A bet with Mr. CEO (COMPLETE!)

By HollyJohnson

231K 7.7K 1.1K

What the hell is wrong with me? Seriously? I can't believe i just did that! I cant believe i just made a $50... More

Chapter 2 you're you're? No!
Chapter 3 where is he?
Chapter 4. Little shows for daddy!
Chapter 5. Notes and hidden camras!
Chapter 6. Worst fears realized
Chapter 7. I'm to young to die
Chapter 8. Dinner with the parents
Chapter 9. Old army buddies
Chapter 10. Family reunion!
Chapter 11. Issac!
Chapter 12. Hide away places and not so pleasant torture!
Chapter 13. Wedding bells in the air.
A/N: Formal Attraction (complete)

Chapter one! I bet you...

38.4K 944 155
By HollyJohnson

A/N: helloo :) just letting you know i was sick when i wrote this so there is probably alot of spelling mistakes and what not so i will edit it as soon as possible..

Picture of Andrew Garfield as Jason bailey :)


Jason's Pov!

Jason do this, jason do that, jason, jason, jason. I'm sick of it, when oscar said he hooked me up with a job two yrs ago i was wrapped, i couldn't have been more happier but now i feel like i wanna rip my hair out, he got me a job as his assistant and let me tell you he bosses me around like im some kind of slave, he gets me to do not only work related things but now he's been getting me to do things like his laundry and making him breakfast and dinner, if i say no he beats me for it so its not like i have a choice.

I just want to stay in bed and not move for the rest of my life, but unfortunatly its monday and if i'm late i'm screwed, so with the most dramatic-est sigh i can muster, i climb out of bed and begin my morning routine with a quick shower, not long after i finished putting my jacket on there was a knock at the door before it burst open revealing oscar my roommate and boss wearing a black and white suit.

"Jason i need you to go into work early" He said typing away on his iphone not even looking at me, talk about rude.

"Okay, what did you need me to do when i get there?" I asked while grabbing my wallet, phone and backpack.

"Well i have an early meeting to get to, so i wont be able to give Mr. barrett his coffee. So i need you to buy one and give it to him, he has a large skim milk late with 2 sugers and make sure it's hot, he gets very mad if he doesnt get it hot" he said then left before i could said anything.

I've never even met Mr. barrett, how am i suppose to know who to give it to? And i've never been anywhere near his office, what if i get lost? Oscar would have my neck.

Before i could over think this whole thing, i ran out the door and got into my baby and drove off towards the nearest starbucks, now i'm not much of a coffee drinker myself, in fact i hate the stuff, so it feels so strange walking in here and ordering one.

Walking up to the counter i'm met by a very attractive guy serving, talk about tall dark and hansome with out the dark, though his tan is mouth watering i wonder what he looks like with out a shirt on? The closer i got the more i noticed his eyes, there like these crazy silver colour, they have to be contacts just has to be.

"Hi, welcome to starbucks, what can i get you today" he said with a big smile looking me up and down not even trying to hide the fact that he's checking me out, well i cant really talk i was checking him out when i first walked in.

"Hey can i please have a large skim milk late with two sugars?"

"Sure, may i please grab a name for the order?"


"Great thanks that will be $4 please" i hand him the change and move to the side to wait while he serves the next person.

"Jason, large skim late, 2 sugers?" When my name is called i go back to the counter for the drink and say thank you before turning to leave.

"Wait?" The guy behind the counter grabs my attention, when i turn back to look at him he's holding a piece of paper to my face so i grab it and read.

Nice meeting you jason call me
Tobi xox

I looked up at him and blushed when he winked at me, not wanting to embarrass myself i quickly walked out and got into my car and drove to work.

How can he be so open about his sexuality, i know i'm gay but i don't go around trying to get into peoples pants when ever i see a hot guy, i just admire from afar where i know i wont get hurt.

To soon i'm pulling up to work and thats when i completely forget about tobi and remember i have to go face to face with Mr. Barrett, oh god, i'm screwed what if he tells Oscar that the coffee is shit and he fires oscar who then fires me or worse... shit as i'm walking threw the corridoors following the signs that lead to his office the sweat starts to poor down.

After a while the rooms i walk past start to get more expensive looking so i know i must be going the right way, that is until i go smack into someones chest, i would have gone ass over but the man who owned the chest wrapped his strong arms around my waist catching my fall.

Heat rose to my face as i slowly looked up at the most georgious man i've ever layed my eyes on, well hello sexy. And hello mussles that are oh my god still around me, when i looked up at his eyes i realized he's looking me in the eyes with a confused and annoyed look, shit.

"Oh my godness i'm so sorry sir, that was my fault, i'm having trouble locating Mr. Barretts office, and and i was reading the signs so i didn't see you please forgive me, i'm sorry i cant stay if i don't give him his coffee" i lift up the coffee in my hand for him to see "Oscar my boss will hurt me if its not hot so sorry again for hitting you" i said starting to walk away but he speaks making me stop in my tracks at the deepness in his voice.

"I'm sure he wont hit you, oscar is very shy and nice"

"HA" i bent over for dramatic effect but when i looked over at him the look in his eyes ment that he was serious.

"Wait you're serious? hate to break it to you but Oscar is a very angry, outspoken person" i said turning to leave again but then i had a mind blank, what was i doing again, damn sexy god like man for making me forget.

"Are you calling me a lier?" The man behind me asked, wait is he following me? I stopped walking and turned to look at him then down at my hands to think when i saw the coffee, shit, Mr. Barretts drink, welp i'm screwed may as well get rid of the drink since theres no point in finding him now.

"Huh, oh no i would never, i'm just saying the man he is infront of you is not the real oscar, he's probably afraid of you or something i don't know why you don't seen scary at all" i said looking up at him. his eye brows shot up in suprise and disbelief.

"I don't huh?"

"Nope, you look like someone who i could be friends with if i was aloud friends, here theres no way i would be able to give Mr. Barrett this drink now i may as well face the music and loose my job then go home to get the beating of my life, i hope you like skim milk lates with two sugars, personally i hate coffee so i'm deffinatly not drinkin it so enjoy" i started rambling handing him the coffee, he took a sip and grinned slightly.

"It tastes alright, and dont worry oscar wont lay a finger on you" he said looking at me smugly, well sir i can prove you wrong right here right now.

"Alright, $10 bucks says he does" i say putting my hand out for him to shake, he raises an eyebrow at me looking slightly amused yet confused for some reason, then he took my hand in his and said.

"Make it 50"

"You're on" i said still with his hand in mine i pull him into the males bathroom and lowered to see if anyone was in the cubicals, when i was happy that it was just the to of us in here i looked back at him while pulling my phone out.

"Alright are you ready to be down 50 buck mister?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Are you?" He threw back.

"And call me Rick by the way" he added, oh yeah we still didn't know each others names.

"Jason nice to meet you, now you have to promise me you wont say a single word no matter what"

"Alright my lips are sealed" he said crossing his arms over his broad chest and leaned back against the door. i walking up and stood right infront of him so he could hear everything and called Oscar putting it on loud speaker putting my finger to my lips to remind him to stay quiet, he raised an eye brow like he was saying i know i know.

"Hello?" Oscars voice came from the phone breaking my stairing contest with Rick.

"H-hello it's, it's me, i'm so sorry, i got the coffee like you said and went to take it to him, but i've never been to his office before so i got lost, then i asked people for directions and when i finally found his office i gave him the coffee, but because it took so long trying to find him the coffee got cold, he started yelling at me and said he was going to have a little word with you when he see's you, i'm so sorry"

Silence, thats all there was until i started hearing shuffling sounds so i lowered my head towards the phone to try and hear better and so did Rick our faces were so close i could feel his breath on my face.

"YOU WHAT?" Rick and i winced at the sudden loud noise from Oscar, we moved out heads back to the appropriate distance and i spoke up.

"I, i'm so sorry sir"

"Sorry isnt going to cut it you little shit, i thought i said hot, what's wrong with you, you wait until you get home you little shit, i'll make sure you cant move for a week, and you're died if i loose my job got it?" He asked sounding more pissed then i was expecting, shit i can't go home what am i going to do.

"Yes sir" i mumbled at last.

"Good" he snapped before he hung up.

"You owe me 50 bucks" i said sounding way to miserable for someone who just won 50, i looked up at Rick and he looked beyond pissed, i took a step back feeling kind of afraid if looks could kill my phone would be dead right now.

"Um Rick, are, are you alright?"

"Has he ever hit you before?" He snapped his eyes up to me staring at me with so much intensity i almost wet myself.

And for some reason, maybe being the fact i've never had a friend before or it was the way he was looking at me, but i feel like i can trust this guy even though i've never met him before so instead of telling him yes, i turned around and pulled my shirts out from my pants and lifted it up along with my jacket to reveal my scars from when Oscar would beat me with his belt, on the buckle side.

I looked up at the mirror to look at him and he looked sort of lost in a way, just staring at my back not moving or saying anything, i slowly started to pull my shirt back down but he stopped me by grabbing my hands in his, so we just stood there me watching him threw the mirror, looking at my back thinking to himself for what felt like hours but ended up being like 2 minutes.

I lowered my shirt again and this time without him stopping me, once i'd finished straightening my clothes back out i turned to look at him and his face was blank, there was no emotion what so ever, he just looked at me.

"I apologize for everything but i really must be getting back to work, but here as promised" he said finally pulling out his wallet and handing me a 50.

"Also as you're offical friend i think its only right we exchange numbers" he said putting his wallet away and pulling out his iphone 5.

"Oh right yea here" i gave him my phone and he gave me his and put my number in his while he put his in mine, once our numbers were given he put his hand out to shake.

"It was nice meeting you Jason, i hope we can catch up soon" he said, after we shook hands he turned around and walked out, leaving me standing here alone not really understanding what just happened.

Holy shit, i just made a friend.

I think i need to ly down, this day is just to weird for me. I left the bathroom and made my way down stairs to my cubical and got to work on all the files that were piling up on my desk.

When it was lunch time i was getting ready to go to the staff cafateria when my phone buzzed, it was a message from rick.

Hey, you up for lunch on me? work is pissing me off, need a break, what do u say?

Sure, where do you want to meet?

At the entrance, see you soon.

Okay cya.

Making my way to the entrance i spot Rick talking to afew people who looked way to important for me to be anywhere near so i decided to wait at a good distance to let them talk in private.

Suddenly Rick turned his head and locked eyes with me and a small smile apeared on his face before it went back to no emotion again, he lifted his hand and waved me over.

"Jason over here" he said, then all the people he was with stopped talking and looked at me as i slowly walked over, talk about awkward.

"Gentleman, this is my new friend Jason, jason these are a few of the council members" i waved and said hello while they all looked down at me like they were better then me, dude they are better then you, their from the council, shrinking back i moved closer to Rick who senced my destressed plea and spoke up.

"Well we must be heading off and i'll see you all later in our meeting alright?"

"Yes sir" they all said in unison and walked to the elevators.

"Sorry about that, are you ready?" He asked looking at me.

"Yeah lets go" we walked out of the building together and right infront of us was a slick black SUV with a man holding the back door open, i looked at Rick and he gestured for me to hop in first so i did saying thank you to the scary man holding the door open.

When Rick was in and we were buckled up and on our way to god only knows where, the silence in the back was kind of killing me so i decided to make some conversation.

"So tell me something about yourself Rick?"

He looked like he snapped out of a daydream and looked at me.

"Mmm i'm 24 years old, an only child blood wise but my parents decided to adopt, so i have a little brother and sister both 8 yrs old, and i was born here, what about you?"

"Wow alright, me, i'm 19 years old my birthday is in a few weeks so i'll be 20 soon, i'm an only child, i don't have any parents, uhh what else, i unfortunatly live with Oscar because i can't aford my own place and as you herd on the phone this morning we dont exactly like each other, he has threatened to kick me out but not yet, after today that might change, anyways um my favorite colour is blue and yeah"

"Ah yes i would like to have a little chat with Oscar if you don't mind" he asked looking out the window.

"About what exactly?"

"What he does to you of course" he said so casually it was like he was talking about the weather and not my personal life.

"What no please, you can't let him know that i told you he hits me, he threatened me not to tell anybody so if he found out i let slip that he does i'm dead, you can't please, i'm begging you, i'll do anything just please, please" the last bit came out as a whisper as i started to tear up, i looked away embarressed that a grown man is crying infront of another grown man.

"Hey hey, don't worry i wont tell him i promise, please dont cry" he leaned over and unbuckled my seatbelt and lift me up onto his lap making me gasp in suprise, he put my head in his neck and held me close to him, and for some reason i just let it out and cried listening to his heart beat.

"Shh it's alright i'll promise i'll do what ever it takes to protect you, here use this" he said handing me a tissue, i sat up still on his lap and cleaned my face, i looked out the window and noticed we've stopped and the driver was standing outside our door giving us priversy so i got off Ricks lap and nodded to him that i was good and he knocked on the window letting the driver know we were ready to get out.

When we did i realized we were at a resturant, one that i know for sure i was under dressed for, i was wearing dark skinny jeans a grey polo shirt and a leather jacket, where as Rick was wearing a light grey suit, white button up shirt and a light grey tie, he looked like a model while i looked like a hobo next to him.

We walked into the resturant and a perky girl around my age holding menus came up to us.

"Hello my names hilary, do we have a reservation today?" She said looking at the both of us with a big smile.

"Yes, table for 2 under Jason" he said to the lady with a blank face, dude no need to smile or anything, hang on did he just say Jason? Thats my name, i don't remember making a reservation.

"Ah yes right this way gentleman" she said ushering us to a booth in the back facing the whole resturant, when we sat down she gave us our menus and asked us what drinks we would like and Rick ordered a bottle of champaine that i wouldn't beable to pronounce to save my life. when she walked away he turned to look at me.

"I hope you don't mind i made our reservation under you're name, it get so boring saying my name all the time"

"Oh nah it's alright though i kinda feel under dressed for this place"

"Don't worry you look great" he said making me blush i looked down at my hand that was playing with my fork, i looked back up at him and he was about to speak when a voice in the distance stopped him, oh shit i'm a dead man walking.


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