Miraculous: Game Over

By llailac

265 17 16

"Marinette..." Adrien cupped her face, before pulling her in. They couldn't get enough of each other. A bur... More



39 4 1
By llailac

(A/N: I just watched, Rocketear. I loved it- but I also feel abused bc of all those chat noir scenes... poor Adrien...)

Rᴇᴀᴅʏ Tᴏ Sᴛᴀʀᴛ Rᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ?

Yᴇs      Nᴏ



Freedom. That's all they ever wanted.

But that's never what they got- or what they were ever going to get.


"MAMA!" Marinette screamed, tears coming down her face.  

In normal circumstances, the seventeen year old felt shame for throwing a fit in public.  To her and to most people such scenes were childish and embarrassing.   

But her status with the public made it even more embarrassing.

"PLEASE DON'T LET THEM TAKE ME!" Screams ripped through the young girls throat.

Villagers crowded over there house, peering through the windows to see what was going on.

"I'M NOT READY!" Marinette kicked and screamed as the palace guards seized  her arms.

She gave a throaty sob as they kicked her to the ground, proceeding to tie up her arms and legs.

The rope, burned her skin.  Her ears perked upwards at the sound of her father's desperate voice.

"PLEASE- I'll do anything- we could sell our shop to you- I promise- or-or all of our savings- or-"

She sobbed at the sound of his voice.

At the sound of her pained voice, the villagers got even angrier at the guards for taking her away.

But deep down, Marinette knew that the villagers didn't care about her, they just cared about what she symbolized.

The guards, shoved a white gag down her throat, almost making her throw up.  She chocked on her tears as her screams towards her mother and father were muffled, yet still she was hanging in for dear life.  

She wanted to stay right where she was.  With Alix, Luka, Nino, her parents- everyone.

Her mother gently cupped her cheeks with tears in her eyes too.

"I'm so sorry, Marinette."

The girl blinked back tears. 

Her screams becoming louder underneath the gag in frustration.  She knew that this would be the last time that she would ever see her mother.  She looked into her parent's eyes pleadingly, begging.  Her mom's kind gray eyes- her dad's green-

But before she could treasure anymore last moments with her parents the guards shoved her out of the house. 

The rioters getting more angry by the minute.  She heard her father and mom shouting in protest but it was too late.  She felt herself being pushed into the back of a containment cell in a truck. 

She winced, still sobbing.  Her arms covered in bruises.

She wasn't alone though,

She looked into the other cells to see exactly who she expected; Nino, Alix, and Luka.  

'This- this was really happening. This was really happening. This is really happening.' Those were the only four words going through her head.

As hours passed in the rickety truck as it moved across the land, no one could even bring themselves to speak. Just sniffling from each corner of the four teen's cells.

Nino remained silent in his mind. Tears tracking down his face quietly.

 Alix, to Marinette's surprise was doing the worst out of everyone.  She was always so powerful, but she looked so small...

She couldn't even bring herself to look at anyone. She just pulled her body in and buried her head in her knees sobbing. Cradling herself for comfort, like no one had given her that word before, "comfort".

Maybe it was because no one actually had given her that...

Luka looked down at the floor, shaking his head over and over again in disbelief.  His only thoughts were his sister and his mother that he had just abandoned.  

He saw the guards coming, so to not cause any commotion- he simply walked right out to keep the two of them safe.  

Every step was filled with shame though.  

He felt just like his father- if you could even call him that- he left the family when Luka and Juleka were too young to remember.

Finally, after what felt like hours of traveling in silence, Alix and Nino had both passed out from exhaustion.  Meanwhile, Marinette was also about to sleep when Luka was the first to speak up:

"Hey- we'll get through this- okay?"

Marinette looked up to see him looking at her, offering a weak smile and the same kind eyes she had always grown to know.

 Marinette nodded.  Slipping her hand through the tiny crack of her cell bar she inched her fingers closer towards Luka's hand before clasping onto it with her fingers.  

The two held each other's hands for the rest of the trip until they both eventually fell asleep.


When Marinette awoke they were no longer in the truck, or in cells.  Everything was too hazy.  

She heard Luka screaming in the distance, but all she could do was furrow her brows in discomfort.  

A fluorescent light scarred her eyes, about to shut her eyes tight, a hand slowly caressed her cheek.

She looked up to see a handsome boy with green eyes.  

And then, once again, it was dark.  


The next time she awoke, she stood up, her eyelids feeling heavy, fresh bruises scalding all over her arms.

The rickety platform lurched under her weight, metal against metal; she shuffled forward.

She was in-in some kind of mineshaft-

No... no... that wasn't right.

A harsh buzzing sound filled the tiny capsule. It was like an old computer trying to start up-

'Like an old computer...'


She was in an elevator.  

Sinking to the floor, she pulled her legs towards her body, cradling herself. The girl was too scared to move. The rusted elevator swayed back and forth, making her stomach churn in discomfort.

It looked like it hadn't been used in a long time- a very long time. As the contraption ascended upwards, every jolt made her jump. The pulley, threatening to snap the higher they got.

How did she get here?

The last thing she could remember was-

The elevator shook violently again- a whimper escaped her mouth in surprise as her back struck hard against the metal wall. She winced at the impact, holding herself in her arms even tighter.

Goosebumps were sent down the girl's spine when she heard a distant voice. It was too static right now, but she knew that wherever she was, she was underground.

A solemn ding came from the elevators and the doors slowly squeezed open.

Cautiously, the girl peered up at the figure above.

"Finally, we meet." A voice whispered. 

A voice with the same green eyes.

(Author's Note: HAHAHHA AND SO THE PLOT THICKENS *casually twirls imaginary mustache* Updates frequently☺️🍄💕)

-Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ Cᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ?-

Cᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇ Rᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ?

Yᴇs         No


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