love war with my best friend...

By alysxa_

63.3K 1K 997

dream x fem reader you go to visit your best friend of almost two years and stay alone with him for three wee... More



1.5K 26 13
By alysxa_

thoughts are in italics! hope you enjoy this one, i tried my best to make it memorable out of all the chapters:)

personally, i love this one. i think it's really sweet and a perfect day.

words: 2809
finished: july 16, 2021 - 2:29am

2 days left - 1:16pm

clay's pov
"hey, do you wanna watch a movie? maybe more than one?" i offered to y/n.

"sure. what do you wanna watch?"

"hmm... well do you wanna watch more than one? it's thunder storming outside so we can't really do anything out there and we don't have much to do in here."

"oh, well then yeah, sure!" she smiled.

"do you wanna watch separate movies or a series?" i got up to turn the tv on.


"okay well... we could just rent some movies on here." i pointed the remote in my hand towards the tv, showing her that roku was up. (if you don't know what roku is, it's basically a thing where you can rent and buy any movie on it.)

she smiled. "...maze runner?"

y/n went through a phase where she would nonstop talk about the maze runner movies and her favorite character, newt. that was probably half a year ago. she stopped obsessing over it but she still really enjoyed it. i just found it funny.

i smiled at her and shook my head. "sure. if you really want to." i laughed.

she jumped up off the couch and grabbed the remote from me to type in the names of the movies.

"okay, the first movie is "the maze runner", the second one is "maze runner: the scorch trials", and the third one is "maze runner: the death cure"."

she kept talking but her voice got more distant as i watched her ramble about the things she enjoys. she's so pretty. i can't believe she's mine...

"CLAY." she broke my train of thought.

"WHAT?" i laughed.

"did you hear me?" she smiled.

"i heard the movies in order. and even if you said other important stuff, i bet i've heard it before." i chuckled.

"okay well let's get snacks and start watching!" she jumped up and ran to the kitchen.

i sighed while smiling. she's mine...


directed by
wes ball

"so... what did you think of it?!"

"okay, not gonna lie, that's gotta be one of the best movies i've seen."

we just got done watching the first movie. (OKAY JUST SAYING, THESE MOVIES ARE ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD SO I DEFINITELY RECOMMEND YOU GO WATCH THEM, I JUST REWATCHED THEM THEYRE SO GOOD. OKAY BACK TO THE STORY) it was a pretty good movie and i was eager to see the next one to see what happens.

"i told you!" she playfully pushed my arm.

"okay, yes, you did tell me." i laughed. "now let's watch the next one." i stole a quick kiss on her forehead and cuddled back into the corner of the couch with my blankets and pillows. she burst out in laughter.

"what?" i asked.

"nothing... your just cute." she turned her head back to the tv to pull up the next movie.

"excuse you, i'm not cute, i'm hot. thank you very much." i scoffed, playfully.

"okay mr. hot." she put her hands at shoulder length and shook them back and forth as she spoke.

i grabbed a fully pillow and threw it at her. "play the movie!" i laughed. "and hand me the bag of m&m's." i added.

she pressed play and laid back on me, moving around to get comfortable. she handed me the m&m's and started to eat the popcorn we made, before we played the movies.

round 2.

30 minutes into the movie...

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" i screamed and held y/n close to my chest.

she just laughed at me and continued to watch the movie.


she continued laughing. "those are the cranks. that's the virus that woman was talking about."

"they're zombies!"

she just laughed again. i'll admit, i always found zombies a little scary. and these... these had really good effects on them.

"RUN THOMAS, GET OUT OF THE WAY MINHO!" i shouted at the screen.


let's just say it was an action packed time for the rest of the movie.

directed by
wes ball

"did you like this one better than the first one?"

"um. yes and no. no because there were scary zombies in it and yes because i think the layout of the story is really cool. you can't predict what happens next, like most movies."

"cool. and they're called cranks." she corrected me.

"whatever." i smiled.

onto round 3.

45 minutes into the movie...

"newt is seriously your favorite character? really?"

"yes!" she laughed.

"but why? look at the way he runs!" i pointed at the screen and laughed. (not making fun of newt, it's just for the story lol)

"that's because his character has a limp! now shut up." she laughed and nuzzled her head further into my chest.

2 hours into the movie...

(so there's a spoiler of the movie in this part, if you plan on watching it and don't wanna read it, then skip over this part. i'll tell you when you can start reading again :])

i heard a sniffle. i looked down at y/n.

"are you seriously crying?"

"SHHHHH." she held her finger up to my lips.

i put my hands up in the air. "okay okay."

i chuckled. i guess she really cared about the character.

"but like- why are you crying? brenda is coming with the serum- oh."

in the movie, thomas killed newt, his best friend. he had no choice though, newt was infected with the virus and was trying to kill thomas. brenda didn't make it in time to temporally help newt.

10 minutes later...

"what? she dies too?"

one of the characters had just died from falling. the building she was standing in collapsed beneath her and she fell to her death.

"yknow clay, the dialogue your providing is not helping my situation." she laughed and pointed to her eyes. she was still crying.

"okay okay i'm sorry." i chuckled and rubbed circles on her back.

directed by
wes ball

"aw, y/n." i gave her a hug, she was still crying.

"it's just so sad! they're just kids yknow. they shouldn't have gone through those brutal things."

"it's okay, it's just a movie."

"i know." she laughed.

"but if newt spoke up in the second movie when that woman was making a serum for brenda, when she was infected, newt could have gotten a serum too and he wouldn't have died." i told her. "and if they burst the door down of the train cart at the beginning of the movie, they would have seen if minho was in the cart or not, so they would know which cart to take."

"okay clay, your ruining the moment." she laughed and sat up.

(if you skipped the spoilers, you can start reading again:) )

"what time is it?" she asked.

"well we just spent the past almost 7 hours watching maze runner movies so it should be somewhere around... i don't know, maybe 9?" i got up to grab my phone from the kitchen. "it's 9:02." i read aloud.

"oh, wow."

i walked back over to her to help her clean up all the blankets, pillows, and candy we had by the couch.

"thanks for watching those movies with me." she laughed. "i know i was probably annoying when i wouldn't stop talking about them."

i laughed. "no, you weren't annoying. it was cute to hear you ramble about things you like."


"what do you wanna do now? we could go to bed or stay up and do more things... whatever you wanna do." she said.

i looked out of the window. "well it stopped thunder storming... do you wanna go for a late night drive?" i offered. "its not raining anymore, just sprinkling."

"oo yea, that sounds fun! lemme get changed and then we can go."

"okay. i'll go change too actually."

we both went upstairs to change. i put on a pair of basketball shorts and a hoodie while y/n wore a pair of sweatpants and one of my hoodies. not too long later, we're out the door.

i started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

"we going for a long drive or short drive?" i asked her.

"long drive." she smiled.

(right here is a really good place to start listening to ribs by lorde so i really suggest you put in ear buds or something because it seriously makes the story so much better.)

"okay, well here we go."

i started driving east, towards titusville to go to the beach. (i don't know if titusville actually has a beach but if they don't then pretend they do, okay?) it was about an hour away so it would keep us company.

on the way there, y/n plugged in her phone and started to play ribs by lorde. i turned the volume up and sped up my driving. once we got on the highway, i opened the sunroof and half opened our windows.

"WOOOO!" i screamed.

"stay at a steady speed!" y/n shouted over the wind and music.

"okay!" y/n unbuckled her seatbelt. "wait, what are you doing?!"

"just watch!"

she stood up carefully and rose out of the sunroof. she grabbed onto the edges of the open area to stay steady. eventually when she felt comfortable enough, she lifted both arms in the air and shouted something, i couldn't hear though. but, i could see that she was smiling and her hair was blowing in the wind.

she sat back down and let out a shaky breath.

"that was a lot of wind pressure against my head." she laughed and started to fix her hair and then put it in a messy bun.

"do you wanna do something crazy?!" i yelled over the music.

"of course!!" she yelled back, smiling.

i laughed. "okay, climb into the back seat, then crawl through the window and go sit down in the back of the truck!"

okay, yes, this was crazy. but i had not even 2 days left with this beautiful girl and we were having the time of our life right now.

"okay wow that is actually crazy but i'll do it!"

i pulled into the slow lane and slowed down so much that the car almost stopped. she unbuckled her seatbelt and climbed into the back seat while i rolled the window down. she carefully made her way out of the window and safely made it into the back of the truck. she gave me a thumbs up through the window that was in the back of the truck. i laughed.

"WOOOO!" i shouted. she probably didn't hear me but she could see me shouting through the window.

she signaled to me that she was going to lay down and i have her a smile in response. i picked up the speed of the car again to around 40 mph so she was still okay back there. i pulled off the highway and drove to the nearest gas station.

eventually, the car made its stop. i turned down the music so it wasn't so loud, but still loud enough to hear from the outside of the car, and  immediately hopped out of the car to go see
y/n. she was lying down on her back and smiling at me.

"that... was SO much fun." she sat up and moved over for me to lay down by her. i gladly accepted her invite and climbed into the back of the truck with her.

i laid flat on my back, following what y/n was doing. i looked straight up at the sky. the stars really made the night sky even prettier. i felt
y/n's hand slowly creep it's way into mine. i held it back. we laid in a comfortable silence for a minute or two, just admiring the stars. i turned my head to look at her and smiled. i was about to say something when she gasped and pointed up the the sky. i moved my head to point where she pointed and just barely saw a shooting star.

i chuckled, "this must be our lucky day then. make a wish." i turned my head back to her to see her already looking back at me.

she closed her eyes and smiled. i wonder what she's wishing about. i closed my eyes too to make a wish of my own.

"what are you wishing for?" i opened my eyes. she was now laying on her side and facing me.

"i can't tell you, that would ruin the wish, wouldn't it?" i responded, smiling.

she rolled her eyes. "i just hope they come true."

"me too." i encased her in a hug.

we laid like that for what felt like forever but it probably was only a couple seconds. although, i wish it was forever.

"do you wanna buy something?" y/n pulled out of the hug and looked back at the building of the gas station.

"actually... yea, now that i think about it, i do." i smiled. "we ran out of m&m's."

she laughed at my comment and dragged me out of the truck and into the gas station.

we ended up getting a sharing size pack of m&m's, a little package of frosted vanilla wafers, and a large cup of water. i know right? very healthy. not long after eating a couple of the snacks we bought, we were back on the highway, laughing and blasting music.


i pulled up to the parking lot of titusville's beach and made my way over to y/n's side of the car to open the door for her.

"the beach awaits us." i laughed, holding out my had for her to take. she gladly took it and smiled.

we took off our socks and shoes and put them in the back of the car so they wouldn't get all sandy before we ran down the stairs to the beach. when we stood right in front of the water, the salty —yet sweet— smell filled my nose and i smiled. y/n pulled my forward into the water so we were both ankle deep.

every now and then, we would playfully splash the water at each other. if we weren't doing that, i was either chasing her or we were hugging. i pulled out my phone and started to play some summer music, with the volume all the way up.

"hey, stop splashing me." she laughed as she pulled away from a hug.

"i didn't splash you, i thought you splashed me."

i laid my hand out and felt little sprinkles of water prick at it. i looked at y/n and smiled.

"it's gonna rain."

"well then why don't we go play in it?" she giggled.

"i'd love to." i smiled and pulled her in by the waist and gave her a kiss on the lips. before i could pull away, it started down pouring on us. we both pulled away and looked up.

"may i have this dance?" i stepped back and extended my hand out to her.

"of course." she laughed and took my hand.

i'll admit, i didn't know how to dance but from watching sappy romance movies and dancing with the stars with my younger sister, i learned a thing or two. we weren't doing anything formal, we just jumped around, swayed back and forth, spun around, and whatnot.

when the song that was playing ended, i spun her around and finally dipped her. we stayed in this spot for a second, just staring at each other and smiling.

"didn't know the green blob had moves." she smirked. i scoffed.

i began to lean in for a kiss but the ground shook a little and there was a flash of light behind us. not long after the flash of light there was a loud boom. lighting.

i just smiled and lifted y/n back up to a standing position.

"let's go back to the car. it's not safe to be in the ocean while there's lighting."

a smile crept up onto y/n's face. "race you."


the ride back home was nice. the first half was of us continuing to sing at the top of our lungs with music blasting from the speakers. the other half was us growing tired. the music was turned down and the dancing stopped. instead, it was just me driving and y/n drifting off to sleep while holding my hand.

man, i love this girl so much. i can't ever let her go.

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