Brawl Stars Ship Short Stories

By mochiquills

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Just a bunch of short stories about brawlers! I've only got a few so far, though I'm open to requests :) More

Brawl Stars Short Story #1 - Colgar
Brawl Stars Short Story #2 - Leondy
Brawl Stars Short Story #3 - Shelly x Piper (Part 1)
Brawl Stars Short Story #3 - Shelly x Piper (Part 2)
Brawl Stars Short Story #5 - Another Colgar!

Brawl Stars Short Story #4 - Sandita

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By mochiquills

Sandy's eyes fixated on the ground as he idly stood in front of the door of Nita's house. His hand shivered as it neared the doorknob's wooden clasp, his boots plastered in snow. His faint footprints were illuminated by a tiny lamplight above him and a curtain of stars that framed the home as if a halo from above.

He held in his mittens but a small gift, wrapped in shimmering red cloth with a glossy gold bow. His breaths came out in light, tiny spurts of steam that danced under the lamplight. Tentatively, Sandy raised his shaking fingers to the door and tapped lightly against it.

The dulled sound of shuffling resounded from the other side of the door, and he heard the sound of slippers beating on concrete before the latch on the door trembled and swung open with a small growl. He at once looked up from the ground, meeting the gaze of Nita.

She was dressed in a simple red frock, her feet clothed in fluffy white slippers. She stared at Sandy quizzically at first, scrutinizing his form. His arms quaked under the tailored sleeves of his pink, button-up jacket, his leggings wet from snow. Adorned atop his head was a flat purple beanie with a star charm. Sandy tucked a few wisps of his violet hair inside it, keeping them from touching the snow.

"Sandy-" Nita frowned, her expression stern. Nonetheless, she grabbed him gently by the sleeve of his arm and pulled him inside. "What are you doing here?"

Startled, Sandy staggered back, his eyes wide and scarlet dabbling his nose. "Ah, I . . ." He remembered that Leon and Bo were sleeping in adjacent rooms deeper inside the house, so he lowered his voice. "I just felt like seeing you."

Nita's stomach fluttered. She grumbled, looking away from him. "B-but it's the middle of the night! Nita was sleeping." Nita pouted.

A flicker of emotions shone in Sandy's eyes, brightened by the flames of Nita's fireplace. A moment passed, and he looked away as well, tugging his scarf over his mouth as if he were anxious. "Right. I'm sorry." He was still, unmoving. After a few seconds, he deflated, his demeanor forlorn as he rubbed at his eyes. Sandy began to walk away, but right before he made it past the door, Nita clutched him by his hands, pulling him closer. Their foreheads nearly touched.

"Wait," She sighed, her eyes still on the ground. Something glinted in them. "Stay."

Sandy felt heat rise to his cheeks, but he didn't utter a word. Nor did Nita. They wordlessly stared at each other, their breaths the only thing filling their silence. Sandy noticed that Nita smelled of dark chocolate and tree bark. He smiled, leaning into her, savoring the moment.

Nita's attention shifted to the gift Sandy was holding. Her mouth slowly went ajar and stars formed in her eyes.

"What's this?" She marveled, snatching it from his hands. Sandy's eyes closed as he chuckled, scratching at his neck.

"Well . . . I wanted to make something for you. Since tomorrow's Christmas." He tentatively put his arm around Nita's shoulder, leading her to the couch. Her eyes, ever bright, were glued to the present. She rapidly shaked it up and down, holding her ear to the box. Once the two of them had settled down, Nita ripped open the wrapping with her teeth. Sandy stared at her tenderly.

Nita hastily thrust her hands inside the box, pulling out two neatly knitted purple scarfs. One of them was roughly Nita's size, knitted in a glittering teal yarn that was red at the hem. The other one was quite large, a dazzling green with white polka dots littered across it. Both scarfs had small star charms on their right sides, similar to the one on Sandy's beanie. Nita stared at Sandy as he slowly took off his mittens, setting them on her lap. Thoughtfully, he lifted the smaller of the scarfs from her hands and wrapped it softly around her neck. Nita's heartbeat flew to great heights, her pupils expanding as she looked at Sandy, wide-eyed.

"It's a scarf that I knit for you. I made one for Bruce too." Sandy trailed off, clasping Nita's hands in his. "Maybe . . . If you'd like . . . You can think of me, whenever you wear it." His cheeks flared red, "I hope it warms you up." He couldn't return her gaze, but he wished he could.

The scarf rested on Nita's neck, still tingling from the time when Sandy had touched it. She ran her hands through it's gentle material, the beginnings of a grin forming on her face. "I love it," Nita's eyes remained locked on his. "But why would you do this for me?"

Sandy didn't speak for a moment. He trembled in apprehension.

"Truth is . . ." Sandy paused, his eyes finally rising to meet her's. His blush deepened, his cheeks a bright red. Sandy's lustrous eyes bore into Nita's. "I . . . I-" He gathered himself. "I really like you, Nita." He twiddled with his thumbs.

Nita's eyes widened. Her lips parted ever so slightly as she stared at him, feeling heat rise to her face. Her hands shook, and as she wondered if she had really heard Sandy correctly, she saw a look of uncertainty and nervousness paint Sandy's face. She opened her mouth, hoping to respond, but nothing came out. Red-faced and shaking, she instinctively leaned over and wrapped her arms around Sandy, who gasped in response, but gradually leaned into her embrace.

"Nita, I . . ." He began, but he couldn't find anything to say. An apology would do nothing to quell his anxieties. What he thought had already been said. Maybe she didn't care about him. Maybe he had hurt her. Ideas flitted throughout his head, so much that he couldn't think straight. What would she see in him? A tired, good-for-nothing, lazy brawler?

His train of thought was cut off when Nita held a finger to his lips. "Shush. It's alright. Nita's alright."

Silence reigned. Sandy couldn't allow himself to move. The warmth of Nita's embrace made it hard enough to think about anything other than her. He wanted to stay like that forever.

Just as Sandy started doubting whether or not their friendship would remain, Nita pulled away from him. "Nita m-might," stammered Nita, "She might like you, too."

Sandy's eyes widened.

NOTE: This was nice to write, for a change! My last one-shot was centered on comedy and long action sequences, so I thought that it would be cool to write something more intimate. Thus, this shot was written. I feel like it's sorta cringey, but writing more of these will help me improve my writing style, so I shouldn't stress over it. The next one-shots will be Colgar (again lol) and then Sanbibi. Thank you for reading! I appreciate the few people here on the internet that actually read these, haha. Requests are open, as always. :)

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