Death Battle: Issei Hyoudou V...

By KamenAegisWarrior

5.2K 41 79

Two ordinary humans reborn as mighty devils are about to clash to the death. Issei Hyoudou the Breast Dragon... More

Meeting the Hosts and Prelude
Issei Hyoudou Boosts Into DEATH BATTLE
The Demi-Fiend finds his own reason in DEATH BATTLE

Issei Hyoudou VS The Demi-Fiend: Full Fight

2.1K 13 42
By KamenAegisWarrior

Nate: All right the combatants are set.

Tart: We checked all their weapons, armor and skills.

Parker: Now let's end this debate once and for all.

At an abandoned warehouse...

It was a dark night as the sounds of an Owl could be heard in the back ground.

We are seen at an old abandoned warehouse that appears to be forgotten for a long time.

Suddenly though, a red magic circle appears from the ground as Rias and her Peerage along with Irina appeared out from it. They were here due to being on a Stray Devil Hunt.

Rias: Ok everyone be careful. The Stray Devils should be inside that very building.

Rias' Peerage and Irina nodded before the group entered inside. However aa they entered inside there was no signs of any strays.

Rias: That's odd. According to my brother the Strays should be here.

As they looked around Koneko smelled something.

Koneko: I smell blood.

The others followed Koneko to where she was smelling the blood from but when there got there, their eyes widen in shock to see the dead corpses of the stray devils.

Kiba: It looks like someone already beated us to it.

Akeno: But Rias' brother only told us about.

Rias: Search around the place. There has to be a clue on what happened here.

Everyone splitted up to find any clues to figure out on what happened. However they couldn't find anything, as they were about to give up until...

A loud explosion shook the ground as everyone tried to keep their balance.

Asia: W-What was that?!

Xenovia: It sounded like it came from outside.

Rias and her Peerage along with Irina went outside to see what was happening.

They saw a Stray Devil on the verge of death, trying to crawl away but then it was reduced to ashes by a blast.

Rias and her Peerage along with Irina were shocked by the sudden attack but then saw who did so.

Standing right there in front of them was a young man who appeared to be about Issei's age. However he only wore  shorts and shoes. But that was not the strangest part. He appeared to have black and green lines all over his body.

Rias then snapped out of her shock and looked at the stranger.

Rias: Who are you?! Are you the one who killed the Stray Devils?!

The stranger then turned to look at Rias and her Peerage and Irina with an emtionless look on his face as he didn't responed.

Rias: I asked who you are?

The Stranger did not responsed and just looked at her emotionlessly.

Kiba: Um, are we even sure he can talk?

Rossweisse: He did hear what Rias asked him.

Issei: Hey man can you at least say something,

The stranger did not say anything, but instead walked away.

Rias: Wait, we want to ask you something!

The stranger didn't responsed and continued to give Rias the cold shoulder.

Rias: Please it-

As Rias put her hand on the stranger's shoulder she then recieved a punch to the gut which sent her to the wall.

Rias' Peerage and Irina: Rias/Buchou!

Asia and Akeno rushed to help their President up.

Akeno: Are you ok?

Rias: I think so.

Everyone then looked to see the stranger looking at them as he entered a battle stance.

Kiba: I guess he now wants to fight.

Xenovia: It was about to happen anyway.

Issei: Leave him to me guys. I'll beat him.

Rias: Ok Issei, just be careful, he's a strong one.

Issei: Don't worry Buchou, (Looks at the Stranger) I'll make him pay for what he did to you!

Hitoshura didn't know why this boy was going to fight him to defend the red haired girl he punched. But it didn't matter, he had to deal with this new threat.

Issei then summoned his Boosted Gear in his hand and began to boost up while entering a fighting stance.


Issei then disappeared from view and reappeared behind Hitoshura to punch him.

However Hitoshura caught the punch without looking at Issei before punching Issei away a few feet.

However the Breast Dragon Emperor got up quickly and was already back to zero.

Having no other choice, Issei summoned his familiar and flew on it, attempting to stall his opponent and boost. The only problem was that Hitoshura was already in pursuit as he jumped into the air.

Despite being able to multiply his power twice, Ryuuteimaru was inevitably hit by the punch Hitoshura threw which send it to the ground.

Issei jumped off and allowed Ryuuteimaru to retreat.

Issei the fired his Dragon Shot at the Hitoshura but the momment the attack made contact it was absorbed into the Demi-Fiend's body.

Issei: Alright then. Scail Mail Balance Breaker!

Hitoshura then saw his opponents body being covered in red dragonic armor.

Issei: Let's see how you like this.

Issei then boosted his strength and speed before running circles around the Hitoshura as he appeared behind him trying to land a kick but was the kick was punched by Hitoshura aa Issei screamed in pain as he was punched away into a mountain which exploded upon impact.

Soon Issei came back and looked his opponent in shock.

Issei: How are you faster than me?

Hitoshura didn't responed to the Red Dragon Emperor's question. Getting fed up of the silent treatment Issei fired a Dragon Shot to which Hitoshura dodged before Issei appeared behind him and summoned Ascalon to stab the Demi-Fiend.

However Hitoshura grabbed the blade with his bare hand before kicking the Red Dragon Emperor away.

Issei: Alright then, Promotion to Rook!

Issei then dashed at Hitoshura before ready to punch him as he armor grew bigger and bukly as a large fist punched at the Demi-Fiend.

However Issei then looked in shock to see the Hitoshura was still standing and did not appeared to be fazed by the attack.

Hitoshura then punched Issei away before completly blitzing the Red Dragon Emperor and slamming him to the ground.

Issei: Promotion to Knight!

Issei's armor began to shead itself as it became more thinner in appearance and started to dash around the Demi-Fiend as he took out Ascalon II and tried to slash at his opponent.

However Hitoshura deflected the attack before punching the Red Dragon Emperor in the face as he was sent flying into a mountain.

(End Music)

Issei then got back breathing heavily. Why won't this guy just go down?

Ddraig: [Partner, we better stop holding back, or things won't end well for us.]

Issei: You're Ddraig. Its time to get serious.

Issei then flew back to face Hitoshura.

Issei: Alright tough guy, its time to end this. Cardinal Crimson Promotion!

Suddenly a crimson burst flooded the area until it cleared Issei with an new armor that glowed crimson in colour.

Issei then dashed at Hitoshura while boosting his power over and over before having a punching fight against the Demi-Fiend as they punched and kicked at each other while blocking

Issei then tried to do a punch at Hitoshura who jumped back and kicked him away.

Getting back up Issei then boosted his speed to get closer to Hitoshura before transforming his arm into a bulky fist.

However Hitoshura caught the punch knocking Issei back.

Issei now knew he couldn't beat this person with brute strength alone. He needed to act smart to win this.

Issei: Ddraig, are thinking on what I'm thinking?

Ddraig: [I thought you'd never ask.]

Issei then summoned white and red wyverns out of him as the white ones flew to Hitoshura but then...


Hitoshura felt that his stats were decreased but he then however increased back to normal in a split second.

Hitoshura then fired a blast from his mouth but the Wyverns then yelled


The attack was reflected back at the Demi-Fiend, however he absorbed it into his body.

The Red Wyverns boosted up their power and fired at Hitoshura but their attack was reflected right back at them.

Hitoshura saw an openning and went to attack Issei but then...


Hitoshura felt the his strength was then lowered again as Issei punched him away.


Issei now boosted his power enough

Ddraig: [Longinus Smasher!]

Issei then punched at Hitoshura as a huge explosion was made which leveled a state.

(Stop Music)

Issei then sighed and was hoping that was the end of it.


Issei then turned around in shock to see that Hitoshura was there and seemed unharmed.

Issei: B-But how...?

Issei couldn't believe it. Just what was this person. However he snapped out of his shock and entered a battle stance.

Issei: It doesn't matter! I won't lose to you!

Issei's Red and White Wyverns flew at Hitoshura as the White Wyverns tried to decrease Hitoshura's power but it now for some reason didn't seem to work much as it should've.

The Red Wyverns fire their attacks at Hitoshura but they were absorbed into his body as they sank inside like a stone inside water.

Hitoshura's leg shined a orange colour before he lunged forth with a leaping roundhouse kick. This unleashed an equally massive stream of energy lances in his enemy's direction, annihilating every last one of the Wyverns Issei had summoned.

Issei was shocked to see that he had summomed were now gone. But he was able to shake out of his shock and got ready to fight again.

Issei then grew cannons on his shoulders.

Ddraig: [Dragon Fang Cannon!]

Issei then fired the blast at Hitoshura but it was however reflected back the Red Dragon Emperor who screamed in pain as the blast hit him.

As the blast destroyed bits of his armor, Issei was able to regenerate aparts of them before getting back up and glared at his opponent.

Issei then boosted his power before charging at Hitoshura and shaped his fist into a ramming fist.

Ddraig [Soild Impact Booster!]

Issei then punched at Hitoshura, however the said opponent was able to to catch the punch with a single single as Issei was force to stay motionless as he was then freezed by the Demi-Fiend.

Hitoshura had no hesitation to break Issei out of the ice and started to beat the ever loving shit out of the Red Dragon Emperor before making a scythe out of energy which launched Issei into the air where the Demi-Fiend continued to beat the crap out of him before he then entered a motion and then shocked Issei with lightning.

Issei screamed at the top of his lungs of the pain that he was currently going through.

Hitoshura then punched Issei so hard he broke an entire conutry.

Issei soon then got right back.

Ddraig: [Partner, you need to get stronger now.]

Issei: On it.

Issei begins to chant.

Issei: The Crimson Red Dragon dwelling within me, awaken from your dominance

Ophis: The Crimson Heavenly Dragon I possess within me, rise up to become a King and roar

Ophis: The jet-black God of Infinity

Issei: The glorious Red God of Dreams

Both: Watch over the (false) forbidden existence we shall become that transcends the boundaries

Both: Thou shall dance within our radiant inferno!

Soon Issei enters his Pseudo Diabolos Dragon God form as he glares down at Hitoshura.

Issei: Hope yoy're ready for the biggest ass beating of your life!

Issei then moves around Hitoshura but with even faster speeds. However Hitoshura doesn't seem to show any signs of fear of this.

Issei then appears behind Hitoshura before summoning ascalon to stab at the Demi-Fiend, however Hitoshura deflects the attack before summoning a glowing purple blade and slashed Issei into the air before summoning an energy bow and fired an arrow at the Red Dragon Emperor which caused a huge explosion to happen.

Issei however was able to land on the ground safely however Hitoshura was pursuing him as he summoned the purple blade again. This time Issei used his gauntlets to block the attack which sends flying a few feet.

Issei looked to see that his gauntlets were burning with steam. Having enough of this, Issei summons Ddraig to fight alongside him before bringing out his Infinity Cannon.

The two then fired their attacks at Hitoshura as a huge explosion was made which leveled a conteinent.

(Stop Music)

Issei then sighed. Hoping that it was now finally over. He had to really go all out against his new opponent. He was unlike anything he had seen. Issei was almost pushed to his limit but it was now over.


Voice: Death's vastness holds no peace.

Issei heard the mysterious voice as he looked around.

Issei: Who said that?

Voice: I come at the end of the long road, neither human, nor devil.

Issei: What's going on?!

Voice: ...All bends to my will.

Ddraig then noticed something emerging from the smoke.

Ddraig: Partner, you may want to see this...

Issei's eyes widen to see that Hitoshura was emerging from the smoke as eyes flared up in a flash of red before he broke into a nightmarish smirk.

Issei: H-How are you s-still alive?! Those flames burn people until they die!

Hitoshura did not seem to answer as he still had that nightmarish smirk.

Voice: You've served your purpose, foolish Dragon Emperor. Now you will burn like all the rest.

Hitoshura then dashed at Issei with immeasurable speeds before punching him off Ddraig as he was thrown into many mountains.

Shocked and angered by this Ddraig tried to slam Hitoshura but the Demi-Fiend caught his claw and looked put at him before punching the Dragon of Domination away.

Hitoshura then channeled a lot of energy and fired it all at Ddraig who screamed in pain and then dissappeared.

Issei then got back up and saw that Ddraig was no longer there. It was just him and Hitoshura.

Issei: Seriously...Why won't you just die?!

Hitoshura did not respond and appeared in front of Issei before flickering him away into more mountains.

Issei was now coughing blood. This guy was too strong. But he wasn't gonna give up.

Issei then summoned Ryuuteimaru before merging with the said familar to form his Apocaplyse Answer Arms.

Issei: I won't lose! Not here! Not now!

Issei took out his Revelation blades before slashing at Hitoshura, however the Demi-Fiend dodged every slash the Dragon Emperor threw at him.

Issei then tried to surround Hitoshura with his blades however the Demi-Fiend fired blasts around him which immendiantly destroyed the blades shocking the Red Dragon Emperor.

Issei: T-That's not possible!

Issei then saw Hitoshura charging at him so the Red Dragon Emperor used his Revelation Barrier. However surprisingly Hitoshura broke through the barrier and punched the Red Dragon Emperor so hard parts of his armor broke and was sent crashing down to the ground.

Issei was shocked. This person's power. It was too much. And it would make Ophis, Great Red and Trihexa's power laughable. He couldn't beat this person on his own. He NEEDED help.

However it seemed Hitoshura would not give him any chance to call for help as he was charging up a final attack.

Issei not wanting to die like this had to fire his final attack. He then summoned cannons all his body before then firing the Revelation All-Range Blaster at the same time Hitoshura fired his final attack.

The two attacks collided as a massive explosion was made that was so big, it can be seen from space.

(End Music)

There was all but smoke. It was hard to see anything.

Rias and her Peerage with Irina managed to make a barrier just in time to protect themselves from the blast. However they were worried that Issei was ok or not.

Suddenly, they saw a shadowy figure walking out of the smoke.

Rias and her Peerage along with Irina's eyes widen in hope that Issei was still alive.

However when the figure emerged, their hearts sank.

They saw Hitoshura was standing there with red eyes as he gave the group a nightmarish smirk.

As the smoke cleared and there was no sign of Issei, it was soon made clear.

Issei...was dead.


Anthony: OH CRAP!!!

Vert: What's wrong?


Chester: And Fangirls.

Jaune: Oh crap!

Parker: But atleast let's explain on why the Demi-Fiend won.

Tart: Agreed.

Nate: To be honest you guys. This was a one-sided battle. But before we explain on why let's discuss on what Issei had going for him.

Noir: Issei was a smart fighter, and was very used to his abilities. Plus his boosting, summoning, help from Ddraig and armor helped him last that long. If it were up to those factors, the Red Dragon Emperor could've won this.

Ian: Except, this advantages didn't matter much.

Anthony: Agreed. Despite those advantages, the Demi-Fiend had him beat in every other category.

Parker: And this is were we have to debunk some things.

Chester: Right, the Demi-Fiend was actually faster. Issei may be faster than Vali who can move faster than light, however the Demi-Fiend can keep up with Demons, Gods and Angels, who exist beyond time and physics altogether, and can even have universes as extension of their selves. This means the Demi-Fiend can easily blitz Issei a lot.

Ian: And you may argue "What about Kiba? He has Godspeed." No he does not.

Parker: Right, Kiba matches Issei speed which is faster than Vali's which is only FTL in terms of speed which pales in comparrison to the Demi-Fiend's Immeasurable speed.

Noir: Now we have to talk about Issei and the Demi-Fiend's confrontion with Godly beings.

Tart: Issei can fight against Trihexa despite the fact not being able to kill the beast but still keep up with it in a fight. And it is said to destroy the world with a single blast.

Anthony: Impressive, but it doesn't compare to the foes the Demi-Fiend had actually faced. He had faced opponents who causally destroy entire universes for a living. And hell, he went on to fight stronger opponents than that.

Chester: And you may argue "But Issei in the Light Novel is easily Universal+!" No he is not. Just because he can destroy the world with a single blast does not mean he's Universal+. Besides even if he was the Demi-Fiend would still stomp him.

Jaune: But now that we got Strength and Speed out of the way, let's see who has the better abilities.

Parker: Granted, Issei's boosting ability along with his summons, burning flames, dividing and many others were haxed. But they pale in comparrison to the abilities that the Demi-Fiend uses.

Ian: Yeah, if you bring in a Shin Megami Tensei character, you better be prepared to face the haxes that they got.

Nate: Right, due to having a massive surply of Magatama, it means that the Demi-Fiend had a huge surply of abilities and haxes to use against Issei.

Parker: You also may be like "Couldn't just Issei keep boosting his power and dividing the Demi-Fiend's power to grow stronger than him?" No. Besides While Issei can do that, the Demi-Fiend can actually do the same. And he does it BETTER than Issei can. In fact if you be thinking that we nerfed Issei, but it was actually the Demi-Fiend who was doing it throughout the battle.

Anthony: Shin Megami Tensei is not the kind of game where these skills are completely worthless. No, the proper use of stat changing moves can and will mean the difference between life and death. With no real means to counteract these spells, Issei would be forced to endure the entire fight on what was essentially a handicap.

Tart: And while that may sound cheap, its very useful.

Noir: And while you may be thinking that Issei can atleast harm the Demi-Fiend however with the Masakados Magatama in hand and his immeasurable speed, its very unlikely.

Jaune: If you may recall, the Masakados Magatama nulls all types of damage with the exception of Almighty attacks. And while attacks such as the Longinus Smasher and the Pierce may be interpreted as Almighty, Issei has drawbacks using them. The Longinus Smasher can only be used once and its up to Issei to invoke the Pierce. But due to the drawbacks and the Demi-Fiend's immeasurable speed, he wouldn't be able to do so. Plus other attacks such as the Dress Break wouldn't work due to the Demi-Fiend being male. Besides Ddraig is no stranger to the Demi-Fiend as the Demi-Fiend fought and defeated stronger Dragons in the past.

Nate: And while you still may argue let me explain to you. Issei's a bit of an idiot nobody can deny this, and thus he adapted his powers with the kind of mindset of a Shonen perverted protagonist, powers to be a pervert in the case of fighting women, and brute force when fighting men, if power didn't cut it, then more power would, the problem with that mindset is that it has been proven wrong time and time again in his own universe, and it's only because he's had friends that he has come out of it alive, on the other hand the Demi-Fiend has been alone from the start of his adventure, and he couldn't go all Shonen because he was going to get obliterated if he tried, the demons were not his friends, their loyalty was to the strongest, aka the Demi-Fiend, with the exception of Pixie and Dante, the Demi-Fiend had to be smart, strong and ruthless to survive, the Demi-Fiend developed a variety of diferent attacks and defenses, and while Issei can make small underhanded strategies, that is the Demi-Fiend's speciality, then there are things like Masakados, that block everything that Issei can dish. Issei may had strong specialized power, but it was too easy going and thus did not develop as much as he could have because he was given a lot of options  while the Demi-Fiend had strong varied power, that had to improvise and adapt in order to survive. That is why there are not a lot of chances of Issei winning.

Chester: Issei may have been a tough nut to crack and his powers helped him stay in the fight. The Demi-Fiend had the speed, strength, durability, overwelming powers and abilities to come out on top.

Ian: I guess you can say Issei couldn't "Dragon".

Parker: The Winner is the Demi-Fiend

Winner: The Demi-Fiend

+Way Stronger

+Way Faster

+Had better defences

+Had better abilities


+Has fought way more powerful opponents

+Was more willing to kill

=Fighting style

-Didn't use weapons

-Didn't have armor

-Out classed when opponent summoned Ddraig, Ryuuteimaru and Wyverns

     ....Though these disadvantages didn't mean much as they should've

Loser: Issei Hyoudou

+Boosting kept him in the fight

+Had Ddraig, Ryuuteimaru and Wyverns to help in battle

+Armor helped tank most attacks

+Had Ascalon

+Longinus Smasher and Pierce were the only attacks that could harm opponent

    ....Though these advantages didn't matter as much as they should've

=Fighting style



-Masakados Magatama made it hard to damage opponent

-Dress Break wouldn't work on opponent because he was male

-Not as smart

-Did not fight foes as strong as opponent

-Less willing to kill

AN: Here it is people! The full fight! I hope that you've enjoyed it. So...

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