Pick and choose || VAV x read...

Von jwthinker

576 15 16

Y/n. An ordinary person with an ordinary job. It was true nothing quite stood out about the smiley fellow, th... Mehr

Invite To Ruin A Life
Knock Knock
"Can't sleep either?"
Where I've been (NOT AN UPDATE)
You Can't Teach An Old Dog New Tricks
Yeah, I thought so too

Breakfast With A Side Of Awkward

34 2 3
Von jwthinker

"I wish I could just disappear."

𝘛𝘶𝘣𝘣𝘰𝘸𝘰_ 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴



There's some drinking in this chapter, so please if that makes you uncomfortable
skip that part, I'll mark the part when it comes. <3


My cheeks burned a bright red as he didn't back away. But as he did take notice of my terribly flustered state, he quickly acted on it, moving himself closer, a smirk tugging at his lips, "Do I make you flustered, hm?" He whispered without any care of the affect he had on me, I didn't want to reply to him, the thing I was most worried about currently was someone else seeing what was going on. I for one, didn't want that to happen, "Did you assume I'd be all shy just because I didn't want to see you?" Well. What did he want me to think? "I'm sure you did, but just know now that you've met me, I won't miss an opportunity to poke fun at you." He smiled lightly, before releasing his grip on me.

It'd seem almost right that the people who surrounded the table hosted a completely awkward silence, which they did. Only making my already awkward state, more awkward then it had to be. Baron cleared his throat, "Let's just forget that happened. It doesn't mean anything anyways."

"You literally were sharing a bed, and not to mention a blanket, with the person you so desperately didn't want to see, it'd be stupid of us not to be in shock." Ziu stated quietly, tapping his fingers against the wooden table,

"Well they couldn't sleep, neither could I, so we watched some shows and movies. It means nothing." Ziu's fingers didn't stop tapping, the pace slowly increasing.

"And the blanket?" Ziu raised his eyes to meet Baron's, the tapping finally coming to an end.

"Meant nothing. We were just cold." Ziu's fist slammed on the table, and I slowly lifted my head to take in the scene before me.

"Are you kidding me!? WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST GET ANOTHER BLANKET!?" Baron kissed his teeth,

"Mm well, there was no other blanket in the room, and I was too lazy to get another." Baron looked up at his now standing, clearly mad friend. "Sit down. You're acting like a child." Ziu let out small mumbles, showing disinterest in talking to Baron any longer, before sitting back down.

The rest of the breakfast was spent in silence, sometimes one person sparing a glare to another. Which made total sense, they had seen their friend with the person no one expected him to be with, and now, they had just had a mini fight at the table.

After everyone finished they went their separate ways, upstairs, downstairs, in the living room, everyone had scattered around the large cabin. But one thing everyone did was they avoided saying anything to Ziu, not wanting to fuel the fire already burning bright inside him. My eyes scanned over the room, not sure where to go. I saw three people in the living room, Baron, Jacob, Ace. One in the kitchen, St. Van. Lou was getting his stuff to go outside, meaning there could be either 1-2 people, both upstairs or downstairs. 

Where will you go?
(this choice WILL affect later story options,
and will limit you off from some things. Think hard about it.)


(drinking soon! There're not going to be to accurate, I'll try to make it a funnier play out)

Option one, go to the living room:

I took towards the living room, taking the empty spot beside Ace. After a bit of watching TV in silence, Ace leaned over to me and whispered, "I told you not to." I didn't face him, I couldn't, he was too close, "Now they're mad at each other." I sighed, whispering back,

"It'll blow over eventually, they won't stay mad forever."

"Have you met Ziu? I mean you say he's your best friend, but can't seem to remember the fact he holds onto grudges for a long time."

"No, I know. But Baron is his friend, he never holds grudges against his friends,  he'll be mad for a couple hours, a day max, then he'll be fine again." Ace moved back, giving a small nod,

"I suppose so." Ace smiled, before returning to his normal voice, "I'm bored," He pouted, looking to the boys, "We should play a game." His smile returning, "Sit." He patted the floor, and we all took a seat by him, when I looked to see if I could ask anyone else to join, no one was there but St. Van, although he looked all too busy, so it was just the four of us. He clapped his hands together once, earning all of our attention, "So, I was thinking we could play a little truth or drink spin off, so instead of truth, it'd be dare or drink. It'd up the antis." They all nodded, agreeing to his idea.

"Actually," I spoke out, "I don't drink."

"That's alright Y/n, you'll just play it as normal truth or dare, we don't want to force anything on you." Ace placed a pat on my shoulder. Then the game begun, after rounds upon rounds and the boys getting completely drunk, we decided only a few more rounds would be the best choice. So I sucked it up, and decided to deal with the drunk boys on either side of me, they weren't completely out of it, not yet at least, "Okay *hiccup* I think w-we should.. Last round." Ace was just about to pass out then and there.

"Yeah, good idea." I said, not wanting this to go much further.

"OkaYyyYY aCE hehe, tha- *hiccup* that's a funny nAmmmE." So Jacob was a goofy drunk, noted.

"Hey d-ude.... I'll beat you u-up."

"TrY mE sTupiD name bOY..!"

"Guys seriously? Just give him the dare so you can all go to sleep."

"OKa- *hiccup* OkaY PreTTy peErSooN iN tHe LivIng RommmM." He broke into a fit of giggles, "SoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo FunNy nAme MANnnNnNn, hehe kIss TheEe mOSt AtTraCTivE pERsoN in THis CirCCleEe." Without hesitation he gave a response,

"E-asy." He crawled over to me, stumbling along the way. Once he reached me he put a hand on the back of my neck, and one on my hand, which was resting on the ground beside me, "May I?" He whispered softly, I nodded. He moved forward, I stared blankly into his eyes, not sure what else to do, and within seconds our lips collided with one another, the strong scent of alcohol coming off of him made my nose crinkle up, and my eyes tightly close. After some thinking, knowing he won't remember, I kissed back, the kiss started to get heated, then someone threw him off me, "Hey du-dude *hiccup* what the hell."

"HeY FUnnY NAMEd bOy, YoU can'T havE thEM All tO yOUrSelf!"

"Ugh whatever s-tupid man."

"Okay, games over, let's get you guys to bed."

"BuTTTtttTtT pReTTY LiVinG RooM PeRSOn, It'S onLY 1 pmMmMmm."

"I know, but you'll all pass out in the next couple of minutes anyways, so why not just take you to your rooms?"

"They have a point guys." Baron was pretty stable while talking, but he was still completely ready to pass out as well.

"Yup, now let's go, cmon." One by one they went upstairs, in a somewhat stable manner. Baron first, and Jacob trailing behind. Ace however was tripping over his own feet, and stumbling with every step he took. I sighed and moved towards him, intertwining our fingers and leading him up the stairs, and after a few stumbles and trips, we reached the top of the stairs. I didn't stop going to let him try and recuperate himself, we already had a good flow of movement going, and I wasn't going to stop it until we reached his bedroom.

I laid him on his bed, pulling the thick covers over his body. After making sure he was comfortable, I set off towards the door, but before I could, I felt a cold hand on my wrist, making me shiver. "Do-n't go." He whispered, with his eyes closing slightly, he pulled me back, using up the last bits of his, now draining strength. He cracked a weak smile, "Pleas-e stay p-retty living room pers-on." I stared at his half asleep body, which laid in the bed so peacefully. "Please." I sighed,

"Just this once. I'm kinda tired from not sleeping last night anyways." He giggled

"y- *hiccup*" He groaned, "Stu-pid hiccups." I let a smile creep onto my face, crawling into the warm bed beside him. His arm snaked around my waist, and in no time soft snores were audible. How could someone be so... Cute.


option two, go to the kitchen:

There was quite the amount of dishes, since there was eight of us. I figured St. Van could use some help, so that's what I went to do. The sun that broke through the small window by the sink blessed St. Van's features wonderfully, highlighting everything from his stunning jawline, to his amazing eyes. Oh how I could get lost in those eyes, they were so captivating, wondrous, and they made me want to stare at his face forever, that, along with the rest of his lovely features, "Are you done staring yet." St. Van joked, stifling a laugh.

"I.. Sorry." I said, continuing to take in his amazing face that I've never had the chance to appreciate before.

"No, no, I get it I'm just so attractive. Like to the point where you can't keep your eyes off me." He turned his head to me, and I instantly occupied my gaze in another place, my face had warmed up immensely from his comment, and maybe a little from the fact we slightly locked eyes before I turned away, to avoid staring any longer. His wet hand reached for mine, pulling it into the sink, earning him a look of visible confusion, he chuckled, "You came here to help right? So we'll take turns washing and drying. You wash first, I want to figure out what you're better at, and which you can do quicker." I nodded, knowing I wasn't so fast at either.

After a lot of dishes, almost being cut by a knife or two, dropping a fork, and many back and forths, finally it was done. "Well." St. Van huffed, "You tried." I laughed,

"I'm very helpful aren't I?" St. Van joined in on the laughter,

"Aw cmon Y/n, I'm sure you're good at something." I stopped laughing, thinking for a moment.

"I'm pretty good at jujitsu. I also have a few gymnastic skills up my sleeve." And for what felt like the billionth time, he shot me that look, accompanied by that stupid little grin that got to me every single time. How could I fall for someone in such a short amount of time.. "Yah, yah, yah, now you're the one staring." He chuckled,

"It seems so." And as we continued to laugh and joke, I couldn't take my eyes off him, and on the off times when he caught me taking a peek, he'd always say something about it, making my face feel as hot as flames, and go as red as a firetruck.

Eventually it was 4 PM, so we went to the living room, to see a passed out Ace and Jacob, Baron no longer anywhere to be seen. St. Van pulled out his phone, and took a picture, with both of us laughing he sent it to Lou and Ayno, still trying to avoid bothering Ziu. St. Van had told me Ayno had took it upon himself to plan a game night. So we watched a movie while we waited for everyone to get here for game night.


option three, go outside:

I headed for the door, "Lou! I'm coming with you." He nodded, I stared rushing to get my things on so he wouldn't have to wait. After I was done we headed outside, and Lou explained we were going to head to the store, and then go to the heart, as he likes to call it.

As we arrived at the store Lou began to dig in his pockets, looking for something. He pulled out his phone, tapping through a few things, eventually landing on what he wanted. I moved towards the small baskets with handles sitting by the entrance, I looked at him, knowing instantly what I meant, he nodded. I lifted the plastic basket by the two, also plastic, handles, letting it dangle by my side, I ran back over to Lou, as he already started making his way through the isles.

After a while of lugging around the now heavy basket, Lou finally took notice of my struggle, "Do you need me to take it?" I was determined to carry it on my own, they've already done so much for me, and I feel like I look incapable as of now.

"It's alright, really. I'll be okay, it's just a basket."

"A heavy one." He whispered softly, thinking I couldn't hear him.

"Heavy or not, I got this, I'm not incapable of doing things." He sighed

"This isn't about you being incapable Y/n, it's heavy, just let me take it." I shook my head as a no, he continued on, not wanting to keep pushing it.

As we continued, his phone shut off, when he turned it back on it revealed his lock screen, the picture occupying his background made me smile, "You guys must be really close." His eyes remained on the lock screen,

"Yeah. Yeah, I suppose so." He answered, before pulling the list back up.

Lou's lock screen:

It's of him and Ayno :]
(for anyone who doesn't know, Lou has the brown hair
and Ayno has the purple/white hair)

"Only one more thing." He said, moving forwards down the isle, spotting what he wanted, and carrying it in his hands, "Okay, let's go pay." I nodded, walking with the basket hanging by my hip, hitting into it every now and again.

After paying, and getting a few bags to carry the items, we headed out of the store. Lou stared at his phone, giving a random laugh. Whether it was my confused face, or my.... Confused face. He caught onto my confusion, and showed me what had made him laugh on his phone. I chuckled at the picture of Ace and Jacob completely passed out in the living room, "Who even took the photo?" I said, as my laughing slowed,

"Read the contact name." I looked up to the contact name, my laughing picking up once again.

"5 star Michelin?" He smiled,


"So I'm assuming that's St. Van."

"How'd you guess." He joked,

"Oh I don't know, maybe his contact photo is a picture of him? I'm not sure."  He chuckled. I handed his phone back to him and we continued to walk.

"We're here." He says smiling, facing what was in front of us. I looked forward, to catch a glimpse as well. The single snow covered tree that sat on the mountain housed a beautiful tree house, it was so ethereal and delightful. We walked towards it, climbing the spiraling staircase, I couldn't help but smile. It was beautiful, and I could spend all day here.

A while later his phone buzzed, and he opened it up, looking at what it was. He turned his phone off, looking to me, "The guys want a game night, let's get back."

"Alright." I smiled, thinking of how much I enjoyed all of the boys company.


option four, go downstairs:

I headed downstairs, not quite knowing who was there, a shot in the dark I guess? A faint voice spoke, but all words were inaudible. The voice didn't sound like any of the boys though, so I assumed it was a TV, phone, or laptop, something that would give off sound at least.

As I turned past a corner I saw Ayno sitting on the couch, filly immersed in whatever he was watching, blanket pulled over his shoulders, lights off. Almost like a movie theater. A floorboard creaked under my foot, causing him to turn around. "And to whom do I owe this pleasure?" He laughed,

"You can call me Mx (you can replace it with lady or sir if you want, I used Mx since it's the nonbinary term for Mrs and Mr) twinkle bottoms." I bowed jokingly. He smiled continuing to laugh.

"Well Mx twinkle bottoms, would you care to join me?"

"That'd be divine." I held my hand up, then turned it down, to add some more actions to our currently running joke. He smiled, patting the couch next to him.

We sat and watched y/f/s (your favorite show) for a bit, but after some time Ayno pulled out his phone, typing in something, and sending it, "I just told everyone we'll be having a game night at 4, so in another two hours." I nodded, turning back to the TV, and before I knew it, it was time for game night.

option five, go upstairs:

I made my way up the stairs, assuming I'd either run into an angry Ziu or Ayno, since I saw neither of them on the main floor.

After checking in countless rooms I opened the door to see Ziu, clearly sulking. I let out a close to inaudible giggle, which he clearly couldn't hear, with the combination of the soft tone, and the headphones on his head, it was safe to say he wouldn't be able to hear that. "I would kiss you if you gave me the chance." I whispered. Quickly realizing what I said my hand made it's way to my mouth. Did I really just say I wanted to kiss my best friend? Well, no matter, I should probably talk to him.

I walked up and sat beside him. His eyes staying trained on the floor. "Do you like him..?" He said, his eyes finally meeting mine.

"I don't know." I said softly, breaking the eye contact to look down to the floor.

"Y/n." He pulled my attention back to him, instead of the floor. "If you do like him please just tell me, because I can see how he looks at you. So if you like him as well.... I don't want to ruin that for the two of you." His eyes turned to the ground this time.

"No Ziu it's not that it's just." I sighed, "I just got here and there's so much happening, and I don't know what to feel right now." He nodded,

"I get it. But, once you make up your mind, just let me down easy hm?" Let him down easy? What? Does he like me?



"What did you mean."

"You need to be a little more specific than that." I took a deep breath.

"What do you mean by 'let me down easy'?" He looked back up at me, our eyes meeting for the third time.

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Not really, that's why I'm asking."

"Y/n... I like you. I've liked you for years, and I've never stopped." He sighed, "So please, if you figure out you like him in the end, let me down easy." I nodded and he pulled me into a hug, which we both just silently enjoyed.



word count: 3386


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