Healing Hearts! Precure! - A...

By hoshiko_jessie

116 1 0

☆In a city named Cyprus, a girl named Jessie will attend her first day of Medical School for a chance to beco... More

Wait!! I'm Curing Who?!
She's me... but better? Cure Veracity!
Hope, Morals, Charity!
Who I Am!
The Legendary Warriors!

A New Day, A New Face...es!

26 1 0
By hoshiko_jessie

I opened my velvet curtains to the slightly dark sky outside, the coldness of my floor sending shivers up my spine as the clock read 4:30 am.

Why was I up this early?

I start my very first day of being a Nurse in Training at the Healing Hearts University, founded by Mrs. Heart, a very diligent nurse of her time with the white hairs to prove it from her portrait in my booklet.
I yawned loudly and walked towards the kitchen, smiling at the thought of the smell of freshly brewed hazelnut coffee.

5:15 am-

At this point, I had slipped on my uniform after brushing my teeth from my breakfast of one egg, a cup of whole wheat cereal, the coffee I had anticipated and a small cup of sliced strawberries. Needless to say, I was pretty full, but just enough to give me a boost for the busy morning.

I brushed back my hair, tying it up in a smooth bun and laced a hairnet over it as the university required, and tied my shoes over my knee high white socks and black slacks. I slung my messanger bag filled with my pencil pouch, new notebooks, small stationary, and my water bottle for the day.
So far, things were pretty great!

I took the local bus to the nearest corner and walked the rest of the way.

I looked down at my watch,
6:20 am.

I picked up my pace slightly. Even if I was early, i still would like to look at the place before running willy nilly in a hopeless loop like i did in highschool. I was a mess when it came to large places but as I neared the university, it looked more like a private school than what I thought was a university. I shrugged it off and walked to the gates.

This was it, the moment I would finally choose a career and make my future! To finally get rid of people who put me down and to step a foot in what my mother used to be.

I smiled, wondering how she would like my studio and looked at the building as the sky turned a nice orange gradient as the velvet black was pushed away.

"A new day, a new me!"
I practically giggled, digging through my bag pouches to find my phone. I stopped mid-way to find something shining from the ground.

The street lights that were on still made the object shine with every step I took, but it wasn't until I bended down that I realised it was a piece of jewelry.

"Hmm... Such a lovely necklace, I wonder who tossed something this nice away... Perhaps it's lost, maybe I'll find the owner after school. I do have to start the day after all. Can't be late!"
I hummed, taking large steps inside the gates before seeing a small group of people in the same attire as I wore, all scattered about the garden, and the tiled floors that was the school.

It was beautiful and the decor was just lovely, bricks usually weren't used in decoration but this place was nicely built between a rustic aesthetic and modern foundations.
I smiled and stood in line as a whistle was blown, making me hurridly clip the necklace around my neck and hide it under my shirt.

"Good morning and welcome to the first day of your new lives."
A slendar woman with grey hair tied in a sleek bun spoke up. She wore a long navy dress with a white apron and hat that symbolized she was a nurse, with what sounded like heels.
"As you know, we here at Healing Hearts always strive to build and make wonderful nurses, with only the best and passionate professors around. So please, all first years, line up to my right and your left. Afterwards, go up the stairs, to your left and down the glass hallway on your right, into the next building for your class. Please, enjoy your stay, learn lots at Healing Hearts, and remember, Even 5 minutes early is 5 minutes late! A person's health is primary, and we are secondary! Have a good day!"

She waved us off as my line began to inch upwards one by one.

The gate keeper lady smiled as she ushered us in after a quick inspection.
"Welcome, please step inside! Good morning, welcome!"

I nodded and hurried up the stairs as I looked at my wrist watch,

6: 50am.

Classes started at 7 am as I recalled.

I turned left and walked down the hallway, which felt so surreal, as if I were in an actual hospital wing!
My head spun eagerly and my legs picked up a small pace as I looked at the classroom number,

"This must be it. I can't wait!"
I giggled.

"Me either! Hi, I'm Nadiya!"
A girl with jet black hair and brown eyes smiled at me.

"Hi, I'm Jessica, but people call me Jess. It's nice to meet you!"
I smiled, shaking her hand.

"First step in is the best I've heard. My brothers came to study here, said it's the best place to study. Just watch out for a teacher named... Ovitar? Octan... something?"
She shrugged.
I nodded and we stepped inside.

The room was a usual classroom with tiled floors that were prestine, a teachers desk that was almost empty, a white board and desks that were just one sided so we went in and out through the left.

I picked a seat in the middle towards the wall, having a full view of the board but kept my distance from possible distractions.
Nadiya sat at my left and placed her belongings at the bottom of her seat.

I followed suit and readied my notebook and mechanical pencil.

I could hardly contain myself and looked at my schedule once more.

My heart sank as I recalled Nadiyas words,
"Watch out for a teacher named... Ovitar..? O tan..? Something?.."

I gulped, whispering the name under my breath as the door swung open that same instant.

I tried not to sink into my seat as a tall man with messy jet black hair, a blue shirt, jeans and navy converse shoes came walking in with a backpack slinged over his right shoulder, his left wrist adorned with bracelets and the air of such coldness.

He turned to face the class and I died inside.
His face was dead, almost as if he had been awake for a week straight, a beard that was trimmed but lined his face from his side burns to his chin and a small, groomed moustache under his nose.
His eyes, blue, no Hazel, scanned over the room as he took account of all our faces.

That's a face I'd not like to see for a whole semester....

His voice was just as cold and monotone as he looked like,
"Morning. My name is Octavian Estivan, and I'll be your; Microbiology, Biochemistry, and Parasitology Professor for the entire semester. Anyone having trouble with that set up can take their things and resign from this school, good bye, have a happy life!"
He growled, his blue whiteboard marker twidling in his fingers as he wrote on the board.

Oi.. such a warm welcome I'd say...

"WHO," his voice thundered and rebounded inside the white classroom walls, "Is complaining about our situation already?"

The whole class froze and shuddered.

"No one..?" he smirked coldly, "Then the lot of you miscreants have detention during the break and are not to leave the room until I Say So!"
He boomed, making me flinch slightly.

As of on cue, the boy stood and audiably gulped.

"You should be scared. Go to the Head Principals office and tell her why it is you were sent and nothing but the truth, by whom and what time."
He huffed.

"But! That's insane! I wasn't even loud!"
The boy rebutted.

The air was tense as the faintest lead from a mechanical pencil could be heard and a slamming of a marker was heard.

"You. Out. Now!"
The professor barked.

The boy scurried off and the door was slammed behind him,
"Anyone else who'd want to join Mr.Smart-Ass can walk out that door. If not,"
He turned and gave a cold look over the class,"Welcome, to Biochemistry 1. Start taking notes."

The whole class was in a slight noise as people started turning the page cover and writing behind the professors writing.

His contact information, his Lesson Overview and his rather remarkable sketch of a Cell with just markers.

"So cool..!"
Someone ushered and a gasp was heard.

The professors ear twitched as he gave a 45° turn of the head but shrugged it off and continued writing.

I could almost feel a sigh of relief from the student, feeling sorry for the close call she almost had.


The copper bell rang above us to signal the 30 minute breakfast break we were to have and the professor stopped writing.

"Alright, you may be dismissed for the breakfast break and you are to return here at exactly 9: 50 am sharp and not a minute later. I'll shut everyone out if they're late by a milisecond."
He sighed, watching the heads of people stand and walk out quietly.
I took out my wallet and my phone as I pocketed them away and gave a small glance towards the man as he sat on his desk and began to scroll on his phone.
The horrible instance of locking gazes occurred as my brown eyes met his hazel blue ones and I scurried off as if I've just seen the living dead.

I walked down the stairs, as was school policy, and looked at what and where to eat. A feeling of doom lurked at the back of my head as I looked at my watch,

I cussed under my breath as I sped walked to the small cafeteria, the smell of bacon, eggs, toast and coffee swarmed from the door and the smell of mexican food from the streets outside with the mix of asian and homemade food from people on the side mixed in with delicious harmony.

My stomach growled impatiently as I just decided on a hot chocolate cup with a meat pie of goat meat and rice.

It was a nice warm turn for the August coldness.
As I began to eat, Nadiya walked over with a friend she had just met.

"Jessie! This is Paula! Paula this is Jessie, we just met before class too!"
Nadiya chirped.

Paula, a tall young woman of my age with equally brown but lighter hair and honey brown eyes smiled as her pale hand outstretched to mine,
"Nice to meet you!"
Her voice chirped like Nadiyas.

I hastily cleaned my hands with my napkin and offered her my clean left hand instead,
"Morning! Nice to meet you too, how's the day so far?"

"Well you were there, the Octavian professor is just another split of the hairs isn't he?"
She huffed.

"Yeah but you gotta admit he's cute!"
Nadiya chimed in as she opened her foam box of chinese eats.

"Aww come on! He's probably a 30 year old who just studies and has no life!"
I sighed, stuffing my face with the meat pie.

"But he stared at you! He must MUST like you!"
Nadiya chirped as Paula rolled her eyes.

"People can have accidental eye contact, doesn't mean jack shi-"

"Hey! If I say so, then it must be true!"
Nadiya pouted,"My horoscope said so today!"

Ah! So she's that kind of person.

My mother was into horoscopes and astrology to know her days and future, but it never lined up with me as we make our own futures. Or..  at least that's what the posters always said, right?

"Right, I'm gonna get some sweets, anyone want something?" I asked as I looked at the watch.

9:39 am.

"Nah, besides, you heard Octavian. No later than 9:50." Nadiya smiled.

"You really believe him?"
Paula sighed and rejected the offer.

I nodded and sprinted towards the shop as I felt a small chill,

"Excuse me, that's mine!"

A voice behind me spoke.

I turned around and saw no one on the streets. I bit my lip anxiously as I looked at the watch.

9:39 am.

'Huh? That's not right...'
I thought, but contemplated the extra time to turn and ask.

"Who's there?"
I asked, regretting that I might sound crazy.

"Down here! That necklace is mine!"

I looked down slowly and a small whiteish mouse with a pink symbol on it's forehad spoke.
I nearly dropped my phone.

"Y-you're.. You can... You..."

"Haven't you heard someone ask something nicely before? Can I please have that necklace back."

I shreiked, watching as it slowly shone a pink light and was instead replaced by a young teenage boy with blond hair with a pink streak at his bangs. His eyes were magenta and his skin was fair, but he had slight buck teeth whenever he spoke, only meaning one thing.

"Look lady, if I don't get that necklace back, it'll be life or death to the world as we know it!"
He pleaded.

"How do you know I have a necklace?"
I asked.

"Hmm... Actually, perhaps you may help me find them... My name is Pulse, and I'm a fairy guardian in search of the legendary girls called Precure! The only ones who can save Heart-City!"
He explained confidently.

My head ran a mile a minute.
Legendary Girls? Fairies? Pretty cures?
All this sounded from one of those anime shows I used to watch.

"Look, if I promise to take you looking for these girls after school, will you leave me be? And not do the weird shapeshifting thing again?"
I asked, looking at my broken watch.

"Hmm... I'm putting a big risk here.... But, I have no choice but to trust you. You are holding a Heart Crystal, so as you say miss!"
He smiled, leaving as quickly as he came and I was standing in line to the store as it filled up with students.

I looked at my watch and nearly jumped,
9:40 am.

What was that? What happened? And who was that kid? Where did he go? Could time really have stopped like in the movies? Or maybe... I've lost it.

I shrugged and selected a bottle of black tea with peach flavor and purchased it for the go.

I have a feeling I'll need all of my strength today.

[End Chapter 1]

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