Fangled Crown| Rise Of The Fa...

By Ruthie_xx

451 8 6

❝I shouldn't be attracted to you ❞ *** π˜Όπ™˜π™–π™˜οΏ½... More

Chapter One


79 5 5
By Ruthie_xx



   Out of all the things you choose in life, you don't get to choose what your nightmares are. You don't pick them; oh hell, they pick you.

That's exactly what's happening

I pulled my knees closer to my chest as another strong current of airflow  smashed mercilessly on my back, almost puting me into hyperthermia.
Out of the blue, I heard a snarling groan. Chills shattered down my spine instantaneously and every strand of hair on my body rose. The groan reminded me monsters, or maybe just humans but cannibals? God, I was lost. To my horror, footsteps - that of a person, echoed from not afar. I peered into the crevice once again.

    "Medusa's tongue!" The shrill curse resonates against every inch of the walls of the cavern sending deafening echoes down my ear canals.

The carvan illuminated for only a split second, then a thick rumbling growl jittered from above and rocks began to fall.

My fingers grappled the jagging rocks and I frantically pulled myself up, limping to lower ground away from the falling debris. My mind was racing with all sorts of protruding thoughts, no matter how hard I tried, my body won't stop with its perilous advances.

Is it normal to feel as though you are not in control of your own body? Like someone else is in the control room and you're on autopilot?

And this is far from sleep walking on so many levels.

     Leaving that aside, approached the end of the corridor, I picked up a rancid smell, eeky,  putrid odor of roting carcass and flesh. It reaks, and i find myself gagging. The closer i got, the more strainuous it became to breath until I feel myself blindly enter into another opening.

It was torturous to invade into an alien land and not having sight. Suddenly, a flock of winged-creatures - most probably bats - swept across the apex of the cave, producing screeching shrieks that rang through the whole cavern. I knelt down with both my hands covering my head and kept absolutely still. The raging horde finally subsided, and everything was unruffled again, I looked down at the stony hollow.

Open sesame..., who am I kidding,

I continued to venture even deeper into the tunneling grotto and unknowingly realized that it was getting much warmer. Weird thoughts again revolved round my mind - Trolls, witches, minotaurs, devils?! "How..apalling." I whispered to myself. Then, a crackling sound of fire became apparent was I hobbled across the pebbly ground. The sound of dripping water was also heard. Taking lighter steps, I leaned forward and saw a thin crevice that allowed me to peer into a large hall. I gleamed into it and saw something mortifying. My eyes widened at what I was now standing in front of.

A child, strapped onto a stony pillar, legs kicking in the air, above the ground by several inches as she jerked back and forth. She looked just about six, her face had an unhealthy look to it and her eyes were hard open as she stared at nothing in the darkness. I turned my attention to where she was looking at, the light that streaked through the mouth of the cave contrasted outlines on the curves of the feminine figure that emerged out of shadows. Now the girl's legs weren't swinging anymore, instead her whole body turned rigid. Each one was more like a kick, sharp and pointed. I watched as the woman-like figure crouched down in front of her, letting the girl come face to face with her veiled features, bringing forth her reptilian-like scepter, dauntingly ebbed in crystalline scales, she brushed the girl's thick bangs from her face, making her shudder.

    "Okay now, do you still remember you're name, little lax?" She spoke eerily gentily, the girl became still and was quiet for a moment, pushing further back on the stone.

    "Mm-mn," came out almost like an accident, spilling out of her drawn inward lips. Then all at once her face buckled, her breathing stopped momentarily and tears streamed
The woman then stood up straighter, her hands resting on her sides.

    "Good." There was a hint of glee and satisfaction .

She started circling around the pillar humming a song, this gave me a full display of her unworldly structure, instead of those creepy bony hags I expected, her body was intact, the hugging cloak said more as it highlighed curvy her an ample, hour glass shape, her feet made no tapping sounds as she moved like as if she was either levitating or had no possible legs.

Come to think of it,  was I even visible to them?

    "Mirabile..dictu, you dear lax, born for vengeance, bairn of the enslaved faes, you will vessel the evil that will bring..tsk, good.. all I want is for you to bring me high sovereignty, just do i please,"

The girl slowly rose her head, her lips quivering a bit in the glow of the light then she spoke–
    "I-I was told a snake may shed it's skin but never it's characters, not even its nasty dirty mouth thorns—i'll never,"

The woman paused–her chuckle was low and terrifying, in bat of an eye, she  grabbed the girl by her throat, she was titting gleefully as she lifted her stick.

When her scepter landed on the girl's forehead, flames suddenly erupted.

    "Puzzles are meant to be put together!" she exclaimed "You will die today but will arise to complete your little puzzle, the one no one will arrange the same way as you, the one that connects US..."

"Alas, this is only the beginning of the end."



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Y'all Thanks for reading xox o

This chapter's dedicated tomeroceank8921for her constructive and very useful feedback, thanks love,I wouldn't have written a readable chapter without your help 😊




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