I Ernil a i Hest - The Prince...

By IlTrioDellaDamaNera

139 4 0

Stories of friendship, love, adventures of a Silvan red-haired wood maiden and a Sindarin Prince. Stories of... More

I aur ir i iell en taur non Hest
Nan fuin a i onnad nan meleth
I Dadwen en Ernil Legolas

Glaer en i gwend en a Ernil ad a taur gwen

58 1 0
By IlTrioDellaDamaNera

Stories of the friendship of a Prince and a wood maiden

A dark shadow had begun to grow and was slowly laying on the Greenwood. It was almost imperceptible and to some it could have seemed nothing more than a cloud temporarily buying the sun, but the elves, as all know, have sharp senses and thus saw the darkness that grew.

There in the surroundings of the King's Halls it was possible to almost forget the Evil that had started to infest the forest, but some had suffered from it.

A small group of tirith (guards) had been attacked by a large number of giant spiders towards Dol Guldur. There had been only two seriously injured survivors who had come to the Halls exhausted to report what had happened. Aran (King) Thranduil had been deeply troubled. The slain elves were not inexperienced with weapons and spiders had never gone too far from Dol Guldur.

Among the dead were also Tauressar and Calmiriel, both tirith (guards). They had a daughter with red hair like the most intense of sunsets, her name was Tauriel, wood maiden.

When Tauriel was taken into protection by the Aran (King), she was a girl who had not yet reached adolescence, while Ernil (Prince) Legolas was just halfway between childhood and adulthood. They had become mellyn (friends) very quickly.

All this had happened a few years ago.

That morning Legolas was sitting on a high branch of a tree on the edge of the training ground and was watching the young elves practice archery.

Their mentor had just introduced them to new targets in motion and far more distant than those to which young recruits were accustomed. It was clear that it had been a mentor's way to test his pupils and teach them patience in learning new things, but the red-haired elleth (she-elf) fired arrow after arrow and hit with a victorious smile on her lips. A little surprised, but proud, the mentor congratulated her. Legolas smiled to himself, of course, Tauriel undoubtedly had talent with weapons, but surely she would not have made such a good impression if it hadn't been for him.

She had come late after his training and had pulled him by the arm and begged him to teach her "advanced things" with the bow. So, as the sun set fire to her hair, the elleth (she-elf) had positioned herself straight in the middle of the training field and had stretched her bow. The view had been breathtaking, illuminated by the last rays of the sun, the arch tense and the determined gaze, his mellon (friend) seemed a valiant hero of ancient myths.

Legolas had hurried to position himself behind her and straightened her back, then supported her hand that held the bow and guided her to the right position, while explaining to her what to watch out for when releasing the arrow.

Tauriel was no longer a child, for the first time the Ernil (Prince) realized how much she looked like a grown elleth (she-elf) now. She was still much shorter than he was, but on the other hand she had always been quite small and thin. It was her forms that were more pronounced and curved, the lips more full and the cheekbones more visible.

For the first time that evening, Legolas wondered what someone would think if he saw them like that. Her back resting on his chest, his hand on hers supporting the arch and his lips close to her ear, intent on explaining the correct technique.

In reality there was nothing strange, even his adar (father) had taught him to use the bow in this way the first few times. Still, for some reason he hoped that no one would come to the training camp at that moment.

His mellon (friend) did not seem to think about all those things and let out a frustrated snort when she missed the target by a hair. The Ernil (Prince) chuckled and handed her another arrow. "Do not worry, it would have been strange if you had hit the first time. Let's try again.", he had reassured her, amused by her fierce gaze.

The second time she hit and also the third, fourth and fifth. The young red-haired elleth (she-elf) began to jump around excitedly and in her eyes the flames of the impetuous fire burning in her were visible.

With the last jump she came to Legolas and hugged him tightly: " Hannon le, mellon nin ! (Thank you, my friend)", she said. Her best friend laughed as he hugged her: "You are welcome! You learn fast.".

Then with a gasp the elleth (she-elf) looked at him with wide eyes and half-open lips as if she had suddenly remembered something. "The day after tomorrow is the day you will come of age! It is your begetting and there will be the great feast! I almost forgot about it!", she said.

Legolas nodded with a sigh: "It is. But honestly I do not know if I am really ready to be an adult, especially as an Ernil (Prince). In reality I already know that I will miss my childhood!", he concluded with a small smile.

Tauriel gave him a playful push: "You cannot be serious! You will be a grown up and you can do whatever you want without asking anyone's permission! Besides, I am sure you will be an excellent Ernil (Prince)!", she spoke firmly smiling back at him. The ellon (male elf) hoped that his best friend's predictions would come true.

They went back together into the King's Halls and separated in the corridor leading to Tauriel's rooms. "I do not know if we can meet tomorrow because in the morning you have training and in the afternoon I am sure that my adar (father) will exacerbate me with recommendations and organization of the feast. So we will see each other there at the latest!". His mellon friend nodded: " Losta mae (sleep well), then Ernil nin (my Prince) Legolas.", she said mockingly.

That was what the Prince was thinking about the next morning, while he watched Tauriel train. She was beautiful, there was no way to ignore it and Legolas had always seen it, but at that moment he wondered if other ellyn (male elves) had noticed it and for some strange reason he hoped not.

Shortly after, he silently swung himself from the tree with a sigh. Aran (King) Thranduil, his adar (father), waited for him in his lodgings to discuss the following day's feast and he did not want to be late.

When he enter the King's apartments, he found him sitting at his large carved desk, intent on signing papers. Thranduil seemed much calmer than himself, moreover the Aran (King) was almost always calm. When he perceived his presence he looked up: "Ah, ion nin (my son). Precisely in time, I am happy to notice.". The Ernil (Prince) bowed his head slightly: "Good day, adar (father), you wanted to talk to me?", he greeted him and for some reason he was already looking forward to having ended that conversation. Obviously Thranduil noticed how tense his son was, so he got up and invited him to sit on a comfortable burgundy sofa in front of a small balcony and joined him shortly after. He called his personal servant, Galion, and had fruit and fresh water brought.

"You are worried, Legolas.", he simply observed and handed him a glass of water. The young ellon (male elf) sighed, it was useless to try to hide something from his adar (father). "Well, tomorrow will change many things and I will have many more responsibilities and I want to be able to do all the best I can.", he admitted his concerns.

The gaze of Aran (King) Thranduil was turned towards the wood that could be seen from the balcony: "You are the Ernil (Prince) of the Greenwood, my hîl (heir), but tomorrow's feast will not change you, you will still remain the same person. You will have to learn over time to be an adult and a Prince and I am sure that you will do your best, ion nin (my son). Nobody expects you to fulfil all your royal tasks overnight.", Thranduil said and turned his gaze back to his son. He had eyes as light as his, his high cheekbones and his own composed posture, but the thin nose and face shape were definitely those of the deceased Queen of the Greenwood. Freya would have been very proud of her little leaf, the Aran (King) allowed himself to think for a moment with pain.

Legolas took a few sips of water: " Hannon le (thank you) for your trust, but I feel it will not be too easy.", he said smiling a little. His adar (father) gave him a slight amused smile: "Nobody said it will be easy.", he replied then.

The Ernil (Prince) was a little calmer and so Thranduil decided that the time had come to talk about the feast itself.

"Tomorrow morning there will be the official ceremonies and even if they will be only in my presence and that of a few others, I expect from you absolute seriousness and an appropriate attitude. During the feast to be held subsequently many guests will come to give you gifts and that is why you will not go around carefree or dancing, but you will be thanking every single guest and I will personally be there to make sure that happens.", he paused and took a breath while looking at Legolas' slightly worried face. "After the feast you will be free to celebrate with your friends, but for no reason I want to find you so drunk that you cannot go back to your rooms and ...".

He was interrupted by Legolas: " Adar (father)! I assure you that ...", his son hastened to say, but Thranduil glanced at him with a raised eyebrow: "Do not believe that I do not know about certain youth traditions, Legolas. I do not particularly like them, but I have nothing against it as long as you do not do stupid things and have control of the situation.".

The young ellon (male elf) moved uncomfortably on the sofa and took a grape from a bunch.

The Aran (King) waited for his son to finish eating the grape and then stood up: "I do not even need to say that a certain dress code will have to be respected and that therefore you will now accompany me to your rooms to choose appropriate clothes for the occasion.", he said and with a wave of his hand he invited Legolas to get up. He gave a slight desperate snort, for which he immediately got a warning glance from his adar (father): "Manners, ion nin (my son)! You are not an elfling.".

Tauriel smoothed her dress for one last time, before entering the large hall where feasts and balls were held. The dress she had chosen was certainly suitable, given that she was fortunate to have been taken under protection by Aran (King) Thranduil and therefore had available things that she could never have afforded, but she was not very used to wearing elegant gowns. She preferred by far her training outfit and so she felt almost a bit inappropriate, with that dress on, but without a circlet that showed that she was not of the nobility. However, she decided not to pay too much attention to the other guests, after all this was Legolas' begetting and they were best friends, she was there to celebrate him.

It was customary to bring gifts to present and Tauriel also had one for his mellon (friend). Almost a whole month before, she had gone to the blacksmith and insisted on being helped to forge a buckle with small intertwined decorations with her own hands. Obviously the blacksmith had had to help her a lot, but the red-haired elleth (she-elf) was happy with the result. The buckle could have been used for a simple belt or even for a quiver belt and she was sure that, since the bow was Legolas' favorite weapon, he would have liked it.

She approached the long side of the room where Aran (King) Thranduil and the Ernil (Prince) were and a long line of elves, nobles, of more humble origins or goed (warriors), presented their gifts.

She went on, convinced and happy to show Legolas what she had brought for him, but as she heard what the other guests were giving, she felt less and less sure.

The nobles obviously brought to their Prince jewels or other valuables, the goed (warriors) precious or very well crafted weapons, but even the gifts of the most humble guests were incomparable to that of Tauriel. Some offered a thoroughbred horse, a decorated saddle or a coat made from a particularly beautiful fur of hunted animals.

Suddenly Tauriel felt silly. What had she thought of doing? Go to Legolas, her Prince, and say to him: "Happy begetting! Here's my gift: a buckle."? It was ridiculous!

Angry at herself for her stupidity, she moved away from the line of elves and remembered how she was still a child. Legolas was an adult now, while she was in the midst of adolescence. For the first time in a few years she felt truly lost and out of place.

So she went to the side and accepted a sweet juice that a servant offered her which she sipped slowly, while watching the first couples dance. She smiled slightly for a moment, she loved dancing.

Ernil (Prince) Legolas was still a little shocked by how many elves had come to bring him gifts and so he endeavored to be especially kind to everyone and to thank several times. He had received a ridiculous number of things that he would not have been able to use even in his immortal elf life, but he made sure to show that he appreciated everything that was presented to him. It was an exhaustive task, but the steady presence of his adar (father) on his right kept him forcibly concentrated.

Then he caught a movement of red hair. Tauriel wore an elegant green dress with a thin golden belt. Again Legolas could not help but notice how beautiful she was. The soft curve of her breasts was more pronounced with a grown on her and her long hair was gathered in a braid. He slightly annoyed noticed that an ellon (male elf) had approached her to ask her to dance, but he saw with relief that she refused. Usually they were the two dancing together and they always had a lot of fun.

Thranduil gave his son, who seemed momentarily lost, a gentle touch and he hastened to smile at a Silvan elleth (she-elf) who was offering him a beautifully decorated bridle.

When the feast came to an end, the Prince was finally free to go and saw that at the exit of the hall a small group of ellyn (male elves) were already waiting for him with mischievous smiles on their faces. More than friends, they were training companions he had known since he was an elfling, but it had become a sort of small unofficial tradition to drink alcohol with friends after coming of age. For a moment he looked for his best friend, he would have liked to celebrate with her too, but he did not see her, so he headed towards the ellyn (male elves).

Tauriel was at a side exit which opened onto a small garden. She saw Legolas look for her and for a moment she thought of showing herself and go to celebrate with him and the other ellyn (male elves), but then she remembered that it was traditional to get drunk together and she was still not old enough to drink alcohol, especially not of the elven wine which was much stronger than that of men and dwarves. She would have simply been out of place, so she didn't move and decided a little sad to retire to her rooms and go to bed.

The following morning Legolas woke up with a slight headache. He had exaggerated a little with his companions the previous night, but at least on their contrary he had remembered his father's advice and had retired to his quarters before completely losing control.

He got out of bed and stretched. While dressing and braiding his hair he looked in the mirror. His adar (father) was right, he was still the same person. There were no trainings that day as usual after a feast. And so on his first day as an adult, the first thing he wanted to do was to find his best friend.

He passed by her rooms, but it was already late in the morning and Tauriel was an early riser. Then he headed for the exit of the King's Halls and went to a part of the woods near the river which he knew was one of the favourites of the red-haired elleth (she-elf).

He was startled when his sight was suddenly covered with something red, but he joined immediately after the laughter of Tauriel who hung upside down from a branch and whose hair tickled his face.

"You scared me, mellon nin (my friend)!", said Legolas. She replied with a mocking smile: "You really must have got drunk last night if you cannot sense me.".

The Ernil (Prince) laughed: "Or maybe you are simply particularly good at hiding and sneaking on people?". He helped her get off the branch and together they went to a large rock on the river which was one of their favourite places.

"So? Did you enjoy your feast?", Tauriel asked. Legolas snorted in a funny way: "Actually I think it was one of the most tiring feasts I have ever attended! There were so many people and my adar (father) kept me under his iron claw all the time. The most relaxing part was after the party and I would have liked to celebrate with you too, but I only saw you for a brief moment during the evening and later when I went with the other ellyn (male elves) you had already retired I think, because I have not seen you. ", he said.

Tauriel looked away: "Actually I was there and I saw when you looked for me, but I thought it was not appropriate to go with you and the others, because I am still too young compared to you.", she admitted.

Legolas gave her a sweet look thinking how she probably she had felt: "Oh Tauriel, of course you could have come with us! In fact, you probably would have kept us from drinking so much and therefore it would have been better. And I would have protected you from the big ellyn (male elves)! ", he concluded with a smile. "I do not need protection!", she fired back immediately. But then she bit her lip as if she were nervous and put a hand in her pocket: "Actually ..." she whispered.

She pulled a silver buckle with decorations out of her pocket. She handed it to him: "I know it is a little late, but happy begetting! I thought I would give it to you as a gift last night, but it did not seem suitable in comparison to the gifts that were presented to you... I made it. Well, it actually the blacksmith helped me. Actually I think he did most of the work because I was not very good.", she spoke more and more in a low voice and faster.

The Ernil (Prince) took her hands, in which she held out the buckle, in his. "I would have loved to have received it last night, trust me.". Then he pulled her into a hug. "Do you like it?", Tauriel muttered in the hollow of his neck. Legolas stroked her back: "I love it! It is much more useful than all the other gifts I have received and then it is special because it was made by my best mellon (friend)!", he reassured her. " Hannon le (thank you), Tauriel. I cannot wait to use it for my quiver belt!".

The elleth (she-elf) seemed happy and very relieved and so Legolas was happy as well.

"Did you enjoy last night?", he asked. Tauriel shrugged: "Well, I had some excellent juice, however it was not as much fun as usually because did not dance!", she said jokingly as if it was a terrible drama.

The Ernil (Prince) put his head back and laughed: "That is absolutely true! We missed our famous dances! But...", he held out a hand to her as if he was asking her for a dance: "If my dear Lady would do me the pleasure of humming the right melody we can make up for that!", he said.

Tauriel laughed, then took his hand and started humming the melody of their favourite dance.

He made her spin and then withdrew her in his arms and so they danced with laughter on that big rock and at the end of the dance Legolas made her arch backwards until her hair almost touched the ground. He smiled at her while still holding her in place by her waist.

"You know what, mellon nin (my friend)?", she said, he withdrew her up. "I cannot wait to come of age and get drunk with you and dance staggering in some forgotten little garden at night.", she said heatedly. The image was so beautiful and she was too that Legolas pulled her into an embrace again and placed a kiss on her red hair: "We will for sure.", he whispered and his heart beat fast.

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