
By ikki-aldini

218 38 6

You were born special, you haven't got your quirk yet but your parents, the Bakugo family, wondered what your... More

Bakugo Matsuki and Katsuki came to Earth.
My life with Heros.
Battle! : Matsuki VS Shoto (Individual Battle)
Breached School.
.Alpha Mode.
USJ Trip!
Attack On USJ!
Sports Festival?!
Meet Up With Shoto's Family Day!
Sports Festival (1)
Sports Festival (2)

Wait.. Alpha... Quirk?

14 3 4
By ikki-aldini

"Wait, so, you have more than one quirk,  because the villains gave it to you but there is something else in one of your quirks?" He sounds confused.

I nod.

"I was kidnaped by a villain when I was a kid aged 2. The first quirk they have me was this blue fire. Then, they started experimenting by using me. There were times I couldn't handle the quirk. They removed some other quirks. I have a quirk that can heal people and many other quirks."

He looks stunned.

"It's too much isn't it?" He kept quiet.

I sighed.

"I knew it... I'm sorry. I, maybe just thought- I, I'm sorry." I apologised to Todoroki. I was going to walk away until.

"W-wait. I still want to know more. Tell me more. Please." He held my wrist.

"A-are you sure? I don't plan to have anyone to... you know, betray me or something." I mumbled at the last part.

"Don't worry, I would never betray you. Believe me. I would never want to lose a great person like you, Matsuki." He admits.

My heart fluttered like it was the only thing it wanted to hear. Blood started rushing through my cheeks and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"I-I- Um- S-sure! I just gotta- Get- Um- Some water- I'll be back!-" And rushed to the kitchen.


"Oh god. You look weird." Sora looked at me.

"Shut up. Damnit." I took a glass, poured water in it and gulped down water.

I slammed the glass down softly as I sighed.

No one has made me feel that way before. Not since that stupid shit betrayed my trust. Not since I swore to never fall in love again. Is this something else? I feel something stronger than just any other connection.

"Matsuki- Sorry I didn't mean to barge in but-" I turned and saw Todoroki standing in the hallway.

"Who is, that?" Todoroki asks me. I turned to see Sora still standing there.

"I-I, um. I-" I stuttered.

"I would really love to be known to someone else other than you now, you know?" Sora looks at me with a pure looking face.

He's never like this. Just because there is a guest in the house. Wannabe known kid. Geez.

"Let's just head back to the living room."


(Todoroki's POV)

"A quirk? This, this guy here is a quirk?" I questioned Matsuki.

She rubbed the back of her neck before nodding.

"The name's Sora! Nice to meet you." He held out his hand and I gladly shook it.

"Why didn't you show anyone about him? This quirk. It's really awesome." I tried to compliment her.

"Thanks, but no thanks. Having quirks given to me from villains is something I definitely don't want others to know." She puffed one side of her cheek.

"They do know about your fire quirk. And the other quirk." I tried to look into her eyes.

"It's just confusing for me. I feel like, as if the whole world would be against me. Because- well, you know? I grew up with the villains for awhile. And, being someone who runs away from the villains, it isnt easy." I kept quiet.

"Furthermore, I was a girl. Getting kidnaped? Being used as a lab rat? Meant to be a villain? Everything was already foretold. I was meant to be a villain. The unstoppable villain. The one who will rule the world and let the villains win-"

"You are not a villain." I assured her.

"Oh yeah? Prove it to me." She laid back to the sofa with her arms crossed.

"From what I learned about you, you ran away. Right? You ran away from what you were going to be, a villain. You ran away and even went to look for a Pro-Hero just so that they would train you to become a hero you felt like you were meant to be. You are a true hero at heart." I gave a thin-lip smile.

"Heh, I like you Todoroki." I was flustered a little.

I felt like something in my gut. It didn't hurt but it felt very queasy in a good way. I felt my heart racing but I am sitting down, not running.

"I-I mean! I mean because you're, you know! A great friend! Hahaha," we both gave an awkward laugh.

There was a sudden slient moment before someone came in.

"Matsuki. I- Oh? Todoroki?" Sensei comes in the house.


(Matsuki / your pov)

I nod. I came up towards Shouta.

"I only told him about Sora. He hasn't know anything about Shora yet. The combination of Sora and Shilo isn't something that can be kept a secret for long, although I do try my best to hide her away." I whispered to Shouta.

He nods as an answer.

"Well then, in that case, since Todoroki is here, might as well tell some things to him." He placed down a box that he was carrying.

"Eh? Nani nani?" I look at the box.

"It's for you, I took some things from Bakugo. He said he wanted to give you something."

I opened the box to see a picture of Oka-san, she was holding the both of us when we first was born in both of her arms. I missed my hair in the gradient way. It looks much better. I should probably let my hair be and not dye it anymore.

"Shilo? What's that?" Sora popped up from behind.

"Just things. I'm going to put this in the room." I carried the box and went up to my room.

Meanwhile with Todoroki and Aizawa...
(Aizawa's POV)

"I noticed how you and Matsuki are very close, do you two have something going on?" I asked Todoroki.

He shook his head.

"We are just friends."

"Oh, anyways. Todoroki. I'm putting you in charge for Matsuki." I talked to him formally.

He had a confused expression plastered onto his face.

"Matsuki has been going through alot of things. She's been traumatised by villains and to be frank, they are searching for her. Forcing her back to become a villain. Matsuki may look like a happy-go-lucky girl but behind all that happiness, she's a kid that never gotten any proper childhood with heros and her own family. She was forced into a villain life. She took her chances to escape from them, she ran away, trying and wishing to become a hero. She lost someone she loved, cared, talen care of. I'm not usually like this, but for Marsuki's sake, please. Take care of her. I trust you. Don't leave her, not even a single minute. The villains know where she is schooling and they might be planning to attack U.A. just to get her. This is the only thing I want you to do. Now, I've got other work to do. I shall see you both in school tomorrow." I stood up and went to the door.

"Shouta-kun? Leaving already? You barely had any coffee," I turned to see Matsuki pouting.

"I'll come over next time to have some coffee then," she smiled.

"Ja, see you tomorrow!" She waved goodbye.

(Nobody pov)

"What did Sensei talk to you about?" You sat down on the sofa infront of Todoroki.

"Oh, it was nothing. He just asked about how we both got along together." He answers, hiding the fact that Aizawa had told him about her past.

"Well, Todoroki-"


Both of you kept quiet.

"So, um, what about your past? Wanna tell me about it?" You tried to calm the tense surrounding down.

"I-" Suddenly Todoroki's phone rang.

He took out his phone to see his sister's name on the call. He excused himself as he answered the call.


You sat there, wondering, why he avoided anyone. Just because his father was Endeavor. The man who abused his own family. You hoped he opened up to you more than to everyone else. You wanted to know him more. He grew up with a horrid family. Something like a perfect family with a broken frame. He even grew up without a mother. You wanted to give him the love he was missing from his own mother but, you as well, grew up without a mother. Without parents.

Todoroki came back from his call.

"Oh, Todoroki! Who called you?" You tried to sound as if you weren't worried about him.

"My sister called. She was just wondering how much longer will I be here."

You did felt guilty for taking Todoroki from his sister.

"Well, you can, you know? Go back home now. I shall lead you the way out from this place." You stood up from your seat.

"A-are you sure?" Todoroki sensed a feeling of guilt to leave a little early.

"It's definitely alright. I need to go back home to Katsuki as well. Let's get going."
You picked up some clothes and placed it in your bag before locking the door and leading Todoroki the way out.

Both of you were having tiny conversations. You enjoyed teasing around with Todoroki as he had such tiny mind on sarcasm and jokes in the world.

"Ja, I'll see you tomorrow Peppermint-chan." You grinned at Todoroki and waved him goodbye.

He waves you goodbye and waited for you to go straight home first, then he went home.

You laid down on the bed as you reflected on what had happened today.

Tired with all the drama that happened, your eyes started getting heavier as you peacefully fall asleep.

End of Chapter 13! Sorry for every mistakes made here as well! Do tell me in the comments if you have any suggestions for me and/or any mistakes I have previously made in the other chapters!

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