The English Teacher /Chanlix/

By freckledsunshinee

125K 4.7K 2.2K

«By the way Felix» Seungmin turned towards him «Why didn't you drop out and why's your name all over the clas... More

-Chapter 1-
-Chapter 2-
-Chapter 3-
-Chapter 4-
-Chapter 5-
-Chapter 6-
-Chapter 7-
-Chapter 8-
-Chapter 9-
-Chapter 10-
-Chapter 11-
-Chapter 12-
-Chapter 13-
-Chapter 14-
-Chapter 15-
-Chapter 16-
-Chapter 17-
-Chapter 19-
-Chapter 20-
-Chapter 21-
-Chapter 22-
-Chapter 23-
-Chapter 24-
-Chapter 25-
-Chapter 26-
-Chapter 27-
-Chapter 28-
-Chapter 29-
-Chapter 30-
-Chapter 31-
-Chapter 32-
-Chapter 33-
-Chapter 34-
-Chapter 35-
-Chapter 36-
-Chapter 37-
-Chapter 38-
-Chapter 39-
-Chapter 40-
-Chapter 41-
-Chapter 42-
-Chapter 43-
-Chapter 44-
-Chapter 45-
-Chapter 46-
-Chapter 47-
-Chapter 48-
-Chapter 49-
-Chapter 50-
-Chapter 51-
-Chapter 52-
Afterword ;3
-Bonus Chapter-

-Chapter 18-

2.2K 110 10
By freckledsunshinee

Something less than half an hour later, the sound of the front door opening distracted both Chan and Felix, who quickly started to order everything he had made, something like thirty cookies and four cups of tea, in a tray. Meanwhile, Chan rapidly turned his head at the door, yet didn't get up from the couch.

Minho, black hair and outfit, walked into the house, shoes still on, running a hand through his hair. Behind him, there was... a boy. He was more likely to still be in high school and he was coming in very shily, hands pressed together, looking mostly at the ground, randomly glancing up, fear in his eyes. It wasn't a good presentation at all, Chan and Changbin needed someone confident, not a random boy that Minho had picked up from who knew where. He crossed his arms, looking closely at the guy, that was now standing in the middle of the living room next to Minho, sensing something familiar in him, like he had already seen him somewhere. He had dark brown hair and a pair of round glasses which enhanced his round squirrel-like cheeks and totally matched his behavior. He was wearing a comfy outfit, a gray hoodie, a beanie and some large jeans, and he carried a black backpack with him, with his work in it, Chan assumed.

«I saw an unfamiliar pair of shoes in the hall, Changbin's already here?» Minho asked, cutting off his thoughts «That fucker got some good money finally?» he chuckled.

Chan shook his head «No, it's... well, you kind of already know him»

Minho frowned, while the boy glanced around anxiously, but, with perfect timing, Felix stepped out of the kitchen, tray in his hands. His hair was kind of a mess, still not perfectly dry, but his eyes were sparkling and Chan had to admit to himself that he really liked the sight of the boy coming out from his kitchen with something he had made in there. However, the new guy's expression made him frown. Instead, Felix smiled.

«Jisungie!» he exclaimed, confidently walking towards the sofa.

The other boy's eyes widened and his jaw dropped «Lix?!»

Minho blinked, a little bit confused «Minho» he then stated, completely out of the blue, pointing at himself.

«YOU KNOW HIM?» Chan shouted, jumping up from the couch, pointing at Jisung while looking at the blond.

«Well, duh, he's my best friend» Felix shrugged, still smiling, and placed the tray on the small coffee table.

«Say what?!» the other hissed, eyes big.

The boy sighed, rolling his eyes «He's my dumb best friend, wanna hear that in English?»

«Felix?!» Jisung called his name with a high-pitched voice.

Felix turned at him «I said I'd support you and here the fuck I am, come on have a seat» he slapped Chan's nape lightly «Pull yourself together stupid wolf, he's good, he already knows everything» he whispered in his ear.

Chan glared at him for a second, but then signaled to the two best friends to take the couch while he and Minho took one armchair each. There was a minute of awkward silence, then Minho went out, with his usual sensitiveness:

«God, there's such a smell of cum in here it's almost gross»

Felix went red in half a second while Chan choked on the tea he had started to drink in order to clear his throat. Jisung blushed hard as well, because it was a truly embarrassing topic, and, at that sight, Minho sighed, rolling his eyes.

«Come on, I was trying to lift the mood I guess, it's not gross, I'm used to it»

«Stop it Minho» Chan cut him off, placing down the glass «We get it... now, the presentations...»

They all looked at each other, everyone unsure of who should have talked first, but then Felix flashed a smile at Jisung, patting his knee, and the other boy cleared his throat.

«Umh... I'm Han Jisung, I'm Felix's best friend and I already know your... thing... umh... Minho-hyung said that you could be interest on working with me so... umh... we came here. Please take good care of me sumbaenim!» he bowed his head.

Felix nodded at him, smiling once again, then looked up at Lee Know.

«I'm Lee Felix, Jisung's best friend and Chan's... well...» he eyed Jisung «Lover, I guess, nice to meet you sumbaenim»

«Sumbaenim?» Minho asked, frowning.

«I'm a dancer» the blond explained quickly.

«Oh, yeah, I guess I remember Jisung talking about you... well, I'm Minho, just call me like that»

Felix nodded and Chan guessed it was his time to introduce himself. Jisung lifted his eyes on him, smiling shyly.

«Bang Chan... there's no need to call me sumbaenim, hyung should be fine, let's just leave school out of this»

«Sure» Jisung nodded.

Silence fell once again, if possible more awkward than before. Chan cleared his throat.

«Alright, well, I guess Minho didn't tell you anything, so I'll just say that I don't work alone, I got another person to help me and his name is Changbin... he's gonna come later, around six-thirty, but, in the meantime, you can show me some of your work» he flashed a little smile and stood up «Come with me»

Jisung looked at Felix, fear in his eyes once again, but his best friend squeezed his knee, nodding, and the boy got up as well, following Chan into a room. Felix looked at them, actually seeing that room for the first time. Chan had never shown him properly his house, so it made sense, mostly because that room seemed like a music studio, but he couldn't tell well, because before he could realize the door was shut and he was left alone with Lee Know. He frowned, looking at the cups of tea left untouched as well as the cookies.

Minho could have been quite a bitch sometimes, rather most of the times, but the boy seemed so disappointed, staring at the tray, that he couldn't help but pick up a cup of tea, although he would have preferred some of the whiskey he knew Chan had in the house. He grabbed also a pair of cookies and he had to admit to himself that they were actually pretty good.

«So» he started after drinking some tea «You're Chan's new fuckbuddy, yeah?»

Felix slightly blushed at that question, but then shrugged like it was nothing «Yeah, correct, I am for the time being» he paused for some seconds «Chan referred to us as lovers though, jokingly»

«Typical. You seem nice, well, I can tell you Chan is at least two times softer, if he wants to show it obviously»

«He's a good person» the boy nodded «But we both know that there are basically no feelings involved so there's no need to be deep» he chuckled.

Minho believed him straight away. It was kinda clear that there were no real feelings, at least on Chan's part. Yeah, Minho thought that Chan was whipped as fuck for the boy and that he liked him, but he also remembered him talking about someone he truly liked back in high school and, for now, it was nothing like that. It was his first time seeing Felix and, apart from the things Chan had told him, he knew nothing, but the way that he had denied the presence of feelings involved so confidently was more than enough.

«As long as the sex is good» Minho smirked «I mean, it's probably good considering his dick and the quality of his kisses»

Felix frowned in his direction «How do you-» he started, but the other cut him off.

«First kiss, saw him naked a bunch of times, enough to tell man has a big dick, normal gay friends shit I guess»

«Well, can't tell if Jisungie is a good kisser, but I might know how big his dick is, yeah» it was now the boy's time to smirk.

Minho shook his head, amused «It's not like I'm interested or whatsoever, not anymore»

«Then let him know, because...» a dangerous light appeared in his eyes, but left in split a second «Yeah» he shrugged «Best friend duty»

The man lifted his eyebrows «I see»

«I'm not joking. I admire you a lot Minho-ssi, but my Jisung is nothing like me, he won't ever have something like what I have with Chan, so let him know now»

«Don't worry Felix» he smiled sincerely «And for fuck's sake call me "hyung" if you have to use honorifics, I feel old»

Felix wasn't really mad or annoyed, it was just his duty to protect his best friend from heartbreaks. Alright, Jisung should have learned alone how the world worked and, the majority of times, the blond let his friend deal with things mostly alone, but this wasn't something Jisung could have endured in a good way. Felix had seen him whipped for things and then being turned down, and it hadn't been a good sight really, so he didn't want him to experience something like that from a person. True, Jisung probably didn't even realize he was into Minho, but for Felix it was clear like a cloudless sky and, no matter what, he would have fought at his best to protect his quokka.

Silence fell into the living room and, for some time, the two just ate and drank their tea in silence, sometimes hearing beats coming from the music room. In the end, Minho placed down his cup, wiping his hands.

«Jisung told me you dance in a pretty famous crew» he began, looking at the blond.

Felix smiled «Oh, yeah, it's MayFly, although we're totally not on the same level of you back-up dancers»

The man nodded «I've heard of it a few times I think... y'all are gonna do a stage on an incoming show called something like Kingdom right?»

«Yeah, it's quite stressing, but I'm sure you know better than me»

«I guess you get used to it, although you'll never be able to feel perfectly calm before a performance»

Felix was listening closely, eyes sparkling like he was in front of some celebrity. Well, it kinda was like that, Minho was indeed a real star among the performers, although he was just a back-up dancer and the spotlight wasn't for him. In anyway, everything that came out of his mouth related to dancing mattered like gold or even more to Felix. The man had several years of experience more than him, he knew the ways and the field better, he was a pro and that was it. However, there always had been a specific question running into Felix's mind: he had never been able to understand why, although he was probably the best dancer in the industry of not Kpop Idols, he had never aimed for a solo career, like opening a dance studio or something like that. The blond didn't know if it was the right time to ask, but he couldn't hold himself back anymore.

«May sounds rude, but why don't you perform in a dance crew or something?»

The man looked at him for some time, casually playing with one of his rings, probably wondering what to answer. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

«It's just... my work. I get paid for it, and for now it's enough. Of course it won't last forever, but I prefer like this, you don't get paid monthly for being in a dance crew» he replied in the end, shrugging.

«Sounds fair» the boy commented, not knowing what else to add.

Silence came back and Felix started to play with the edge of his hoodie, desperately trying to find something to say. He wasn't really the shy type, but he respected the other a lot and he was like a role model to all the dancers, maybe not for his career path but more for his skills. Felix figured how Hyunjin would have reacted in that situation and almost chuckled. The long-haired boy surely would have started to make some tiny enthusiastic jumps and would have showered Minho with compliments and questions while Seungmin would have desperately tried to hold him back and Jisung would have shaken his head. He wasn't able to think about a situation without Seungmin or Jisung, even if the boys didn't know much about dancing. It always had been the four of them since the beginning and Felix would have always been grateful to them, no matter what. Yeah, maybe Seungmin was the quietest and he didn't hang out that much with him, but he was still really important to Felix, like an older brother, although he was younger. He had joined the English course just because Felix had been forced to, though he had always claimed he had done it just to learn the language, and he had been the one to bring him closer to Hyunjin in order to have a chance to dance with people of his level.

He was so immersed in thoughts, recalling all the important moments with his squad, that at first he didn't realize Minho was calling him, becoming more and more annoyed as time was passing.

«I'm sorry, you were saying Minho-hyung?» he immediately bowed.

The other rolled his eyes «I said that it's almost six. I suppose you don't want Changbin to see you, given your position the fewer people know the better, so yeah»

«Yeah, that was the plan, thank you hyung»

«I'll go as well, got no business to seat alone and wait for them to be done, Jisung will have to help himself, but probably Chan will take him home. I also got practice, so if your house is in the way I might as well be kind-hearted and drop you home»

Felix nodded «Thanks, I appreciate that a lot» and he gave him his address.

«Yeah, it's kinda in the way. Let's go»

They both got up from their spots, but Felix, instead of going straight to the front door like Minho, headed to the music room. He knocked twice on the door, which opened after a few seconds, revealing Chan's figure.

«Need something?» he asked, resting on the doorframe.

Inside, Jisung's song named "Alien" was playing. Felix had always thought that it was one of his best tracks, because he had described himself and his feelings so well and it was truly relatable because everyone at least once in their lives had experienced a feeling of not belonging anywhere. He hoped Chan liked it as well.

«I'm going home» he replied «Minho-hyung said he'll give me a ride and then he'll go to practice so could you please take home Jisung once you're done?»

«Sure» the other nodded and stepped into the room, making space for Felix to greet his best friend.

Jisung seemed very comfortable in that room, like it was his world. He wasn't scared or shy anymore, rather a little bit more confident than usual. Felix smiled. Probably Chan was enjoying and pleasing his work and the boy was glad that his friend had finally had a chance like that.

«Jisungie I'm going home» the blond stated «Minho-hyung is coming with me so Chan will take you home... it's all good?»

«Alright» Jisung smiled, turning to him «It's all good here, Chan-hyung is treating me well»

Felix eyed Chan and then smiled back to his friend «Perfect, see you tomorrow» and he winked, giving the other the classic "we'll have to talk" look.

Jisung nodded and turned back to his computer, while the blond stepped outside the room. At the very last moment, Chan grabbed his waist and made him turn, instantly pecking his lips a few times. Felix replied with a small giggle, patting the man's butt.

«See you on Monday kitten» Chan mumbled on his lips before kissing him.

«Sure hottie... try to be tired even next time» Felix smirked.

«Mmh, you wish... now go»

The boy bit the other's lips and then stepped back, heading to the front door. Minho, who had watched the whole scene, had a sickened look on his face.

«Disgusting» he commented «Come on or I'll be late»

«Sure hyung» the blond replied while wearing his shoes and trying to balance himself on one foot.

Luckily, he managed to stay up and, after one last wave at Chan, he walked outside the apartment, following Minho down the stairs 'till the parking lots. Minho's car was cool, but nothing like Chan's. It was a dark red Toyota Hybrid C-HR, black interior and accessories and jumping in it was easier than in Chan's Audi. Minho started the engine quickly and drove off without saying a word besides asking again Felix's address. He put on some music and let it fill the silence that there was in the car, as Felix didn't want to shower the older with questions and Minho didn't know what to talk about.

Minho didn't drive as fast as Chan, but still ended up at Felix's place, or better, near it, in a quite small time. Felix opened the door and hopped off, bowing at ninety degrees.

«Thank you for the ride hyung» he said for then smiling.

Minho was starting to understand why Chan had claimed that the boy's smiles had the power to light up the entire world. It was impossible to not be charmed by him, he was truly a real-life angel or something.

The man shook his head «I was in the way, don't work up yourself too much, see you» he shrugged, going back to his original tsundere self.

Felix smiled once again and then closed the door, letting Minho drive away. He then headed back home, swinging his body like a child, starting to feel the usual pain in his ass. He was getting used to it and he scrunched his nose thinking about it again. He had to convince Chan to let him ride him once again, that was for sure. He then thought about Jisung and his scrunch became a smile. He was finally getting his occasion and nothing in the world would have stopped Felix from supporting him.

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