By 131ue_C10ud

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One day Norimune Kurosu (Iniarkazi's Coach) married Hana Nekomata and then they had me. I was born and was lu... More

Chapter 1: HOME TO TOKYO
Chapter 3: DETENTION
Chapter 5: MOMMY
Chapter 6: HELP ME
Chapter 8: WE'RE ON A TEAM
Chapter 10: I'M SORRY
Chapter 11: BEGIN AGAIN
Chapter 14: WRONG IDEA
Chapter 15: GAME DAY
Chapter 19: OSAMU'S ENDING

Chapter 16: JUST FRIENDS

74 3 3
By 131ue_C10ud

Y: Yaow zah, what's with all yelling Lil Setter Soul.

"Yamamoto, pleaaaase not that nickname again."

Y: We're getting the band back together! Just like old times, no way the grade eight name dies tonight.

"I'm gonna need a Yaku kick."

Yaku: I'm on it!

Y: Hold up, hold up. Hold up. Is there a reason you're staring at me Snake Eyes?

S: Is there a reason your arm is on our Assistant Coach, Dimwit?

Kita: Let's all just relax. Kuroo, would you mind reeling him in?

"Yaku kick?"

Kita: Without attracting too much attention to us?

"No kick." Kita placed his hand on top of my head and gave me a soft smile.

Kita: No kick (F/N)


"Touch me you die."

Y/F: No fair!

"Atsumu, down." Atsumu was making faces, Suna stared at the two with a look of disgust and Samu held a blank expression.

K: How about we depress for right now? Sound good, Kita?

Kita: Sounds good. (P/N), you leaving with them?

"Yeah. I'm gonna go change real quick. Can you guys wait ten minutes?"

Y: Yeah, Yeah, yeah.

I punched Yamamoto's head then and let the rage out through gritted teeth. "I wasn't asking you dimwit! I was asking the collective." I gave Kita a sweet smile, but he returned a smirk of his own. "I'm behaving."

Kita: I didn't say anything.


K: You have yet to teach me how to do that.

A: Kita's got a power, no one can understand.

K: He must if he can keep you two in line without a Yaku.

"Aran's their Yaku, but think more anxiety, less physical assaults. Kita is their Kia, but think more domineering, less smiles. And Suna is their Fukunaga, but more cell phones, less water."


*O: What's that supposed to mean?

*A: Beats me.

*S: And we're the "country folk."

Kita: We'll be taking our leave, we'll give you guys some privacy.

*mumbles*A: It's a free hotel, why do we have to leave? We were here first.

"Bye Kita-senpai! Later guys!"

A: nmemenmenme *Fake girl voice* Bye Kita-senpai! Later guys!

As Kita dragged Atsumu away, the other second years followed, but after about two steps up the stairs. Suna had "forgotten his bag" and his friends the Miya Twins would help him get it.

Kita: If I find out you ruined her night, there will be a punishment involved. Osamu, you're in charge of keeping Suna and Atsumu out of trouble; Suna, you're in charge of keeping the twins out of trouble.

S: Sure, give me the difficult job.

A: What am I in charge of?

Kita: Keeping yourself out of trouble. Get back in time for the team meeting.

*mumbles*A: Yes, Sir.

Kita: Atsumu, I'm serious.

A: I understand.

Kita: Then I'll see you three at nine thirty, sharp.

S: So, let's go spying.

Y: Senpai? Really? Who are you?

Yaku: My precious Kohai.


Kai: You never called us Senpai.

K: That's because she knows we won't give her anything. She only calls Yaku Senpai if she wants something.

"Not true! I call you Yaku-senpai cause I respect you." Big eyes check, whiny voice and blush check. Yeah, I still got it.

A: nmemenmenme *Fake girl voice* I respect you Yaku-senpaiiii

O: Can you stop that? It's getting weird.

Yaku: Yeah! uh UH OFCOURSE!

K: Wrapped around her little finger.

F: Like a serpent.

Y: He does it to himself.

Kenma: Like you're one to talk.

"So, you'll all wait right here then?"

Yaku: That's right!

K: Whatever you need Kitten.

"Tetsuro-" Kenma's eyes met mine and then connected with Kuroo. It just slipped. "You're so annoying."



Yamamoto ripped Kuroo's jacket on him and threw it at me.

Y: Throw this on and put on some shorts. There, I just cut ten minutes down to two. You're all welcome, now can we hurry this up? I'm HUNGRAYYYYY!

"And why do I need this?"

K: As a reminder of me?

"Who would want to remember you?"

Y: It's as a reminder of where you belong and where you'll be permanently once you're back home for good.

I gave them a smile and relied on the part of me that meant it to carry it along. "I can't wait."

S: What does she mean by that?

O: I'm not sure. Her Dad said she was staying.

A: She hasn't told them yet. I found out this afternoon. They still don't know.

Kuroo draped his jacket over my shoulders and gave me a smile.

K: Hold onto it until you get your own next semester.

S: Didn't they break up?

O/A: Yeah

*blushes* "I don't think that's such a good idea."

S: They sure aren't acting like it.

K: I think it is.

Yaku: Well look at that. All suited up and ready for Tokyo.

Kai: You look nice in red.

*whisper-shout* A: He's lying, she looks terrible.

F: It matches your cheeks.


Y: Nobody said anything about-



"I'm gonna go change, I'll meet you down in five."

Y: (P/NNNNNN), Breadstickssssdddd



"I loooooove cheesy breadsticks."

Y: Then less talkie more walkie

"Fine, be down in two." I slipped my arms through the jacket and skipped up the stairs to grab the elevator.

*whisper-shout* A: She's coming, run!

I squeezed the jacket around me and smelled it. "Just like I remember." I let go of my jacket and slapped myself. "Wait a minute, what the hell am I doing? He has girlfriend and I don't want him back." DING. A small smile found its way onto my face, "still... it feels just like home."


O: Maybe we should stop tailing her. We almost got caught.

*girl voice* A: I'lL mEeT yOu BaCk In FiVe. SHE'S SO ANNOYING.

S: Because she's punctual?

A: Because she's annoying. Fawning over a guy with a girlfriend. How desperate could you be?

O: Watch it Tsumu, you're starting to get into one of your moods.

S: I say we go back, a little late night comedy never hurt anyone.

A: Yeah! You know what, let's go rescue her from her miserable time.

Osamu, Atsumu and Suna, all traveled downstairs back to their original position, but found it empty. They weren't left wondering for long, as they followed the sound of their missing friend's laughter in the room next door. Looking in from the window the three saw the smile on her face as she laughed and conversed with her old friends.

O: Yeah, she looks real miserable.

A: She still looks terrible in red.

S: Someone sounds jealous.

A: I am not. Would I be jealous of that? Look at the stupid shirt she's wearing? Connect. What kind of lame moto is that?

S: She looks like she's one of them.

O: That would've been her life if she never transferred.

The three sat and watched her all the while wondering when the last she was that happy around them.

S: I guess she just made the best out of a bad situation.

O: Don't say that. We're not a bad situation, we're her friends.

"Seriously guys, this has been great, I missed you six."

Y: I can't wait until you're back. Every practice is gonna end like this.

"Maybe, if I don't run you into the ground first."

K: Three weeks right?

"Technically four. Mom's giving me an extra week to pack things up and say my goodbyes."

O: What is she talking about?

S: Oh this is going to be good.

A: Shut up.

Kai: So you'll be back soon then. That's great.

"Yeah, I'll be back all of Break."

Y: Don't play coy (P/N), you'll be back after that too. She probably just wants to surprise us.

Yaku: It's not a surprise if we already know Dimwit.

Y: I'M NOT A DIMWIT. Damn Snake Eyes.

"Leave Suna alone, you guys just got off on bad terms, but he means well, they all do."

K: From what you were telling us it seems like you finally made the place seem like home.

A: Of Course she did. She's from Hyogo, Moron.

"Of Course I did. I'm from Hyogo, remember?"

Y: We can't forget, we get a reminder every time that country accent comes out.

"Ha, ha, very funny."

F: It's nice that you found a little bit of home there.

Yaku: Sounds like thinking of us helped you, I for one am touched.

"Be nice. Inarazaki, the boys, they're both my team and Hyogo is my home."

Y: Tokyo and Nekoma are your home, Hyogo and Inarazaki just happened, they aren't home.

A: Did he just call us a side chick?

"Stop, they aren't some placeholder for Tokyo or Nekoma. They've got their own draw."

Yaku: This was only supposed to be a one semester type of thing (P/N), don't tell me you actually like being a fox.

Y: Woah, woah, woah. Don't insult her like that. She may be a fox for now, but our little setter is a cat through and through.

A: They better watch their mouth.

O: We should go.

F: It's in her blood.

Kai: Both her grandfather and mother are alumni.

K: But her Dad is the coach at Inarazaki.

A: Exactly!

Y: That doesn't mean anything.


Suma and Osamu quickly slapped a hand over the blonde's mouth and ducked under the window after Atsumu's outburst caused the group eating dinner to turn their heads.

"Did you guys hear something?"

K: Must have been someone passing by.

"It sounded like Atsumu."

S: Could you try not to get us caught.

O: She's going to kill us and then we'll be handed over to Kita. If that happens, I'll end you.

F: Sure you don't have Miya Twins on the brain?

A: Everybody, shut up.

Kenma: You like them.

Yaku: Well obviously, they're her team Kenma.

Y: We're her team, they're just backups.

"Yamamoto, seriously stop."

Kai: She can have more than one team.

Y: That's ridiculously ridiculous.

Yaku: Say (P/N), if you had to pick between us and then, who would you pick?

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?"

K: Pure curiosity.

"Don't you know that killed the cat?"

Kenma: You don't have to answer that.

"Sorry guys, Kenma's word is law, you get no answer."

Yaku: What if he wanted one?

Kenma: I don't.

"You see everyone, take notes, be like Kenma, we love Kenma, an unproblematic king. This is why I always listen to Kenma."

Kenma: I do have one question.

"What's that?"

Kenma: You're coming back for good, right?

And after I just finished calling you unproblematic. You really know how to kick a girl when she's down Kenma. "Yeah, Mom's really excited and I'm excited too. Like I said, I missed you guys."

O: We need to go.

A: Shut. Up. She's. Talking.

Kenma: Just making sure.

Kai: Are you coming in as a first year?

"I hope not, then I'll have to figure out how to make friends."

F: You have the first years on the team.

"Yeah, but I don't know them. I have you guys, it'll be convenient if I'm a second year, plus going back will be annoying. And, no one wants to be friends with the transfer student."

A: She can't be serious.

"My mom got my paperwork in order. She's trying to make it so that I can stay a second year, but Nekoma's Principal said I had to take both the first and second year finals to see where I'll be more comfortable."

F: Your mom's best friend being the Principal didn't help?

"It got me in without an application or a bunch of recommendations, but taking both finals somehow seems just as bad."

K: Heavy is the head that wears the crown, Princess Nekomata.

*through gritted teeth* A: Her last name is Kurosu

"Shut it King Cat."

K: It's not our fault you're Nekoma royalty.

"I'm royalty in general and don't you forget it."

K: I wouldn't dream of it, Princess.

Yaku: Can you two stop flirting? You guys were less gross as a couple.

Y: You don't get to keep both hotties Kuroo.

"He's not keeping me. Romeo here just doesn't know how to turn it off."

K: Alisa and I are just friends.

"Friends who go on dates."

K: We're just testing the waters.

"So, you let me think she was your girlfriend, for what? To see if I'd get jealous?"

K: I'm not saying that was the plan, but if it was, then it definitely worked.

"I was not jealous, so it didn't work."

F: I say they get back together by the end of next semester.

Kai: I'd like in on that bet.

Yaku: Me too.

Y: Most definitely.

"You're all insane."

Kenma: How did your friends take the news?

"I haven't told them yet."

A: What the hell is she saying?

K: Haven't they known since day one?

"Yeah, but something changed. My dad asked me to stay."

K: You guys are on good terms again?

"Yeah, but he knows Mom would never let me stay the entire school year. So, we pretend, we pretend like I can stay, we pretend like my life is normal and I don't have two parents living in two completely different parts of the country. Then the boys found out and the world exploded. They don't get that it's just a joke and I dont have the heart to tell them. They were so happy they found out."

A: She has to be lying.

Kenma: You have to tell them eventually.

"I know. Gramps told me today, I was actually thinking that maybe I would tell them after they win tomorrow. There's no point in distracting them with my nonsense before a championship."

Kai: Let us know how it goes and if you need any help.

Y: And don't worry if they hate you, odds are you'll probably never see them - OW

Yaku: I swear it's like your brain never processes the words coming out of your mouth.

I forced a smile the best way I knew how. "It's fine...it's okay if they do."

K: They aren't going to hate you.

"I deserve it. I've been lying to them this entire time because I was too scared to face them."

Kai: You were doing it so that they could be happy. This wasn't your discussion. Don't blame yourself (P/N), your mom wants you back.

"I know, but I chose to lie to them regardless. It's not a big deal, I dug my grave, now I have to lie in it."

Kenma: Does Mia know?

"Yeah, her and Dad are the only ones." Atsumu....I'm scared to tell him... that smile... I don't want it to go away...I... "My hands are tied, so I'll grin and bear it, I just hope they understand."


K: You mean Atsumu because the rest of the team will..

A: What the hell does he know?

O: Tsumu, let's go.

I stayed silent, rage boiling in through my body as I continued to listen. She's been lying to us this whole time. Mia's been lying to us this whole time and we've been believing them like idiots. Does she think that's what we are? Because we're not as smart as her little pals from Tokyo?

O: Whatever you're thinking, stop thinking it

S: We know what we know, there's no changing that, let's just go before you explode.

K: Grinning and bearing it, is that what you want to do?

"It's what I need to do. It's for the best."

Kenma: (P/N), do you even want to come home?

"Of course I do."

Kenma: Don't do that thing where you tell us what you think we want to hear. Talk to us.

"I...I'm scared..and sad, but I'm also really happy and excited... I know my mom has given up so much for me, she loves me and she wants me back. What I want, it's not important. No one ever asks, but I also know that I don't want them to. Because if they did, if they let me choose, it wouldn't make it any easier. Now it's picking between Dad and my Mom, but if you take that away, it's choosing between two sets of my friends. I can't do that either. The way I see it, it's for the best."

Kai: If that was the case, would you choose them over us just because you know that we could never hate you.

"I don't know."

Yaku: You know that we would never be upset with you right?


F: Then why have friends who would turn on you so easily?

"I ...I don't know."


"My parents, they're taking away a choice that I don't want to make, that I can't make. No matter which choice I make, someone gets hurt."

Kenma: It's not your job to keep everyone happy. No one will be happy if you're miserable.

F: Be honest with yourself (P/N), what do you want?

"All I want is for the people that I love to be happy, because I am so tired of making sure everyone stays that way. I'm exhausted from constantly keeping it together. But there is one thing I'm sure about, for right now, I just want to pretend like it's all okay, just until I'm ready to face them."

K: Okay, then that's what we'll do.

She can talk to them. She would've never told me that...

S: Atsumu, we have to go.

A: She wants to live in a fantasy world, fine. I'm going for a walk. Don't follow me.

GOING FOR A WALK INTO THIS DAMN ROOM. I burst into the cafeteria and grabbed her. She looked surprised when she stared up at me with those big dumb eyes, but I didn't care.

A: Let's go. We're leaving.

"But, when did you -" I leaned down and cut her off with a kiss. When I pulled away she looked so lost.

A: I said we're leaving. We've got a lot to talk about.

"There's nothing to talk about. I love you Tsumu, I'm staying."

I shook my head to get a hold of myself. As if that'd ever happen. She's in there, having the time of her life. I needed to walk before I said or did something I regretted. I looked to see her smiling face one last time before I heard the words that I never wanted to hear.

"Either way, if they do end up hating me it'll be okay, I'll be okay. I don't need memories and if that's all they choose to become then that's on them."

After that I walked out of the hotel we were staying at. She didn't care. She didn't care if we became a memory drifting in the past. She didn't care if we were in her life or not. We were just her present, she didn't need or want us in her future. It wasn't fair damnit. SHE LIED. SHE'S WRONG! But if I get pissed I'm the bad guy. SCREW THAT! And screw her. I've been trying so hard to get her comfortable, to be her friend, but she still can't trust me. I'm done. My phone rang pulling me out of my head. Kita?

K: Where are you?

A: On a walk. I needed some air.

K: Get back. Did you forget we have a team meeting before bed?

A: I'll be right there.

K: Atsumu.

A: Yeah?

K: Is everything alright? You sound upset.

A: I'm fine, be there soon.

Great, trapped in a room with the girl that sees me as an obligation and her lies.

C: Great, now that Atsumu has decided to grace us with his presence, we can get started.

A: Wait where's (P/N)?

C: She's not coming, she's having dinner with her friends. Now, if you don't mind, we're getting started.

SHE DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER SHOWING UP? Are we really that unimportant to her? She really doesn't care. She's all prepped to start her new life and I'm not a part of it. Samu, Suna, they knew what I did, why weren't they reacting the same way. I thought Samu loved her, but, if he really doesn't give a shit...maybe he knew... maybe he was right when he said that they were just friends. I should be paying attention to this stupid video...I should analyzing it all..but my mind, all I can think about is her... her and that damn smile... how she looked so happy with them... how she looked so okay with letting us go... why... couldn't I be okay with this...why the hell was I so mad... why did it matter.

C: Atsumu.

A: I'm sorry what?

C: Are those nerves getting to you?

A: No, sir.

C: Be honest, all of you, raise your hands if you're nervous about tomorrow. Good, you'd be fools not to be. But you'll need to forget about those nerves and move forward. Worrying about tomorrow's troubles won't take them away, but it will take away tonight's peace, so go get a good night's sleep and be ready for tomorrow.

Be ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow... tomorrow's the day she's supposed to tell us.


Tomorrow's the big day. I was nervous, but I wasn't exactly sure why. Maybe it was because I'd probably be losing some of my closest friends or maybe it was because I knew tomorrow would be my last day with them on the court. It had to end eventually... I knew that... but knowing still doesn't make it hurt any less.... I looked at the clock next me.. ten pm... the boys should all be asleep. I had said good night to the Nekoma boys half an hour ago, they should be in their rooms too. I tossed and turned for what seemed like forever, but when I looked at the clock again, it turned out only fifteen minutes had passed. Might as well go get some air. Air... like that would help. Sitting out here was nice, the slight breeze in my face, the calm of the night, it brought me peace.

O: What are you doing up this late?

"I could ask you the same." Osamu sat next to me and looked up at the night sky. "Nervous for tomorrow?"

O: Something like that.

"That's normal, but it'll be okay. You guys are going to do great."

O: Can I ask you a question?


O: Am I... nevermind.

"Are you what?"

O: It's not important. How was dinner?

"Okay, it was nice seeing everyone. I missed them."

O: That's good. Are you excited to go home?

"Yeah..yeah, I am. Break should be fun."

O: It was nice of your mom to let you stay with your dad.

"Samu, can I tell you something?"

O: Can you?

"You're one of my best friends."

O: Then tell me something.

"I don't want you to hate me." I couldn't look at Samu, but I could see his hand move reluctantly to grab mine.

O: That could never happen.


O: Take your time. Take all the time you need.

"Why are you so nice to me?"

O: Because we're friends.

I looked at our intertwined hands. When did I start needing his comfort to be okay? When did friends stop being enough? "Do you think we'll ever stop?"

O: Stop being friends?


O: Honestly, no. You can try to get rid of me, but I don't think I'd let you, not again.

I leaned my head on top of Samu's shoulder needing to be closer. I looked at our intertwined hands then closed my eyes enjoying the moment, enjoying his comfort. "There was a point in time where you would hate being touched."

O: I still do.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I lifted my head and let go of his hand, but Samu intertwined his fingers again.

O: I don't like being touched, but you're different. You're different. You have your own set of rules and your own standards, so whatever it is, you can tell me because there's nothing you could say or do that would ever make me hate you.

"Samu...I...I'm leaving, for good. After Break, I'm not coming back. I'm staying in Tokyo with my mom." Samu was silent for a little, I looked up at him to see him already looking down at me. "Are you mad?"

O: No, I'm not.

"Are you sure?"

O: Yeah, it's okay. It doesn't change anything. We're friends and I'll miss you, but distance doesn't change that.

"I was lying to you this whole time."

O: I know, but I'm pretty sure it was to protect me, and I can't be mad at you for that.

"I'm sorry Samu."

O: You have nothing to apologize for.

I looked up at Samu again, but it looked like he hadn't moved at all. Rain clouds, his eyes always reminded me of rain clouds, they were one of my favorite things about him. "I'll miss you too."

O: We have cell phones, we'll figure it out.

"You were going to ask me something. Ask me."

O: It's not important.

"Okay... I won't push you to tell me. You'll talk to me when you're ready, I trust you. I want you to know that I really love you. You're one of my best friends and you're really important to me, so when you're ready to talk, I'll be ready to listen."

O: What are you looking at?

"Rain clouds."

O: No one likes the rain. Everyone just waits for it to pass.

"Maybe, but there is one person who does."

O: You?


O: Why?

"That's easy. Because it reminds me of you." I wasn't sure what was happening, but before I knew it, Samu's lips were pressed on mine. The kiss was soft, just like his lips, just like his touch. Samu..I..it's not important, nothing I needed to say was important. All that mattered was that his lips were on mine, that mine were on his and that my body had reacted the way I knew it would. When we pulled apart the blush on both of our faces seemed to be glued onto our faces.

O: Uh *clears throat* Sorry. I just... I just got the really strong urge to kiss you.

"It's..um.. It's okay. I..um..I enjoyed it."

O: Really?

"Yeah...I..um...you...you were the first person I've kissed since...yeah."

O: I'm...I'm glad. Do you maybe want to talk about it?

"Is there something to talk about?" Could he...Samu...say it.

O: No

"Oh, okay then... we should get you to bed. NOT MY BED, but your bed, cause you have a game and yeah." Samu tightened his grip on my hand and chuckled.

O: I get it.

"Wipe the smirk off, it's cute, but completely unnecessary."

O: You think it's cute?

"Yeah.. yeah I do."

O: Then I'll keep it.... The blush on your face is too.... Cute I mean..

"Mine? You should see the one on yours, you look just like you did when we were kids."

O: We should get to bed. NOT TOGETHER OR ANYTHING.

*giggle* "Not as easy as it seems." Samu wrapped his arms around me and placed his head on top of mine.

O: Wipe the smirk off, it's cute, but completely unnecessary

"Fine, fine, but you are right about one thing, the blush is cute." Samu leaned down and kissed me one more time. This time it was longer, but the warmth I felt when he kissed me and the butterflies that fluttered around in there, I knew that this was right. "Um... okay... well... I..."

O: I like that I'm the only one that can make you speechless.

"Samu....I... you've got to go. You have a big day tomorrow and like you've said ..there's nothing to talk about." This...this was mean...Samu...he didn't like me... but you don't just kiss someone you don't like...He said that we had nothing to talk about..which means that this is just a game..No, I know Samu, he wouldn't toy with my emotions like that. He's not like that. The kiss, it was just a kiss. It's not important, we don't need to talk about it right now, or ever. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

O: Goodnight (P/N).


I ...I just did that...and she..she did it back, twice. But.. GOSH I'M SUCH AN IDIOT! NO? SERIOUSLY? WE HAVE NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT? HOW ABOUT THE FACT THAT I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU AND I'VE BEEN IN LOVE WITH YOU SINCE WE WERE KIDS. She looked at me, I saw the hope in her eyes and I crushed it. All these years... all these years I thought if the day ever came... I had a plan and that was THE OPPOSITE OF THE PLAN! UGHHHH! Tomorrow, I'll talk to her tomorrow, if she doesn't already hate me.


The hours we spent apart...it made me sad....it confused me...I had to talk about it, but everyone was asleep.

To: Mia

From: (P/N)

Mia, I know you're asleep, but I need you to talk to me when you're awake. Samu kissed me, twice and I kissed him back. But when I asked if there was something to talk about, he said no. And I don't know, I don't know what it means or if I have feelings for him, but what I do know, is that it hurts. It hurts and I don't want to go, not if it means I have to leave him behind.

I fell asleep that night wondering what it all meant. My feelings for Samu, if he had feelings for me, what that kiss meant. I went to bed with a billion questions, but when I woke up, I had a billion more.

To: (P/N)

From: Mia

I love him (P/N), I love Samu as more than a friend.

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