A Mischievous Gutsy Girl.

By Ishi_Ishu

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Note : *This is not a love story.* This story is a long story having many stories hidden in it which are inte... More

Author's Note.
Chapter. 1 'Hi I'm Nish!'
Chapter 2. "HELLO!"
Chapter 3. 'Look at me! I'm your youngest sister!'
Chapter 4. 'Hi........Dad!'
Chapter 5. 'The Emergency Meeting!'
Chapter 6. "Friends?!"
Chapter 7. Skimble Skamble Blunder!šŸ™„
Chapter 8. Party?!
Chapter 9. Cold Shoulders.
Chapter 11. 'Miss Chhabra and family!'
Chapter 12. Shouts and Giggles.
Chapter 13. 'School or College?!'
Chapter 14. 'Introduction and Mitesh Sir!'
Chapter 15. 'Nishi Khurrana, is also a bully?!'
Chapter 16. 'Vardhan Sir!'
Chapter 17. 'Life Lesson.'
Chapter 18. 'Lover or Criminal?!'
Chapter 19. 'Little Love Secrets.'
Chapter 20. 'A Challenge or A Mission?'
Chapter 21. Revealing of a Hidden Criminal!
Chapter 22. 'Emergency?!'
Chapter 23. 'His old wound.'
Chapter 24. 'Popcorn Show in the Canteen!'
Chapter 25. 'Sorry Champ!'
Chapter 26. 'Hit Song!'
Chapter 27. 'The Talk!'
Chapter 28. 'Trap and Catch.'
Chapter 29. 'Cute Apology Letter!'
Chapter 30. 'Celebrating Old Bonds!'
Chapter 31. 'THAAP!'
Chapter 32. 'The Letter.'
Chapter 33. 'Quiet Days.'
Chapter 34. 'The Ride of Guilty Rollercoaster.'
Chapter 35. 'Waiting. . .'
Chapter 36. 'The Tiring Night!'
Chapter 37. 'The Shocking Train!'
Chapter 38. 'Vihaan and Manav's Cheating!'
Chapter 39. 'The Web of Lies.'
Chapter 40. 'The Unknown Watch and The Red Lines of Oscilloscope.'
Chapter 41. 'His Confession.'
Chapter 42. "How do you know her?"
Chapter 43. 'The Elders' Hidden Conspiracy.'
Chapter 44. 'The Chaos of Little Lies.'
Chapter 45. 'Home . . .an unearthly feeling.'
Chapter 46. 'Dicussing The Odds On A Queer Evening.'
Chapter 47. 'Giggles Of A Mushy Talk.'
Chapter 48. 'The Mother's Mistake.'
Chapter 49. 'A Little Interrogation and The Slip Of Tongue.'
Chapter 50. 'A Little Get Together.'
Chapter 51. 'The Dumb Charades and The Talking Eyes.'
Chap 52. 'The Secret Of The World Tour.'
Chapter 53. 'The Damage of Lies.'
Chapter 54. 'Plans.'
Chapter 55. Unknown cell*
Chapter 56. 'Because Love Is Never Enough...'
Chapter 57. 'One Blabbering Evening.'
Chapter 58. 'The Attack of Masked Men.'
Chapter 59. 'He will be fine!'
Chapter 60. 'A Long Night . . .'
Chapter 61. 'Professionals' Party?!'
Chapter 62. 'The Ice Cream Man!'
Chaoter 63. 'The Cat Fight and The Cat Coffee.'
Chapter 64. 'Drinking Habits and The Soft Gaze.'
Chapter 65. 'Back to School.'
Chapter 66. 'The Moment He Hates The Most.'
Chapter 67. 'Little-Big Plans.'
Chapter 68. 'The Mystery of Staring Eyes.'
Chapter 69. 'The Secret Talk in the Study Room.'
Chapter 70. 'The Dawn Before The Fall.'
Chapter 71. 'Little Talks.'
Chapter 72. 'The Voices In Her Head.'
Chapter 73. 'The Meet and The Inner Battles.'
Chapter 74. 'The Chit-Chat During The Inner Shakiness.'
Chapter 75. 'The Dark Reality.'
Chapter 76. 'The Whirlpool of Emotions.'
Chapter 77. 'Flirty-Angry-Running Hearts.'
Chapter 78. 'Acidity, Attitude and Agony.'
Chapter 79. 'Angry Hearts.'
Chapter 80. 'The Woman With Dark and Thundering Cloudy Cheeks.'
Chapter 81. 'Get-Together Goes Wrong.'
Chapter 82. *Ping.*

Chapter 10. 'They Hardly Talk.'

521 23 6
By Ishi_Ishu

🥳Double Update🥳

Author :

Continuing from where we left.

Thank you!
Happy Reading!

• • •

At Vihaan's House 🏠 :

"Mom! It's almost 06:45 a.m. and I'm an early bird. 🐦" She stretches her hands as if they're her feathers like a bird and mimicks moving them, "Choon-Choon!"

Her mother chuckles at her and Kashti smiles putting the prepared toasts on the breakfast table.

"Alright, now that you have woken up, then listen! तुम्हारे Dad और Bhai दोनों लोग ऑफिस जा रहे हैं because कल तुम अचानक आ गईं जिसके बारे में किसी को कोई idea नहीं था. So, उन्होंने एक मीटिंग जो शाम को होनी थी वो cancel कर दी! एंड मुझे भी कुछ पेंडिंग वर्क देखना है NGO जाकर तो तुम घर पर ही रहोगी! कश्ती यहीं रहेगी but काका की ज़रूरत भाभी के घर पर है फिलहाल तो वो दोपहर में वहाँ चले जाएंगे. तुम कहीं बाहर नहीं जाओगी, okay? अगर कुछ चाहिए then रोहन का नंबर है तुम्हारे पास, उसे कॉल कर लेना एंड हाँ कश्ती से कहकर तुम्हें जो खाना हो सो बनवा लेना. हम लोग नाश्ता करके निकल रहे हैं, okay?"

[ Translation : "Alright, now that you have woken up, then listen! Your Dad and Brother both are going to office because yesterday you came suddenly about which no one had any idea. So, he canceled a meeting that was to be held in the evening! And I also want to see some pending work by going to the NGO. You'll be at home! Kashti will stay here but Kaka is needed at sister-in-law's house for the time being so he will go there in the afternoon. You won't go out anywhere, okay? If you want anything then you have Rohan's number, call him. And yeah, whatever you want to eat, just ask Kashti, she will make it for you. We're leaving after the breakfast, okay?" ]

She scratches her sweaty forehead and says casually, "No! I'm cool! I don't need anything. I'm going to take a shower. You guys carry on." She retires to her room after her mother nods.

Vihaan and his parents do their breakfast while Kaka goes to the garden to water the plants and Kashti goes to set the book shelf Vineet asked her in urgency.

"What about her school 🏫?" Karuna asks Vineet sipping her coffee.

"Bhishma told me he has already done all the paper work in Vihaan's previous school for her admission process. She sent him all her documents already two weeks before arriving here. Now she just needs to start her school. Her books and school uniform will be at home before the evening." Vineet informs taking a spoonful of oats from his bowl.

Vihaan stays silent.

"But still, did he...." Karuna trails off to which Vineet replies understanding what she is thinking, "Don't worry, he already talked with the authority about her. So the news will not leak from the school, at least I hope!"

She stares at him blankly to which he sighs after a few seconds and says, "Relax! The kids will not say anything."

"Really?! You don't know teenagers, they have their own media channels among their friend circles! And you are saying that you hope they will not reveal anything?!" She says not believing that her husband is not giving proper attention to their daughter's security.

"Karuna, relax! Even if the news gets leaked which we know will happen soon no matter how much we try to hide it, we can't shut every mouth you know that well. Right? But the security is tight so no need to worry about anything, trust me!" He says trying to calm her down.

Vihaan starts chewing on his breakfast slowly as he finds his parents arguing about his sister's safety, again.

"How can I relax?! You are not being serious for her safety!" She says complaining to which Vineet frowns angrily and says putting down his spoon, "I am not being serious?! For God's sake Karuna, she is my daughter too! How can you think like that?!"

Vihaan gets up gritting his teeth angrily without finishing his breakfast and starts walking towards the skin colored sofa where his laptop bag is placed on the table in between the sofa.

"Vihaan! Beta, your breakfast?" Karuna shouts seeing her angry son worrying that he has not finished his breakfast.

"I'm not hungry anymore!" He says with a plain tone and leaves in a hurry angrily.

They both sigh, finish their breakfast in silence and leave without bidding their farewells to each other instead, they avoid each other.

Nishi was watching everything from her room's window and mutters to herself once they leave narrowing her eyes to no one in particular, "सबके पेंच ढीले हैं."

[ Translation : "Everyone's screws are loose." ]

Hareesh Kaka leaves just after them, leaving Kashti with Nishi at home alone who are well secured due to the security around the house and the colony.

Nishi goes to the kitchen after changing her clothes in a light green top and a blue lose short as the weather turns hot today.

She opens the refrigerator and takes out two eggs and a packet of bread 🍞.

She makes an omelette sandwich and some oats for herself. Then some fresh orange juice using the juicer for herself.

Kashti comes from the study room and gets tensed seeing her preparing the breakfast on her own. She comes running to Nishi when she was going to sit on the dinning chair after putting the breakfast on the table and says, "Babyji!"

Nishi flinches at her sudden arrival from behind and puts her one hand on her heart and another on the chair for the balance and says with horror, "Oh my God! You scared me!"

"Sorry!" Kashti says smiling sheepishly at her.

"It's okay. What is it?" Nishi asks her sitting on the chair properly and takes deep breaths to calm down.

"वो. . .Babyji मैं ये कह रही थी की आप क्यों कर रहे हो? मुझे कह दिया होता मैं बना देती आपके लिए नाश्ता!" Kashti says hesitantly thinking she might get mad for not getting the breakfast on time.

[ Translation : "That. . .Babyji, I was saying why are you doing this? If you had told me, I would have cooked breakfast for you!" ]

"आप क्यों बनाओगे? मैं खुद बना सकती हूँ अपना नाश्ता।" Nishi says adjusting her plate then she turns in her direction placing her hand on the back of the chair, "And by the way, क्या मैं आपको दीदी कहकर बुला सकती हूँ if you don't mind?"

[ Translation 1 : "Why would you cook? I can make my own breakfast."

Translation 2 : "And by the way, can I call you sister if you don't mind?" ]

Kashti laughs at Nishi making her confuse, "What?" Nishi asks scrunching her nose.

"आप बहुत क्यूट हो! इतनी जल्दी जल्दी बोलते हो तो बहुत प्यारे लगते हो!" Kashti says giggling. Nishi rolls her eyes while smiling at her comment while making a face inwardly at ger words.

[ Translation : "You're so cute! You talk so fast, you look so cute!" ]

"आपने जवाब नहीं दिया?" Nishi asks her again taking a bite of her sandwich.

[ Translation : "You didn't answer?" ]

"हाँ! क्यों नहीं!" Kashti says smiling which makes Nishi smile while chewing on her food.

[ Translation : "Yes, why not!" ]

"अच्छा आप नाश्ता करलीजिये मैं तब तक किचन का बचा कुचा सामान ठीक कर दूं। कुछ चाहिए हो तो बताइएगा।" She says going towards the kitchen making Nishi humm in reply.

[ Translation : "Okay, you have breakfast, till then I will fix the remaining things in the kitchen. If you want anything, then tell me." ]

Nishi finishes her breakfast, washes the utensils she used and goes back to her room.
When she enters her phone starts ringing. She takes it from the study table and smiles looking at the caller ID. "Good morning, Dadaa!" She greets her Dadaa with a big smile on her face.

"Good morning, Bachche! How was your morning?" Bhishma asks on the call to which Nishi presses the area between her eyebrows with her left hand's index finger and says as if asking, "Mm. .dramatic?"

[ Translation : बच्चे / Bachche - Kid ]

"How?" He asks being curious.

"I was doing yoga in the early morning but I was also hungry but I couldn't eat before finishing my job, so. . . .it was so difficult to hold in the hunger." She says the last part sighing making him laugh however she changed the topic from the morning scene without his knowledge.

"Now? Done your breakfast?"

"Yup! Now I'm full!" She says beaming.

"Alright, listen! I called you to inform you that as you already know your admission process is done already," He says and she hums making him continue, "so, your books and your school uniform will be in your hands before the evening even says 'Hello!'" He says quickly.

"Means, school from tomorrow?" She asks with excitement making her Dadaa chuckle and say, "Yeah!"

"Yes!" She throws her fist in the air in excitement.

Then he quickly says, "Now I'm leaving before your father bury me alive for being late."

She rolls her eyes and hungs up saying, "Okay! Take your lunch on time. Bye!"

She looks around her room putting her phone back on its previous position and mutters, "This room looks dead, I gotta operate it back to life! Hmm!" She flicks her fingers before sitting on the study chair and completes her remaining list of needy things in the room and in daily life.

Ones she completes the list, she goes out in the living room where she finds Kashti preparing lunch.

"इतनी जल्दी लंच क्यूँ prepare कर रहे हो आप? अभी तो 9 भी नहीं बजा।" Nishi asks Kashti looking at her wrist watch while walking towards the dinning table where Kashti was sitting peeling some potatoes.

[ Translation : "Why are you preparing lunch so early? It's not even 9 o'clock yet." ]

"Babyji, क्यूंकि आज आपकी मॉम ने कहा कि आपको भूख लगेगी और किसी और वजह से भी कहा था लेकिन मुझे याद नहीं आ रहा किस वजह से?" Kashti says trying to remember what reason Karuna told her as she squints her eyes.

[ Translation : "Babyji, because today your mother said that you will feel hungry and for some other reason as well, but I cannot remember for what reason?" ]

"It's okay, Di. जब याद आ जाए तो बता दीजियेगा। अच्छा, दी, आपकी family में कौन - कौन हैं?" Nishi asks sitting next to her on a chair.

[ Translation : "It's okay, Di. Tell me whenever you remember. Well, Di, who else is in your family?"

Di is the short form of Didi which is used to address Elder sister with respect in Hindi Language. ]

"माँ हैं, एक छोटा भाई है तुमसे 3 साल बड़ा और मैं। बाकी परिवार में दादी, चाचा, चाची और उनके दो बच्चे हैं वो मुंबई में रहते हैं।"

[ Translation : "There is my mother, me and a younger brother who is 3 years older than you. The rest of the family consists of grandmother, Uncle, Aunt and their two children. They live in Mumbai." ]

Nishi gets confused and asks, "मुंबई में? और आप यहाँ? और आपके father?"

[ Translation : "In Mumbai? And you here? And your father?" ]

Kashti's face falls and she says with a low voice, "वो. . . . .वो 5 साल पहले पापा का एक्सीडेंट हो गया था जिसमें वो हमें छोड़कर चले गए। पापा के जाने के बाद दादी ने सारी प्रॉपर्टी चाचा और उनके बच्चों के नाम कर दी जिसके बाद वो लोग मुंबई में ही सेटल हो गए।"

[ Translation : "He. . . .5 years ago, Papa had an accident in which he left us. After father's death, grandmother gave all the property to Uncle and his children, after which they settled in Mumbai." ]

Nishi interrupts her, "I'm sorry, Di. आपके पापा के बारे में पता नहीं था मुझे।"

[ Translation : "I'm sorry, Di. I didn't know about your father." ]

"It's okay, baby." Kashti says with sadness in her eyes when Nishi continues, "But एक बात नहीं समझ आती मुझे आपकी दादी ने इतनी जल्दी प्रॉपर्टी उनके नाम क्यूँ कर दी? और आपकी बातों से पता चलता है कि आप मुंबई में ही रहतीं थीं फिर यहां स्टोरी टाउन में कैसे?"

[ Translation : "But I don't understand one thing, why did your grandmother transfered the property to him this quickly? And from your words it is known that you used to live in Mumbai, then how come here in Story Town?" ]

"Actually पापा के जाने के बाद दादी मेरी शादी की रट लगाने लगीं थीं, अगर मेरे दादाजी होते तो वो मेरी शादी इतनी जल्दी कभी नहीं होने देते। मैं 10 साल की थी जब उनकी death हुई थी लेकिन दादी हर दिन मेरी शादी का नाम ले ही लेती थीं। लेकिन माँ ने उनकी बात नहीं मानी और कहा कि वो मुझे आगे पढ़ाएंगी। बस इस बात पर उन्होंने कहा मुझे पढ़ाने के लिए उनके पास इतने पैसे नहीं हैं तो तुम अपना ठिकाना कहीं और ढूँढ लो। पापा के एक दोस्त यहां रहते हैं सालों से जो भीष्म अंकल के भी दोस्त हैं, तो अंकल ने हमें यहां बुला लिया। यहां उन्होंने मेरी मुलाक़ात भीष्म अंकल से करायी एंड भीष्म अंकल ने आपके Dad से। आपके Dad ने मेरा और मेरे भाई का admission कराया एंड माँ को आपकी Mom ने जॉब दिलवाई। बस, तभी से मैं यहाँ as a helper काम करती हूँ but आपके Mom, Dad aur Brothers और आपकी sisters ज़्यादा काम नहीं करने देते due to my studies. They only let me work when it's urgent and they need someone trustworthy or when it's a festival, they call us home to help them with the preparations as a family and celebrate together. I'm so lucky that I met such beautiful people in my life. It doesn't feel like I'm here as a helper, but more like a daughter." Kashti finishes with a soft genuine smile.

[ Translation : "Actually, after my father's death, my grandmother started trying to get me married. If my grandfather was there, he would never have allowed me to get married so soon. I was 10 years old when he died, but my grandmother used to take the name of my marriage every day. But my mother did not listen to her and said that she will teach me further. Just on this, she said that she does not have that much money to teach me, so you find your abode somewhere else. One of my father's friends lives here for years. Bhishma Uncle is also a friend of him, so Uncle called us here. Here, he made us meet Bhishma Uncle and Bhishma Uncle made us meet your Dad. Your Dad got me and my brother admitted in school and my mother got the job with your Mom's help. That's all, since then I work here as a helper but your Mom, Dad, brothers and your sisters ​​don't allow me to do much work due to my studies. They only let me work when it's urgent and they need someone trustworthy or when it's a festival, they call us home to help them with the preparations as a family and celebrate together. I'm so lucky that I met such beautiful people in my life. It doesn't feel like I'm here as a helper, but more like a daughter." ]

Nishi was just listening to her proudly and says with a bright smile, "I'm happy for you too!" They both grin at each other when she asks gasping, "इसका मतलब आप इंग्लिश बोलना जानते हो?"

[ Translation : "Does it mean you know how to speak English?" ]

Kashti smiles shyly and nods which makes Nishi question her, "Then why don't you speak in English? I thought you don't know English! I mean it's not necessary but I realised that you know English but you are hesitating to talk in English?"

Kashti says shyly, "वो. . . .actually मुझे इंग्लिश तो आती है. . . . .लेकिन बोलने में थोड़ी हिचक होती है बस."

[ Translation : "Uh. . .actually I know English well. . . . but there is a little hesitation in speaking." ]


Kashti shrugs in reply making Nishi facepalm at which she laughs and starts peeling the carrots.

"Di, what are you exactly studying?"

"Mechanical Engineering." Kashti replies in concentration.

"Oh! B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering? That's impressive." Nishi says making her smile shyly.

"अच्छा दी, हरीश काका की family कहाँ है?" Nishi enquires.

[ Translation : "Okay Di, where is Harish Kaka's family?" ]

"Hareesh Kaka तुम्हारी Mom के ही village से belong करते हैं। वो तुम्हारी Mom के पड़ोस में ही रहते थे अपनी family के साथ। दोनों families की बॉन्डिंग अच्छी थी। और उनकी एक भी बेटी थी जिसकी शादी हो गई लेकिन वाइफ की death के बाद अकेले पड़ गए तो तुम्हारे Mom-Dad उन्हें अपने साथ ले आए उनकी बेटी की शादी के बाद। तुम्हारी Mom ने बताया था एक दिन।" Kashti says picking up another carrot to peel off.

[ Translation : "Hareesh Kaka belongs to the same village as your mother. He used to live in the neighborhood of your mother with his family. The bonding of both the families was good. And he also had a daughter who got married but he was left alone after the death of his wife. Your Mom-Dad brought him with them after their daughter's marriage. Your Mom had told one day." ]

Nishi nods at the information.

"You know, काका को देखकर मैं कह नहीं सकती कि मेरे दादाजी मेरे साथ नहीं हैं अब। वो बिलकुल मेरे दादाजी की तरह ही हैं।" Nishi smiles at her pinching her cheek making her laugh when suddenly the door bell rings.

[ Translation : "You know, seeing Kaka, I cannot say that my grandfather is not with me now. He is just like my grandfather." ]

"I'll check!" Nishi says nonchalantly getting up but Kashti stops her saying, "No! Let me check!"

"But Di-"

Kashti shuts her putting a finger on her lips, "I'll go, you sit here."

Nishi sighs and Kashti checks the display on the wall near the main door and finds that it's Ajeet. She releases a relief breath and opens the door.

"Hi Di! वो मैं Mam की books and school uniform लाया था।" Ajeet smiles at Kashti informing her. She smiles back nodding at him after greetings and gestures him to come inside.

[ Translation : "Hi, Di! I had brought Mam's books and school uniform." ]

"Babyji, your books and school uniform are here!" Kashti's words make Nishi run to the main door in excitement already looking at the main door. Ajeet was going to greet her but in excitement she snatches the books from his hands while Kashti is holding her school uniform chuckling at an excited Nishi.

"अरे, आराम से!" Kashti says giggling at her excitement. "पानी लाऊँ?" Kashti asks Ajeet who was staring at an excited Nishi.

[ Translation 1 : "Hey, take it easy!"

Translation 2 : "Water?" ]

He nods while sitting on the skin colored sofa saying, "Yeah Di, please! The weather is so hot."

Kashti puts her packed uniform on the glass table between the sofa and turns to take a glass of water for him.

Ajeet looks at an excited Nishi who is checking her books being a book worm she is. He smiles unknowingly then his smile drops remembering last night's incident. He gets hesitant and says, "Mm. . .Hi Mam!"

Nishi looks at a nervously smiling Ajeet greeting her hesitantly.

She grins like a kid at him and greets thanking him, "Hi! Thanks for the books and the uniform!"

He blinks at her dumbly at the unexpected reply, that too with a big smile. Then his gaze turns blank at her who is not looking at him but is checking her books and says dumbly, "No problem. . .It's my job."

"Here!" Kashti says handing him a glass of water making him come out of his thoughts. Kashti notices the way he looks at Nishi while still drinking water.

"I'll go and check them!" Nishi retires to her room with a big smile on her face once Kashti nods at her.

Once Nishi left, Kashti sits down next to Ajeet who is still drinking water and asks blinking at him, "Do you like her?"

He throws the water out of his mouth which spreads on the table as if all the clouds rained on the glass table only and his mouth is not his mouth but rumbling clouds. He looks at Kashti bewildered and asks in shock, "WHAT?!"

Nishi comes out of her room the next second hearing the loud voice with a slight frown asking, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing! We are just talking! Nothing to worry about!" He says blocking the glass table from her view.

"Okay! Don't be too loud, our neighbours may get disturb." She states.

"Yeah. Sorry!" He says nervously smiling while Nishi nods going back to her room.

He takes a relief breath then looks at Kashti and asks, "What did you ask, Di?"

Kashti blinks looking at his water drawing on the glass table then repeats her question blinking, "Do you like her?"

He widens his eyes at her in another shock and sits near her in haste making her look at him and says in a low voice, "What are you saying Di?! What made you think that I like her? She is like a little sister to me! I can never think of her like that! Not even in my dreams!"

"Then why were you staring at her?" She asks folding her hands giving a stern look.

Ajeet sighs sitting straight and says in a low tone, "Actually. . . .last night she asked me if she can call me 'Bhai' just for the sake of the addressing manner. I said no. Saying no is not a problem Di, आप तो जानते ही हो (you already know) why I don't like any girl kid calling me Bhai. But. . . . ." He sighs adding, "It came rudely from me to my own surprise which I thought somewhere must have hurted her. I thought she will not even look at me when I'll meet her again or may be she will bully me just as Ariana Di thinks of her but to my surprise she talked to me as if कुछ हुआ ही नहीं। (nothing happened.)"

"And now you are guilty for being rude to her." She finishes for him to which he sighs. She smiles at his kind heart and pulls his cheek and says, "Dumbo! Don't judge someone so easily. Ariana is childish, you know that. She makes a point of view too early. Remember, she ones said that Shreya is a clever one. And what happened?"

Ajeet chuckles saying, "Shre is the most innocent and kimd hearted person I have ever met."

"Exactly!" Kashti points out adding, "So don't follow just anyone's view point."

"तो फिर क्या करूँ?" He asks.

[ Translation : "Then what to do?" ]

"उससे माफ़ी मांग लो, simple!"

[ Translation : "Apologise to her, simple!" ]

"Do you think she will forgive me? I mean who knows if she forgot about the incident and that's why she is being so nice to me?" He says looking at her with confusion.

"Don't over think yourself! Just say sorry oooor. . . . .may be, give her an ice cream as a compensation?" She says casually.

"This is so confusing Di! I don't know what to do?" He says being confused.

"Offo! What's there to be confused about? Just go, say sorry for your behavior and that's it! Actually, you know what? वो तो इतना सोच भी नहीं रही होगी जितना तुम सोच रहे हो। So I don't think कि वो तुमसे नाराज़ है or anything like that. You behaved rudely with her while she is still being nice to you and this is what's making you feel more guilty. Am I right?" She asks him the last part looking at him to which in reply he pouts.

[ Translation : "Offo! What's there to be confused about? Just go, say sorry for your behavior and that's it! Actually, you know what? She may not be thinking as much as you are thinking. So I don't think that she is angry with you or anything like that. You behaved rudely with her while she is still being civil with you and this is what's making you feel more guilty. Am I right?"]

"Relax! It's nothing! Stop stressing on such small thing. Will you?" Kashti says when Nishi comes out of her room to get some water. Kashti looks at Nishi and says grabbing her attention, "Babyji! Ajeet wants to say something to you!" Her words make him nervous as he widens his eyes at her words but composes himself.

"What is it?" Nishi asks him pouring some water for herself from the jug placed on the dinning table.

"Say na!" Kashti nudges him while whispering.

"Uh. . . actually. . . . ." He hesitates biting his lips.

Nishi raises an eyebrow at him drinking the water from the glass while he gulps hardly.

"Ajeet!" Kashti whispers his name as if scolding him.

"I'msorryformyrudebehaviorforlastnight." He blabbers and then takes a deep relief breath as if finally he threw all the burden from his shoulders away in a snap.

"What?!" Nishi asks being totally clueless.

He sighs and says genuinely, "I'm sorry for my rude behavior for last night."

"What are you talking about?" Nishi asks scrunching her nose in confusion.

"When you asked me if you can call me 'Bhai', I said no."


"It came rudely which must have hurted you." He says lowering his gaze. She blinks at him for a good 5 seconds and snickers at his words.

Kashti and Ajeet both look at her in confusion.

"Why are you laughing?" Kashti asks.

"हँसू नहीं तो और क्या करूँ? इतनी छोटी सी बात के लिए माफ़ी कौन मांगता है दी?!" She says laughing but Kashti's one glare makes her shut.

[ Translation : "What else should I do if I don't laugh? Who apologizes for such a small thing, Di?!" ]

"Okay! I'm sorry for laughing! But no need to apologise. It's nothing. Relax." Nishi says genuinely with a smile.

"You are not upset with me?" He asks her hurriedly with hesitation.

"Off course not!" She says rolling her eyes at him. He takes a relief breath finally.

"Oh no!" He gets tensed suddenly remembering something.

"अब क्या हुआ?" Kashti asks him.

[ Translation : "Now what happened?" ]

"Chauhan Uncle told me to come soon as Vihaan Bhaiya needs me there. I'm leaving guys. Bye! Bhaiya will surely take my class today for being late." He says leaving in a hurry making Nishi and Kashti laugh at him.

Kashti locks the main door and comes back to her chair. Nishi too sits next to her narrowing her eyes at her to which Kashti asks, "क्या हुआ?"

[ Translation : "What Happened?" ]

"Why do you call me 'Babyji'?" She asks making her giggle.

"बस ऐसे ही। अच्छा लगता है. आपको अच्छा नहीं लगता?"

[ Translation : "Just like that. Feels good. Don't you like it?" ]

"Nopes! Just call me anything but not 'Babyji', that sounds weird to me!" Nishi says making a funny face making Kashti laugh at her expressions.

"Okay, then. . . .mmm. . . .How about Nishu baby? Your Mom also addresses you as Nishu na, I'm only adding baby." Kashti asks smiling with a glow in her eyes.

Nishi grins at her and says, "I'm happy with anything Di but just not 'Babyji'." She says the last part pouting making her laugh again.

"I can see you are only shy talking in English when you meet someone in the first place but once you're comfortable then you're fine." Nishi says to which Kashti nods.

"You know, why he stoppped you from addressing him as 'Bhai'?" She asks Nishi making her shrug.

"Ajeet has a sister who is four years elder than you but she is his cousin. He loved her more than himself. For him she was like a daughter, they were so close that people couldn't tell that they are cousins. In fact, seeing both of them strangers would think that she is his daughter and he got married at a young age. But then everything changed as she grew up slowly. . .having friends. . .high school . . and . . all and her behavior towards him started changing suddenly. He tried his best but in the end, one day when he called her to know how she is doing, she shouted at him saying that he is disturbing her everyday with his calls. She said things which broke his heart as she used to be the one who would wait for his call or messages but see. . . . .now she became like some stranger to him as if he doesn't even know her. And so. . . . he closed the chapter forever by never calling her back again. It, off course broke his heart and so . . . when someone calls him 'Bhai', he unintentionally gets angry at the person. Ut just comes naturally from him." Nishi listens to her attentively and gets lost in her own thoughts.

"Don't tell him that I told you all this already. He will get upset." Kashti says walking towards the kitchen when Nishi nods whispering, "Okay."

"He looks quite young. Why is he working here? I mean, what about his studies?" Nishi asks.

"Actually Ajeet was Vihaan Bhai's junior in college. For Ajeet, Vihaan Bhaiya has always been like a big brother to him. Their bond became stronger. Ajeet just wanted to be here in the same Town not wanting to leave his parents alone. So, he asked Vihaan Bhai to guide him for further career. Ajeet has an interest in all detective work so Vihaan Bhaiya suggested him to grab a degree in Criminal Psychology and as a part time job, made him work as his and family's Assistant at the company. However, when he worked in the company just as a part timer, helping with files from here to there and simple stuff, Ajeet realised that he wanted to help the company with the security system from the opposite companies'. He found it interesting and best option to stay by his favourite peoples' side. But Vihaan bhaiya kept denying. You know, running one of the top companies is never so easy and safe. Bhaiya knows that it can be dangerous for him to work with the security. So, he only gives him normal work because for him Ajeet is like a younger brother and so he doesn't want him to get involved in any kind of danger. He is a part of your family. But Ajeet never gave up, he is hoping one day Bhaiya will acknowledge that he has grown up." Kashti explains and chuckles at her last words making Nishi chuckle too.

"Di, can I ask you something?" Kashti hums in response.

"How does the day goes everyday here? I mean. . . .what is my Mom's, Dad's and Bhai's routine."

"They all are mostly always busy with their jobs. They leave together for work in the early morning after breakfast but not often. When they come home at night, they have dinner together only if they all are in the house and town. It's rare mostly. The only time they spend together the most is the weekends." Kashti informs Nishi who nods.

"Mom, Dad and Bhai must be chattering boxes at weekends, right?" Nishi asks giggling but Kashti shakes her head in nigative saying, "They talk a lot but only business otherwise they hardly talk. Bhaiya only enjoys with your cousins or family friends." Kashti's words make Nishi think deeply.

Then suddenly she stands up and asks, "Let me help you!"

*End of the chapter.*

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