all, the choice is yours. But please consider his words. But most of all, please consider yourself. And your heart. You're a great person, Mix. And an amazing friend. You don't deserve to be treated that way. By anybody. Especially not by the one you love so dearly." Bright's words echoed throughout the car ride. But the words are also echoing through Mix's heart.


The next day, Mix body was aching. He could felt sweat are drenching through his clothes, while his head felt like someone pounding into it. All he wanted right now was a glass of water. Mix wanted to wake his body up, and walk towards the kitchen to get a glass of water. But it seems like his body refused to move. The only thing that he manage to control was his eyes.

He saw Earth on the side of the room. Looking so tidy, as if he wanted to go out on a date.

"Earth," called Mix slowly.

"Oh, you're awake. I'm going out tonight. I'd probably be home late. Don't forget to lock the door when you need to go out somewhere," said Earth casually. With that, he grab his bag and walked out of the door. Leaving Mix behind to suffer in bed alone.

Mix could feel his hand looking for his phone. Trying to contact someone who cares. Thank fully, he found it immediately. And right now, he is thankful that he manage to charge his phone before he collapse on the bed last night.

"Win..." Mix could heard his own hoarse voice trying to call Win on the other side of the phone. Win's voice could be heard on Mix's ear. But it all seems so hazy. The only thing Mix could remember was Win calling his name repeatedly before everything got dark.


The moment Mix opened his eyes, everything was unfamiliar. Everything was white. From the walls, to the bed, and to the curtains. Mix has a feeling on where he is. But he would like to deny it a little longer.

"Oh, Mix! Thank god you're awake!" That voice was Win. There could be no mistake.

"What happen?" he felt himself asked those question to the man who were standing beside the bed. But Mix was shocked. Because his voice are so unfamiliar. Unlike his regular voice, his voice this time were hoarse and dry.

"We go into your house after Win receive your phone call. Your fever are running into a dangerous temperature. So we got you to the hospital," explained other's voice who Mix was sure that it belongs to Bright.

"Just rest, we'll take care of everything." Hearing it reassure Mix greatly. He then closes his eyes to rest.


It took five whole days for Mix to recover his health. And in that time, the one who took care of him were Bright and Win. Earth only came three times between that time. Which he claimed because he was busy. Are Mix disappointed? Absolutely. But is he surprised? Not at all. At this point of time, Mix were even more surprised if Earth was taking care of him.

But the moment Mix was discharged from the hospital, Earth change for the better. He picked up Mix from the hospital, and he also cooked for Mix. On top of that, he also reminds Mix constantly to drink her medicine.

For a while, Mix could see the old Earth. The one who he fell in love with. The one who cares for him, and the one who loves him. The old Earth. The lost one, and the one who Mix thought could never be back. But here it is, the old Earth, right in front of Mix. If this was a dream, Mix didn't want to wake up.

But happiness did not last long after all.

That day, Mix just finished his class for the day. But he didn't want to go home first to do his work. So he decided to go to a café near his campus. Some of his classmate said that the cake there was delicious, so Mix decided to try it.

When he enter the café, he immediately went to the counter to order some variety of cakes. After he got the cake, he was so happy. So imagine when he turned around and see his boyfriend flirting with a man he does not know.

"Earth?" Mix said suddenly.

Mix didn't want to call his boyfriend. He just wanted to pretend that he did not saw anything. But somehow, his feet walked toward his boyfriend and the guy and called him.

To say that Earth was shocked was an understatement. His mouth was hanging agape and he looked as if he was get caught in a crime. Seeing his boyfriend with other man tore something within Mix's heart. He could feel his breath getting shorter and his eyes getting wet. He quickly turns around to avoid seeing Earth. In this moment, Mix knew. That he was tired of hurting. And that it was time to end things with Earth.

"Mix, I can explain—" said Earth, but was interrupted by the younger man. "Let's not bother other customer." With that, Mix left the café and was followed by Earth.

"Mix, I –"

"Let's break up," utter Mix fastly.

"Mix, he was just a friend," Earth was still trying to convince the younger man. But Mix did not care. All he feel was emptiness within his heart.

Mix let out a sigh, "I don't care. I'm tired of loving you, Earth."


"I gave you everything, Earth. I gave you all my attention, my time, my love. Hell, I could gave you the stars if you wanted to. But what about you? You gave it to someone else."

Silent crept between the two. Mix's eyes were already filled with tears. And so does Earth. Who finally realized that he had messed up. Who finally realized that he is an asshole who does nothing but hurting his boyfriend. He remember when they first started their relationship. Earth promised to take care of Mix, to love him. He also vow not to hurt Mix in anyway. Now that it comes to this, he realized that he did not only broke his promised to the man that he loved. But he also broke his own oath.

"I love you, Earth. But I can't do this anymore," utter Mix as he left Earth alone on the street.

It was at this moment, that Earth knew, that he just lost someone he loves. Someone who is lost because of his stupid mistake. Someone who will never come back. 

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