Alone and Unwanted

By Kozy248

1K 27 4

At first, (Y/N) thought he had everything he wanted. That was, until he realized he were missing something... More

1. Suffering in Silence
2. An Attempt to Restore Hope - Part 1
3. An Attempt to Restore Hope - Part 2
4. Second Chance
5. A Small Conversation
6. Recovering Hope
8. Faint Light
9. The Interment

7. Hidden Emotions

99 2 0
By Kozy248

Lucy's POV

Watching the gates close behind him, I take another look at his prosthetic. It was almost a perfect match for his other leg.

Metal, springs, and dark worn-out wood replacing flesh and bone. It was moving in tandem with him as he walked around the huge bull. This must be the reason he lives in squalor. False limbs like that could cost a small fortune. Made even more complicated by the fact that he was unique in this world. I made a mental note to ask him who assembled that when I got a chance. Right now though I was brought back to reality by (Y/N).

He brought both of his fists up to his face just below his eyes and kept his elbows down around his midsection. He kept bouncing from side to side on each one of his legs.

The wrestler began and made the first move towards (Y/N). Rushing at him with his head down I could have sworn I saw (Y/N) smirk behind his fists. The wrestler impacted solidly into his midsection. The crowd gave a massive cheer as the blow connected. (Y/N) being slowly pushed back into the wall. I could see the muscles left in his legs flex in strain. Slowing the both of them down slowly but surely. (Y/N) was holding this massive wrestler to a stalemate.

My mouth fell open. (Y/N) is holding a creature that could give Elfman a run for his money even. I had no idea he had this kind of strength in him. What happened next seemed to happen in a flash. I saw the wrestler mutter something at (Y/N). I couldn't make out quite what he said other than the last part.


I saw (Y/N)'s face go from a small smirk to deadpanned. Only for a split second though before a look of rage took over. Letting out what could only be described as a war cry, he shifted his hand quickly.

Grabbing across the bull for his left upper leg with his left. Then yanking it back across him. At the same time he twisted in a clockwise motion still holding his head. The sudden shift in weight and momentum caused the wrestler to topple onto his back.

Before he could react, (Y/N) was already on him. Wrapping his legs around his body and bringing his arm around his windpipe. He braced the arm currently wrapped around the wrestler's neck with his other arm and started squeezing.

I watched as the Bull's mouth shot open. Desperately trying to fill his lungs with the air that was knocked from them in the fall. What was left in them was slowly being squeezed out by (Y/N)'s legs. I brought a hand to cover my open mouth.

I had no idea (Y/N) was capable of this.

Or maybe... He wanted to...

All that doesn't matter now. I watched on as the area went completely silent. The only noises emanating from the small building were awful, gurgling, choking noises. The occasional grunt and extra strain from (Y/N) was also heard. His face contorted with rage, torquing down more and more. Throttling the life of the wrestler.

It didn't take long for the security to step in and pull (Y/N) off the dying wrestler. (Y/N) tried to fight them off until he came out of his rage. I was shocked to see this side of him.

I have only known him as a sweet, but lonely soul.

Now... I didn't know what to think.

Looking over at my family and friends, they also had the same faces as the crowd. Why was he fighting these people?

Was it because me and my friends drove him to it?

Some medics picked up the stallion and left the ring, leaving (Y/N) to cool off.

"So that was...different." I look over at Zeref.

"I have never seen him this way before. He was always so swe-" Mavis stopped me.

"I know. You sent me everything in those letters, but do you want to know how he is really feeling?"

I nodded my head. Even Natsu, Flare, and Nashi leaned over to listen.

"He is feeling pain."


Mavis closed her eyes and tried to sense it.

"This kind of pain I would say is heartbreak and regret, but you said that he hasn't had any kind of relationship, right?"

"Yes, that's right. But why is he fighting?"

Flare sat back down in her seat, but I didn't notice.

"To keep the pain away."

I looked back at Zeref, then to Mavis. She nodded her head in agreement.

"Just like how Levy would busy herself with reading, he does it by fighting."

Another bell sounded and brought my attention back to the ring.

"Well that was some fight!" The crowd was less cheerful than it started out.

"Anyways, we are going to throw the Bear back into the ring and have him fight a legend in the making! Coming from the plains, I give you. The Iron Minotaur!!!"

Coming out of the entrance was a tall, and very muscular Minotaur, similar to my Celestial Spirit Taurus. He looked twice as big as (Y/N) did, and his body was covered in steel.

I wanted to yell at (Y/N) to get out of there, but I was silenced by the slamming of the door, the noise of the crowd, and the ring of the bell.

(Y/N) went back into the stance I had seen before: hopping back and forth. The Minotaur simply cracked his knuckles and squatted low with his arms extended. (Y/N) began to slowly circle around. Looking for an exploit more than likely. Even I would think twice before going up against a full grown Minotaur.

What is (Y/N) thinking?

Focusing back into the action we see (Y/N) make the first move. Quickly closing the distance between himself and the Minotaur and whipping out his real leg into the Minotaur's knees. I could tell the Minotaur felt the impact as he fell to one knee. (Y/N) delivered another higher kick to the midsection, causing the bull to lean over more to cover his weakened side. (Y/N) could actually pull this off.

We watched on as The Minotaur reached back and delivered a massive right hook to (Y/N)'s ribs. Gasping audibly at the sight of (Y/N) getting flung backwards by the impact, skidding to a halt a few feet away. Before he could even get his guard up the huge Minotaur had closed the distance between the two with his head lowered, delivering another massive headbutt to (Y/N)'s chest.

I swore I could hear ribs cracking. The impact sending (Y/N) into the wall of the arena where he slumped down, not moving. I watched as the big bull turned around to raise his arms to the crowd. Already bathing in the cheers from the stands as I sat there dumbstruck. I kept watching him, screaming in my head for him to get up. Or even to move. Anything.

I failed to notice the bull walk back over to the heap that is (Y/N) and deliver another massive kick that sent him over to the adjacent side of the arena. Again and again, (Y/N) was tossed around, slamming into the walls and the ground. Blood leaking from gashes from the bull's horns, staining the ground under him a deep red.

Why? Why weren't they calling the fight? Why weren't they stepping in yet? I soon had my answer as the bull turned around once more to listen to the crowd's praise. After a short while, he turned back to (Y/N).

"Where's this sorry excuse for a male's mate? I'll give her my room number so she can find out what a real fighter feels like!"

He turned back to (Y/N) letting the crowd cheer again. (Y/N)'s hand slowly but surely balled back up into a fist and got back onto one knee with agonizing slowness. I could see he was cut above his eye. Blood dripping down into his left eye. I could already see back and blue forming where his ribs had obviously been cracked or broken. How anyone could stand back up after all this punishment was beyond me. He was hurt. Bad. His one open eye drifted up the the gloating bull.

I swore I could see something break loose inside of him. He made no noise this time as he bum rushed the gloating bull, landing a huge left cross into where the Minotaur's kidney would be. The hulk once again collapsed onto a knee. I watched as (Y/N) in a fit of silent fury began hammering into the same location for as long as he could. The bull reached back to grab a hold of (Y/N), only for (Y/N) to grab a hold of his arm and twist it into his back. (Y/N) was smart in a fight at least I thought to myself. Using leverage to his advantage. (Y/N) bent the arm back and up to its absolute limit.

What he did next shocked us. He brought his elbow across straight into the already strained joint. I could hear the joint break, like the sound he made cracking his knuckles. Only much deeper and louder. The Bull cried out in pain, quickly moving away from (Y/N). His one arm hanging limply by his side. The look on (Y/N)'s face was completely calm to a degree that disturbed us slightly on the inside.

Did me and my family/friends create this side of him? Or was what we all failed to do let this side of him loose?

Once again those thoughts were pushed back as (Y/N) moved again. Jerking to the left again to make it seem like he was going after the damaged arm, only to spin back the other way with his arm outstretched. The back of his balled fist impacting the bull on the jaw. The dazed bull recoiled slightly from the blow.

(Y/N) took the opportunity to get behind the bull again. Planting a kick into the back of each knee, driving the bull to the ground. Grasping his arm with both of his and planting his false leg into the Minotaur's lower back and keeping the other on the ground for balance.

The bull attempted to look over his shoulder with genuine worry. I could see no mercy in (Y/N)'s face. And he started pulling back. The huge Minotaur put everything he had into getting his arm back under control. I could see (Y/N) slowly winning the tug of war. I also noticed a few cracks appearing in the wood of his prosthesis. As (Y/N) pulled and pulled, I wondered what would give first. Sooner rather than later I had my answer.

A draw.

The moment I heard another snap from deep within the Minotaur's arm. The internal structure of (Y/N)'s leg came apart under the stress. The bottom half of his leg below the ankle coming completely undone. Pieces of metal and wood scattering over as the internal enchantments violently came undone.

He stumbled backwards, trying to roll out of it. He ending up only making it halfway as he landed flat on his chest. His ribs creaking under the strain again. I heard (Y/N) let out a shout of pain as he struggled to get back on his feet. Only making it onto the knee of his real leg and he stayed there. Leaking blood from various wounds into his shorts and onto the ground. I looked back over to the bull. He had managed to get back onto two feet, blood leaking from the corner of his mouth.

Both arms hanging limp by his sides. One of them bent at an unnatural angle I couldn't stand this much longer. I felt I had to do something. Anything. But it seemed after all this the officials finally stepped in.

The paramedics and security guards ripped open the gate. Tears were starting to cloud my eyes, but I couldn't look away. They laid him and the Minotaur down on separate stretchers and hauled them away. I couldn't stand it anymore. Running down to the entrance I walked up to (Y/N)'s stretcher. He laid there, unconscious from the adrenaline leaving his system.

"(Y/N)?" My voice was barely loud enough over the roar of the crowd.

"Hey lady! Move it! Authorized personnel only!" A couple of medics pushed me away from (Y/N) and the security pushed me back into the crowd.


I cried out multiple times, hoping to wake him, but I was just another voice in the crowd.

I screamed and screamed, choking on my voice. The crowd moved closer and closer to where (Y/N) was. They must have been moving them to a hospital. I was so close to breaking down right then and there, as I thought about what we have done:

We pushed him away.

We made him lose his leg.

We created what he is today.

Being so focused on my faults, I didn't even notice Mavis putting a hand on my back. Not wasting a second, she pulled me into a hug to calm me down.

"Shhh, it's going to be okay."

She was lying, and I knew it. But I didn't care. I just wanted to believe, even for a moment, that everything was going to be alright.


Flare's POV

I just watched the paramedics haul (Y/N) off to who knows where. Lucy was down on the floor along with Mavis. I couldn't leave my seat. I couldn't do anything after seeing (Y/N) take down that Minotaur. All I could do was stay in my seat and think how he acted so...different. Nastu had to come and get me out of my seat. My eyes never left the ring until it was out of sight. All six of us walked away from the warehouse and stopped around the corner.

"That was sure something," Mavis finally said.

Neither me or Lucy responded. Mavis gave out a sigh. "I don't think it is about matters of the heart anymore. It is long past that."

"Then what is it?" I asked.

"I think he is now just looking for acceptance. A place where he could live in peace."

I looked at her with hopeful eyes. "Is there anything you can do?"

Mavis shook her head.

"I can't do anything, all we can do is wait until he recovers.."

My head looked down in shame, guilt, and sadness.

What have we done..?

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