|A Spider's Tale|

De RambunctiousCat

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What would have happened if a more broken, desperate Gwen Stacy, fell into the universe of our happy well-man... Mais

A New Spider: Chapter 1
Stark Home: Chapter 2
A Greater Understanding: Chapter 3
Being the New Kid...again: Chapter 4
The Prison Break: Chapter 5
We got our butts whipped: Chapter 6
The Battle of the bugs (and Rhino): Chapter 7
Infinity War-1: Chapter 8
Infinity War-2: Chapter 9
Infinity War-3: Chapter 10
The Decimation: Chapter 11
Good Captain...Bad Captain: Chapter 12
What Planet Are We On?: Chapter 13
Adapting: Chapter 14
What a Pair: Chapter 15
Tony's Gifts: Chapter 16
I got a Delivery for Tony Stank: Chapter 17
Graduation: Chapter 18
A Day Out: Chapter 19
We're our own Team: Chapter 20
Happy Valentines Day!
Good Things Don't Last: Chapter 21
Endgame-1: Chapter 22
Endgame-2: Chapter 23
Endgame-3: Chapter 24
Endgame-4: Chapter 25
Endgame 5: Chapter 26
Trip to Europe: Chapter 27
You're Who!?: Chapter 28
Oh look it's Aquaman! : Chapter 29
L'uomo del Misterio: Chapter 30
A Big Fiery Blob: Chapter 31
Capes & Chaos: Chapter 32
Edict Edith: Chapter 33
Ain't Nothin' But A Heartache: Chapter 34
A 'Plain' Ride: Chapter 36
Bagels and Beds : Chapter 37
An Avenger's Level Threat: Chapter 38

Ain't Nothin But A Big Mistake: Chapter 35

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De RambunctiousCat

(I've added some details into this chapter that haven't been mentioned in previous chapters i.e.: train to Germany, these will eventually be written into the previous chapters in a way that makes sense, but for now, it'll have to be weird"

Let's Go!

Peter and Gwen sat atop a tall highrise apartment building, looking out into the bright city of Prague. Lights began flickering on, framing the city in a beautiful halo.


"Yeah Pete?"

"I feel like we just made a huge mistake."

"Yeah, me too."

"Karen... what was it you were saying? Before the Security Camera thing?"

'So you've finally slowed down enough to listen, have you?'

"Look, I'm sorry, tell us now?"

'When I was opening Quentin Beck's facial data and images, I discovered that Quentin Beck, or as you call him, Mysterio, was once an employee for Star Industries.'

"Well, he's from an alternate universe. There are bound to be doubles, right? I mean, I had one," Gwen said.

'Yes, the probability that someone would have a doppelgänger in an infinite multiverse is 100%.'

"Well, problem solved, Beck, as annoying and creepy as he is, is still the Fishbowl," Gwen said laying down with her arms under her head.

'But the probability that every one of them is an exact copy of you is 0%, the Gwen Stacy of this earth is a perfect example, she's European, barely looks like you, and has no spider powers.'

Peter and Gwen both sat up.

'It is more likely that the Quentin Beck you have met is the Quentin from this universe than a double from an alternate one.'

"Okay... Uh no need to panic," Peter said panicking, "Uh, Gwen how about you use Karen and Chase to track him down, and I'll go to Germany and talk with Fury, the train he offered us hasn't left yet "

"Pete, we can't split up, and if he really has been lying this whole time and I confront him, I don't think either of us can fight him alone. "

"No... no, I have to do this Gwen. Fury already thinks I'm a big Idiot, so I should be there one to tell him about my mistake. "

"Our mistake Peter! You don't need to take this all on your shoulders!"

"Look, Gwen, we don't have much time, please. You can kick me in the butt later, but for now, let's go."

Gwen sighed. "Fine, but next time I make the plan, and we stick together, okay?"

Peter grinned, "You have a deal Ghosty"

Gwen nodded, and they both lept of the building, and for the first time in a while traveled in different directions.


Some time Later

Peter tried to move into a more comfortable position on the train. He had missed the train and was hitching a ride on a cargo train. Sitting inside a cold, damp metal crate surrounded by what seemed to be lawnmowers wasn't all too fun.

He already missed Gwen.

He and Gwen had been by each other's sides almost all the time, at least when Superheroing was concerned. They'd always been stronger together, and they exploited as much as they could. But he needed to push through it. Being able to have time apart was a good thing, right? Relationships 101.

He looked at the time display; it had been two hours, only two more to go.

Peter sighed. This train needs to go faster.


Gwen swung through the streets of Prague, trying to avoid the sight of the public. She had been searching with the help of the AI's for almost two now, and she had found nothing, none of the cities security cameras had picked up any recent footage of Beck, it was like he turned invisible right after Peter and she gave him Edith.

On top of that, it had started raining.

'Miss Stacy?'

"Yup, what is it Chase?"

'We have scanned through all the recent city footage. There is no sign of Quentin Beck.'

Gwen flopped down with a dejected sigh.

'I would suggest that our next course of action would be to search past footage.'

"And how long would that take?"

'Not long, two hours at most.'

With an exhausted grunt, Gwen picked herself up and wiped some water droplets off her lenses.

"Well, let's get to it"


A sudden stop flung Peter from his somewhat comfortable position right into the handle of a push-mower, hitting him right in the gut.

"Ow... Train, stop that. Only my inner thoughts are supposed to be making my life hard!" Peter joked on the train.

"... great.... train therapist" Peter laughed, he then quickly stopped when he realized he was talking to a train.

Peaking his head through the open hatch he entered through, Peter saw they had just arrived at Berlin. Peter's torturous train ride had finally ended.

With one slightly overpowered jump, Peter forced out of the train, and within moments he was swinging through the streets of yet another unfamiliar European city.

After stopping at the wrong address twice, Peter found the correct building that Fury had directed him to, only three hours late, which had to be a record for him.

"Well, Spidey, time to act like an adult and admit you might have made a huge mistake t the director of freakin' SHIELD... I love my life. "

And deciding to prolong his life, Peter walked in through the front doors and went to the elevator.

Fury wouldn't mind if he took a slow way.


Gwen had started falling asleep while she was swinging, which had only happened to her twice before.

The AIs had been pouring over hours upon hours of footage, all at speeds Gwen couldn't perceive. They would tell her an address to search, and she'd go search it. Rinse and repeat.

'There is a strange commonality that has become apparent,' Karen said, her electronic voice somehow sounding tired, 'Every day Quentin Beck goes to the bar that he took you to recently, he leaves hours later. But bar footage rarely ever shows him at the bar. My theory would be a hidden room or entrance."

"So where am I headed?"

"There is a warehouse close to the bar, it is reported as empty. It is close enough to build a tunnel from the bar to the Warehouse. I suggest you start there. "

"Gotcha, warehouse it is. "

With more effort than it should have taken, Gwen got up to her feet and once again began swinging through Prague.

At least it stopped raining.


The Elevator doors dragged themselves open, revealing a dimly lit hallway. Doors lined the hallway every few yards, each of them closed.

"Okay... well Peter, everything's fine, just walking down a horror movie hallway. "

Peter slowly crept through the hallway, checking each number as he went.


The light flickered off.


"AhH!" Peter lept around, coming face to face with a dark looming figure.

The light suddenly sprung to life again, revealing Nick Fury.

"Oh...oh boy...how'd you sneak up on me? ... Pretty sure that's impossible ..." Peter said, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Parker, I've been a spy longer than you've been alive, a SHIELd agent even longer,"

Peter looked confused. "Shouldn't those two be switched?"

Fury shot a glare at Peter, "So it seems you've come after all... where's Stacy?"

"She's still in Prague, something big's happened. "

Fury nodded and turned around, leading him to room 223. There was only one long table and a few chairs, all of the empty.

"Where's Agent Hill?" Peter asked.

Fury sat at the head of the table. "Nevermind her. So, what's happened?"


Gwen silently opened a small window in the warehouse wall. The window was barely a foot tall, probably less. Gwen maneuvered her way into the window, barely avoiding getting stuck.

"Dang, no Spider safe windows these days, is there?"

Webbing up to the ceiling, Gwen looked around the vast warehouse, and boy, what a sight.

Machinery was everywhere, drones flying about, doing all sorts of tasks. Holograms were floating about the area, displaying different scenes of catastrophic destruction. Different people were running around, packing up computers and what looked like movie equipment.

Well, this at least solves the 'Prove that Mysterio is up to no good' part of the plan.

A garage door started opening, and Gwen crawled over to see what was happening

A large semi-truck was pulling into the warehouse, the driver leaping out and going over to a balding man who looked like a high school teacher.

"London area is secure. Time to move everything out."

"Alright, we're almost done packing it up here. Just some last-minute tests before we ship out."

"This'll be the biggest performance in history, am'a right?"

"You're right."

The man looked around. "Where's Beck? you'd think he'd be here."

"He's in Berlin, remember? Get rid of that director or whatever."

Gwen didn't wait to hear any more. She flung herself out of the open garage door, not caring if they saw her.

She had to warn Peter.


Peter slumped down into a chair. It was much more comfortable than it looked.

"Gwen and I... well more so Karen, but that doesn't matter. Gwen and I found out that Mysterio is lying...or he's most likely lying or something like that. "

Fury looked confused.

Peeter sighed, "Look, Mysterio is a bad guy, and we gave him the glasses...look, I've really messed up."

Fury leaned back in his chair. "I see...so where is Stacy?"

Peter's head began to ring, "She's... she's out looking for Mysterio..."

Fury looked up, "Alone?"

"... yeah, that's why we have to go now! I don't know where she is! O-or if she's okay! We gotta go!"

"So Ghost's, out searching, did you tell anyone else?"

"...n-no...I don't think so...no, it's just us four"

Peter's senses were screaming in his head, an exploding headache making it hard to even move.

Fury smirked, "No, just three. "

The lights cut out.

Peter sprung out of his chair as the surrounding area began to morph and twist into a more open space. The chair he was sitting on going from hardwood to soft leather, Nick Fury turning into none other than Mysterio.

"Find out already? A little earlier than expected, but hey, still worked out fine" Beck said. His helmet seemed to distort his voice into a more creepy tone...to add effect.

Peter could barely think, his mind was shouting for him to run, the danger was everywhere. "What? ... What plan?"

"Pete, come on! You can't be this dumb! All villains have their secret plans. You should know this by now!"

"...no, no, what is this? Why... how?"

"How? Well, you and your girlfriend, of course! You just gave me what I needed! It was... hold on, this voice is annoying..." Mysterio tweaked something on his gauntlet. "It was comical really." he said, voice now slightly less augmented.

"Beck, why? We trusted you!" Peter said, getting angry.

"Look, I've got stuff to do. You came earlier than expected and I still have to kill Fury! So I'm going to have to cut this short."

Ten drones suddenly uncloaked around Peter, green lasers all aimed at his chest.

Mysterio's head tilted a bit. "You know...on second thought, a little fun never killed anyone"

The drones re-cloaked, and with them, the room suddenly was plunged into darkness.

A school hallway formed. It was dark, a sickly looking green gas flooding the floor.

"I wish I could say I regret it," Mysterio's voice blared from all around, "But you've proven to be very annoying Spidey!"

Mysterio appeared right in front of Peter. He threw his hardest punch right at his face, but just before he hit it became a concrete pillar and he smashed right through it.

"Missed me, don't worry Peter. Unlike you, I won't be so sloppy. " A giant fist punched Peter directly through the floor.

"Now I admit I was surprised when your Girlfriend found me," Mysterio's voice said, as an image of Gwen appeared, "But it worked out for the best, killing you together would have been much harder" Mysterio appeared from nowhere and pushed Gwen off into what looked like a never-ending chasm.

"No... that's not real... she's fine"

"Do you know what's real Peter?" A gigantic image of Mysterio's head loomed over him. " 'Cause I do."

Peter looked around. Thousands of Spider-Men were charging him. He felt them hit him; he felt himself being punched through walls and floors, but he couldn't see any of it.

"Your girlfriend is dead because you wanted to split up! It. Is. Your. Fault!"

"Your lying!"

Peter brought himself to his feet, fighting through the pain. The thousands of Spider-Men are gone, fading to dust.

He was in a hallway once more.

He looked down the hallway. Each light began going off one by one, the darkness creeping closer and closer. Peter began to run.

He tripped on something he couldn't see was engulfed in darkness.

A glowing dark-green mist began pooling around Peter's feet, creeping upwards towards him. Peter's senses were screaming from every direction, his splintering headache grew worse. Suddenly, the danger collected into one area directly behind him. Peter spun around:

"Hello, Peter."

And with the piercing shrill of a train's horn, everything went black.


So there we go, we are nearing the end of Far From Home.

I have nothing to announce so I leave it off with the usual.

How'd you like it? Reviews really help the writing process.

I'll see you next time!


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