Back To You.

Por EllieAO

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Love, Happy Endings, Soulmates, these are the things we want and need in life, we want to get them, but it's... Mais

•Author's Note.• °Mandatory!°
Phase One.
Phase Two


8 4 0
Por EllieAO


Maybe, we can find a place to feel good
And we can treat people with kindness
Find a place to feel good

Fiona's Point Of View

"Fuck, I'm nervous, Mom."

"I see them, Lu."

"Damn, those ass."

"I'm here for my books, and my books alone."

"Mom, do not Nina me!"

"I love you so damn much."

"How do you like it?" Violet says, helping me zone out the million voices.

"Campus" Cara gestures.

Taking a deep breath, I look around and I listen.

"I need to win, I have to."

"Trust me Lu, our pl. . your plan will work."

"Esme, you forgot your phone."

"Don't worry, it's just people."

"So?" Danielle presses.

"Here I am, unknown, and free, I'll love to bask in that. Here, I have a second chance, a fresh start, a new beginning." I smile.

"Life gets better." Cara grins.

"I mean, my birthday is in a few days." Violet smiles, tucking her short grey hair behind her ear.

"And we're definitely painting the town red, together." Danielle says in a duh tone, her matte hair enhancing her beauty.

"But tonight, we're going clubbing." Cara grins, her blonde hair bouncing over her head.

Tucking my blue hair behind my blue hair behind my ear "That sounds so cliche." I roll my eyes. "The whole going to a club or bar shit is so cliche and over used."

The girls stay silent for a while.

"I'll take that as a yes." Cara grins.


Getting up, I brush my hair off my face, as I pack my book and pen, I stuff my phone into my Pocket, and I catch people staring at me as I pack, I cringe, my scar really attracts people, I guess.

"Hi." I hear, and I look to see a woman, a blonde attractive woman with prominent blue eyes, and a clear skin, unlike mine.

"Hi." I say unsurely.

She's the first person to talk to me, so I really don't know how to react.

"Do I know you?" She asks and I'm confused.

"I beg your pardon?" She doesn't look familiar.

"I'm sorry, but you look so familiar." She says, and my heart sinks.

I'm aware that my pale, ugly and sex starved face has been on magazines cover, I just didn't expect to face the shame this soon, talk about fresh start.

"Perhaps on a magazine cover?" I mutter.

Smiling, she says "You do have the model face, but I'm quite sure you were aesthetically pictured where I saw you, I can't get, perhaps it isn't you." She says embarrassed.

Chuckling, I say "It's okay."

"I'm Esmeralda, Law Student, 3rd year." She smiles.

"Fi -- " I start to say, but I stop myself, might as well use the name I detest, might as well embrace it "Guinevere, you can call me Gwen. Psychology student, Sophomore."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Gwen, I hope to see you around."

With a smile, and a wave, Esmeralda walks away.


"How was class?" Danielle looks up from her book.

"Better." I say as I fall to the couch. "I met someone" I add.

"Oh really?" Cara says, walking in with a huge and wide textbook in her arm.

"Yeah, Esmeralda." I smile.

"How did you meet her?" Violet walks in, pen and paper in her hands.

"In my Psych class, apparently, I look familiar, we cleared it out though." I smile. "How was your test, Vee?"

She looks up, "Cool.", and she looks down back, writing.

"I told her my name is Guinevere, Gwen." I rush out.

They all look up from their books, after a while, Danielle says "It is your name." She smiles.

"Gwen." Violet grins, testing the name on her tongue.

"We'll still call you Fiona though." Cara says.

"Of course."


Danielle and Violet says respectively.

Smiling, I get up. "I believe there's Lunch." I say to no one in particular.

"There's Spaghetti and Meatballs in the kitchen." Cara says, absentmindedly. "Unless, Violet has eaten it, again." She grins.

"I haven't." Violet laughs, and I join in. She might, She eats a lot, eats her feelings.

"How's Emmanuel?" I ask.

Violet blushes "We're going on a date tomorrow, I think Emmy is the one." She grins, I will myself not to mention the fact that she said that about Zaih, and Rick.

"Emmy, you say?" Danielle teases her with a grin.

Grinning, I walk to my room. Getting here, I thought I'd meet a small apartment, instead I need a condo, with Six Bedrooms, A very large and filled kitchen -- all thanks to Fiorre, and a Dining Room, not like we use it, when I asked them about it, they just shrugged, but when they showed me to my room, I realised they had been waiting for me, It had an Out of Bound on it's door, and a tiny inscription below that said except you're fiona g. kings.

Entering my room, I smile as I take it in. The moving company brought my stuffs from Gotham, I really love it here, I stare at the mirror, and I smile, one step at a time.


"It's a gothic themed party." Cara says few hours to the party.

"Did I miss a thing? It's not Halloween." I voice my confusion.

"It's not." Danielle smiles.

"We have to dress gothic-ish." Violet explains. "If that makes sense" She adds with a grin.

Few hours later, we're dressed and late.

"Fashionably late." Cara says. She's dressed in a leather pants with black boots, a Lacy top or whatever it is, and a waist chain.

"I don't like attention." I say. I'm wearing a long sleeved, short gown, and long black boots, and a waist chain, of course, Cara picked it.

"No one will notice us." Violet says. She's wearing a short boot, with lace all up to her waist, a short gown, with a slit, A scaly belt and waist chain adorns her waist.

"We're not in Italy anymore." Danielle plays with all the chain adorning her attire, She's lace free, in a Sleeveless short crop top, and an even shorter skirt, Fiorre might have an heart attack if she sees her. In short we all captured the gothic look.


Deja Vu floods me as we walk into T's, that's the Club's name, I've heard stranger.

I stare round the clubhouse, I see Security on the standby, perhaps BU deserves more credit.

"Gwen!" I hear, and I see Esmeralda in hands with a girl, walking towards us.

"Esme. Hey." I wave awkwardly.

"Hi, I didn't get your number." She says, extending her phone.

"Oh" I say, typing it into her phone.

"This is my sister, Candace." She gestures.

"Roommate." Candace corrects.

"These are my sisters, Danielle, Violet and Cara." I gesture.

"Enjoy the party." Candace says, as she links her hand with Esmeralda's, walking into the crowd.

"Let's party." Cara  smiles as we walk to the bar.

"Plain Ol' Tequila." She tells the Bartender, and she hands the shots to Cara's hand, who passed three shots to each of us, and we down them all.

"Let's dance!" I say chuckling at Violet's expression. "Pussy." I laugh.

We find ourselves on the dance floor and we dance. The tempo moves from goth to sensual, and I dance. I let go and I dance.

"We need to pee, you coming?" Violet asks.

"Nope." I say, dismissively.

I keep on dancing till I feel eyes on me, then it's hands, I panic, I back up.

"Get your fucking hands off me." I snap.

"Wana dance?" He says.

I don't bother looking at his features. "Fuck off." I snap, walking away, but his hands on my arm halt my movement, I don't panic again, instead I fight, with a force, I hit him where it'll hurt more, and he screams in agony, attracting the security.

"Dispose the refuse." A feminine voice says to the security.

"We're sorry for the inconvenience." They apologize as they drag him away.

"Don't sweat it." She says and I stare at her, amazing afro, cornflower blue eyes, beautiful.

"Hi, I'm Nina." She says, and I smile, a full blown smile, two friends in a day, damn, I'm on a roll.


"Nina." I smile, such a beautiful name, and and I decide to name my daughter Nina.

I smile at her "Fiona or Gwen, anyone you like."

"Well, Gwen" She links our hands together " Hi" She smiles sheepishly and I burst out laughing.

"Oh my God, you're just like Violet."

"I heard my name."

I hear and I turn to see the girls.

"Who's your friend?" Danielle smiles politely.

"Guys, this is Nina." I gesture. "Nina, these are my sisters, Danielle, Cara, and Violet."

Nina kept the gothic look on too, a black pants, a gothic long belt and black lingerie.

"I love your hair." Cara compliments.

"Thank you, you all look familiar." She smiles sheepishly.

"I'm no stalker" She raises her hand in surrender "But, you're the Jovanni sisters. I'm a photographer, studying medicine, but Photography is a crazy hobby, perhaps an addiction, I travel, I've been to Italy, I tour the world, So I recognize you all from my time in Italy." She says embarrassingly.

Chuckling, Danielle says "Darling, I like you already."

"Let's go to the Bar." Violet mumbles, probably offended I compared Nina -- someone we just met -- to her.

Nina stands awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

"You too, Nina." Violet says.


"I'm Celeste, what can I get you ladies, again."

"Brandy. Skirt's." Cara smiles.

"Dark Rum." Violet smiles.

"Smirnoff Vodka." I say.

"Tequila." Danielle says.

"Bourbon. Brother's Bond." Nina says, I like her already.

"So, Nina, tell us about you." Cara says when we get our drink.

"Uh. ." She stammers "I'm Nina June Crown. First daughter, humble background. Mom's a high school teacher, Dad's a banker. Two brothers : Wade is my elder brother, A gynecologist, Linton is the youngest, still in High School."

"Those are weird names, Linton and Wade." Danielle says.

"My parents are weird." She grins, and we all sip our drink. "Your turn, Fair is Fair."

"Fair is Fair." Danielle chuckles "I'm Danielle, my name is really long." She chuckles again. "I'm Danielle Arcangelo Campbell Jovanni. I lost my Dad few years ago, Mom's a business man, so is my Step Dad. I have three sisters and a brother: Luciano. My best friend is Caden Ian Manchester. ."

My heart skip a beat.

". . .You probably know these already." She winks at Nina.

"Most of what she said is same for me, I'm Cara Aphrodite Flavio Jovanni, my boyfriend is Nikolas, and my forever best friend is Fiona." She throws me a smile.

"Well, I'm Violet Clementine McNamara, only child, I lost my Mom and Elder brother to a plane crash a long time ago. Dad never remarried, he's a real estate agent. He lives at Smallville, I visit him from time to time."

Nina stares at with a look I can't decipher.

"Well, I'm Fiona Guinevere Kings, I have a brother; Nathaniel, Four sisters, My Family and I are distant, only Nate and I talk. My best friend is Cara, and in boyfriend-less -- if that's a word, my ex boyfriend is Caden, Danielle's best friend, complicated, I know."

"Where do you stay, Nina?" Violet asks.

"In my car." She blurts and I choke on my drink.

"What?" Danielle asks.

"I live in my Car."

"Why?" I ask.

"Don't judge me." She says slowly "I spent my rent on a trip to Barcelona."

"How long have you been sleeping in your car?" Cara asks.

"A week." She mutters, obviously ashamed.

"We have an extra room." Violet blurts out.

Nina eyes widens.

Danielle laughs "We actually do, Two extra rooms to be precise."

"Uhm, nope." Nina says getting up awkwardly.

"Why?" Cara asks.

"I don't want to impose, you guys are pretty cool, especially you Clementine, but we just met, and we don't know each other." She says, looking down.

"I insist." Violet presses.

"I don't know Clementine." She mumbles.

Danielle, Cara and I smile, they'll be fast friends.

"You know what? Nina we just met you and we like you, we really do, and we'll love for you to join us. Our ways are really strange, they'll be surprises, we're pretty weird, more than your parents." Cara says, earning a chuckle from us.

"There are not really rules apart from the fact that I'm kind of a perfectionist, I want everything in order, we love to keep a clean environment, we eat together twice a week in the dining room, and we go clubbing more than usual, you'll fit right in." I smile, I made a friend, I'm so proud of me.


Shall we welcome Nina June Crown, I mean I gave her one of the most beautiful name I've ever heard, so Nina is special, and definitely here to stay.

Anyway, I really hate periods, especially when she decides to pop up when she's not even due, stupid ass.

Enjoy. Thank you for reading.

I see you. I love you.

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