
By Finnflesher_28

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TW!! SELF HARM, BAD THOUGHTS, BLOOD!! This is aged up by a few years, the characters are all 13-15. I will up... More

Chapter Two: Bandages
Chapter three: Nightmares
Chapter four: Snitch.
Chapter 5: It just isn't the same.
Chapter 6: Bat
Chapter 7: Runaways.
Chapter 8: Why?
Chapter nine: End of camp.
Chapter ten: Glen.
Chapter 11: The man.
Chapter 12: Long nights
Chapter 13: Back home.
Chapter 14: Headed home.
Chapter 15: First Day
Chapter 16: Sorry.
Chapter 17: Bye.
Chapter 18: It.
Chapter 19: Welcome back

Chapter one: The Voice.

1.3K 34 27
By Finnflesher_28

There will be a // before any part that is triggering!
Max slowly sat up in his bed. His black hair all messy and green eyes tired. He looked over at the alarm clock by Neils bed. 5:37. Why did he get up so damn early. He didn't sleep much anyway, he usually could function with only 1 hour of sleep with no problem. He stood up and grabbed his blue hoodie. His parents knew him so well, his favorite color was red but his parents really thought he liked blue, dark blue. Ew. But he had to suck it up, the hoodie was soft so it didn't bother him much. He quietly walked out of the tent and walked to the lake. It was raining lightly but he didn't care.

He stared at the rain hitting the lake. It was surprisingly pretty considering how fucking disgusting the lake was. The sun hadn't risen yet so he layed down and looked at the stars. At some point he must have fallen asleep because he woke up to a red head standing over him. David.

"WHAT THE FUCK" He yelled and jumped up.

"Max why do I find you out here every single morning." David frowned and grabbed Max's hand.

"Because I'm trying to get away from you. Maybe I should just go into the woods next time, hopefully you wont find me in there." Max rolled his eyes.

"Let's go max." David smiled and started walking towards the camp. Max crossed his arms and followed him.

"Rise and shine campers!" David yelled. "We've got a lot to do today!" Everyone walked out of their tents miserably. They all went to the mess hall and Max followed them.

He stood in line next to Nikki and Neil. He only got the food cause maybe it would poison him.

"So what do you think we are going to do today?" Neil said.

"I don't know it had better be something that I can get away from David with." Max rolled his eyes. "You know this morning I walked out to the dock and fell asleep, I woke up to him standing over me." They got to the food. Oat meal. It didn't even have any fruit in it. Just.. oats. Disgusting.

"Alright campers! Today our camp activity is..." David began "Hiking!" Everyone groaned loudly. "Come on guys it'll be fun!" David smiled.

"Come on guys this is literally what camp is." Gwen said.

"Lets go guys we will have fun!" David smiled and pointed everyone towards the door. Everyone groaned and walked towards the door. Max walked with them as far from David as possible. Unfortunately that was right next to Harrison. Now him and Neil were going to argue about wether magic is real or not. Max knew it was. A few weeks ago Harrison cast a spell on Max and ever since Max had been scared of magic.

"So Neil are you still a skeptic?" Harrison said

"Yes obviously Harrison." Neil rolled his eyes. Max didn't want to sit in the middle of this. They were walking by the tents now. Max snuck towards the tents. No one noticed him running by. He made it to his tent.

"Hey where'd Max go?" Neil said to Harrison in the middle of them arguing. Neil looked over and saw they just walked by the tents. "Oh" Neil ran over to the tents

"Wait Neil what about the hike?" Harrison said

"Can it. I will be right back." Neil yelled as he continued running.

"Whatever." Harrison said and rolled his eyes. Neil kept going towards the tents until he made it to his tent.

"Max?" Neil said as he opened the tent to walk in.

"What do you want?" Max said.

"Aren't you going on the hike?" Neil said stepping in to sit next to Max.

"No." Max said and crossed his arms.

"Why not?" Neil asked.

"Because hikes are exhausting. You can go I'll be fine." Max said almost yelling.

"Okay have fun, alone." Neil said and smiled at Max as he walked out.

"Yeah whatever." Max said and rested his back on the bed frame. He sat there alone for a couple of minutes. He looked over at his bag on the tent floor.
They honestly don't care, do they?

He heard a voice in his head say.

"What?" Max said out loud. He must have been crazy good thing he was alone.

I mean just IMAGINE what their saying about you.
Attention seeker.

Obviously no one on the hike was saying those things. But what if they were. Noticing Max's absence they took it as an opportunity. No they weren't. They were just enjoying the hike. Without him.

"So what did you want? Why are you saying this?"

Oh nothing. I just wanted to remind you how USELES you truly are.

Max felt his throat close. Those were the words the kids back home said. He looked over at the clock. It had already been an hour.

"How has it already been an hour?" Max said out loud.

Huh, and no one has cone looking-

"Max?" He heard someone yell. It was David. He quickly wiped away his tears and cleared his throat. He made sure he could talk properly since he had just been crying.

"In here." Max yelled back at David.

"Max, why didn't you go on the hike? We had loads of fun! We saw a deer and some butterflies" David said.

"Hikes are boring. Obviously you guys didn't notice I was gone for an hour." Max said his voice broke.

"You feeling okay bud?" David asked.

"Just tired." Max said.

"Okay let me know if you need anything at all." David said and rubbed Max's hair. Max shooed him away and layed down to sleep. Maybe that dumb voice would go away.

He woke up after what felt like a couple minutes. It took a second for his eyes to adjust but once they did Max looked over to the clock by Neils bed. It was 2:45 AM.

Not even a goodnight or anything.

Max looked over at Neil. He was asleep in the bed across from him.

"Well I was sleeping. He couldn't say goodnight he knew I would just get pissed off."

Or he doesn't care. None of them do.

"David seemed to care earlier."

Empty hearted. He has to say that. The camp has to get business.

"No its not empty hearted."

Yes it is.

"Fuck off." Max's throat began to close again.

They don't care you know. If they had the chance they would all leave you.

Max glanced at his bag on the ground.

No one cares. Not even your parents.

Max's eyes welled up with tears. He quietly went over to his bag and unzipped it. He flinched when the zipper made noise.


"Just shut up."

In your bag. Don't you have something sharp?

"What? Yeah"

Get it. Then I'll shut up.

Max grabbed a pair of scissors. He went back onto his bed and looked at them.

You know what to do.
Max pressed the scissors onto his arm. He flinched. Then he fell in love with that feeling. He pressed the scissors onto his skin eight times. The voice stopped though. Thats all that matters. He looked at his arm. It was covered in blood. He grabbed a sock from his bag and wiped his arm clean. He hid the scissors and sock under his mattress. It took a while for him to fall back asleep.

"Everyone wake up!" David yelled outside. Everyone groaned and walked over to the messhall. David walked over too Max and Neil's tent. Max was sleeping and Neil was just getting up.

"Boys? You have to get up." David said knocking on the tent.

"I'm up, Max isn't." Neil said.

"Can I come in to wake Max up?" David said quietly.

"Yeah sure whatever." Neil said and rolled his eyes. David walked in and tried to shake Max awake. Max didn't budge.

"Jeez how are you supposed to wake him up?" David said.

"I don't know pull him off his mattress or something." Neil said. David pulled Max off the mattress.

"OW WHAT THE FUCK" Max yelled rubbing his head which hit the side of his bed.

"Sorry Max!" David said.

"Fuck off." Max said and stood up.

"C'mon Max let's go get breakfast." Neil said. Max rubbed his arm which still stung. "Why are you rubbing your arm?" Neil said and pointed at it.

"I got bug bites or something." Max said and started walking to the mess hall. He walked into the mess hall and walked over to a free table.

"Aren't you gonna get food?" Nikki said, sitting next to Max.

"No I'm not hungry." Max said and pulled his sleeves down.

"Suit yourself." Nikki shrugged her shoulders and started eating her food. Max sat there until Neil walked over.

"Max why aren't you getting food?" Neil said "It's waffles."

"Oh my god I'm not hungry why do you guys even care?" Max said and rolled his eyes.

"Sorry I didn't mean to strike a nerve." Neil said and looked down at his food. "You know last night you woke me up with your sleep talking." Neil smiled. Max's heart started to race.

"Oh what was I saying?" Max said trying not to cry.

"I don't know I wasn't paying any attention." Neil said

"Maybe your guys's tent is haunted." Nikki laughed.

"Yeah right." Max said and laughed. He quickly stopped smiling.

There just talking to you out of pitty.

The voice was back. Shit. Max's voice started to close. Not now, he's in front of everyone. Why does it have to bother him. He wouldn't wish this upon anyone but why HIM. What did HE do?

"I think I heard you saying shut up alot and you were telling something to be quiet." Neil said trying not to have an awkward silence between the three of them.

"Maybe I was having a nightmare." Max said.


"Maybe." Neil said and shrugged his shoulders.

"Alrighty campers! Finish up you breakfast and lets get to our activities!" David said loudly. "Today's activity is.." David banged his hands on a nearby table mocking the sound of a drumroll. "Theatre camp! Then later we will have a bonfire!" David smiled.

Max looked over at Preston who was practically jumping out of his seat. David gave him a quick nod and Preston jumped up and stood on top of his seat.

"My play will be a showstopper! Filled with action! Heartbreak! And romance! It'll be held at the theater camp! I hope to see you all there!"

He doesn't mean you. He hates you. Everyone does. You could DIE and they wouldn't care.

"So Max are you going to Preston's play?" Nikki said smiling.

"Eh probably I mean everyone else will he there." Max said and shrugged his shoulders. He looked down at the table.

Do you really think they want you there with them? Cause your an idiot if you so. Like I said before they only talk to you out of pity.

Max was trying not to cry. At this point if was getting hard. Everyone started getting up to put their plates away. Max sat still, he didn't eat so there was no point in moving. David called out for everyone to go to the theater.

Everyone walked out to theater and sat down. Preston walked backstage and everyone heard him yelling.

"Do you guys have any idea why he yells before all his shows?" Nikki said to Max and Neil.

"No idea." Neil said. Max was sitting between the two of them. He was still trying not to cry. He looked up at the stage, the curtains were opening. Max got up and walked over to the outhouse. The camp was so shitty they couldn't even afford real toilets.

Max walked past the outhouse and to his tent. He had to stop the voice. The pain only seized the voice for a few hours but any amount of peace is peace just the same.

He lifted up the mattress and pulled out the scissors.

C'mon Maxwell. Don't you want me to piss off? It doesn't change the fact that none of them like you. But I guess you can ignore facts. At least for a few-

Max Pressed the scissors to his skin before the voice could finish its rant. It was probably right though. None of them did care, did they. Max dug the sharp object into his arm five more times. He looked down at his arm, covered in blood. He grabbed the sock and wiped off his arm quickly.

He got up like nothing happened and walked back over to the theater so he could enjoy Preston's play.

"What did I miss?" Max whispered to Neil.

"Literally nothing don't worry." Neil whispered back "What were you doing anyway?"

"I was going to the bathroom if you really want to know." Max said. He was trying not to let his hoodie touch his wounds. He didn't want to stain it because then everyone would ask what happened. What would he even say? "I tripped into a bush?"

Preston's play wasn't that bad. Obviously Max could never let anyone think that he thought it was more than atrocious.

"Alright campers! I hope you enjoyed the play! But now its time to start the bonfire." David said loudly. All the campers walked to the bonfire and sat down on the logs. Max liked to watch the wood pop when the fire was fresh. But after the popping stopped he liked to watch the ash fly up from the fire.

All the campers were talking quietly to one another. Max watched the fire closely. No one ever noticed his love for the fire so he could stare at it the whole bonfire.

The fire began to die off. Once it did Gwen shooed the campers back to their tents. Everyone walked to their tents groggily.

"Goodnight Max." Neil said and yawned as he fell asleep.

"Night Neil." Max said and rolled over in his bed.


Shit. It was back already? It had only been a couple hours.

"Neil are you asleep already?" Max whispered. "Loser."

He probably thinks the same about you.

"Fuck off."

You know how to get rid of me.

Max laid down in his bed and covered his ears.

Thats not gonna work. I'm in your head. And wanna know something? They wouldn't care if you ended it all.

Max's throat began to close as tears formed in his eyes.

Its true. They don't care.

Max sat up and grabbed the pair of scissors from under his mattress.

"Max? Are you moving around." Neil said groggily. Max quickly laid down and pretended to be asleep.

"Maybe the tent really is haunted." Neil said and laid back down and fell back asleep. Max let out a sigh of relief.

He just wants to get rid of you. He's sick of you. They all are.

Max rolled up his sleeve and pressed the scissors up to his arm. He drew three lines on his skin. He wiped off his arm and laid down to sleep.

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