Crimes. (Gregg x Male reader)

By JacobGreene96

2.9K 45 27

When you went overseas in the Army, you're best friend Gregg missed you. After the war, you returned to your... More

The ceremony, and Home again
First day back.
The nightmare, and some bonding with Bea.
The Hospital
Hospital Confession
A unknown event, and heading home.
The party. (Pt. 1, pre party)

Learning what happened, and a bad choice.

274 4 5
By JacobGreene96

I woke up, and Bea was gone. Probably gone to work. I pick up my cellphone, it may not work like a landline will, but I can still use social media. I open my instant messages, and I see one from Gregg, just sent ten minutes ago.

"Hey hey hey! Stuck at the Ol snalcon, if you feel like it, come and save me from my boredom OwO."

Did he really send me a OwO? Wow, he's definitely not feeling okay. I instant message Mae.

[the_Incredible_Y/N]: Did Gregg send you a OwO this morning?

[Maeday2235]: No? Why?

[the_Incredible_Y/N]: He instant messaged me and put an OwO at the end of it.

[Maeday2235]: oh? He's definitely not feeling okay, that makes him cringe so fucking bad.

[the_Incredible_Y/N]: My thoughts exactly.

[Maeday2235]: Are you going to go see him?

[the_Incredible_Y/N]: Of course, I had some bonding time with Bea, gotta go hang with my guy Gregg!

[Maeday2235]: When did you and Bea hang out?

[the_Incredible_Y/N]: She and I live in the same building, I woke up screaming and she heard me. She ran over and we hung out the rest of the night.

[Maeday2235]: Oh, why did you wake up screaming?

[the_Incredible_Y/N]: Just a bad nightmare, nothing to worry about.

[Maeday2235]: okie, see you around bro.

[the_Incredible_Y/N]: See you duder!

I log off and get dressed. I grab my wallet, lace up my boots, and throw on my pea coat, it was cold out today. I walk into the hall, and lock my door. I look down the hall, and see Bea just leaving. Didn't she work today?

Y/N: Hey Bea!

Bea: Oh, hey Y/N.

Y/N: Isn't the Pickaxe open today?

Bea: You know it's Saturday right?

Y/N: Really? Huh, lost track of the days.

Bea: Yeah.

We talk for a few minutes, then I remember that this "Snalcon" is new, as I've never heard of it.

Y/N: Quick question, what's a Snalcon?

Bea: Snack Falcon, it was put up while you were gone.

Y/N: Oh, I've still got to go to the Food Donkey and get some food.

Bea: Oh, the Food Donkey is gone.

Y/N: What the fuck?! Is there anything that didn't change while I was gone?

Bea: You're still a virgin

Y/N: First off, ouch, second off, you know what I mean.

She laughs

Bea: Sorry you made that too easy, but in all seriousness, we do still get sink holes outside of town.

Y/N: I don't think those will ever go away.

Bea: Yeah. So what're your plans for the day?

Y/N: Gonna go see Gregg at work, and maybe kidnap him after work and go do something stupid.

Bea: Okay have fun.

I walk out of the Apartment, and walk down the road to the supposed Snack Falcon. I find it, and as I walk up to it, Mrs. Lee, Gregg's mom, walks out. I smile at her.

Y/N: Morning Mrs. Lee, how are you?

Mrs. Lee: Morning Y/N, and I've been better.

Y/N: What's up?

Mrs. Lee: It's just seeing Gregg all heartbroken, it breaks my own heart.

Y/N: I could tell somethings up, he sent a OwO in his Instant Message to me this morning, he hates that stupid emoticon/face.

Mrs. Lee: I never trusted that Angus to be one hundred percent to be honest.

Y/N: I'm sure there was a reason, I know Angus, there had to be good reason.

Mrs. Lee: Well, just don't let me near him, he wouldn't be alive to tell us what it was.

Y/N: I'll refrain from bringing him here then.

Mrs. Lee: Good.

We exchange goodbyes, and I slowly walk in the store. Gregg doesn't notice me, but I did. I heard him, crying. Gregg, crying? I don't think I've seen him cry since, well, ever. It tears at my heart strings. I walk to the counter and say.

Y/N: Gregg? Are you okay dude?

He suddenly tries to hide his tears.

Gregg: Oh hey dude! What's up?

Y/N: Dude, you're bawling your eyes out.

Gregg tries to deny it.

Gregg: I'm not! I'm not sure what your talking about!

He gives me a obviously forced smile. I'm not gonna let my best friend and crush go through this alone. I place my hands on his shoulders. I say, in a voice not too indifferent from a mother's.

Y/N: Greggory James Lee, you are crying, I can see the tears in your eyes. There is something wrong and I want to help you through it, all of us do, but we can't if you shut us out.

He just stares at me for a moment, then screws going around the counter, instead opting to jump over to hug me again, and cries into my shoulder.

Gregg: Im sorry.

Y/N: Don't be, I'd probably shut everyone out too, I'm not usually a emotional person. I'm going to stay here with you, I don't trust leaving you alone.

Gregg: You don't have to.

Y/N: Gregg, I have literally nothing else to do today, or the next few days for that matter, plus I want to.

We walk around the counter and we sit down down. I pull out my phone, and start playing cheaply made games. Gregg helps a customer, a grouchy crocodile named Mr. Twigmeyer. He starts complaining about how easy our generation has. I get a small smirk, and say,

Y/N: Well your soda also had cocaine in it, so It balances out.

Gregg starts snickering, and Mr. Twigmeyer just leaves, his face bright red with anger. Gregg turns to me and smiles, he says

Gregg: God I missed your quips and retorts, you really had me worried when you took that break from calling. I thought you'd died.

Y/N: Heh, I'm sorry about that dude. I was having difficulty trying to find time to call, being out on the front, you don't get any wifi or cell signal.

Gregg: It's good bro, I'm just glad you got home safe.

Y/N: the only thing I left overseas was my innocence. I had to help liberate their pow and labor camps, that fucked me up pretty bad.

Gregg: I could guess.

Y/N: It'd be like what the GIs that helped liberate concentration camps in ww2 experienced.

Gregg: Oh jeez, that must've really sucked then.

Y/N: Yeah it did, but let's not talk about it, I don't need flashbacks to it.

Gregg: Sorry dude.

Y/N: It's good bro, it didn't give me any flashbacks.

We chill till lunch, when the manager comes in for the afternoon shift. She looks at me up and down, and says

Manager: Gregg, you're not supposed to have customers behind the counter.

Gregg: I swear it won't happen again boss, I was just really upset and he insisted he stayed.

Manager: You get a pass, as long as he didn't break anything.

Y/N: I didn't mam, don't worry.

Gregg grabs my hand and pulls me around the counter. We leave the Snack Falcon, and we walk to his apartment. We sit down on the couch.

Y/N: So, are you willing to tell me about your and Angus' fight?

Gregg: Sure, I guess. It was a month ago. He and I had been growing distant from each other. He'd been ignoring me, and I didn't know why. It all came to a head when I came home from work a hour early one day. I caught him, cheating on me. He was balls deep in my cousin of all people. That destroyed not only my confidence, but also my sense of what was happening. I angrily yanked my cousin off the bed, and Angus and I started fighting. I kicked him out, heart broken and angry, when we both calmed down, we agreed it'd be best for us to break up. He moved out, going to Bright Harbor. I stayed here, I not wanting to be near him anymore.

Y/N: Jeez dude, that's gotta suck. I can't believe quiet Angus Delaney would cheat on someone.

Gregg: Now you know why I haven't told Mae, she would've hunted down and beat the shit out of him.

Y/N: Hell I kind of want to as well, but I know I'd get sent to jail if I did.

Gregg: yeah, I just got you back, I'm not letting you go that easy!

Y/N: Heh, yeah, I'll try to not get into trouble then, I missed you as well.

Gregg: Are you going to stay here?

Y/N: Probably, but I'll sleep out here on the couch.

Gregg: Okay duder. Thanks for listening.

Y/N: No problem Gregg, but it's like 1:00pm, maybe we should find something to do.

Gregg: Why don't we go shopping for you? Bea owes me her car for a few days so I could drive you out to the new Ham Panther!

Y/N: You can drive?

Gregg: Yeah, I started learning after you left!

Y/N: Needed a distraction?

Gregg: Yeah, I did.

Y/N: Well, I do need some more food, especially since I gave you all my ramen when I went overseas.

Gregg: Oh yeah, it's all gone now.

Y/N: I was expecting it to be. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Gregg: Yeah, I did!

We laugh, then Gregg grabbed his wall phone, and called Bea.

Gregg: Hey Bea, I'm calling in that favor. Yeah, just until tomorrow night, you'll have it back by the end of the weekend. Okay, could you drive it over? Cool, thanks.

He hangs it up. He smiles.

Gregg: let's go!

Y/N: Let's go!

Time skip, Still Y/N POV.

Gregg and I have gotten the shopping done, and are back at my apartment putting it all away. We smile, laugh, and joke with each other as we put the stuff away. At one point, we accidentally trip over each other, and ended in a awkward position, which I weirdly kinda liked. I blushed immensely, and so did he. We immediately get off each other, and laugh. We get finished, and went back over to Gregg's apartment. Gregg runs Bea's car back over to her. While he's over there, I start getting flashbacks to the pow and labor camps. My eyes start to flow with tears, and I need to sit down. I grip my head as I slump against the wall, feelings of anger, guilt, sadness, and disgust flood my mind. Tears wet my face, and I quietly sobbed. My mind goes to a dark place. A voice with a Korean accent says.

Korean: What make you think he'd rike you? You are nothing more then a killer!  You'd be better off dead!

Soon, I hear a platoons worth of Korean soldiers screaming at me. I cry, cry and cry. Not even thinking, I run, and grab a knife. I, *sigh*, I slice my wrists, and fall to the ground with a loud thud. I start to black out, when I hear Gregg yell.


I fully black out after that. Not knowing what was going to happen.

Chapter End.

Okay, I want to say again, if you have thoughts of self harm, please, please reach out! I'm a decent guy, I'll willingly listen to you, you just need to ask! I'm a guy, I can't read your mind! I'm a person like you, I've had the same problem, I'll happily listen!

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