Feral Mate

By Blondes4pits

76K 2.9K 315

What do you do when a child is born more wolf than human? Most packs kill them to prevent them from becoming... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 8

3.8K 155 7
By Blondes4pits

May couldn't help but smile and giggle at how confused and clueless Mora was towards mates. She had asked May how Shaw had smelt her and was clueless that he could smell when she was turned on.

"Is that why his scent gets stronger when he gets harder?" She asked and May nodded smiling ear to ear.

"So what else would you like to know about mates?" She asked curious to see all of what she knew.

Mora thought for a second and shrugged. "I don't know or understand much about mates. All I know is they mark each other and reproduce to ensure future generations. I was never taught anything as no one believed I would have a mate."

May's jaw dropped at this. "Oh goddess, well we have a lot to go over then." She turned and went to a bookshelf and pulled out two large books.

She placed them on the table between the two and Mora looked even more confused. "Alright so this one will explain the mate bond, how it was created, how it works and what it does." She pointed to the larger of the two. "This one is about marking and mating and what each of those entails as well as what to expect after it happens. Now it will also explain what happens if neither of those takes place within a certain amount of time and what to expect. We have a month until the next solstice so that give you and Shaw time to get to know one another and complete the bond before your first heat. The book will explain heat and what to expect. Heat is also the only time a she-wolf can get pregnant and those happen on each solstice so four times a year. Why don't you start looking them over and I'll answer any questions you have?"

Mora nodded curious for more information and began reading through the books. Over the next two hours she asked plenty of questions and was starting to understand more about mates. She frowned when she read males become over protective when the female is pregnant and around the time of heat. If Shaw is not around when a heat occurs she will basically throw herself at the first male to quench it unless she is marked. Even then males can be ravenous due to the scent of a females heat and take her.

She also learned mates once marked can feel if the other is unfaithful but she could not picture herself ever doing something of the sort. Her wolf was picky of males and had never found one of interest until Shaw.

At dinner she was shocked to see her brother with a female. He looked nervous as they approached Mora and Shaw. Shaw placed a hand on her thigh as no one knew how she would react. "Mora, this is my mate Claire, Claire my sister Mora." He introduced the two and Claire looked anxious.

Mora examined the female silently for a few seconds. She looked rather sweet with blonde hair and deep brown eyes. Opposite of her brothers brown hair and blue eyes. "Congratulations brother she looks like a good female. I must warn you however Claire, you hurt my brother I will come after you like a rabid rogue."

Claire nodded her head rapidly. "Never, I'd never hurt him, promise." She spoke just as fast and Mora nodded.

They talked a bit and she discovered Claire was the former Beta's daughter and only child making Marcus Beta once more. She held the position for the past four years helping Bo until she found her mate and he took over. It was an odd but good turn of events.

After dinner Mora and Shaw walked back to their house. She sat down on the couch beside him. "Did you make the list I asked?" She questioned and he chuckled shaking his head.

"No Mora, most of the things I want to know can't be asked its just something we learn about one another as time goes on. For example today I learned you are fiercely protective of me especially if I get hurt. Your eyes also turn a dark red when you get seriously angry and I find it very sexy." He told her and she nodded and shrugged.

"I did not realize my protective instinct would transfer to you as well. I was only like that with my brother and now you. What else would you like to learn?" She asked and he smiled.

"Basic things as well such as favorite color, food, season and simple things." He replied brushing her cheek with his thumb.

"Green, any kind of meat, and fall." She responded closing her eyes and leaning into his touch.

"Mine are red, elk, and fall. Do you have any hobbies?" She hummed and nodded her face softening.

"I cook, it helped give me something to focus my anger and keep my wolf busy." He smiled and kissed her nose.

"You will have to cook for me sometime. I like to make things out if wood and bone. That reminds me," he said standing up and walking into his workshop that he showed her before.

He came back carrying a beautifully carved box with two wolves curled around one another. "I made this a while ago for my mate when I found her, well you. It would please me if you would wear it." He opened the box revealing a beautifully carved bracelet. It was made of cord with different animals carved into little charms. "Each charm is made from the bone of the animal its carved into. It took me a while to hunt them all but it is to show I can not only provide for you but make something as beautiful as you out of our life together."

Mora felt her cheeks get warm and placed a hand on them confused. "W-what is this feeling? My chest feels tight and my cheeks are warm." She explained as he put the bracelet on her.

"That my dear mate is love and happiness. I'm not saying you love me but my actions and words are causing you to care for me more deeply. That is how I feel every time I see you, touch you, talk to you, and kiss you." He told her and she looked up into his eyes.

His green eyes sparkled with an emotion she now identified as love. She had seen people look at each other with that same look. For the first time since he met her Mora's face was no longer blank, angry, neutral or sadistically happy. Her eyes were slightly widened and there was also a lightness there that wasn't there before. Before he knew it she grabbed the front of his shirt and brought his lips down to his.

They kissed and talked for the rest of the night until Shaw fell asleep. Mora's mind was far to busy absorbing all this new information and feelings to sleep. She laid there curious as to these new feelings and all this new knowledge. Even her wolf was silently contemplating all of this. Mora knew she would be unable to sleep so instead she threw on some shorts and made sure Shaw was snuggled up to her pillow before quietly slipping out of the house.

She walked around the territory taking in the peace and quiet. She thought about all she learned about Shaw tonight and all the kisses they shared. She felt her lips quirk slightly and her cheeks warmed a bit thinking about him. She quickly shook that thought as she walked the border. She nodded to the patrol wolves and they did the same.

Suddenly the wind changed and she stopped smelling a new scent. She turned her head as a wolf stumbled towards the border. It definitely wasn't one of their wolves but he smelled like a pack wolf. He looked around wildly as if searching for an escape. Mora cocked her head watching the small wolf as his eyes landed on her. Red met red and she furrowed her eyebrows. Suddenly the sound of more paws came following the small wolf.

His eyes widened and he rushed at Mora. She held her ground knowing this wolf would be seriously stupid to pounce on her. He didn't, instead he darted behind her and cowered while snarling and growling. This wolf was terrified and angry. Mora raised an eyebrow at him before facing the wolves that broke the tree line. A group of six rogues were chasing after the small wolf and now she was on guard snarling.

"Try it I dare you," she growled and the wolves looked shocked to see a full grown feral she-wolf.

They snarled at her as the leader shifted. "Give us back the pup and we may not take you as well." He told her and she just cocked her head.

"Leave while your head is still attached and I am not bathing in your blood." She responded and they all took a half a step back shocked.

She had her usual blank face but inside her body was thrumming with bloodlust. It had been a while since she killed some rogues and she was looking forward to it. "Take em both," the leader said as the other five charged her.

Her sadistic smile came across her lips as she rushed them as well. She drove her claws into the first launching him into two more before gripping the fifth by his throat and the fourth by his tail. She snapped the ones neck before swinging the fourth into a tree snapping his spine. The first one had bled out as she pierced his heart and the other two recovered.

Before they could act she pounced on the one ripping out his throat before stabbing her claws into the seconds stomach and dragging them upwards. The both fell dead as she stood and stared at the leader. He looked like he had seen satan himself and turned to run. Mora picked up a stick and launched it into the air. It came down piercing his heart and sticking into the ground.

The pup was standing in either awe, shock or horror, Mora wasn't sure. "You can shift back now." She said snapping his attention to her.

He growled and she raised an eyebrow. "If I wanted you dead I would've done it. Now shift so we can talk," she told him which only earned another snarl and a snapping if teeth.

She sighed before picking the pup up and slamming him on his back. She did it hard enough to knock the wind out of him and snarled in his face. He fought for a few seconds but eventually submitted to her and shifted. A young boy no older than 12 stood before her. She tossed him a spare pair of shorts that were too big on his scrawny and scarred frame.

"How did you end up with them?" She asked and motioned for him to follow.

"M-My alpha sold me to them about two days ago. They had us fight against each other for fun, raped the females and even some males, they even would just kill us randomly for shits and giggles. I-I managed to get away and just ran for my life." He said and she paused.

"What do you mean us?" She asked looking at the boy.

"Ferals, apparently there is an underground ring where instead of killing feral pups they sell them for cash. The rogues then do what they please with us. Why?" He asked seeing her skin ripple.

"My brother will be here to watch you until I get back. Behave or I will have him throw you in a cage. This pack treats our kind with respect so you respect them." She then grabbed him by the back of the neck and looked him square in the eye. "Protect the pack, this is now your pack."

She took off after linking her brother to come get the boy and handle him until she got back. She followed the rogues scent and as soon as she crossed the bored Shaw woke up. He felt a tug in his chest and noticed Mora was not there. She blocked the link and he panicked and rushed out to find her. He found her brother walking with a young boy.

"Marcus!" He called gaining their attention. "Where's Mora?" He asked and froze seeing the boy had red eyes.

"She went back for the others," the boy said and both males paused looking at him.

"What do you mean?" Shaw asked, "where the fuck is my mate?" He snapped feeling his wolf become angered she left.

The boy flinched and snarled earning a squeeze on his neck from Marcus. "Where is my sister?"

"She went back to the rogue camp I ran from. They have a bunch more of our kind they fight, use and abuse. She went to go save them." He responded and both males froze sharing a look.

Shaw shifted and took off following her scent while Marcus linked Bo. He had May and Claire come deal with the boy as they grabbed a group of warriors and followed after Mora and Shaw. No one was prepared for what they would find though.

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