Pacific rim (gipsy avenger) x...

By AWACS_Solitary

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So hi guys this is my first story i have ever made so please dont hate on me any at the title says this is a... More

Chapter 1 arrival
Chapter 2 go big or go extinct
Chapter 3:introductions
Carrier vs jeagers chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 ironblood
Kaiju chapter 7
Rescue chapter 9
Should i add more jeager?
Ashes chapter 10
New yeager and main weapons
A legend's return / ghost vs super battleships chapter 11
Rewrite of couple of chapters
Chapter 12
Alt enterprise chapter 13
A song before battle/chapter 14
Rather long chapter
Thx for the 1K read's
Chpater 15
I deleted chapter 14 to improve chapter 16 which is now chapter 15
Chapter 16 the orochi / a fucking rest finnaly for the boys
Chapter 17 celebration / yandere
Fury's date
Time to make a change on my writing style
Striker lost
New yeager (final yeager i will add)
The three arm ninja
Thunder cloud formation! / lemon (fury and eugen)
Striker doesn't like karens
Change on the story icon
A non lethal new threat
The white flag users aka pasta empire
Half yeager half ship chapter 25
New yeager (made up)
Chapter 26 / you should not have done that
Im sorry about this
An unexpected sister / chapter 27
Azure infinite

Pissed off obsidian fury / headache for the jeager cuz of queen elizabeth/8

1.7K 20 39
By AWACS_Solitary

Gipsy and fury were ordered to report to queen elizabeth

Belfast:mr gipsy and my obsidian fury the queen summons you


Fury:were on our way

Belfast:i will be taking my leave now

Fury:hey gipsy what do you saw we wear something new?

Gipsy:like what?

Fury:you wear a new jacket and il wear a new shirt we need to change once in a while you know?

Gipsy:right lets go

Both brothers got inside there yeagers

Gipsy jacket

Obsidian fury shirt

No one POV royal garden

QE:i already know what you got for me

Author:jeez your voice is anoying HANS GIVE ME ZA FLAMMENWERFER


QE:isnt that eagle unions duty to do?

Pow:yes my majesty but enterprise is injured shes keeps pushing herself

QE:oh ok how about those two metal giants that ALMSOT KILLED ME speaking of which where are they its been 2 hours

Authour:its actualy just been 5 minutes

Belfast:i informed them your majesty there on their way

QE:better be

Thats when they heard Screaming



Gipsy:you done fury?

Fury was in the toilet realeasing dirt when in reality hes just going trought the pictures he had taken earlier in the medical room


He flushed the toilet to make it seem like he dumped his P

Gipsy:good that elizabeth from the looks of her faces she seem impatient were prob gonna be scolded one we get there

Fury:hmm i have an idea

(Timeskip brought to you by chibi enterprise hugging chibi gipsy avenger)

Gipsy:your insane pls tell me your not serious

Fury:oh im serious all right

NOTE:heres what there gonna do have you watched or played titanfall 2? You know that level where BT throws you or fastball? Instead of titan ITS GONNA BE A YEAGER HELL YEAH

Gipsy:how are we gonna land safely genius hmm?

Fury:we transform in the air

Fury:that way we can use our rear thruster to slow us down

Gipsy:worth a shot lets do this

Enterprise:uhhh what are you doing?

Cleve:wait dont tell me


obsidian then took a step forward and throws fury


Then thousands of wisdowm cubes goes to fury and now he has his rigging to land safely

Gipsy:alright avenger LAUNCH ME

Gipsy avenger then took two steps forward launched gipsy then the same as fury wisdom cubes goes to gipsy and he got his rigging but there was a problem they cant control therselves

Hood pov
I hear screaming i turned to see who it was and it was gipsy and brother in the air



fury activates his rear thrusters while fipsy activates in his fuel purge the landed "safely"

Fury:see it was fun

Gipsy then gave a him a "your dead" glare

Gipsy:lets just go

the two then approaches the royal navy ship girls and they dont even bow know why? CUZ THERE AMERICAN AMERICAAAA

QE:my my how disrespectful you are to the queen

Fury thoughts:

Gipsy:sorry your majesty but we dont do that

QE:very well

Fury whispering:im gonna punch your face them missile your entire body your voice is annoying



Gipsy:what did you need us for

QE:Prepare your minds xuz this is gonna be a loooong talk

Long talk is the yeagers weaknesses

Fury and gipsy:

After a 5 hours talk of queen and after a 3 hours break they were called again there mission hood and pow is in danger no way in hell there gonna let denmark strait happen again so they did the yeager fastball again and 50 seconds later they see bismarck had hood pinned down and pow getting strangled but one thing was different prinz eugen wasnt there ots cuz shes still healing after she got slapped by a kaiju but not only bismarck was but there was also these people

Gipsy:5 of them i can get pow and hood out of there but someone will have to fight them

Fury:i will...

Gipsy:are you sure

Fury:yes get them out il fight them 5

Gipsy:alright just be carfull ok?

Fury:i will

Bismarck:oh hood you should have learned your lesson you cant deafeat us*

Hood:i might fall *cough* but more will stand against you

Duestchland:yeah and we will just defeatthem like always

Authour:*cough* cough* obsidian fury gipsy avenger *cough*

Roon:your allies will fall like always *laughs*

Admrial graf spee:like as if you will win

Graf zeppelin:just kill her already


Bismarck was about to stab hood until obsidian appears out of the fog and grabs bismarck's flag with spear like on the top

Ironblood girls:!!!!????


There obsidian fury with his rigging on with two medium size phalanx CIWS (small enought they could fit perfectly)
Btw if you didnt know gipsy and fury rigging is just a smaller verson of there yeagers


Gipsy grabs hood and punched the girls that is holding wales and grabs her too

Gipsy:good luck brother

With that gipsy left and ran and ran thx to his speed

Deustchland:well well well looks whos here

Admiral graf spee:we could make good use of your tech

Tirpitz:this is where you will fall

Bismarck:we knew you would come  and there is more U BOATS

Out of the water emerged u 2511 u 410 a and u 96

U 2511:this is the so called yeager? Looks pathetic

Z24:thats beacause he is

Z23:this is your demise

U96:how is this a challenge

U 410:this is gonna be easy

Authour:oh ho ho ho do you know who your talking to?

Fury:i cant die i promised laffey i will come back as her big brother


Fury was about to go outside until

???:big brother where are you going?

Fury turns around

Fury:i gotta go on a mission to save hood and wales

Laffey:promise laffey you will come back

Fury:il come back with glory laffey i promise

Laffey:ok *smiles*

Flashback end

Fury:i promised laffey il come back and i will

???:ara ara they fell for our trap

???:there idiots like always

???/???:indeed they are

Fury:what the fuck?

Akagi:this was a trap to capture you

Kaga:no wonder why you all always lose you all are fools

Zuiakaku and shoakaku:prepare to lose

Ayanami:you will feel the power of demon

Duestchland:first we will kill you and your brother then we will torture laffey

Torture laffey that is possible one of biggest mistake they could have ever done that simple sentence has unleashed a demon inside fury
They pissed off the wrong yeager

Fury:what. The. Hell. Did. You. Just. Say

Duestchland:touched a nerve didnt i?

Admiral graf spee:what could he possibly do?

Z23:there is 16 us and one of him(16 cuz,bismarck,tirpitz,roon,grafzeppelin,duestchland,u410,u2511,u96,akagi,kaga,zuikaku,shoakaku,ayanami,z23,z24,admiralgrfspee

Z24:this is will a piece of cake

Authour:hmmm sure as if your guns will do anything did you watch uprising when fury first attack 4ppdc cannons fire at his back and didnt nothing it just pushed him or when he got shot by gipsy plasma gonna he just got flinged and oh did i mention he has phalanx ciws

Suddenly fury's orange glowing stripe's turned red and his visor too this indicates fury has lost control rip arrogant ships

Fury activates his right chain sword thats also has turned red and activate his wrist missile and his phalanx ciws is ready to fill the air with led

All shipgirls:!!!!?????

Zuikaku:what the...

Obsidian fury:...............big mistake

Fury fires his missiles at zuikaku she doges it z 23 fired torpedos but no effect


Authour:*cough* cough* obsidian isnt a ship * cough*

he fire his shoulder missiles at z23 critical damage she was forces out of the fight bismarck fire but fury evades and missiles bismarck she use her rigging as a shield but it only got destroyed ayanami got close to fury but fury turms just in time to block her attack with his chain sword he overpowers ayanami and punched her in the gut and uppercut zuikaku and shoaku akagi kaga and graf zeppelin launched their plane the air is filled nothing with aircraft noice that is until *BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTT*the twin phalanx ciws decimated the planes but as one plane was going down it dropped its bombs but the ciws shot the bomb  before it could reach fury zuikaku ayanami attack fury together fury activate both of his blade  his phalanx ciws fires at zuikaku that tries to block the round but got hit beacuse of the intense fire rate her left leg gets shot she cries in in pain as the 20mm gatling round goes right trough her leg duestchland and admiral graf spee fires at fury with all they have but the yeager doesnt even flinch and launched missiles at them he fire 15 missiles at duestchland and fire 10 missiles at graf spee 8 hit spee and 11 hits duestchland they wont be waking until the next day they started sinking but z23 caughts them both and retreats but the other arent gonna stop until they capture the yeager even 16 ships girls cant even make a single yeager to feel pain kaga and akagi launch they fireball of sorts towards fury and launched planes at him ayanami launched torpedo u 2511 u 410 u 96 also launched torpedo bismarck and tirpitz kept firing and tirpitz launches her torpedo to fury and ket firing her cannons all the torperdos hit ther mark and then a large column of water flies 55 meters in the air the shipgirls shout in celebrations until the three u boats got hit by missiles fury is still standing the shipgirls couldnt bilieve it the combine firepower of torpedoes and shells is still  sufficient to put the red glowing yeager to his knees ayanami had enough and lunges at fury who simply just catches the sword and shatters it and lunched his missiles in ayanmi face (no she didnt die cuz plot) the shipgirls are exhausted some of them cant even move and breathing heavily while fury here still has hundred and thousands of energy to spare but the red glowing striped turns orange and collapses

Thats when sirens arrived and picks up obsidian who has blacked out from all the fighting he did

Purifier:wow hes fighting was unexpected

Observer alpha:we could make good use of him

Tester beta:bring him to the drop ship and leave these girls there allies will find them

They place fury to dropship and left

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