
By midnight-disaster

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“Most women died seventeen years ago when The Disease came. But I didn’t. I survived. And I’ll keep on surviv... More

Author's Note
Character Pronounciation
Chapter 1-Noises in the Dark
Chapter 2-The First Encounter
Chapter 3-Deception
Chapter 4-The Fire Calls
Chapter 5-Don't Go
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9-Regrets of a Madman
Chapter 10-Welcome To Tenebra
Chapter 11-Morals
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23-Unknown Being
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 12

7.6K 294 27
By midnight-disaster

You guys are gonna be mad at me when you read this :'( IT HAD TO BE DONE!!! :(

And just a warning, it does get a bit icky, so if you really don't wanna read the sexual stuff (I don't think it's as bad as last time since I don't describe it that much), then just stop reading at "You will regret mocking me little girl" or somewhere around there and skip to Amias' POV and I'll do a brief overview of what happens in the chapter :)

Chapter 12-Azula's POV

“You think to disobey me too?” Reynolds growled, glaring down at my hand on his arm. I quickly dropped it, but the damage had already been done. The enraged Alpha began to advance towards me with the grace only a predator could have. I backed away.

                “Alpha Reynolds, let’s just be reasonable about this,” I said, somehow managing a calm voice.

                “Reasonable? You’re all disobeying me and you expect me to be reasonable?”His voice was suddenly deathly quiet, and so cold, it sent shivers down my spine. His eyes were feral. They looked so much like a crazed animal that it made me feel slightly sick.

                “Answer me!” he yelled. He was so close now. When he shouted, his spittle went flying into my face. I flinched, but didn’t move.

                “What’s the matter, Azula? Cat got your tongue?” His mouth twisted into a cruel smirk. I trembled when his hand shot out and grabbed my hair, yanking my face up. How I longed to swat his hand aside and tell him where to go. But I feared the consequences too much. Never had a seen such a deranged glint in a man’s eyes before.

                “Alpha Reynolds, don’t take your anger out on the girl,” Dobry pleaded, his green eyes wide. “This has nothing to do with her.”

                “It has everything to do with her,” Reynolds retorted, his grip on my hair tightening. I winced. “Nothing’s been as it should since she got here,” Reynolds continued, his eyes never leaving mine. Little lightning bolts of green were eating up the blue of his eyes, but he seemed unaware of his wolf being so close to the surface.

                “You’re the one who fucking dragged me here against my will,” I snapped before I could stop myself. My hand flew to my mouth in an attempt to take back my words, no matter how true they were.

                As soon as the words left my mouth, Reynolds’ eyes flooded green. If that didn’t give away his rage, my suddenly stinging cheek did, as well as the tension thrumming through his body. Some of the men released a few quiet gasps.

                I stared at Reynolds in shock, my fingers brushing over the sensitive skin on my face. How had he managed to move so fast? Before I could even make a sound, he used my hair to tug me so I was standing behind him.

                “Brothers, I need some time alone with the female,” Reynolds ordered. He didn’t raise his voice, since all eyes were on us anyway. I wouldn’t have been able to cut through the silence with my claws, it was so thick.

                “All of you; leave now,” he commanded. I heard the hum of Alpha dominance in his voice, ensuring their compliance. “You may only return here when I howl. Do you all understand?”

                A chorus of, “Yes, Alpha,” filled the clearing as people began to depart. Many looked back at me with pity or sympathy in their eyes. A few even looked guilty, like they knew they were doing something wrong by leaving me with him.

                Dobry was the only one left. His face displayed no struggle at disobeying his Alpha’s direct command. In fact, if it wasn’t for his tightly clenched fists, I never would have guessed that he was even distressed.

                “Reynolds, think about what you’re doing here,” Dobry urged. He backed up a bit when Reynolds snarled, clearly more animal than human. He held his hands up in the surrender position, trying to convey that he meant no harm.

                “If you don’t leave now, I’ll hurt her more than I’ll ever mean to,” Reynolds threatened. It sounded like there were two people talking. One of the voices was deep and guttural, and resembled a growl so much, I could barely understand what was being said. His wolf and him were both speaking, I realised.

                Dobry and Reynolds stared at each other before Dobry finally bowed his head, not looking at me.

                “You’re going to regret this, Alpha Reynolds,” Dobry warned. I could have sworn he muttered something along the lines of, “But not as much as me,” before he loped off into the forest. A few moments later, a sorrowful howl pierced the forest.

                “You think to turn my pack against me?” Reynolds asked as soon as he was gone, yanking my face closer to his. My eyes widened. Frantically, I shook my head. He allowed the movement.

                “Liar!” he roared, backhanding me. I fell to the floor as the shock of pain numbed my body. I gazed up at him through my knotted hair to see his whole frame vibrating, desperately trying to hold back his wolf. After a few deep breaths, the trembling calmed, but his eyes retained their crazed glint.

                Slowly, I sat up, cradling my cheek. Tears stung my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. I would not appear weak. I wouldn’t. Of all the things I was, weak was not one of them.

                A growl escaped my lips before I could stop it. Mahina rose up inside me, fighting for control. Fighting to show that we would not be dominated. I felt my eyes flash dark blue.

                Before I knew what I was doing, I was on my feet and attacking. My nails sharpened to claws as Mahina controlled me, sinking into Reynolds’ shoulders. I grinned when I drew blood. I kicked him hard in the stomach with all my strength. He flew back a few feet and landed with a loud thump, a startled yell bursting from his mouth.

                He was up before I could blink, coming at me with unrestrained fury. It was a fury I was more than willing to match.

                Our growls filled the air as we collided once more. My sharpened canines sank into his shoulders, a purr rumbling in my chest when he howled in agony. He threw me off him, but not before I shook my head, tearing into his flesh like it was food.

                Before I could get up, he was on me. His legs were on either side of my hips, the weight of his body stopping any movement in my legs. I managed to land a stray punch to his jaw before he pinned my arms either side of my head.

                I was trapped.

                My chest heaved up and down as I panted. Aches and pains were starting to make themselves known all over my body and his bruising grip wasn’t helping, the burn of it healing not quick enough for my liking. I glared up at Reynolds with hate in my eyes.

                “Looks like there’s no one left to save you, Azula,” he whispered. The horrible stench of his breath sent a wave of revulsion crashing through me. Our eyes connected long enough for me to see burning intent before his gaze lowered to my body.

                “Sweet, innocent Azula,” he murmured, switching both of my hands into one of his. His other hand burned a trail down my side to my hip, his fingers digging in painfully. I bit my lip to stifle my cry.

                “Get the fuck off me,” I said through gritted teeth. Fear pounded through me from his caress. What was he going to do to me? In this position, I couldn’t even stop him...

                “You think to order me?” he asked. His voice held a quiet thunder. His grip tightened to the point of agony; I could barely feel my fingers.

                “You are mine to control,” he roared. My ears rang. “You’re my pet, my plaything. You will order me to do nothing.”

                His words only served to anger me more. Damn the consequences to the fiery pits of hell. The Moon Goddess didn’t create me to be a fucking submissive!

                “I was never yours,” I screamed back. “You want to know why your people are questioning your authority? It’s because they’ve probably woken up and realised what a shitty Alpha you are!”

                Instantly, his hand was at my neck, cutting of my air supply. My face turned red. My eyes blurred with tears.

                “Take it back,” he ordered, pressing tighter. I shook my head.

                He held me there for a moment longer before releasing me, an awful glint appearing in his eyes.

                “You’ll regret mocking me, little girl,” he said. His voice was eerily calm, a contrast to the wildness of his eyes and body language.

                He leaned down and brushed his lips against mine. Nausea made my stomach clench. My frantic struggles increased. He didn’t even bat an eyelid.

                When he drew back, I spit in his eye.

                “Don’t touch me,” I snapped, eyes flashing. Mahina howled inside me.

                ‘How dare he touch us?’ she fumed. ‘How dare he do this to us?’

                “I’m merely claiming what’s mine,” he whispered, a shadow of a grin gracing his features. “In more ways than just this,” he added, his voice so soft I barely caught the words. My fear increased to frightening levels.

                His lips crashed to mine before I could reply. They were rough, demanding. Bile rose in my throat.

                He rocked his hips against mine, a groan tearing from his mouth. He rested his forehead on mine. I closed my eyes against the violation as he did it again and again. My whole body went limp, my will to fight gone. Why wage a war when you know you’re going to lose? I opened my eyes, gazing bleakly up at the sky, hoping against all odds that someone would come and save me.

                When he brushed the head of his manhood against my opening, I snapped out of my lethargic state, my struggles renewed in strength.

                “Let me go! Let me go!” I shrieked, thrashing. All it did was make him rub more intimately against me. “Please help me,” I sobbed, too panicked to stop the tears from falling. “Please, someone. Anyone.”

                I yelped in anguish as Reynolds thrust inside me, filling me to the hilt. Pain unlike any I’d ever known consumed me from the inside out. The smell of my blood filled the air. I was in hell.

                He continued to rock into me, using me in the vilest of ways. Sweat covered his body, his face twisting in ecstasy as the searing pain went on and on.

                As his moans went on and on, I realised. I was alone. I was utterly alone in the world, and no one was coming to save me.


Amias' POV

I must have blacked out from the pain at some point, because the next thing I knew, I was woken by the sound of quiet sobbing and grunts. Immediately, my body was thrumming with tension. I was on my paws in an instant.

                The stench of arousal was strong in the air, burning my nose. What the fuck was he doing to my mate?

                “Please stop. Please,” she whispered, her voice filled the pain of a dying army. I felt my heart clench in response.

                Before I knew what I was doing, I was running head first into the barrier of the circle, the anguish secondary to my need to slaughter anything that hurt what was mine. The pain brought me to my knees, trying to cripple me. Trying to make me give up.

                Growling, I forced my shuddering frame up and into the barrier again, those horrific grunts spurring me on. A whine escaped my lips as I was felled once more. My whole body trembled, my muscles as weak as a baby bird.

                “Please help me,” Azula cried. My heart broke into a thousand pieces at the pure agony in her voice. At the defeat. Like she’d accepted the fact that no one would save her, but couldn’t help but hope anyway.

                It was then that I lost it.

                No longer did I care about Alpha Reynolds touching what was mine. No longer did I care about proving myself to Azula. All that mattered to me now was never having to hear those sorrowful cries of hers again. Someone as beautiful as her shouldn’t be in so much pain. I realised I would rather die than ever hear her crying.

                This time when I threw myself at the barrier, bracing myself for the familiar pain, I flew right through it like it wasn’t even there.

                I didn’t waste time marvelling at the impossibility of it. I simply charged out of the cave, leaping straight through the fire as if it were nothing more than water. The burn was fleeting compared to the desperation I felt inside.I rolled around on the ground for a few moments to put the flames out before looking up.

                My vision turned red at the scene that greeted me. With a menacing growl, I attacked.


Amias ----->

Overview: Azula and Alpha Reynolds fight. Azula gets trapped beneath Alpha Reynolds, but she still mocks him. He loses it and rapes her :'( Then it switches to Amias' POV. He hears her sobs when he wakes up and suddenly, nothing else matters to him except for making sure she's safe. His intentions then become completely pure (think back to Dobry's chant when he was locked in the wolf's bane circle in the first place) and he was able to break through the wolf's bane circle. He sees what's happening and attacks. 

Well. That was certainly an eventful chapter, huh? I was SO SAD writing this! I was like, nooooo, Reynolds WHYYYYYY?!!! But it had to happen so Amias could break free. D: More on the fight scene between Reynolds and Amias next chapter :D Now that I'll enjoy writing ;D 

Vote if you hate Reynolds and think he should go die in a hole :D

Comment for the chance to get a dedication (I'll be dedicating to random commentors until I say otherwise). Also, do you think this chapter is alright? Like the other one, I'm really insecure about it. I don't usually write icky romance scene things, so I'm not sure how I did. Writing it now is more an experiement of sorts to see if I actually can write it. So let me know how I did :)

And oh my goodness, Black Veil Brides released their new album recently and I can't get In The End out of my head >.< That one and New Year's Day :D Just thought you guys would want to know that ;) Haha

Until next week, you awesome people :) xoxo

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