Healing Hearts! Precure! - A...

By hoshiko_jessie

116 1 0

☆In a city named Cyprus, a girl named Jessie will attend her first day of Medical School for a chance to beco... More

A New Day, A New Face...es!
She's me... but better? Cure Veracity!
Hope, Morals, Charity!
Who I Am!
The Legendary Warriors!

Wait!! I'm Curing Who?!

27 0 0
By hoshiko_jessie

I sprinted back inside and walked up the stairs as the Head Principal gave a stern look of disapproval.
I gasped as I recognized her face.

She must be Mrs. Heart! ... She looks a lot meaner than she should be in person...

I shook my head and made my way back to Octavian's classroom and to my desk.
I checked the time,

9:48 am-

Already, sounds of shoes were heard on the smooth tile that was once polished and now dusty from the usage.

The professor cleared his throat and stood up, taking his keys as he went to shut the door.

I looked at my watch one last time,

9:50 am-


The sound of the lock turning made me whip my head up as the professor cleared his throat again,
"I knew some wouldn't heed my words. I'm astonished I have at least 15 of you in here. Keep it up, I'm sure you all won't let me down."

His tone was colder than usual if it were possible, making me shrink in my chair.

Boy... if he were the one who was a villain in a show, he'd be pretty good at it...

I gently held the necklace at my diaphram level, writing my notes as the morning flashed in my head.

Who was this Pulse kid? He mentioned some Guardians? Or something? But what do I have to do with any of that..? Maybe if I return the necklace, he'll leave me be. ... But that leaves me with so many questions and helping him would be pointless if he's just gonna leave after.

I shook my head as Octavian's writing was growing in number on the board and I tried to keep up.
Needless to say, my pencil was smoking afterwards.

It was about time the bell rang again, and Octavian packed his bag quickly.
10:50 am-

"Well, you all have no assisgnments from me. I don't give out homework."
The class seemed to lift slightly,
"BUT! I will ask you all tomorrow on what you've learned from this class specifically and after Biochemistry at 1 pm today, you will answer me questions from the material on Wednesday. I will see you all in exactly 2 hours later."

With that, he walked out the door in a swift movement and shut it behind him
We waited until his shoes were non existant and we heaved a heavy sigh.

"Ah~... Who knew our first teacher was THIS harsh?!" Someone exclaimed at our left.

"The Vice Principal did say there were some Passionate Teachers here."
Another spoke.

"Passionate my ass! He was colder than the North Pole and harsher than my dad!"
Paula snorted.

"Whatever! At least he's good looking!"
Nadiya chirped again.

And with that...

"He was, wasn't he?!"
"So distant! So dreamy!"
"And did you see the way his shirt wasn't too tight but slightly unbuttoned at his chest?"

A swarm of girls began to swoon over the once proclaimed frozen hearted teacher, making my stomach churn.

Paula leaned over to my side as she hopped her chair's' side bar,
"Can you believe these girls? Fawning over a teacher like it's Freshman Year of Highschool! Ya'll are such imbiciles!"

"Excuse me?"
A girl with black hair scoffed.

"She's right. He's just a teacher and we're students. The chances of something going on between one of us and him are almost 0 and none." I sighed, clenching my hands as I wished my hair covered my face,
"Believe me... I know... I've been there..."

"Oh really? Let me guess? In First grade?"
She snorted.

"No. Senior year of highschool, first day, first class out of 6. He was kind and warm... He did show interest in me. Even kept me after class to share some of my sketches."
I chuckled at the idiotic memory.
"He told me that he liked me... but then..."

I studied the brick wall furiously as I tried not to let the memory eat my soul from within,
"Then he invited me to his wedding day... And I rejected it. I hated him... till this day..."

The room was silent as I felt my voice cracking as I cleared my throat.

"But anyways, don't fall for the teacher when he doesn't show interest. He's not worth the heartache..."
I concluded as the black haired girl nodded in silence.
"Interesting.... I think I can use this one to my advantage..."

The day went on, and Bioetiquette was wonderful. The protocols, the uniforms, to our conduct and history of proper procedures.
The bell chimed again and my new professor gave a smile as she slowly packed her bags,

12:55 pm-

"That was a ride wasn't it? Remember, I want assignments due by Thursday of our next class session! Put into practice all you learn here, these are essential to a nurse like oxygen to an asthmatic. And Thursday, we'll talk about the 4 Core Attributes a Nurse must have.
Hope that left ya on a cliffhanger! Haha! I best be going, have a wonderful rest of the day!"

She laughed and walked out into the hallway. Before we turned to speak,

"Oh! Afternoon Mr.Octavian! I left them all properly seated!"
Mrs. Charlotte's voice chirped.

Immediately we sat back straight and faced towards the board, palms sweaty and throats dry as the sound of shoes was heard.

"Afternoon. You all seem to be in order. That said, let's get straight into it."
He huffed, taking out his markers again and beginning class straightaway.

I got out my own stationary as I learned from last time that he uses a lot of colors.

"Ah!" His voice spoke up to our direction, "See here at this classmate who is ready to meet my expectations. She has colored pencils to differentiate what from what, and I expect you all by Wednesday to do the same. Nothing more nothing less."

The class was eerily silent as Nadiya smirked in my direction.

A little praise wasn't a cue for me to swoon, but she sure expected it to.

"Now, what is a cell? Well, like us, they have a body system to work. Listen and write, Cells create Tissue, Tissues make up Independent Organs, Independent Organs create systems, and a whole system creates a body! A body that functions and works marvelously. And then there are in betwe...-"

Lady... Remember...

I jolted as my blue pencil fell down and rolled towards Nadiya's side.
She handed it over quickly and quietly while Octavian wasn't looking.

'Thank you..!'
I mouthed, gaining a smile and a nod as she continued writing.

I shook the voice of the mouse away, being reminded I still had something to do. I took a swing of my tea and began writing my notes again.

Class ended the same way, Octavian leaving with an emotionless good bye and the class waited for him to leave. They stood up and began packing up to leave as the bell chimed.

2:50 pm-

"Hey, gotta run! My mom's picking me up to help her at her home so, I'll see you two weirdos tomorrow 'kay?"
Paula smiled as she waved and left.

"Oh! Bye Paula! I gotta go too, I have work at a part time job after school so, I'll see you tomorrow too!"
Nadiya smiled, waving and walking off, leaving me to my bag.

I waved to everyone and walked out the door, down the stairs, to the left as I waved good bye to the cafeteria ladies and out the gates.

I sighed a breath of relief.

"You did remember, right?"
I gasped as I jumped back and looked at the people who stared at me weirdly.

Think Jessie Think!

"Ahaha! Nice one, you really spooked me champ! I didn't think you'd come see me here! Now let's go home!"
I laughed nervously as I held his shoudlers and walked towards the park.

"Hey, what gives?"
Pulse argued.

"Listen, people here don't know about random kids walking up to people in a private area. So from now on, you're my cousin, yeah?"
I sighed.

Pulse rolled his eyes but nodded,
"Fine. But, I do need that necklace."

I nodded and started to take off the piece of jewelery.

I looked to my side and saw Professor Octavian seeming to carry a new student from the class.

"Get down..!"
I whispered loudly to Pulse as I pulled him behind a wall of bushes that gave me vision to the boy.

"What happened?"
He asked in the same whisper.

"That's my teacher. He's got a new person in his arms, and he looks... unconscious."
I gulped.

Pulse poofed back to his Mouse size and went to look, coming back with a pale face.

"That... That's your teacher..?"
He asked.

I shrugged.

"He's Incarnate! Octavian Incarnate! He's the one who terrorized my hometown!"
Pulse hissed.


I gulped and furrowed my eyebrows, starting to stand as Pulse grabbed my long sleeve,
"Where are you going?! You can't walk up to him! You're just a civilian and I can't risk your well being to confront him!"
He growled.

"I can't just stay here, my role as a nurse in training is to care for others first, I come second. So I will not let this boy get harmed because of my selfishness and cowardness!"
I yelled.

As if a movie, the jewel began to glow in my hand, making me open it and stare in astonishment.

"How... How did you..?"
Pulse asked, dumbfounded by the activation of the gem., "But, you're not... A girl!"
He gasped.

"But the feelings in your heart were more than enough to set it off... Quick!"
Pulse ran up into my hands and gave me a questionable looking bracelet,
"Put this on your left wrist, insert the Heart Crystal in it and yell at the top of your lungs, 'Precure! Clinical Heart Beat!' while thrusting your arm into the air!"
Pulse yelled out.

"Wait... Curing who?!"
I asked panicked at the new courage he showed.

"Just do as I said!" He yelled

"Right... so l-like this?--"

In a flash of pink, I held the Crystal in my finger tips,

"Precure! Clinical Heart Beat!"

I slid in the gem and turned the dial on the bracelet. My bracelet shown brightly like there was no tomorrow and spat out a hot pink card with a design embeded on it.

"Change! Uniform!"
I caught the card and tapped it on my bracelet and my body was enveloped in a spray of pink, making my uniform disappear and replaced with a pink version of it with white lining.
To follow the change in top, a skirt of the same pink with slight white on it's hems and white elbow length gloves.

"Step! Boots!"
The next card was caught and tapped on my bracelet, creating a feather that stuck to my legs and gave me white and pink boots that reached to my knees.

"Polish! Hair!"
A final card was tapped and a white Nurse's Cap with a single pink heart on its front appeared with wings at it's sides.
I placed it on with a slide, watching my hair unfurl and stretch into a large pink ponytail with a heart shaped curl at it's end.

With a smile and a clap to my chest, the Crystal Heart doubled in size and sat at my chest, making a bow tie itself up as it stayed as a crest.

I tapped the bracelet once more and it changed into a pink band at my left wrist like the one at my right and a final heart with a single wing cliped my hair up in place, with similar earrings at my ears.
The feeling of cold in my eyes made me blink once and I had pink eyes with lighter lipstick and blush.

I tapped back to the ground with the tips of my boots as the sound of tile was heard in place of the dirt and the ever recognizable cool of a clinic was felt around me.

"Who..?! I thought I got rid of you!"
I heard the voice of my professor yell at the bottom of my platform.

I shook as his eyes were menacingly cold and his usual emotionless face was enraged and his nose furrowed and scrunched up in anger.

"Now! Introduce yourself! Be who your heart wants to be!"
Pulse cheered from the side as the same boy I saw this morning.

I smiled and raised my hands and held them to my chest in a small hug, thrusting them in small punches,

"The light of a new day! Hardworking Endurance!"

I smiled and jumped down to the same ground he stood on, swinging my left arm behind my back and my right in front as I twirled,

"I am Cure Hope!"

The ever addicting smell of alcohol flowed from my aura and I snapped back to reality in a panic.

"Wait..! Where's my bag?! And my hair! I can't have pink hair! I'll get in trouble for sure!"
I gasped.

"No... This can't be! Not like this!"
Octavian gasped, jumping towards the nearest tree branch. He held his left hand upwards and one of his own bracelets began to glow.
In a veil of black and dark velvet purple, he emerged from the smoke with a faded cape, a cracked diamond broche at his chest, faded blue military top and black slacks with polished black boots.
His hair was slicked upwards to a point and it made me uneasy.

I knew he was my professor but this was just terrifying!

"Now, Cure Hope..." he spoke in his usual low voice, "Prepare.. To become Hopeless!"
He growled loudly, the same blood thirsty rage in his eyes as he took out a syringe with black liquid in it and held the boy he harassed earlier as he slumped downwards,

"Heart of the downcasted, feelings of the hopeless, rise and bring forth, the Calloused Heart you rightfully deserve!"

Octavian injected the stuff into his veins and from the body of the boy, appeared a pair of red eyes as the viel revealed a huge grey metalic counter of the boy with the coat of a doctor and the ever apparent frown of sorrow.

It sighed, groaning at it misery.

"Now go, take her down and bring me the jewel that gave her such power!"
He growled and the machine-like boy came at me with the ever increasing groan.

I jumped back, making my distance too far away now!

I gasped and dug my heels into the ground, making the dirt scrape upwards as I made it onto the blacktop pavement and saw a few students come my way.
I waved awkwardly and looked at my feet, giving a lunge forward and towards the mechanical boy.
I angled my elbow and with a growl of my own, I impacted with the metal.

The Bot-Boy was pushed backwards as I rubbed my elbow.

"Ah... I feel I bruised it...."
I sighed.

Pulse ran up to me and kneeled at my side,
"Come on, get up! You gotta make another dent in it!"

I nodded and stood up as the boy came running with a charged up punch towards my direction.
I gasped and instinctively blocked it, opening my eyes, I saw the machine-like boy struggle to let go.

"What are you doing? Get her!"
Octavian growled.

I furrowed my eyebrows and slowly spun the machine upwards as it sounded dizzy,

With a yell of anger I flung it into the skies.

...Wait.. What comes up...

"Now!" Pulse called out, "Tap the bracelet again and call out a Finisher Attack!"

I nodded and tapped my bracelet,
"Heart of the Hopeless, hear my call! Come to me!"

A pink Bow with wings as it's design, and a translucent string appeared and I grabbed it's middle,
"This won't hurt a thing! Precure! Hopeful Heart,"

An arrow with a heart shaped end appeared and began to glow like mad as I pulled back on the string,


I let it go, watching as it spun and struck the Dark Heart of the Machine.

"I'm cured...!"

The boy spoke through the cracking metal armor and his heart was a healthy red once more and it's cracks were gone.

I saluted as the machine was no more,
"Take care now."
I smiled.

"Augh... This will be the last time you stop me! Next time, I won't be so easy...."
Octavian growled and disappeared in a type of portal.

I sighed and jumped to the skies as Pulse yelled after me,
"Catch Him, Hope!"

I caught the boy and help him back on the bench where his belongings were at.

"That was..."
"That looked like our teacher..."
"It couldn't be.."
"Nevermind that! This girl saved Andrew!"

A crowd was at my back and began to cheer me on as Pulse was no where to be found.

"Haha.... It was nothing! Really!"
I sweated and shook my hands to and fro,

"Let's go! No one can know your identity if you revert to your civilian form!"
I heard Pulse at my side as paws were felt at the nape of my neck.

"A-ah! Right! I-I gotta go! Might be more people to help out in the city!"

I laughed nervously and junped off, running behind an empty park discreetly and took off the bracelet.
The breeze of cool air was felt and my uniform was back to it's normal slacks and blouse.

"That was so scary... I've never done anything like that before..."
I shuddered.

"But that was great! You had the same strength as our foretold Legendary Warriors! You're one of them!"
Pulse exclaimed, his thin tail shaking slightly back and forth.

I almost forgot he's a mouse!

"What does that mean?"
I asked.

"You're gonna help me take down Incarnate and free our city from malevolent behavior!"
He cheered,
"Now, we gotta find three more from your school to help us out!"

"Wait! I gotta do this everyday?"
I whined.

"It's a job! You're the Defender of Hearts now! You can't back out!"
Pulse urged.

"Aahhh! This Can't Be!"

[End Part 2]

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