The Suitors: A BTS fanfic

By yoongis_bucket_hat

62.1K 2.9K 521

They all wanted you--needed you. Your suitors. And they weren't afraid to make it known. The sons of the most... More



1.9K 68 21
By yoongis_bucket_hat

y/n POV

The Southern Kingdom was welcoming enough to you and your friends. Naturally, they were quite pleased to see their princess returned safely, and it warmed your heart seeing the way her older brother, the soon to be king, embraced her with teary eyes. Isabella seemed happy to be home, and even happier Taehyung was there with her.

The Southern King's council was hesitant to invite in two princesses and several nobles from a kingdom that they had very recently been at odds with, but Isabella spoke with her brother, filling his head with promises of peace and alliances and mutually beneficial futures. Soon, you were all given visitor chambers and told to stay as long as you wished.

You had spoken with the council and Isabella's father and brother the day after you arrived, telling them of your parent's passing and the coup on the castle. Most importantly, though, you told them of your desire to reclaim your throne as soon as possible. They were understanding, and willing to help in any way. The king was extremely distant, but that was to be expected as he did try to have you assassinated after all, but the prince, Isabella's older brother, who would soon take the throne after his particularly old father's death, was just as she had described. He was kind, empathetic, and smart. He would make an amazing king and ally.

Plans to retake your kingdom were thrown about, edited, discarded, brainstormed, and constantly buzzing through council meetings and discretely during any other times your ear was available. None stuck, though. It was frustrating and seemingly impossible to deal with, but you knew with the help of the Southern Kingdom and your remarkable friends, you would be able to find a way.

Rumors also flitted their way through the palace as word of civil unrest in your kingdom arrived. People were rejecting the Min councilor as their new ruler despite the unsatisfaction with the last monarchs. It would seem that nobles who had visited your court during the time you were to choose a husband spoke for your honor, integrity, and goodness. It was the hot button topic around your kingdom that the heir to the throne would be a just ruler, unlike her parents. It also helped that a local noble boy would have been chosen to be king, making the people under your rule feel more represented.

The Southern King said this was a very good thing. That the coup may have been just what you needed to reset your people's opinions of their ruler, and make way for a new age of prosperity, led by you of course.

The Southern Kingdom was beautiful, just as Isabella had recounted occasionally when she appeared to be homesick. Over half of the kingdom boasted sprawling beaches and warm waters. As you rode through the land on your journey there, Isabella explained that because it was winter, the climate was temperate, but in the summers, it would be hot enough to bake your skin to a dark shade. Flowers bloomed even in the coldest parts of winter, but the nights there would still warrant a shawl or cloak.

Life at their court was so upbeat and bustling. There were always new people arriving with new stories and new personalities. You took note and knew that you wanted to model your castle life after how they lived theirs.

You also found much more free time to spend with the people you actually wanted to see. Turns out when you're not playing the part of a perused princess, a lot of your schedule opens up. You found that you began to not be able to count how many times you had laughed in a day, which wasn't a normal occurrence back during your days in your own kingdom. Seeing all your friends so happy and truly themselves brought copious amounts of joy to you. Spending time with Isabella and Noor made you forget your problems and remember what it was like to have fun.

Seeing Namjoon, Jimin, Hobi, Taehyung and Jin around the castle made your mind happy but seeing Yoongi made your heart happy. You often played lawn games with Hobi and Jimin, while you typically sat with Taehyung and Namjoon for afternoon tea as they made great conversation.

You could tell that Jin had been avoiding you for the first little while, but after you invited him for a walk in the gardens and talked about every topic that had been broaching both of your minds, you ended up joking and laughing with each other just as you used to. He seemed accepting and respectful of your decision, although he made it clear that if Yoongi were to ever hurt you, he could not be held accountable for what he might do to him. You laughed it off, but deep down you knew it was true. Jin hadn't stopped loving you overnight, and you knew it would take some time before he did.

You had spent more time with Yoongi than you ever would have imagined. Free from the whims and commands of his father, Yoongi was lighter, happier, more carefree. You loved seeing the change. It was like he was a new man—a man you had seen glimpses of before, but only now saw in his entirety. He was kind and witty. He was endlessly knowledgeable and loved sharing his wisdom with you, and you loved hearing it.

He had hobbies and interests you never knew about. He played the piano for you as much as he could and read to you while you sewed. You would go on long walks around the castle and talk until the sun went down and long into the night. He integrated himself into your group of friends effortlessly, all of you laughing at meals most likely louder than what would be seen as appropriate for a group of young royals and nobles.

It had been only a few days since you had arrived, about a week or so, but Yoongi still managed to find himself lying next to you in your bedchambers at night. Of course, he was a perfect gentleman about it and never tried anything that wasn't warranted, but you constantly found yourself wanting more with him. The kisses he would press into your neck didn't quite scratch the itch you sensed when he was around. The two of you remained discrete about him sleeping in your bed, simply because it would be deemed improper due to the lack of an engagement or marriage between the two of you.

You didn't mind the risk, though. The ruining of your reputation seemed like a small price to pay for the invaluable comfort Yoongi's presence provided. Even once you were used to your new surroundings and the unfamiliar people became familiar, sleep eluded you.

You always felt on edge, always keeping an eye open and constantly looking over your shoulder. When Yoongi laid next to you, though. It felt as if nothing could hurt you. You no longer felt that uneasy teetering of whether or not to trust Yoongi. There was hard and complete resolve where that once resided. Absolute trust and total surrender.

One especially cold night (even for the Southern Kingdom), the routine soft rapping at your door came once again. You sighed happily and put down the hairbrush you were holding. When you pulled open your heavy door, the same gummy smile you had been greeted with every night came into view. You couldn't help but let a grin wipe across your face as well.

"How was dinner? I'm sorry I couldn't join you, I was running an errand," Yoongi hummed as he glided into your room, his hands both held behind his back.

"Perfect, as always. You would have loved the dish they served, though, Yoonie," you addressed him with the recent nickname that rolled off your tongue.

He always blushed when you called him that, so you made it a point to use it often. You naturally never used it in public, though. It was a name just for the two of you. A private word of intimacy the two of you shared.

"But of course, the entire experience would have been infinitely improved by your presence." You sat down on your lofty bed, propped up by your arms behind you.

He walked close to you, stopping when his legs were comfortably in between your knees. "I'm sure you'll excuse my absence when you see what I was retrieving."

He brought his once hidden hands forward to reveal a small, deep red box. You eyed the object, then looked up to him curiously. He raised an eyebrow with a smirk, daring you to open it. You put your fingers on the top of the box and lifted the side that came up, the other side attached to the bottom with small, golden hinges.

The contents of the box made you gasp smally. Inside was a gold chained necklace with a diamond encrusted charm in the shape of a rose hanging from it. In complete honesty, you owned jewelry more extravagant, more expensive, and more flashy than this piece, but for some reason, most likely having something to do with the giver, this necklace seemed the most beautiful, the most meaningful, the most cherished piece of jewelry you had ever received.

Your reaction was genuine when you smiled uncontrollably wide. You looked up to Yoongi whose eyes were alight with boyish happiness and genuine joy at your reaction. You ran your fingertips down the small chain and toyed with the charm.

"Yoongi..." you didn't know how to convey what you felt through words.

He pressed his lips together, and started to speak quickly, hoping you weren't unsatisfied with his gift. "I know it's not very extravagant, and if lavish is what you want I'll give you all the jewels and gold in the world, but I just thought you might want something small and subtle that you can wear all the time. Something to always remind you of me. I just thought that-that maybe-"

You could tell he thought you may not have liked it, so you intervened. "Yoongi! It's perfect it's-it's just," you struggled to find the right words, so instead you pressed your lips against his as hard as you could.

All the kisses between the two of you were just as sweet and delicious as the first time, and you never grew tired of the contact.

An hour later, you found yourself under your blankets, Yoongi holding you tightly into his chest. Darkness filled the room now, and you could only see the side of his face that was illuminated by the moonlight that spilled in from your windows.

There had been silence between the two of you for a while, and if you didn't know any better you would have thought he was asleep, but you could sense his consciousness.

"I'm so remarkably and embarrassingly happy," you whispered.

You didn't quite expect a response, but one was mumbled anyways.


You thought for a moment why that word felt so fitting. "I don't think I ever thought I deserved to be so happy," you shifted in his firm yet gentle hold. "so in love," you added.

"You deserve everything," Yoongi murmured into a kiss he pressed onto your forehead.

You blinked. "I have almost everything I've ever wanted. Almost."

"Your kingdom?" he asked.

"I never thought I wanted to power, Yoonie. The power still doesn't appeal to me so much as the ability to do something good for the people that trust me to lead them. Only now that it's been taken from me do I realize how badly I want it."

You could feel him nod considerately. He was an unmatched listener.

"You will retake your throne, y/n." He nuzzled closer to you. "You'll never know how sorry I am for having a hand in stealing it from you."

You of course still knew he had a slight responsibility for what had happened, but as it turns out forgiveness came easy to you when you loved that person so unbelievably. You didn't answer him, but he knew what your response would've been, what it always has been. "I forgive you."

There was more silence, then a sigh from Yoongi. "What are you thinking about?" you pried.

He was quiet as if he were thinking. "How much I love you," was his answer. "How much I want to spend the rest of my life with you. How lucky I am to have met you. How if we were wed I could do so much more with you than just kiss you and touch you lightly."

You blushed at the thought and he took the moment to continue.

"I would give you everything, y/n. I beg of you to be mine. I know we've spoken of it before, but please let me tell the world. I want to be yours and for you to be mine, forever. I can't beseech you enough, marry me, princess."

You were surprised. Thoughts raced through your mind, but you knew the answer. Of course, you knew the answer. You would never refuse him as he would never refuse you. He was your everything. Just as you had told him before, your heartbeat for him. He was your water and air, everything you needed to survive. With him, you felt as though anything was possible. With Yoongi at your side, taking back your throne, ruling a kingdom into prosperity, and becoming queen seemed like small feats. This wasn't even a question in your mind. You had found absolutely everything you were ever looking for, and it was all in Min Yoongi.

He took your hand in his and brought it to his lips gently. "Say yes," he whispered softly, his breath fanning across your palm.


And with that it was done. You were done trying to seek out love and happiness. You knew you were guaranteed a life of it with Yoongi. You would reclaim your throne, and you would be queen, and he would be your king. With this proposal he promised you forever, and you had never realized until then that that's all you'd ever wanted. To be cherished forever.

Finally, you had surrounded yourself with people who loved you. Finally, you started to feel like yourself. Finally, you had found the person that brought out the very best in everything you say and do. Finally. Finally.

You had loved so much in such a short time and lost so much at the same time.

After elated, enamored giggles and lots of kisses, the two of you had grown quiet. Yoongi was asleep, you knew this now. Your mind drifted and began to recall the events of the passed time spent with your suitors. All the amazing friends you had made, and even the one you had lost.

A tear fell down your cheek as you lay on your side, Yoongi's arms still holding you strongly. You thought of sweet Jungkook. You told yourself to shed no more tears, though. You knew that's what he would've wanted. You knew if he had to do it again, he would have made the same choice if it meant your safety. He was just that kind of boy—that kind of man. Caring, selfless, protective, and willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for those he loves.

Your thoughts shifted to your friends. The boys who could light up a room with just their presence or smiles. The girls who were some of the first people you had trusted in a long time. The man you had grown to love unconditionally. All because of a foolish, unwanted, and unwelcomed plan your father had proposed to marry you off.

The irony of it all. The way you had thought it was the end of the world when you heard of the men coming to court you in your castle. How those men have turned into your very world itself.

You had never known so much pain as you did those two weeks but had also never known so much love. It was all twisted and tangled in a beautiful convoluted type of way, but you wouldn't trade it for the world.

Of course, you had regrets. Who wouldn't? But never once would you regret getting to know the people who entered your castle that day. Never would you regret allowing your heart to open itself up.

The next day you would wake up and work with your friends at your elbows to find a way to reclaim your throne, but for now you rested. Well earned, very much so deserved rest.

A kind of rest knowing that there would be endless joy in your future. A kind of rest that only the arms of a lover can bring. A kind of rest you had never once known before but would soon know with great intimacy.

And when the sun did rise, golden and bright and bringing with it the promise of a new day, you did not wake with the familiar bitter chill that your old chambers gave, but with a new sensation. One brought on by Yoongi's even breathing on the back of your neck, and the warmth of his body and love wrapped thoroughly and unreservedly around you.

It was the goosebumps that woke you up that morning.


Thank you all so much for reading my story and coming with me on this journey! I truly hoped you enjoyed the book and will recommend it to your ARMY friends!!! Please let me know what you thought, I'd really appreciate the feedback! 

Also check out my other stories! I'll be starting other projects soon and already have a few other things published. Drop me a follow while you're at it too! 

Thanks again<3

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