We need to talk about Kevin a...

By panic_at_the_fallout

551 8 2

After her sons Kevin and Y/N commit a horrific act, troubled mother Eva reflects on her complicated relations... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

128 1 0
By panic_at_the_fallout

The same digital clock, but brand new, its digits read 7 AM Thursday, April 26th, 2000

Eva's hand slams down on it.

                                                             ~ONE YEAR EARLIER~

A ticking sound flows through the kitchen as a bluish gas flame sparks upon the ring of the stove. Far in the house, a man's voice is heard singing badly over the dull thud of the shower.

Eva, 49 but looking 10 years younger, plops a European-style coffee pot on top of the range and picks up a spatula, flipping a piece of french toast that's sizzling in a pan.

"No slime, mommy!" a little girl ran into the kitchen screaming.

"OK Celie, no slime!" Eva replies to her daughter.

Eva presses the toast firmly into the pan making sure it's crisp before flicking it expertly onto a plate.

Moments later, Celia is seen sitting at the kitchen table. Eva leans in towards her face making dabbing motions with a little sponge. Celia's feet kick under the table as she whines and wriggles in an attempt to stay still.

"Daddy's happy, he's singing" Celia points out her father singing in the shower.

"You could call it that," Eva said with a joking chuckle. Eva drops the sponge in the bowl and wipes her hands. "There's a brave girl. See that's better, not so sticky now."

"No, not so sticky!" Celia replies with a smile on her face.

She throws her arms around Eva's neck. Eva smiles but her eyes are welling up with tears. We see Celia, a delicate innocent face.

One blank eye looking, prosthetic, stares eerily ahead.

Eva extricates herself from Celia's tight hug and turns back to the stove, brushing her eyes. :" Now, eat your breakfast honey."

"Daddy!" Celia yells, seeing her father descended from the stairs.

Franklin bounds into the kitchen in a buoyant mood. He kisses the top of Celia's head and whistling, heads for the coffee pot.

"Morning" he greets his wife

"Morning" Eva replied, not even looking in his direction.

Franklin's hand brushes against Eva's over the stove. An awkward moment, something unspoken in their eyes. Franklin pulls away gingerly. 

"Sorry..." Franklin said quietly, and just a bit shyly.

"That's okay." She smiles at him, shy, girlish. "You're in a good mood."

"And you know why..." He said, slightly embarrassed.

He gives her a quick peck on the cheek and is about to turn back to the table when Eva pulls him closer and kisses him deeply.

"Gross..." Two voices say simultaneously.

Kevin slides into the kitchen, dressed in a smart white fencing shirt and black slacks. His twin, Y/n, sluggishly walks into the kitchen wearing an oversized red sweater and black jeans. He looks as if he never went to sleep as his eyebags are more prominent than before and his hair is disheveled.

"Oh, you're up" Eva and Franklin pull apart, almost guiltily, like a couple of teenagers caught at it.

"Looking good." Franklin complements Kevin. "Y/n, are you sure you don't wanna change real quick?"

Y/n looked slightly insulted. It wasn't unknown that Kevin was the favored twin. Kevin himself knew this, but he didn't treat his twin any differently. Quite the opposite actually, they were as thick as thieves. If Kevin was robin hood, Y/n was little john. Kevin quickly changed the subject as he had seen that his twin was uncomfortable.

"Some days you just wake up with a sense of occasion." Kevin said as he tucks his billowing shirt neatly into his pants.

"Kevin looks handsome." Celia said. He does look handsome and Eva looks at him with a hit of pride. When her eyes travel to Y/n, however, you could see a flash of disappointment in her eyes that didn't go unnoticed by the younger twin.

Y/n haunched his shoulders and slightly stood behind his brother as to make himself look smaller. "I can change if you want." Y/n said in a barely noticeable whisper. Before he could make his escape, Kevin grabbed his arm and reassured him that he looked fine before giving his younger twin a short but sweet hug.

"Yup, your brother's a heartbreaker. Now don't dawdle, you're supposed to eat it, not make friends with it." Eva says. Everyone knew she was referring to Kevin when she mentioned him being a heartbreaker. It's just the fact that they don't know that Y/n is gay. He came out to kevin about 3 years ago when he found his first crush to be a guy in his 2nd period class. He never said anything out of fear of his family, mainly his mother, rejecting him.

Kevin plonks his and his brother's rucksack on the table with a cluck. It's full of heavy yellow bike locks.

"see you've got some takers" Franklin says

Kevin replies with "Yea should make a pile" 

Y/n continued his twin's sentence" We can charge twice what we paid for these on the net."

"The next Donald trump, huh?" Franklin says in a joking matter. Unlike Eva, he treated the twins equally. They're both mentally disturbed, Y/n more than Kevin, but Franklin treated his sons like they were normal.

Franklin brings to load some film into a professional looking camera. "Big job today boys. Michelin tyres. I've found the perfect spot; just hope the light holds out." He says

The twins nod disinterestedly. "Riiiiiight." they say simultaneously

"Hey, I ever show you how this camera works?" Franklin asks

Y/n replies with "Only a million times"

The boys start filling their sports bags with arrows and the rest of their archery kit while Franklin makes another attempt at bonding with his sons. "That reminds me, we should shoot a roll of you two at archery practice sometime soon. Capture that steely gaze and steady arm for posterity." Franklin says.

He slaps the twins on their backs. It's a mistake the boys flinch, their mask fall and for a split second Eva notices a look of 'revulsion'?

"Yea dad. That would be...great." Kevin says

Seemingly oblivious to the twins disinterest, Franklin replies with "'Course I'd have to shoot it on a long lens. You see, the only way to capture..."

Franklin gets cut off by Kevin." Listen, we don't care how your stupid camera works. We don't want to be a location scout for a bunch of crappy products. We're not interested."

Y/n continues his brother's rant. "We don't want to play Frisbee in the backyard or one more game of monopoly with a candy ass one eyed midget. And we've had it up to our eyeballs with heart-to-heart father-son talks about aspects of our lives that are none of your business."

Franklin looks stunned, flushed with a tinge of anger. That's the most Y/n has talked, ever. He only says short sentences or one word responses. Eva meets her husband's and just perceptibly shakes her head. He silently starts to fit his lenses back in the case.

Franklin has a slightly subdued tone as he says "Ok. You're on the record."

As abruptly as they had exploded, the twins fold right back into themselves. They pour cereal into their perspective bowls.

"Can you pass the sugar please?" Kevin asks

Franklin slides the sugar in the twins' direction. Kevin starts to heap a disgusting amount over his breakfast before he passes it to Y/n who proceeds to do the same. 

An uncomfortable silence. No one makes eye contact, like polite people pretending they didn't notice a very loud fart. Franklin studies the newspaper he's already read, and Eva gathers up her purse and some paperwork.

1236 words, hot DAMN!!!! Hope you like this chapter. 15 votes and I'll publish the next one. Buh-bye :)


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