You're Beautiful When You Smi...

By _mariashxlly

11.6K 230 11

[Yao Yao, if it's you, how would you go about dating a professional gamer?] Tong Yao thought for a moment, be... More



141 4 0
By _mariashxlly

[Subject] [Let me tell you a joke about the best Leblanc in the nation]

First post, [OP]:

Happened to see the skirmish between ZGDX and Korean TAT-- --You all know
that usually skirmishes aren't posted online, there's a high likelihood it was
released on purpose...... When OP saw it, the skirmish had already started for a
few minutes. First blood was on ZGDX Mid, without a gank. Smiling was killed by
one person.

In any case, ZGDX lost miserably. TAT Ah Tai used Leblanc to smash Smiling to
pieces and she became the weakest link......

You could tell that the other teammates were trying hard to turn the match around.

An Azir who can't hold mid is a retard, she got killed right after using her ultimate
during the team fight. The other side's creep score was double hers! How could
they possibly do well in the future...... Look what exactly the "domestic mid hope"
that you all boasted about is really like.

The second post, [Ah Wen]:

Boasting while winning, trash talking when losing. You guys are really good at this.

The third post, [Send you to heaven with one punch]:

How can you conclude anything from one skirmish? And why does it so happen
that she had won so many skirmishes while the only one she lost was posted? TAT's
motive is execrable. This is the reason why they have won so many championships
and still no one likes them. It's time to think about it......

Pope and Cheng Ge leaving TAT was really the correct choice. Their fans probably
all breathed a collective sigh of relief. It's such a conflicting feeling to like a player yet
be disgusted with his team.

The fourth post, [Kiss kiss fish]:

Who are the comments above trying to protect? You're the ones who loudly boast
after she beat a bunch of weak domestic teams. That's hilarious. Does it hurt now that
you've gotten slapped in the face?

Let me tell you a joke about the best Leblanc in the nation, she got destroyed by
another nation's Leblanc.

Let me tell you another joke, the all Chinese teams will never beat the Korean teams.
This year, S6 is still going to be dominated by the Koreans.

The fifth post, [I laughed at the time]:

The fourth poster gives in when the Koreans start gloating. You can even joke about
all Chinese teams. How can you expect others to respect you when you look down
upon yourself? Respect isn't given by others, you have to earn it yourself.


The 678th post, [I am your grandfather]:

All the posts above who are so excited are really retarded-- --Be aware, this is a

Those who cheered for her did so only after she had won so many matches. All of
you pitiful creatures couldn't wait to jump ship the moment she lost just one skirmish.
Have you waited for a long time? Just can't hold it back anymore?

Trolling people makes you feel blessed.

Dissing people makes you happy.

S6 will still be dominated by the Koreans? Those who say so should prepare to
stream themselves eating shit if the Chinese team wins the championship. Or maybe
you should chop off something, too? :)


Both of Lu Sicheng's hands left the keyboard. He glanced at the empty seat next to
him and asked Xiao Rui as he happened to pass behind him, "Is that shorty still
sleeping upstairs?"

"No, she's already up. She went out with Ai Jia next door and his girlfriend!"

"Ai Jia?"

"And his girlfriend. I heard that they are going to eat dinner then relax-- --Aiya, it's
better for her to go out so she doesn't see those posts online......Have you seen them?"
Xiao Rui rolled his eyes while pointing to the computer behind Lu Sicheng. "Someone
even posted the skirmish online. Who would dare to play a skirmish with them in the

"That's why they never get invitations to play skirmish with other teams, even in their
own country. Usually, they only do skirmishes between their own A and B teams."

"Humph, a bunch of bastards......It's good for Tong Yao to go out and relax a bit.
Though she didn't seem care too much, deep down she can't possibly feel happy
about it. I haven't seen her playing the whole night since she came here. Who knows
when she went to bed this morning."

It was 9:30 am.

After she wept buckets sitting there.

Lu Sicheng recalled what happened this morning while looking at the clock on the
wall. It was almost midnight.

.................The girl wouldn't jump into the Huangpu River, would she?

Lu Sicheng, resting his chin on one hand, was deep in thought with his eyes cast
down. Xiao Rui, meanwhile, was still mumbling behind him-- --

"Anyway, I still can't understand why Ah Tai's strategy of 'using your specialized
champion to defeat you' works so well with all you professional players? ......It worked
on Niu god before, and the same to Tong Yao today. Wouldn't it make more sense that
it would be even more upsetting if someone defeated you while you were using your
specialized champion?"

"Is it that difficult to understand?"

Lu Sicheng played around with the mouse-- --

"It's because when you play a champion well, it means that you not only know about
the champion's abilities and capabilities well, it also includes your understanding of
the whole game. Therefore, once you're defeated......"

"What happens then?"

"Let me put it this way, suppose you're always good at English growing up, superior
than all the people around you, even the English teachers. You're always in all the
school activities and speech contests, even becoming a legend in English studies in
the whole city-- --Until one day, you're invited to attend a national English summer
camp and discovered that everyone in the camp is at least as good as you. There are
occasions that you can't even understand what some of them are saying. Just as you
are feeling overwhelmed, they turn around to laugh at you: How did you even qualify to
be in this summer camp?"


"What are you going to do?"


"By contrast, if it's a group of people speaking different languages attending a gathering
and there's one person who speaks German well who can communicate with others much
better than you, how would you feel? You probably would just think: This person speaks
great German and it's none of my business. It's just because English isn't as popular as
German here."

"Uhm, if you put it that way......"

"Therefore, Leblanc to that shorty is probably a-- --"

Before he could finish, Xiao Rui's cell phone began to ring. Lu Sicheng gestured that he
could go and answer his phone. Xiao Rui answered the phone and walked away-- --

After 5 minutes, he came back.

The team manager kicked the team captain's chair. "Are you free?"

Lu Sicheng replied with a poker face, "I'm very busy. I have to fight 300 rounds with all
those retards on Tieba......"

Xiao Rui: "Why did you change your id?"

Lu Sicheng: "Last one got banned."

Xiao Rui: "......What did you post to get banned. Ahh, nevermind, comrade captain, I
just received a phone call. It was from the Mid of the team next door to inform us that
our team's Mid is dead drunk and it's impossible for him and his girlfriend to get her
back-- --They can't even drag her away from the bar-- --They need someone to help
them now......"

"What does it mean by dead drunk?"

"She's drunk. Your Chinese is terrible!"

"Are they at a bar?"


"Does that bar not want to do business anymore?" Lu Sicheng got up to pick up his
jacket. "They even sold liquor to an underaged person."

Xiao Rui shrugged and quickly told him the name of the bar. It was close to their base.
It was a decent place where many esports clubs nearby would go there for gatherings
or celebration parties. It was within walking distance from the ZGDX and YQCB bases-- --

Lu Sicheng didn't drive but walked over there.

......Actually, the main reason was because he was afraid that she would throw up in
his car. Since it was impossible to reason with a drunk or throw her into the Huangpu
River-- --Lu Sicheng figured that he didn't want to have this kind of hassle drive him


While Lu Sicheng was on his way to the bar, ZGDX's Mid was happily sitting inside
the bar without knowing that the king of hell of their team was on his way over. She
was holding a glass with amber colored liquid inside in one hand and playing her cell
phone on the other hand-- --

The light from the cell phone screen reflected on her red face. She slightly squinted,
looking at those sneering postings on the Tieba while sipping the drink in her hand......

When the amber liquid was gone once more, she put the glass down with the other 5
identically shaped glasses in front of her and raised her hand with her neck stretched
out, "Bartender, give me another iced tea!"

"What iced tea! It's Long Island Iced Tea, you country bumpkin!" The girl, who was tall
and pretty, sitting next to her nervously pushed Tong Yao's raised arm down while trying
to cover Tong Yao's mouth at the same time. "I'll go to the supermarket to buy iced tea
if you want to drink it. I'll buy a whole case! If one case isn't enough, I'll buy two. Just
keep your mouth shut!"

"I won't" "You're drunk." "I'm not drunk. How can iced tea make me drunk." Tong Yao giggled and turned to hold her girlfriend's face with both her hands. She burped, her breath heavy with alcohol. "Iced tea makes me feel blessed, iced tea makes me happy."

"....................uhm, what nonsense have you seen on Tieba again."

"Words from [I am your grandfather]."

"? ? ?" Jinyang was totally confused. She grabbed the cell phone out of Tong
Yao's hand to take a look. Then she stuffed the cell phone under her bottom
while muttering, "Who would use this kind of id." In the meantime, she had to
use one hand to keep shorty's body straight. "Haven't I told you not to look at
this nonsense online? Why didn't you listen to me? Uhm? Tong Yao, open your
eyes and look at me. I'm so angry at all of you internet addicts-- --"

"......I'm not one of them." Ai Jia refuted in a small voice behind his girlfriend.

"Why are you so weak?" Jinyang wasn't influenced by the person behind her,
"It's just one loss at a skirmish. How can anyone keep winning? Acting like this
just because you lost one skirmish......."

"I don't care what those people have said. They can't ever defeat me!" Tong Yao
raised her head, her eyes looked especially bright for a brief moment, but very

Tong Yao grinned, "What I cared the most is that Leblanc to me is a kind-- --Yi,

Jinyang: "......"

"What she cared is that she was defeated by her own Champion! No wonder
she'll have doubts about her life." Ai Jia said, "I know the feeling!"

"What do you know." Jinyang rolled her eyes. "Haven't you been defeated everyday,
or maybe it's simply that you don't have a champion that you're good at? Look at my
poor Tong Yao-- --"

Tong Yao had slipped out of her own chair and was sitting on Jinyang's lap. Tong Yao
held Jin Yang's neck and rubbed against it. "Mom, my baby teeth are gone......"


Jinyang was going crazy.

Fortunately, the door of the bar opened just then. A tall figure showed up at the door.
He greeted the owner of the bar, then looked around and finally fixed his eyes at one
table in the corner-- --

He saw his team's Mid sitting on top of a pretty woman whom he didn't know. Compared
with the delicate makeup on that lady, Tong Yao truly looked like an elementary school kid.

Lu Sicheng walked over, surprised the two sober people at the table. Ai Jia jumped up,
"Cheng Ge, we didn't expect that you'd come."

Jinyang also wanted to be polite and shake hands with Lu Sicheng, but Tong Yao, without
moving a bit, was keeping her down. She could only nod to her idol, then patted the face
of the person in her arms, "Hey, are you there? My friend, someone's here to get you?"

It looked like Tong Yao had fallen asleep.

She opened her eyes in a daze, trying hard to make out the shape of the person in front
of her. She raised her head to tell her girl friend, "I'm drunk."

Jinyang: "?"

Tong Yao: "I'm having illusions. I saw our captain. Yixixi, he's staring at me with a black
face as if he's going to throw me into the Huangpu River."

Jinyang: "Really? Then tomorrow I'll go downstream to fish out your body."

Tong Yao grinned ear to ear.

Lu Sicheng knelt down in front of the two girls. He seriously checked the girl who was
showing all her white teeth and asked Ai Jia behind him, "How did she get drunk like this?"

"She's in a bad mood, Jinyang's afraid that she would get online again to see those nasty
comments, so she invited her out." Ai Jia was obviously nervous, scratching his head.
"After dinner, we were only planning to go have a drink and chat. But then she had too
many drinks......"

"I drank iced teas." Tong Yao stopped grinning, correcting him with a serious look.

"Keep your mouth shut." Lu Sicheng lightly said.

Tong Yao was in shock.

And it successfully stopped her from talking anymore.

However, only a few seconds later, she suddenly let go of Jinyang's neck and gradually
leaned toward Lu Sicheng......Just as she was about to fall, Lu Sicheng stretched out one
hand to keep her from falling. Then Tong Yao reached out to pinch the man's face-- --

Ai Jia and Jinyang all subconsciously held their breaths.

Tong Yao pulled on that slightly cold face, trying to stretch it outward. She was smiling all
the while, "Why are you still so mean even in dreams?"

Lu Sicheng brushed out the hand that was pinching his face and told Ai Jia behind him,
"I'm taking this lunatic back." Ai Jia was grateful and, under the instruction of Lu Sicheng,
he and Jinyang helped Tong Yao onto Lu Sicheng's back-- --

"Be careful. Don't fall down." Jinyang patted the bottom of her friend to warn her not to
move randomly.

"It's like Cheng Ge's wearing a small backpack, where can she fall......" Ai Jia turned
around to see his girlfriend was trying to follow after Lu Sicheng out of concern. He grabbed
her. "What are you doing now?"

"See Tong Yao back." Jinyang felt it was a silly question.

"Isn't Cheng Ge here?"

"Just let them be together by themselves?"

"You don't trust Cheng Ge's character."

"I'm concerned with Tong Yao's character."


While the two were talking, Lu Sicheng had already walked out of the bar with the burden
on his back-- --He was still walking quite fast as if the weight on his back was nothing to him......

Soon, they walked onto the busy street. People on the street couldn't help turning their
heads wondering what was going on with a stone faced handsome young man carrying a
girl on his back. Until-- --

"Flip-flop, flip-flop." The person on the man's back suddenly woke up, using her
slim arms to choke on the man's throat. "Hey, hey! My flip-flop dropped!"

The man almost ran out of breath. He stopped to look at the side of the road-- --
He had to admit that for a second he really wanted to throw the person on his back
off. But after a few seconds, he bent down to pick up the flip-flop and kept it in his hand.

He continued to move forward-- --

"Where's my flip-flop?" The one who was holding onto his neck stretched out her
own neck and asked.

"In my hand."

"I want to wear it."

"There's no need, you aren't walking anyways......Don't move, or I'll throw you to
the ground."

He continued to move forward-- --

"Lu Sicheng."


"Are my boobs soft?"


"Just kidding, I don't have boobs. It's the paddings. Yixixixixi."


They had gone past the noisy street and back to their community. He was almost
there, continuously moving forward-- --


"En?" Tong Yao put her chin on the man's shoulder and turned sideways to look at
the man's face from the side.

"You know, there's winning and there's losing in esports. Isn't it just a normal thing?"

"......I know that." The girl curled her eyes and smiled. "Isn't that what I have told you

"Then you should know that whatever people say online won't prevent you from being
a good esports player?"

"En." The girl's chin was still on the man's shoulder. She sniffled and yawned. "I know
that. So I don't care about their trash talk."

Lu Sicheng stopped talking.

They had walked back inside the community where the base was. It was dark except
for the street lamps which were some distance apart...... Occasionally, lights lit up from
one of the houses or sounds from a TV could be overheard-- --Tong Yao quietly listened
to the insects chirping with her eyes closed; from the other ear, she could hear the man's

After a long while, she suddenly spoke-- --

"Cheng Ge, I didn't cry because of the loss, or those nasty comments, or even my pride."


"I'm disgusted with myself for holding back my teammates."


"I'm anxious, feel bad about myself and blame myself. Do I really know how to play the
game? Do I really qualify to play professionally? Do I really know Leblanc?"

Lu Sicheng felt the person on the back had pushed down heavily with her head on his
shoulder. She paused, then used a very, very light voice to say, "Leblanc to me is like
a religion."


"But now my religion has crumbled, what should I do?"

Maybe they were closer to the lawn or the man's breathing had becoming lighter, the
noise from the insects became much louder and almost overpowered the girl's voice......
The man stopped next to a lamp post but remained silent.

The girl's arms were still tightly hugging the man's neck, like a drowning person holding
onto the last piece of floating lumber-- --

After a long while, "How about we establish a new religion with the determination to win?"

"......" The girl was taken back for a while then she chuckled sneeringly, "How can that
be easy?"

The man walked out of the area which was lit by the streetlight, so the girl on his shoulder
missed the smile on the corners of his lips which was hidden under the darkness-- --

"How would you know if you don't try?"

"I know it without even trying it."

"It's very easy, I'll teach you."

"......You're kidding. You're so strong and have never suffered this kind of humiliation.
You wouldn't know how to teach me."


"Why did you stop talking again?""Because what you just said seems to make sense.""......"

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