Respect | S. Rogers [1]

By -MagicWords-

29.6K 796 295

Respect /rɪˈspɛkt/: admiration felt for someone or something; politeness, honour and care showed for someone... More

14 | ALONE
27 | 1949


532 19 14
By -MagicWords-

May 2012

SHIELD Helicarrier

After Tony had finished refining his suit, they suit up. Steve had gotten Agent Romanoff and Barton, the former claiming the Loki influence in the latter was gone, so part of the team that Fury had picked out for the Avengers Initiative was ready to leave and defend the world.

The two sets of best friends walked towards a jet, where one agent was working. The man stood up saying: "Hey you guys aren't authorized to be in here."

"Son, just don't," Steve told him in a warning. Soon enough the man left and Romanoff and Barton prepared themselves to drive the jet.

Rosemary, who was holding back her amused smiled looked up to Steve beside her. "You know, just because we're supposed to be old and wrinkly, doesn't mean we have to act like it."

Steve looked away in embarrassment. "Shut up."

Stark Tower, New York

Tony had arrived as Iron Man to his penthouse, casually walking down the gauntlet that started to take off his suit, he did own the place after all. Going to his bar, Loki walked inside the building as well.

"Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity," the god of Mischief said.

"Uh actually, I'm planning to threaten you," Tony said coolly as matter-of-fact.

"You should have left your armour on for that."

"Yeah, it's seen a bit of mileage and you've got the uh, blue stick of destiny. Would you like a drink?"

"Stalling me won't change anything," Loki told him.

"No, no, no! Threatening. No drink? You sure? I'm having one," Stark said nonchalantly in his elegant fashion.

"The Chitauri are coming, nothing will change that. What have I to fear?"

"The Avengers," Tony, ready to serve himself a drink, informed confusing Loki. "That's what we call ourselves, we're sort of like a team," he explained, "'Earth's mightiest heroes' type of thing."

"Yes, I've met them," Loki smiled smugly.

"Yeah," Tony smiled dryly with a slight scoff. "It takes us a while to get any traction. I'll give you that one. But let's do a headcount here: your brother, the demigod; a decades-old trained spy with cool powers; a super soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend; a man with breath-taking anger-management issues; a couple of master assassins and you, big fella, you've managed to piss off every single one of them."

Until now Tony had been playing with the elements at the bar, distracting Loki, since that plan was working and wasn't facing him for the moment, Tony put on two bracelets that would send one of his suits that JARVIS was preparing to him.

"That was the plan."

"Not a great plan. When they come, and they will, they'll come for you."

"I have an army," Loki pointed out.

"We have a Hulk."

"I thought the beast had wandered off."

"You're missing the point," Tony shook that truthful statement off. "There's no throne, there is no version of this, where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure we'll avenge it."

Loki who was slowly walking up to him, with his sceptre in hand stopped before him. "How will your friends have time for me, when they're so busy fighting you?" The god tapped Stark's chest clinging with the arc reactor. He looked to him bewildered, he was supposed to be under his control now. He tried again and nothing happened. "This usually works."

"Well, performance issues. It's not uncommon," Tony explained casually, slightly anxious as his suit still wasn't ready. "One out of five—" Loki grabbed him by his throat throwing him across the room in anger.

"Jarvis, anytime now," the genius told his AI.

Grabbing his throat again, Loki muttered: "You will all fall before me."

"Deploy! Deploy!" Tony managed to choke out before Loki threw him out of the window off the building, shattering the glass.

As Tony was falling down to the ground, a red pod came out of the building. Its laser recognized the bracelets' signals on Tony's wrists right before transforming into a suit that latched onto him just in time to avoid falling to his death and onto the passing people.

Now as Iron Man, Tony shot up to Loki's level. "And there's one other person you pissed off! His name was Phil." He sent a blast of energy to him with his suit as the portal powered by the tesseract opened creating a black hole with electric blue streams in the sky.

As an army of aliens came through the portal invading the city, the quartet neared the place.

"Stark, we're on your three, heading northeast," Agent Romanoff, Black Widow told him.

"What? Did you stop for drive-through?" Tony asked sarcastically, they were late. "Swing up Park, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you." Soon enough a group of Chitauri came in the view of the quinjet who were shot down by Romanoff.

Clint piloting the jet flew them to Stark Tower aiming at Loki, who in response fired a blast of energy from the sceptre making the transport twirl. As they dropped out of the air spinning, Rose and Steve had to grab onto the jet so they wouldn't fall. The place shook as they slammed into the street.

With weapons in hand, except for Rosemary who kept in on her holster, they got out of the quinjet to the torn-up street ready to fight.

"We got to get back up there," Steve said as they jogged towards Star Tower, freezing at the sight of the big hole in the sky whilst the rest of the civilians were running away. Some sort of leviathan-chitaturi gigantic creature came out of a wormhole, moving as it was floating.

A primal growl was heard and as the creature passed over the quartet, more Chitauri—these looking more person-like, barely— started coming out of it.

Rose stared stunned at the aliens, never in her life imagining such a scenario occurring. More Chitauri zoomed in on top flying vehicles.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Captain America asked him.

"Seeing, still working on believing," he told him. "Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" he asked making the team frown in confusion.


"Just keep me posted."

After a run-up of the team trying to see how to tackle the situation, Steve came back. "We've got civilians still trapped," Clint said to him.

"Loki." They saw a bunch of Chitauri with Loki attacking civilians firing what looked like blasts of energy. "They're fish in a barrel down there," Steve commented.

"We need to go," Rose said before a group of Chitauri landed close to them firing.

Natasha shot them. "We got this. It's good. Go," she told the duo.

"Do you think you can hold them off?" Rogers asked Barton whilst Rose was already on the move.

"Captain," he said pressing a button on his bow choosing an arrow. "It would be my genuine pleasure," he told him grabbing his arrow aiming it at a Chitauri before releasing it.

Seeing the two could handle themselves, Echo and the Captain jumped down to the street below, avoiding the blasts sent their way by the invaders.

They avoided civilians and fought the aliens when needed. They saw a group of police officers with their cars on the street and headed towards them.

An officer went to his sergeant saying: "It's gonna be an hour before they can scramble the National Guard!"

"National Guard?" An explosive was thrown at them. "Does the army know what's happening here?" the man said incredulously.

"Do we?" At that moment the best friend duo jumped on the car in front of them, receiving weird looks from the officers, probably because of their outfits.

"You need men in these buildings. There are people inside and they're going to be running right into the line of fire. You take them to the basement or through the subway," Captain America told them.

Agent Thompson continued the instructions. "You keep them off the streets. We need a perimeter as far back as 39th," she said pointing at the street and then looking down to the policemen, her eyes staying briefly on the younger one who had an uncanny resemblance to Daniel Sousa.

"Why the hell should I take orders from you?" the older officer asked them.

A explosion sounded behind them before two Chitauri soldiers attacked them. Cap blocked a blast with his shield and the aliens jumped landing beside them.

With ease, Steve fought one as Rose fought the other. Echo sent an ear-piercing sound into the alien's head, pleased to know it was affecting it as any other human. Somehow she managed to weaken it as she sent a kick to its hand that was about to point the weapon at her. The weapon was released from its hand just when the energy shot came out. She hit Chitauri with the spear, throwing it off the car and then sent a blast of energy with it successfully killing the soldier.

Behind her, Captain hit the other one with his shield. Another Chitauri had appeared and he pushed it to the ground. When it recovered and jumped back he grabbed its weapon, slicing its hand off with his shield, with the same hand he hit the Chitauri away while his other hand grabbed the alien's weapon.

A couple of others were approaching them and Steve used the gun to shoot an energy beam at them whilst Rose used sound waves to throw them back, together sending them into an upcoming Chitauri vehicle, the collision causing an explosion that terminated them all.

Without seeming to have broken a sweat, both turned to each other with a satisfied nod. It had been the first time fighting together, working with each other, and for the first time, they seemed to work seamlessly as if one had been the extension of the other.

After watching the two people gobsmacked who remained unscathed after fighting the creatures, the Sergeant turned to his officers ready to follow their commands.

"I need men in those buildings. Lead the people down and away from the street." He grabbed his walkie to speak through the radio. "We're going to set up a perimeter all the way down to 39th Street."

With that taken care of, Steve and Rose joined back the other set of friends, who after saving a group of civilians were getting outnumbered. They continued fighting the Chitauri. Echo used her powers to throw them back as she used the energy rifle she had acquired, considering it would be more effective than using her earthly gun. Still, they had more aliens coming at them.

Conveniently, lighting stroke on all the near soldiers that convulsed falling dead to the ground as Thor landed among them on the ground, using a wrecked car to steady himself since he could recover perfectly after being stabbed by his brother.

"What's the story upstairs?" Steve asked him.

"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable," Thor told them.

Through the coms, Tony added: "Thor is right. We gotta deal with these guys."

"How do we do this?" Agent Romanoff asked.

"As a team," Steve replied directing it to all of them.

"I have unfinished business with Loki," the brother of the god said.

"Yeah, get in line," Clint added pissed at Loki as he prepared more of his arrows.

"Save it," The Captain told them. "Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him, these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us..." he trailed off at the sound of a motorbike.

Dr Banner arrived.

The doctor got off looking at them. "So, this all seems horrible."

"I've seen worse," Natasha told him, reminiscing their encounter after the helicarrier was attacked when the Hulk was chasing after her.


"No. We could use a little worse."

"Stark?" Steve called him. "We got him."


"You were right," his aunt told him.

"Just like you said," Steve said at the same time.

"Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you." As he finished, he appeared from behind a building a Chitauri Leviathan trailing behind him. Thor snarled spinning his hammer, getting ready for a fight.

"I—I don't see how that's a party," said Romanoff.

The giant Chitauri barrelled down the street creating more destruction; Dr Banner began walking towards it.

"Dr Banner," he grabbed the attention of the scientist. "Now might be a really good time for you to get angry."

He looked back at Steve. "That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry." And with that, he effortlessly started transforming into the Hulk who sent a fist against the monster amazingly slowing it down, creating resistance. At the unexpected impact, the leviathan's body tipped and its armour began falling off, making it possible for Tony to fire tiny projectiles at it.

The projectiles caused explosions forcing the rest of the team to kneel to get cover, Rose felt the shadow of Steve's shield above her and Natasha who was next to her, protecting them from the flying objects. The leviathan's dead body slid onto the street below, making people run away.

At the sight of the big creature getting killed, the rest of the Chitauri screeched in anger, making the Hulk roar.

Finally, together the group of heroes stood in a circle, Rose was standing between Steve and Tony, all of them ready to fight together as a team.

Through the portal, more Chitauris and leviathans started coming into the city.

"Guys..." said Black Widow,

"Call it, Captain," Tony told him.

Already with a plan in his head Captain America began giving orders. "Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal our priority is containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out you turn it back or your turn it to ash."

"Can you give me a lift?" Hawkeye asked Stark.

"Right. Better clench up, Legolas," Iron Man nodded before grabbing the archer and taking off.

"Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You got the lightning, light the bastards up." Thor spun his hammer before thrusting up and flying away. Steve turned to look at Rose and Natasha. "You and me, we stay here on the ground, keep the fighting here. And Hulk... Smash." The green giant smiled pleased leaping into the air to tear up alien soldiers.

As the trio fought the Chitauri getting more tired by the second, Natasha ended another soldier before turning to Steve.

"Captain, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal."

"Our biggest guns couldn't touch it," he commented.

"Well, maybe it's not about guns," she said looking up to the flying chariots used by the leviathans.

"If you want to get up there, you're gonna need a ride."

"I got a ride. I could use a boost though," she said backing up, so she had more impulse.

Cap prepared his shield. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah. It's gonna be fun."

"Be careful," Rose told her. The redhead nodded before running to a car using it as a support to impulse her to jump on the shield, as soon as her feet touched it, Steve strongly lifted her giving her a boost that sent her to a flying vehicle.

Echo kept a pace fighting the Chitauri coming her away. She altered between putting her hand on the alien soldiers' heads, taking advantage of the amount of noise around her to increase the intensity making them feel as if a knife was being stabbed in their head, using their own weapons to kill them, or fighting them with her body.

Steve and she took advantage of fighting together, often pairing up to fight a group of aliens or weakening one of them before letting the other finish them off.

At some point Tony joined them, he released energy from his arc reaction with the boosters of his hands which reflected on Cap's shield, directing the power to the attackers. He left once the nearest group was defeated moving to another fighting zone.

The military arrived and a moment later Barton spoke to them. "Captain, Thompson, the bank on 42nd past Madison, they've cornered a lot of civilians in there."

Steve and she shared a look, their attention diverted to an upcoming group of Chitauri. "I got this," Rose assured him before sending a pungent sound wave towards them.

Steve nodded before talking to Barton. "I'm on it."

She fought the last group that seemed to be coming her way and with the sound around her dissipating she was able to hear a cry.


The sound came from a street down and she ran towards it after grabbing one of the energy rifles. She saw a couple of Chitauri nearing a car where a little boy was hiding. Without thinking she pointed the weapon at one of them, throwing the other to the side with a jerk of her hand condensing the wave, once the creature was on the ground she shot again.

She came to the wrecked car to see the boy, catching a glimpse of a group of people hiding in a store. "Hey, sweetheart, it's okay," she said to the crying child. "You're safe now," he had stopped wailing and had begun to sniffle. "What's your name?" she asked but received silence. "Come on," she extended her arms so he could go into them but the boy cowered back.

"Daddy," he said to her.

"Okay okay, we'll find your—" she stopped talking once she saw the boy glanced to the front seat that was the most destroyed part of the car, seeing the body of a man squashed by the metal. "Oh, kid... okay, listen to me," she said softly. "More of these bad things are coming, okay? I need to get you to a safe place. Do you understand?"

The boy nodded, too shocked to speak further. "Okay—" the nearing sound of footsteps made her turn around quickly grabbing the weapon and throwing a blast at the Chitauri that were getting closer to her. "It's not safe. I know your dad would want you to be safe, so you need to come with me, so you can get back to your family safely." An explosion sounded nearby and the boy jumped. "Hey, you're safe with me I promise," she told him confidently.

The determination in her eyes made the boy who was covered in dust move closer to her and she quickly scooped him in her arms, carefully getting him out of the car. He seemed okay, physically at least. "Alright, come on," she put his face on her chest so he didn't see anything else, but he was already too traumatized, it was worth a try though.

She kept the waves radiating off her body pushing away anything that came too close as she jogged to the store full of scared people. A strike of thunder killed another group of Chitauri that was on the street making it easier for her to get to her destination.

She entered the store eyeing everyone, she didn't have time to study each of them so she just walked towards the person she felt a pull towards, an Asian man in his mid-thirties. "Hey listen, I need you to watch over him, can you do that?"

The man looked at the boy in her hands in worry. "Yeah."

"Okay, after everything settles you get him to a police officer so you can find his family do you understand?" she ordered him with her brows raised. The man nodded. "If you don't do that I'll know, trust me, and I will come and find you," she warned. She tried passing the boy over to him but he clung tighter to her.

"Hey, hey," she grabbed his head gently so he could look at her. She could hear Thor fighting the Chitauri outside the building. "I need to get back out there okay? You're safe here, I promise, I'll make sure of it," the boy held on tighter and was about to cry again. "Now this nice man here will take care of you and will make sure you get to the people that will help you find your family, okay?" the boy shook his head. "You need to be a strong little man, okay? You need to be brave just like you were out there, you didn't want to leave your car because you were scared but you did it anyway, right? You can do this."

She looked him in the eye. "I promise, I will find you to make sure you get home safely, okay? Trust me," she told him, discreetly taking out something he had on his jacket pocket. "Do you trust me?" the boy nodded. "Okay, I need to go."

She pointed her head to the man who just stared at her wide-eyed before he said: "Come here, buddy."

She left the boy with the man, trusting her gut when it told her the kid would be fine. Tying the string of spider toy on her holster in her belt, she ran back out of the store being watched in awe by the rest of the civilians.

"Lady Rose," Thor greeted her when she came up to him. Agent Barton had said that she was helping out civilians by herself and more aliens were approaching, being one of the closest to where she was he came.

She made a funny face making sure he didn't see it, before chuckling softly. "Thor."

The god next to her was drawing attention to himself by taking out so many alien soldiers at a time, making the rest of them angry seeing him as a threat. More Chitauri came through the hole in the sky and a big portion of them landed near them. Thor growled taking out the ones on his side but more kept coming.

Rose stood keeping a distance from them, her eyes going back and forth between the upcoming soldiers that had already seen the group of people behind her and made a move to aim at them with their weapons.

Weighing her options, she took a deep breath before using all the physical and mental strength she had to prepare for what she was going to do next. 

She closed her eyes thinking that the people's safety came first.

"Thor!" she yelled at him and he turned to look at her. "I need you to step back," she said receiving a confused glance, but at her seriousness, he did as told.

Retrieving all the sound particles she could from the cacophony around her and mustering all the ones she could inside her, she held on to all the strong feelings she had: anger, sorrow, frustration, fear, love, as if that could enhance what she was about to conjure.

The Chitauri came closer at them ready to fire.

"Uh...Lady Rose..." Thor said.

Clenching her fists, Echo inhaled and then opened her mouth letting out a sonic scream consciously directing it to the Chitauri, using the movement of her fingers to expand it to the side.

She created such a powerful, deafening, penetrating sound that it tore the cells on the inside of the Chitauri, damaging their vital processes making them fall onto the ground dead.

Her vocal cords stopped vibrating and she was left panting. Behind her she heard and felt Thor's booming laugh, making her laugh once in disbelief at what she had just done.

She was a bit light-headed but was recovering fast enough considering she hadn't done that since 1945. "That was awesome!" Thor said loudly cheering like a child. "Are you okay?" he asked later watching her tired appearance.

She stood up straight, nodding. "I'm good."

And she meant it.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Making sure the perimeter of the street they had been in was safe, Thor and Rose went back to the main street where the group had once stood together.

Thor was holding onto Rose went he landed on the ground next to Steve. "That was awesome," she told Thor. If she had Thor's hammer she was sure she would be using it to fly all the time.

"My pleasure, Lady Rose."

Steve looked at them strangely.

"You good?" Rose asked him, checking if he was injured, he had a few cuts and looked worn down albeit he was still standing, he also wasn't wearing his helmet anymore, he seemed fine nonetheless.

"Yeah, you?"

"Me too."

"I'm good too if any of you were wondering," Thor mentioned making them chuckle.

The relaxing moment was caught off by more Chitauri's approaching. Rose sighed, they just never stopped coming.

They fought the upcoming soldiers, Echo expelling sound waves and kicking when needed, Thor and Captain America throwing their respective weapons. Mjolnir went back to Thor's hand as the shield returned to its owner.

No sooner had Steve taken a hold of the object and hit a soldier with it than he received an energy blast that sent him down. Thor deflected the rest of them with his hammer before he swung it onto a car flipping it towards the group attacking them that got squashed under the vehicle.

Rose glanced at Steve watching him get up before screaming loudly to the small set of aliens, striking them down. Her friend glanced up at her in astonishment.

Thor helped Steve up, the latter holding his side where he had received the impact. "You ready for another bout?" the blonde asked him and Rose.

"What, are you getting sleepy?" Steve asked ironically.

"I can close it!" Agent Romanoff said to the team. "Can anybody hear me? I can shut the portal down!"

"Do it!" Steve told her impatient.

"No, wait," stopped Tony.

"Stark, these things are still coming!"

"I got a nuke coming in." Rose tensed. Who the hell sent a nuke? "It's gonna blow in less than a minute." After a moment he added: "And I know just where to put it."

Widening her eyes she muttered. "Tony, wait a second."

"Stark, you know that's a one-way trip?" Steve noted.

"Tony, don't you dare—"

"It's okay, Auntie." Her breathing quickened as she felt her hands start to shake, she closed her fists calming herself down immediately.

Calm and collected.

"Tony if you don't come back, I'll make sure to throw all your suits to the trash you hear me?"

"Now, that's just mean," he said softly. "I'm glad you got back, Aunt Rosie."

The Iron Man suit zoomed by above them, holding a missile driving it towards the big hole in the sky. Once Tony disappeared from the view, Rosemary's breath hitched.

The Chitauri that were left around them fell dead, so did the leviathans; Rose assumed that whatever Tony had sent the nuke into was some sort of mothership that gave them life.

They waited a few seconds for Tony to fly back but he wasn't showing.

Come on, Tony.

I just got you back.

"Close it," Steve said, they couldn't keep a portal to Earth opened.

"What?" she said urgently. "No! He needs to come back," her voice shook slightly. "Romanoff, I swear to god—" but the portal was already closing. Steve looked at her worried and apologetic.

She felt tears in her eyes. Despite everything she had been through, she refused to believe that life would be so cruel to her still to make her reunite with the boy she so dearly loved whose life she had been ripped away from at a young age only to take him away.

She wouldn't be able to cope if she lost Tony.

Please, she begged whoever was listening.

And someone apparently was, because a second later right before the blue hole completely closed a tiny red figure had come out of it.

"Son of a gun," Steve uttered.

Rose gasped relieved, a smile flickering on her lips. Her smile faded quickly once she realised Tony wasn't flying down but falling.

"He's not slowing down," she said quickly in concern. "Why isn't he slowing down?!"

Thor spun his hammer ready to fly up to get him but the Hulk had already taken a hold of Tony, beating him to it. He jumped down, slowing their speed by sliding down the buildings tearing their surface.  The Hulk then turned around as they both fell so he was the one who took the impact and not Stark.

Hulk threw him off onto the street, Rose and the other two men with her ran up to them.

She fell onto her knees next to her godson whispering: "Tony?" The light in his chest was off. Thor removed the front of his helmet revealing Tony with his eyes closed. "Tony!" she said harshly with an underlying desperation. Please wake up, please wake up, please wake up.

Hulk grunted beside them before roaring startling the unconscious man, awakening him. "Ah!"

As Tony gasped, Rosemary sighed throwing her body over him in a hug, not caring if she was hugging a suit. Hulk roared loader in ecstasy.

"What the hell?" Tony said. "What just happened? Auntie, please tell me nobody kissed me, did you protect my virtue?" Thor and Steve smiled relieved.

Rose pulled away, hitting him whilst glaring. "You stupid man! Don't you ever, " hit," do," hit," anything like that again do you understand me?" Hit. "What the hell am I supposed to say to Pepper? You scared the hell out of me," she scolded angrily hitting him again.

Tony looked at her in slight fear. "Okay, okay, stop hitting me," he said lifting his arms in defence. "I'm sorry. I'm okay. I'm fine, everything's fine. I love you too."

Rose was panting staring at him relieved, nodding. Falling back to sit on the street being watched by the other men and giant who were scared by the fire in her eyes that was already dwindling.

"We won," Steve said after a while.

Tony rested his head on the ground sighing. "All right, yay!" he cheered tiredly. "Hurray. Good job everyone. Let's just not come in tomorrow let's just take a day." With the adrenaline wearing off her body she laid on the ground sore and exhausted. Back in the 70s she never would've done this in a mission, always showing herself to be like steel towards the rest of the agents, always professional. But this had been an abnormal day, so she didn't really care. She deserved it.

"Have you ever tried shawarma?" Tony asked them making a fatigued smile appear on Rose's face, her eyes closed. Steve looked down with a smile at Stark's antics, only he would say that after almost dying, he looked to his right catching a glimpse of Rosemary's expression. "There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is but I want to try it."

"We're not finished yet," Thor reminded them. Rose rolled her eyes while keeping them closed. Loki.

"And then shawarma after."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

The group of five met up with Black Widow and Hawkeye, getting to Tony's penthouse where Hulk had left Loki's battered body after slamming him repeatedly on the floor like a rag doll.

The god in question had been crawling to the stairs, sitting up with difficulty when he felt several eyes on him.

Turning warily towards them, he met with an arrow pointing at his face and the Avengers looking at him with serious —some pissed— expressions.

"If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now."

━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━

I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SM. I've had this written over a month ago, probably almost two and I wanted to publish it so bad. It's finally here!!

I'm kinda proud of myself for this one. There was a lot going on so I hope it was clear 😅

So we have Steve and Rose finally working together, this is the beginning of something great and Rose doing a sonic scream after decades of not doing it because of the guilt...she's come so far 🥺 I really liked the scene with the boy at the car <3 it's a different side of Rose in missions that I haven't really shown.

I hope you liked this chapter <3 Please vote and comment it means a lot to get feedback on the story ☺️

Next chapter is the last one, I can't believe it's almost over omg. I'll upload it next week :) 

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