By VanRahdBooks

367K 22.4K 1.4K

A story about a woman who finds herself in a situation she never expected and it changes her whole life forev... More

Chapter 9
Continual of Chapter 39.
Continual Of Chapter 40
Continual Of Chapter 41.
Chapter 42
Continual of Chapter 42
Continual Of Chapter 43
Continual Of Chapter 45
Continual Of Chapter 46
Continual Of Chapter 47
Continual of Chapter 48
Continual of Chapter 49
Author's Note.


2.8K 159 19
By VanRahdBooks


I quickly get up and run to the bathroom and vomit until nothing comes out and my body heaves. God I hate morning sickness. I never got sick when I was pregnant with the twins but this pregnancy has other ideas. My baby girl wants to show off by making her mommy sick every day. I don’t know why it’s called morning sickness because I’ll be sick most of the day. My husband soothes my back.
“ You okay love? ” he asks me this everyday.
“ Hmmm ” I lift my head of the bowl and he flushes.
“ I hate that they are making you sick.” I hate that too.
Yes we are having another set of twins. A baby girl and boy. We couldn’t believe when the doctor told us that we are expecting two babies. My husband broke down and cried when we got in the car. I had to hold him until he calmed  down. He is so excited and has been working from home since he found out we are pregnant. I don’t even know why cause I’m not even showing yet but I’m loving having him home around us.
“ I wish they wouldn’t wake you up like this ” he helps me get up. I go to the vanity and take my toothbrush and he takes his too and we brush our teeth looking at each other in the mirror until we are done. I wash my face  and the moment I'm done he attacks my mouth and we kiss like hell.
“ baby… . ” I try to push him off me.
“ I’m horny ” He says
“ you’re always horny baby ” he chuckles and looks at me. “ we have to go and wake the boys up.” He kisses my neck.
“ they don’t even know it’s their birthday today love. Asishaye I quickie fast then we’ll go and sing for them ”
“ we’ll have I quickie after. Masambe. ( let’s go) ” he groans and I laugh.
“ Ok let’s shower then. ” God he won’t leave me alone until  we have a quickie.
“ baby?. ” he opens the shower faucet.
“ love ”
“ When are we going to do it? ”
“ Do what? ” I cock my head to the side. “ No.”
“ what? Why baby you promised? ” I whine
“ Uh Ah I didn’t promise you that love ”
“ but you said well do it. ”
“ That was before we found out that we’re pregnant love ” huh?
“ What does that have anything to do with it? ”
“ I don’t want to hurt my kids. We’re not doing it! ” he says and gets in the shower. Hurt his kids how?. I’m not letting this go. We are going to do it.
I leave the bathroom and go to the closet and wear my comfy yoga pants and his T-shirt and my sleepers. I leave the closet and I find him laying on the bed facing up. His dick is rock hard.
“ indoda ayilali ibheke phezulu ” he laughs 
“ I’m waiting for you baby. ”
“ Well keep waiting sthandwa sam. I’m going to wake up our kids and prepare. I’m sure the party planner is already here and you said you have to go and buy the meat right? . So get dressed my love.” I won’t get anywhere close to him cause I know of won’t be coming out of this bedroom until we have our fill of each other.  He sits up, I know he’s going to come to me so I pretend that I’m coming to him he relaxes then I quickly run out of our bedroom laughing.
He calls my name but I close the door and leave.  I walk until I’m outside the boys bedroom. I open the door and peek inside and they are still sleeping. My happy babies are so grown and beginning to look like their dad everyday. He wraps his arms around me and I move my head back to his chest.
“ what are you thinking? ” he brushes my stomach.
“ How happy they are, looking like you everyday and you’re making me hungry when you’re doing that ”
“ well you didn’t want me to fuck you so lets go so I can feed you ” I giggle.
“ we should wake them up. ”
“ Let me go get their cupcakes so they can blow them ” he goes to the kitchen and comes back with his brother.
“ morning luh” he gives me a light hug.
“ When did you come home last night? ” my husband chuckles
“ sorry I wasn’t home for dinner ”
“ next time call so I won’t be worried about you ” busani grins
“ Awww I love you too ” he kisses my cheek. My husband shakes his head.
We get in and close the door. My husband and his brother have cup cakes with four candles lit on each. I walk to their bed cause they are sleeping together. I don’t know when they are going to outgrow this thing of theirs of sharing a bed and sometimes holding hands. I love it though cause it shows their bond to each other. I kiss their cheeks and they smile. I smile too.
“ Boys?.... Boys wake up ” my husband gives busani the other cupcake then walks to the bed, sits down and rubs his beard on their faces.
“ Uh ha baby don’t do that ”
“ You want them to wake up, so I’m waking them up love ”
“ Baby?.... Boys?...” I shake them lightly then sboniso's eyes open. I smile. He looks around and seems surprised to see us. His dad shakes his brother up and he also wakes up. Sbonelo has always been a heavy sleeper not like his brother. I pick sboniso then his dad takes sbonelo who’s grumpy. My son is not a morning person.
“ look it’s your birthday today. Look at your cupcakes ” the twins look at each other and smile.
Busani is standing in front of us holding the cupcakes and we are sitting on the bed. We begin to sing them happy birthday, they sing along and laughing. They are so excited. I can’t wait to see their faces when they see what I have planned for their birthday party. They blow their candles and we clap. Busani takes pictures of all of us. My husband takes out the candles and is about to feed them cupcakes.
“ baby no? ” they all look at me.
“ No mommy? ” sbonelo says.
“  did you brush your teeth? ” I ask them
“ No ” they both say
“ go brush your teeth and then come downstairs for breakfast. You’ll eat your cupcakes after breakfast ”
“ Ah mamakhe it’s their birthday today. Can they have their cap cakes after brushing their teeth please? ” busani pleads
“ siyakcela love ”
“ ok fine. These cupcakes only and they are not skipping breakfast ” the boys smile.
“ I love you two very much. Happy birthday boys. ” I kiss them both and hug them tight. “ Help then brush their teeth ”  I leave then and go to the kitchen. I notice that the party planner and her people and the catering people arrived very early cause they are almost done. I look at the time and it’s 8:30 am. My kitchen is full of strangers but I’m not worried cause my husband checked everyone out who’s going to be here working.
I greet them and make myself tea and sit down. My husband and his brother come in after a while with the boys and the kitchen just goes quiet. I know they saw them when my husband came to get cupcakes. Why are they being weird and starring. Both my husband and his brother are not fazed with everything. I have gotten used to women drooling on my husband and I enjoy looking at him when that happens and now it's the two of them.
“ Why aren’t you all working? ” sis nonto asks them. She’s not looking happy at all.
“ Mah what’s wrong? ” I ask her.
“ I was about to come and get you for breakfast since I knew the kitchen was going to be used.” Ohk but what is wrong with her.
“ you’re upset. What happened? ” my husband asks her and she sighs. The house goes quiet.
“ Some girls were taking pictures in the house.” My husband’s face changes.
“ Tina? ”
“ yes Mrs Gumede ”
“ I thought I specifically asked you to tell your people not to take pictures of my home? ” she nods.
“ I told them Mrs gumede but I guess they didn’t listen to me ” my husband gets up, brings sbonelo to me and walks out of the kitchen. Sis nonto looks at me and I shrug my shoulders. He comes back after a while carrying small pastic bags.
“ give this to everyone who’s here to work. Tell them to put their cell phones here, write their names on the name tag then give them to my wife after you have gathered all of them. You’ll get them when the work is done. If anyone refuses to give you their cell phones I want them. Out of my house.” Sis nonto takes the bags and gives them to Tina who takes them and the people in the kitchen begin to take out their phones.
“ let’s go have breakfast ” we leave the kitchen and go sit outside where there’s a tent and chairs. “ oh I am so hungry ” I say. The twins sit down and Gugu plates for them. The smell of bacon hits me like it’s something I haven’t smelled before. I plate five rashes of it and other things and dig in. It tastes so good. I open my eyes and my husband is watching me. I wink at him and he licks his lips. I shake my head no, he laughs. The twins join in too and laugh. If only they knew what their dad wants.
The rest of the morning goes by and presents from different people keep coming in being delivered. This is a kiddies party but the way it feels it looks like it’s going to be more than that. Zipho and his beautiful wives come in looking all sorts of beautiful. Lesego and my brother arrive too with dad and my other uncles and aunts. I am so happy to see them. Bonga and sims arrive too with their new house keeper and driver and their little girl who goes to join the kids in the house. Sims house keeper goes to join sis nonto and her husband goes to Percy.
Mbuyiselo and his brothers have also arrived with lumka and she’s so happy to see us. She disappears to somewhere in the house since she’s the only teenager then sbu and sbani arrive too with his brother and his wives and their three kids. After welcoming them my husband and go in the house so we can get ready for the twins birthday party. The living room has so many presents its crazy.  Can’t wait to see what the backyard looks like.
“ luh? ” sis nonto calls my name.
“ Mah. ”
“ where do you want me to put your things? ” I smile.
“ can you take them to my husband’s office. When I want them. I’ll let you know ”
“ Ok sisi. ”
“ Is dad still coming? ” she smiles. I guess things are good between them.
“ Go and change luh. ” I giggle.
“ What things love? ”
“ it’s a surprise for the boys ” he nods.
When we get in our bedroom I find myself on all fours and my husband fucks the shit out of me. After two hours we come out of the bedroom feeling fresh and looking good. We go to the boys bedroom and Gugu is finishing dressing my babies and the photographer is taking photos of them. They run to us looking handsome. We pick them up, take a few photos then go downstairs.
“ Mrs gumede everything is ready and the food is prepared. The kids have been sat down and they are waiting for these little guys.” Tina says.
“ Thanks Tina. ” she nods.
“ are you boys ready? ” they nod. “ Ok let’s go. ”
We walk to the backyard and it looks amazing, there’s a play area,jumping castle, face paints and a whole lot of things. Blue and yellow colours and minions them décor all over. We put them down and they run around admiring the décor.  Melusi comes and takes them to their seats. They are so excited.
“ good day everyone. Thank you for coming to celebrate with us this special day as the boys are four years old today. I am zipho gumede the father to these little men and I will be hosting these little people here. So everyone please get up and let’s sing happy birthday to them as their cake is being brought in. ”
Bonga and Busani come with two cakes and the boys go crazy. We sing them happy birthday and they blow their candles. They play games, they sing, dance and eat. Lots of pictures are taken including a family portrait with all of us. All the children who are invited are so happy bring here and with their gift bags. The adults are also having fun eating and drinking. Theirs uncles and aunts give them presents which include gadgets, toys and lots of money.
“ So before we wrap up and let you kids have your fun. I would like to call their parents to come in the front and say a few words for the boys. ” I look at sis nonto and she nods.
My husband takes my hand and we walk to where the boys are seated. He takes the mic from zipho, looks at the boys then looks at me. He winks and I smile. Sis nonto comes carrying a medium size box. She outs it in front of me then goes to stand with my dad.
“ Thank you everyone for coming here today. My wife and I really appreciate it very much. I am not only a father to my sons only but to all the sons and the only daughter we have in this family. When my wife told me we were going to have a baby my whole life changed. I knew I would do anything to make sure that they are always protected, safe and loved. I knew that they will always have a happy and loving home because their mother is an amazing woman. A one of a kind and baby. Thank you for making me the man I am today. Thank you for giving me a home and loving me unconditionally and giving me the family that we have today. I wish God and our ancestors will bless us with many more children. Boys happy birthday, always know that your mom and dad love you very much ” that was so sweet. He gives me the mic.
“ Thank you baby although I don’t think the boys will remember everything you said… ” they chuckle. “ I am blessed to have a close and tight family that I have. I didn’t know anything about being a mother until I realised that I was pregnant. I didn’t know what unconditional love was until I held them in my arms when they were born and looked into their eyes. I could see their dad and I could see myself in them. My own family. Many of you don’t know that I didn’t know my family. I thought the family I grew up in was my family but it wasn’t. My husband is the one that introduced me to my dad, my brother and my aunts and uncles. Mnguni I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for you. I wouldn’t have it all if it wasn’t for you. I wouldn’t have you or our kids if my life didn’t turn out the way it did. Having your name and carrying your kids is everything to me. I live for you, our children and our whole. Family. Thank you for choosing to love me and be your everything. ” he steals a kiss from me and the kids make disgusting sounds. We laugh.
“ so as the boys are growing today I decided to get them something but then I thought I want all our kids to receive something that will mean everything to all of them. Please hold this baby. Lumka come and help me. ” he takes the mic.
I open the box and take out the seven little Jewellery and out them on the table and the camera man zooms in on the gifts.
“ I asked the man who’s my designer and who designed my husband wedding ring to design me 7 personalized necklaces with all the boys names and our baby girl kamo and lumka too.” I take out the diamond necklace and lumka screams. I give one to my husband to put it on sbonelo and I put one around sboniso. Lumka wears here’s and she’s in tears. My husband helps me put the necklaces on the kids and they are so happy. Melusi hugs me tight and promises me he’ll take good care if it. I know my baby will. Lumka hugs me tight too and thanks me.
“ it is cold Daddy ” sbonelo says and we laugh.
“ Wow mommy they are so beautiful. I wish I was kid too to receive such a gift… ” everyone laughs. “ I hope the older kids realize that this is more than just a gift. If you look closely boys you’ll see that the message written says ( we are one family). It means that all of you take care of each other. You are brothers and sisters and you will love each other no matter what and no one messes with you.” The adults agree.
“ Thank you sis luh for this wonderful very expensive gift. Okay children put them back and your parents will take them and keep them safe. ” the children protest but eventually give them back even the twins.
“ Uhm thank you everyone for coming and having a great day with us. The adults party will start later so I suggest you should the kids home and come and have a good time with us. Enjoy guys and thank you again. ” zipho says. We also thank everyone.
“ Thank you zipho. You did a great job ” he smiles.
“ I enjoyed it sis luh and it’s the least I could do for the twins.” We hug.
“ Why didn’t you tell me you were planning that love. I love their necklaces. ” he hugs me tight and I feel him breathing me in. Filling his lungs with scent.
“ It was a surprise baby haw ” I giggle.
“ That was special baby. Thank you ” we kiss.
The rest of the day goes by and the people that were invited begin to leave one by one until it is us the family and the party planner and her people begin to take their things. Things between sbani and I are good but lesego said she’s not buying it. She’s protective  of me. I like the relationship zipho’s soon to be wives are having now. They are close and I like that. Skhumbuzo and his wives left also with their kids but sbu and sbani are still here. My uncles and aunt leave too with their grandchildren.
“ Uh guys can we all go inside there’s something we need to talk about. ” my husband says. He takes my hand and we walked in the house to the living room. I
“ I’ll be back baby ” I go to the kitchen cause I already know what he’s going to tell them. My dad  and sis nonto are eating. I’m so happy to see both of them happy.
“ Dad have you seen ubaba? ”
“ He’s went to his bedroom ” I worry about him.
“ so I take it that you two are together now? ” I join them and dig in my dad’s food. He gives me his whole plate and eats with his woman.
“ yes we are. ” dad says kissing her cheek.
“ So now I must look for another housekeeper that we will trust like you and Gugu and the nannies? ”
“ yes you do. She has to come home and live with me ” sis nonto blushes.
“ we can take one of the women that work at the farm. You already know them.” Sis nonto says.
“ I’ll have to talk toy husband first then I’ll let you know ” the food tastes good but my kids don’t seem to agree. I quickly get up and run to the bathroom that's close to the living room. Maybe it’s that cake I ate that’s upsetting me. I vomit until everything comes out. Oh I feel like shit.
“ here’s your brush ” sis nonto says. I flush the toilet and brush my teeth.
“ I should have see that you’re pregnant ” she says smiling.
“ I was going to tell you ”
“ It’s okay sisi I understand and I am so happy for you and mbuso ” we hug then come out of the bathroom.
“ you okay baby? ”
“ I am dad. ” I kiss his bold head.
“ I’m going to make you some camomile tea. You’ll feel better.
“ thank you ma ” dad grins like he’s just hit a jackpot  I go to my husbands office, open the safe and take out the remaining gifts I have for everyone and they are a little bit heavy.
“…… . Then on Friday we are all going to Phongolo and do the last ceremony.... ” I put the bag on the table. “ yeah and thanks for the gifts for the boys. They love them and are going to love them. Love you okay? ”
“ Just tired that’s all. ”
“ What do you have there? ” Sims asks.
“ Oh you just had to ask didn’t you? ” they laugh. “ uhm baby can you sit down. ” he does
“ Ah luh before you begin, we would like to day thank you for the amazing necklaces you brought the kids. Thank you sis ” bonga says. I nod.
“ I never wore ice when I was their age ” zipho complaints.
“ you’re no longer the last born of this family ” my husband says laughing.
“ Leave him alone. ” zipho grins I shake my head. “ well as I was saying. All of us are a family right here, we are not in-laws or anything but a family so my husband and I did something to show you how much we appreciate you have you in our lives. It’s just a little something and I hope you will all love them.”
The house is quiet watching me as I take out the gifts and give them to Zipho’s wives, sbani and my sisters. They are wrapped beautifully so they don’t know what they are.
“ Ok open them. ” they tear the papers and open the jewellery box and lesego screams. “ These necklaces engraved with your names like the our children’s necklaces represent to me our sisterhood and how much I appreciate all of you. Sims nawe lesego you will see that the different designs match those of your kids but still look like all of ours. I hope you love them. ” they are in tears.
“ wow luh thank you” Sims is a crying mess. “ they must have cost a fortune ”
“ I didn’t realize that spending my husbands money was so fun. I enjoyed it ” they laugh. “ Uhm baby don’t you have something to show your brothers too and don’t worry I wrote their names are outside the box cause you were worried about mixing them up.” He’s been quiet watching me.
“ I knew you guys got us something. ” zipho says excited. He can be such a child sometimes.
My husband takes out the jewellery boxes and gives them to his brothers. All of them including the Zikalala brothers. He sits me up then sits me on his lap. He hasn’t said anything. We both watch the men open their jewellery boxes and they are in awe. I asked my designer to also make them diamond rings, engraved with their names and the word brothers for life. They are speechless as they try them on.
“ Wow bro these rings are amazing. Brothers for life man thank you and they match my wife’s necklace and the boys. Wow”  bonga says.
“ My wife did all the work. The designing and everything. ” he says proudly kissing my cheek.
“ bro I love mine. I’m never taking this ring off ever.” Busani says.
“ Of all the things you have brought me. This means so much to me. Ngiyabonga bhuti mbuso. ” ncooh zipho is emotional. His ring too matches his women’s too.
“ We are brothers for life. Thank you man ” sbu says. His too matches with sbani's necklace.
“ I love you man. Thank you ” my brother says fist bumping with my husband.
“ we also didn’t expect this but thank you brother. We will cherish these rings forever. ” the brothers thank my husband and I am so happy.
“ the both of you gave all of us gifts but none for yourselves? ” lesego asks.
“ Oh I almost forgot. Here’s yours baby ” my husband takes the box I pull our from my dress pocket. I don’t know why he’s surprised cause surely he knew I would get him something too.
He opens the box and sees his diamond ring with 18k white gold. His name is engraved and it’s written.
“ Protector & Ruler of oGumede ” he reads it out loud. He palms my cheek. Thank you my love. I love it. ” I take it and put it on his right hand third finger then kiss him.
“ This has been an amazing day. A day I will never forget for as long as I live. I am happy to have found all of you and I’m blessed to call you my family. I love all of you and I promise that I will be your keeper. I am my brothers and sisters keeper. ” that’s what I engraved on busani ring ( I am my brothers and sisters keeper.)
“ let’s not end the night yet. It’s time to dance ” zipho says and they agree.
“ then that means everyone will be sleep here. There’s enough room for everyone and if there isn’t then some of you will share. ” my husband says and they agree.
They begin to take out the meat in the cold room and prepare to Braai and I want to go tuck my kids in bed.
“ let’s go tuck the boys in before they sleep ” my husband agrees and we walk to the game room and they are not there. We go to the their bedroom and uBaba is reading them a story. They are both in one bed listening to him and they are in awe.
We close the door so we won’t disturb them. We walk back to the living room and almost everyone is outside. We sit on the couch and I lay my head on his chest.
“ This day was about the boys but you made it to be more than about them. You included everyone and made it about family. How do you do that. ”
“ I don’t know how baby. I just wanted the day to be special to everyone and I think I did that. ”
“ I’m still in shock with the necklaces and rings you brought baby. Diamonds and I didn’t even see it. ”
“ Well it’s not like we don’t have money and can’t afford it. This was to show them they mean much more tous than what they think. Busani is still new here so I wanted him to feel like he’s also part of the brotherhood even though he already is but to have something that will remind him of that. ”
“ I can’t ever thank you enough for what you did today. Everything you do luh touches my heart baby always and today was even more. I am so blessed to have you in my life.”
“ we are both blessed baby and this is proof of that.” He brushes my stomach and we kiss.
Lesego and my brother come to us and they are looking so happy. My brother licks me up and kisses my whole face. I laugh so hard cause he’s making me feel like I’m kamo. He puts me down.
“ what was that all about? ” I ask him
“ For being the best sister in the whole wide world. I love you ”
“ I love you too big brother. Why are you so emotional though? ” he threads his hands with lesego's.
“ Well we wanted you two to be the first ones to know that we are pregnant.” Oh my God! Sbani saw it.
“ Oh my God congratulations! ” I pull lesego to a hug and she’s sniffing. This is so beautiful. My husband hugs her too then we ain’t down.
“ Oh dad is going to lose it. The whole family is going to be so excited ” I tell them. How far long are you? ”
“ Three months and three days. We wanted the first trimester to pass before we told anyone. ”.my husband and I look at each other.
“ this day was full of blessings.” My husband says. I am so happy for my brother. Wow!.
The others come back in the house and continue to have a good time and I tire to our bedroom. I am tired and I want to sleep.
The week following we had busani's ceremony where he was introduced to his ancestors and he changed his surname he’s now Busani Gumede not Zikalala. On Friday morning we had to drive to uPhongolo where Asanda and Fanele wife were there. They went welcoming but we did what we had to do and I did everything gogo Zikalala instructed me to do and it all went well. My father in law also paid damages and everything that was asked from him. We left on Sunday to our respective homes.
Today is the new years eve. We’ll be finally saying goodbye to the hardest year we have ever had. We will be in my brothers house tonight ending the year there. The twins will be going to grade R next year and I can’t wait for that day.
“ love let’s go. ” I look at the time. It’s 3 pm.
“ Why do we have to go now baby it’s still early though ” I whine
“ I promised the guys that I will bring alcohol. Woza love, the kids are waiting in the car. ” he takes my hand and we leave the house. These kids are making lazy.
We get in the car and drive a 30 minute drive to my brothers house. I am so glad I am not hosting and I get to sit down and enjoy. We arrive there and it’s already full. The twins go to join the kids and play. I go to the guest room, close the door and get on the bed and sleep.
“ love?.... Love? ” I open my eyes and it’s my husband.
“ What’s wrong? ” I ask him.
“ Nothing. You’ve been sleeping for six hours and I’m sure you’re hungry.” I get up and yawn. I feel better.
We leave the bedroom and go outside where everyone is. We sit down, my brother brings me my plate full of meat and I dig in and thank god I don’t throw up. My brothers friends and people he does business with come in with their partners and girlfriends. Everyone looks happy and enjoying the company.
My sisters come and we sit having wonderful chats and conversations. What we have all realised is that lesego and sbani are never going to get along because they are always fighting and frankly I’m tired of trying to play referee between them. The clock ticks and soon it’s almost 12 am. We all sit down on the picnic like style like blanket. My husband is sitting behind me, I’m between his knees and our kids are between mine with their headphones on so the noise won’t damage their eardrums. They begin to count down.
“ our marriage hasn’t been a smooth in park or roses and sunshine ” he says.
“ but we made it through. Our love and faith to each other saw us through baby. ”
“ You’re my forever love. You have my heart, body and soul.”
“ I own your ass baby ” he laughs.
“ I swear on my mother’s grave that Umshado wethu will be the way it was meant to be. Filled with love, happiness, endless kisses and many I mean many more hard fucks and love making that will result in us having more kids ”
“ amen to that. ” we both laugh
“ 3, 2, 1. Happy New year! ” firecrackers go out and everyone screams. The twins get excited seeing them
“ Happy new year love ”
“ happy new year baby ”

*********************THE END. ***********************

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