You make me smile :)

By AnkitaGr8

3.1K 121 45

Samantha Peterson, better known as Sam, is the walking-talking example of a 'mean girl' who does what she fee... More

CHAPTER-1: Pilot
CHAPTER-2: Who said partying was fun?!
CHAPTER-3: The "hate" at first sight
CHAPTER-4: The "Deadly Confrontation"
CHAPTER-6: The 'sweet mistake'
CHAPTER-7: Every girl doesn't fall for superman!
CHAPTER 8: The 'Nightmarish' Reality
CHAPTER-9: False Pretences
CHAPTER-10: Sleep Deprived
CHAPTER-11: Bestfriends
CHAPTER-12: The sleepover
CHAPTER-13: The Phonecall
CHAPTER-14: The unwanted help
CHAPTER-15: A crazy day
CHAPTER-16: Daddy Issues
CHAPTER-17: The love at first flight!
CHAPTER-18: The German Holiday

CHAPTER-5: While she was asleep...

168 7 0
By AnkitaGr8

"I don't think she's gonna make it! It's all my fault! I literally drove my best friend to her death! Why doesn't anyone just drive a stake through my heart for doing this to her? I deserve to die!" Sam heard Anna shout loud...or maybe cry out loud..she couldn't pretty much make out clearly.

"Sh sh sh Anna....It's gonna be okay...everything's gonna be fine!" she heard that Alex guy, trying to calm Anna down.

"No Alex! She's gone! And that too...because of me, her best friend! I deserve to die Alex! I do! I killed her! I kill..." Anna broke down.

"Anna! Anna! Look at me! It's not your fault! Sam is gonna be fine! Trust me. She is going to wake up and you will be here to see her wake up! Okay?" said Alex.

As per what Sam could understand, the guy was pretty convincing...rather Sam started feeling better right after he gave that "oh-so-fabulous" lecture to Anna. Sam wanted to meet him, get to know him as a very strange thing had happened to Sam in the past few days she'd spent in the hospital - Alex's voice had become music to Sam's ears...she felt comforted whenever she heard him speak..but most was all just the sedatives that did the talking in Sams' head.

Sam was very adament when it came to relationships. She didn't want to be in a self created "muck" that most people who fall in love get caught in. She had been asleep 24/7 now for at least the past six days and had all the time in the world to think about all sorts of things that she'd put aside during all the busy work - schedule of hers. She thought about unicorns, ice cream, flowers, Shelly, Anna and.....Alex. She'd pictured Alex to be some Greek God who could control emotions by speaking in his "oh-so-hot" voice!

"Eww!! Did I just think that?" she thought to herself when suddenly...she heard the door open and some qiuck footsteps fast approaching her. The man touched her forehead with his fingers...and she could feel immense if someone was giving her a shock! She felt like shouting but she felt as if her lips were sealed. She wanted to cry out loud...but she couldn't. Then she blacked out.

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