Wings of Honor: Tales of Pyrr...

Per FishyFish831

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They're here. Who's here? "See for yourself. Stay low." I whispered. The two dragons snuck up alongside me... Més

Autor's Notes & Disclaimer
Chapter 1: The Opening
Chapter 2: Hope
Chapter 3: A New World
Chapter 4: Scavengers
Chapter 5: First Contact
Chapter 6: On An Eagle's Wings
Chapter 7: Prisoner of Peace
Chapter 8: Finding Scavengers
Chapter 9: A Visionary
Chapter 10: Jade Mountain
Chapter 11: Basic Training
Chapter 12: War?
Chapter 14: The Attack
Chapter 15: Revelation
Chapter 16: Banishment
Chapter 17: Baptism By Firescales
Chapter 18: A New Normal
Chapter 19: Allies On The Axis
Chapter 20: To The Moon And Back
Chapter 21: Lunch And Lessons
Chapter 22: Saving Grace
Chapter 23: War Were Declared
Chapter 24: Begining Of The Crusade
Chapter 25: Know Thy Enemy
Chapter 26: Helping Humans
Chapter 27: Proofing
Chapter 28: No Hopeless Soul
Chapter 29: The Siege of Jade Mountain
Chapter 30: The Last Eagle
Final Note
Chapter 31: Aftermath

Chapter 13: Scouting

161 3 0
Per FishyFish831

The night was long, even in good company.
I ran through every scenario I could possibly think of. A direct assault using standard squad tactics, surrounding them before opening fire from all sides, surrounding them while being supported by a combined arms dragon army. But the one my mind kept settling on was my MG team lighting them up from the cliff I was at yesterday, while the rest of us surround them to prevent escape. Moon would no doubt try and prevent us from attacking this early, and Qibli is by her side no matter what. At least two dragons would support us in the assault. I made a mental map of everything I could see, which wasn't much. I saw trenches and a few bunkers of various construction. However, they did look sparsely populated, I didn't see nearly enough men either transporting goods or defending the camp to fully man such a vast defense position. Suspicious. But I went with what I had.
I gathered my squad at noon that day, only telling them that a full combat load was expected. They looked nervous as if they already knew what I was about to do.
"Lieutenant." Kish posted up on the table. The squad packed in.
"Everyone. As I'm sure you all have known, we came across a large enemy camp yesterday." I looked around at my men. "This camp is not only a clear and present threat to our own base of operations, but it also threatens the lives and peace of the many inhabitants on this island."
"Dragons you mean."
"Dragons Goldman," Kish told him off bluntly.
"Anyway. I have brought you here today because..." I trailed off. Hesitating for the last time over my own order. "Because we will be attacking their position come nightfall."
I didn't even get through the end of my sentence before I got reactions of confusion, anger, and doubt.
"Are you kidding me, officer?" "You saw how defended they are, you say how many of them there are!" "They have at least one full squad. How are we supposed to counter them?"
So many voices, so much chaos ran through the camp in front of me.
"Shut UUUUUUUUPPPPP!" Suddenly, McManis's heavy voice boomed. He looked over everyone with a snarl. He looked over to Sergent Kish, who only gave him a shrug of approval.
"All of you. Shut up for the first time in your life please!"
They all did, but their mental voices kept clattering away.
This plan is going to get us all killed.
They haven't attacked us, who should we go attack them?
Marvin has a plan, but he doesn't seem very confident.
I bushed it all aside, laying out my tactical map I drew last night.
"Here's the plan. I will send scouts to go survey the attack area. Reed."
"Sir." My soldier stepped up.
"How many telescopic vision devices do we have?"
He thought for a minute, pulling a long inventory list from his brain. That man could've worked as a quartermaster if he didn't want to be a ranger.
"Four sights sir. Two binos, two scopes."
Wessly turned his M1, flashing his scope out just a little bit. I didn't test it, but I had mine in my back pocket. I produced my set of glasses and set them on the table, as did Kish with his set.
"So now we need scouts to assist me and Wesley. I need two volunteers."
"I'll go." Towne stepped forward.
"No Towne. You have a B.A.R. You're needed in the assault."
I felt Kish's hand pull me back. He whispered into my ear.
"All do respect Lieutenant, but sending our rifle grenadiers would sound more advantageous, would it not?"
I thought about it for a second. None of my men were expendable, but my Grenadiers were also some of the most flexible men I had under my command. At least, should they get into contact, they not only have their rifles but also long-range rifle grenades to soften them up.
"Okay. Travers, if you could, and Gossing."
Kish caught me again.
"Again, all do respect sir-I am not sending out a green to get himself and the rest of us killed."
I sucked air. "No fault to you Gossling, but you just haven't experienced a true battle yet."
"This kid." Goldman spat. "This kid is who I'm taking firing orders from?" Nah, Marvin has really gone off the deep end now.
Goldman paced, as if his patience was wearing thin. Whatever reason he had to stay, it was rapidly waning.
"Marvin, choose someone else. Someone better."
"Actually Lieutenant, send me instead." Rossum leaned over the table. "I have more experience in scouting. I haven't been discovered by the enemy until I was willing to. Send me instead, I'll get you a map and plenty of intel for the assault."
It was an easy choice really. I didn't even know why I chose Gossing in the first place. Maybe because he was already sorted out to be a scout, or maybe some personal bias I don't know about. Either way, we had our four scouts.
"Keep time. You'll have until dusk to bring back any reports. Detail as much information as you can. Amount of infantry, defense positions, how many MGs they have and where. Is there any armor we need to worry about." I doubt there is though.
In nearly all the stories I've heard, there was one glaring nugget: that the Japs were frighteningly sparse when it came to tanks. Then again, so were we. 
"Try to aim around seven, that's when the sun starts going down. We'll have an hour to prep and cross the river."
I now affixed the scope to my rifle.
"Actually. Don't load your weapons. Go on an empty chamber. I don't want to risk anything on a freak accident revealing one you guys. Be vigilant, be observant, most importantly: be stealthy. If our plan of attack is discovered... God help us all."
I loaded my magazine, keeping my rifle on safe and on an empty chamber. I would need to click it off and rack the bolt, which would make noise and take time. I wasn't about to risk being detected though.
Once my men had been briefed, I led them away from camp. The four of us treading softly through the forest. It wasn't long before I heard Moon's all too familiar voice echoing through my mind.
You are seriously considering this are you?
I sighed. I have no other choice. We attack now before they have a chance to lay barbed wire, mines, flack guns. If we let them be for too long, we won't be able to root them out. Not even with the army I'm hoping you're bringing.
I felt Moon hesitate. About that.
We're going it alone aren't we? Silence was all the response I needed. Damn, I knew it.
I did my best to hide my expression, but I forgot to hide my head shake maneuver. Thankfully, they all thought it was flies or mosquitoes.
Well, tell me something good you have.
We managed to get Winter and Peril with us.
The big hot dragon who can burn anything she touches?
Yeah. Her.
That's great. And Winter? He's the big white bully, isn't he?
I heard Moon's mental giggle. But I kept my eyes front. Scanning the area ahead of me. There were no sounds except the normal sounds of the jungle. Flies buzzing, birds whistling a hopeful song, the rustle or two of a squirrel hopping between trees. My men were silent, but their own minds chattered away.
I hate this place.
It's quiet at least.
The birds are singing, no rain, and it's warm enough. At least something's going my way today.
One man's thoughts were filled with red. Blood red. I only saw glimpses, but they were all him strangling the Japs with his bare hands. Running them through with bayonets. Purposefully aiming for their legs, so they'd be immobilized, and he could watch them bleed out.
I shook my head, calling in Mr. Sweeps to clear it.
Thanks. Moon's calming voice echoed crystal clear.
I got to figure out a way to stop those things from happening. Something to... block these things.
Well... there is a way.
I missed a step, trying to figure out what she meant. Immediately I felt a wave of nervousness well up from my squad. I heard the rattle of guns, their eyes lowering to the floor and watching the trees.
"Easy. We're still fine." What do you mean there's a way to block this?
I felt her hesitate, but I somehow gleaned her thoughts. It was a rock of some sort. It was a glassy dark, reminding me somewhat of obsidian. Whatever it was, it drew me to look into the sky, as if she knew it came from there.
You know about skyfire?
I shook my head again.
No, I didn't know. But... somehow I knew.
I held a hand on my shoulder. I looked back to see Travers.
"You okay Lieutenant?"
"Yeah. I'm fine." I shook my head. "Just a little distracted." Somehow, I think he knew I was skating around. "Uh, could you take point though?"
He nodded, moving to take my position. I fell back to take the rearmost point of the diamond. Both Wesley and Rossum shot inquisitive looks at me. Travers was quiet in all respects, but the others thought loudly.
What's wrong with him? He doesn't act like any officer I've ever seen.
He's possessed... maybe. He isn't thinking straight. I'll have to watch my back, he won't help if it comes to it.
I felt my heart lunge. An awkward feeling for a soldier. But that meant I was losing trust with my men. How could I trust them to carry out any orders I need them to do? How could I trust that they'll be there for me when I need them? No. I'll stay strong, stay reliable. They know I'm gonna be there for them, in this life or the next. I will gladly lay down my life if it means these men get to go back home a few days earlier. They know that. Don't they?

We finally reached our first rendezvous point at the river. Here, we split up and try and sketch out a map of the operational area. My plan was to try and go up to the cliff I was at with Moon and Qibli. It was a fairly good overwatch position, I could get plenty of information. I carefully traced back over the path I remembered. A few landmarks I made out last night were still there. A hollowed-out tree, a branch that stuck out then turned to go straight up again, a swath of leaves that looked like the tree was wearing a dress. But as I stepped as quietly and carefully as I could, an all too familiar presence entered my mind.
Moon, stay back. Stay unseen.
She didn't answer, I still felt her coming closer.
At least stay low so you don't compromise the rest of my soldiers.
Fine. She sighed. I'll do it for them.
Not too long after, two great beasts appeared and fell through the trees. Landing promptly in front of me. Qibli was shaking off leaves and brambles, Moon looked clean, if a little unhappy.
"What are you thinking Marvin!"
"You should know! Aren't our minds connected or something?"
Qibli smirked.
"This operation is dangerous. You're going to get someone hurt, it's too soon."
"How soon is too late? You saw that base, you saw how defended it is. If my estimations are correct, that base has only been here three days, at most, five. You know how hard it is to root out a defensive position after only a week?"
I thought of some of the positions I attacked and destroyed in Tunisia, Italy, Normandy, even the flakturm in Essen. Each one of them had defensive positions at various stages. Tunisia and Italy had only hastily built trenches and foxholes, they were times easier to take than the months of preparation that went into the Atlantic Wall. And judging by Moon's hanging head, she saw my point.
"I... understand what you need to do. But I still think it's too early, too dangerous."
"Qibli." For the first time, I didn't answer her directly. "You have allies right?"
"Yeah, the Outclaws." He nodded.
"How long do you think it'll take for them alone to mobilize an attack? Assuming no complicated politics or business."
The sand-colored dragon thought for a moment, then sighed.
"It'll take at least a week."
"And they'll have enough guns and defensive positions to blow anything out of the sky. Our one advantage would be lost." I turned back towards Moon. "Which is why we have to risk an attack now or guarantee a total loss later."
She opened her mouth to speak, but she withdrew it twice as fast. She knew there was no convincing me. I was stubborn like that. I think I saw a small smile when I thought about it, but I planted my boots back firmly into the ground.
"Now, I know this is incredibly dangerous. It's liable to get us all killed. But don't you think we should take that chance, to at least save tomorrow?"
Qibli looked at all the options, I saw them flash in his eyes. Moon looked back at me with glossy eyes, as if she was fighting back tears herself, before she finally took one step forward.
"Marvin... I'm with you."
"Me too. This is our best, if not, only shot at getting rid of these... monsters." Qibli looked towards the base.
I nodded slowly.
"Moon then, I have a pretty big favor to ask."

With Moon's help, Qibli's drawing skills, and the intel of my fellow scouts, I had a full map of the operational area. Every trench was mapped, every machine gun was accounted for.
The camp was truly a fortress. At least one heavy machine gun covering all open areas. Three of them total. Light gunners covered all the rest. Trenches snaked their way into and around the camp, providing a ring of security where every man could find a position to shoot at attackers from any direction. We guesstimated about two platoons worth, around 60 or so men, served in the camp. But only a squad's worth on guard in the trenches and camp. Roving two-man sentries crisscrossed the outer reaches of the defensive position, watching for possible attackers. Another squad was kept roving, ready to move on to any threats the sentries came across.
It was a hard thing to plan this attack, but it was simple. Surround, suppress, drive-in, destroy. I made liberal use of our machine gun and automatic rifles. Goldman, Hastings, and McManis — our MG team — would go onto a bluff, while having a good overlook and decent cover. They would be the center of the attack, and hopefully, wipe out that roving squad and put fire onto at least the middle HMG. If they saw other targets of opportunity, they were to take them out.
Wessly and I would take the far left and right flanks respectively, to provide accurate fire and prevent retreat into the rainforest. The rest of the squad would be split into two between Kish, Towne, Gossing; and Travers, Reed, and Rossum. They would take up the open space between me or Wessly and the MG team, then drive in hard to take the camp. Only after they fire three tracers into the air will me, Wessly, and the MG team advance up in security.
"So. That's the plan. We attack at nine o'clock. Not a second sooner, not a second later. Are there any questions?"
Everyone was eerily silent. Even their minds were busy processing it. Even I had to admit, it was a pretty solid plan.
"Right. We have... 67 minutes to reach your positions. We regroup in the camp after the attack. Watch for signals. I wish you all luck and hasty completion of your duties in all respects. Dismissed."
They all left haphazardly. Some took one last look at the map before I rolled it up and stuffed it into my pack. I heard deep footsteps approaching behind me, the great breathing of a beast behind me, but yet a comforting feeling coming over me.
"It's a good plan."
"You know I know." I smiled, looking over my shoulder to see her.
"It's just... do you need me to help stop the camp."
"You can breathe fire can you?"
Unfortunately, yes.
I nodded, looking down. "I'm not asking you guys to attack directly. I'm only asking you to cut off their means of retreat. They'll be forced to board the boat. If they're smart, they'll only leave, and nobody will get hurt. I just need you to scare the hebby jebbies out of them."
I felt a small flash of warmth.
I think I can do that.
I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't think you could do it.
She smiled.
"Speaking of, how's your friends?"
Moon sighed. "They're nervous. Winter wants to push these scavengers out as much as you do. Peril..."
"What about her?" I asked, concerned.
"She... may not make it."
I nodded, looking down at an imaginary version of the map.
"How long do you think those fire lines will last? Actually, just keep strafing the edges of the camps, don't leave a single point uncovered. Once everything burns out, we'll advance. You just make sure you're as high as practical. Watch the tracers, don't run into them. I don't want anyone getting shot down."
I finished gathering my supplies, walking to catch up. Moon followed behind me.
"By the way, how is Winter?"
"Still mad at Gossing. But he respects you now."
"Yeah, that's kind of what happens when you get shot. Humbles you up real quick."
She hummed in approval.
"Now let's move. We have a little over an hour to get everything ready. Let's move quickly."

Continua llegint

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