The Story of Park Jimin and J...

By Taywilli412

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Jungkook finally admits he has feeling for his bandmate Jimin! What will happen if Jimin finds out? My story... More

~What To Expect~
~Part 1~
~Part 3~
~Part 4~
~Part 5~
~Part 6~
~Part 7~
~Part 8~
~Part 9~
~Part 10~
~Part 11~
~Part 12~
~Part 13~
~Part 14~
~Part 15~
~Part 16~
~Part 17~

~Part 2~

746 30 12
By Taywilli412

[Picture above] Jimin's twitter post on 01/01/2015.

His Caption: "And with this, today's schedules are done. It's the new year now. ARMYs, receive a lot of new year's fortune, and let's play together in 2015 as well. I'm always thankful to our ARMY who always cheer us on despite the cold, and find time in your busy schedules to send us support messages [Jimin]"

A couple days later, it was Monday on January 5th, 2015. It was also cold and Jungkook wore a big fluffy down coat while Jimin had on his black pea coat and a dark grey scarf. They were standing on the platform together with one of their managers, waiting on a train to take them to Busan. BTS had been given three days off and were all going to see their families for short the break. Everyone else had left at various time throughout the morning for their own hometowns, but since he and Jimin were both from Busan, it only made sense for them to go together.

Jungkook was really excited to see his family and friends. He already had plans to hang out with some old buddies from middle school tomorrow afternoon. He was also excited about traveling with Jimin, even though the trip was only three hours one way. It was always nice to spend time with him alone, more often than not, there almost always other people around.

When they sat next to each other on the train Jimin immediately pulled out his phone and headphones. Jungkook watched as he began scrolling through YouTube. He didn't want to spend the entire trip not talking to each other on their phones, so he thought he would try to start a conversation with him before it was too late. "What are you watching?"

"Hu?" Jimin looked over to him.

Now that he was thinking about it, the question didn't make a lot of sense considering Jimin was still looking for something to watch. "I mean, have you watched anything good recently?" Jungkook asked instead.

"Oh, umm... There's this guy I kind of like." Jimin said, tapping the search bar on the screen.

A guy Jimin liked? Jungkook figured Jimin hadn't meant it like that, but it still made him uneasy. He wanted to know who this guy was and what Jimin liked about him.

"Here." Jimin clicked on a video.

It was someone Jungkook had never heard of. Jimin handed him an earphone so he could listen with him. He leaned in closer to Jimin, paying attention to the man in the music video. The guy was pretty cool looking. With a handsome face and a buff physique. His music was pretty good too, giving off hip-hop/rap vibes. Jungkook wondered what specifically Jimin liked about him.

After a couple songs, "What do you think?" Jimin asked.

"He's pretty okay, I guess." Jungkook acknowledged. "How did you find him?" He asked.

"He was just in my suggestions on here so I watched a couple of his things and thought he was pretty good. You just think he's okay?" Jimin asked, looking over at him.

Jungkook didn't really want to be praising another guy to his crush, especially a guy that his crush may or may not be interested in. He knew it was silly to be jealous over such a thing, but he couldn't help that it left a bad taste in his mouth. He swallowed it back. After all, he didn't want Jimin to think he was deliberately mean or hated the guy. He made his tone as light as he could, he hoped it was enough. "Yeah, he's pretty good."

"Right?!" Jimin agreed happily, smiling down at the little screen.

Jungkook looked down as well, chewing on his lips, wondering again what this guy had that Jimin liked so much. What did the man in the video have that he didn't have?

They kept watching together. "Wait! What was that? Can you rewind it?" Jungkook asked.

It was a cool part of the video, but Jungkook had ulterior motives. Jimin rewound the video and Jungkook reached over so he could 'get a better look'. He used it as an excuse to place both of his hands on top of Jimin's and pull the screen towards himself. He leaned in closer to Jimin's face, but didn't look over at him, pretending to be super into the video.

After a moments of watching, he had no idea what was happening on the screen. All of his attention was on the feeling of his hands on top of Jimin's. They were soft and warm and rather chubby, which make Jungkook smile to himself. 

Out of the corner of his eye he could see Jimin looking at him, but he kept his focus on the screen. Feeling a wave of confidence he readjusted one of his hands; sliding it down a little on Jimin's wrist and regripping it to steady the phone on the bumpy train ride.

Even though he initiated it, his stomach twisted into knots at the feeling. It was like static electricity was going back and forth between every nerve. He chanced a look at Jimin, wondering if he felt it too or if it was all in his head.

Unexpectedly, they made eye contact, their faces inches apart. At that moment his heart stopped. There was no way to determine how long they gazed at each other, only that it was interrupted by the sound of an announcement over the intercom system. They both jumped at the ring and Jungkook dropped Jimin's hands abruptly and looked away, self conscious.

It was a little awkward for a while after that. He could tell he wasn't the only one who was feeling shy about it. Jimin wasn't really avoiding him or seemed put off by it, but he was, somehow, just a little tense afterwards.

When they arrived in Busan they walked in silence through the bustling station. It wasn't uncomfortable, they were both just busy looking around the crowded station in hopes to spot their families.

"Ah!" Jimin exclaimed next to him.

He must have spotted them. Jungkook turned to see the Parks approaching. He vaguely remembered them from brief encounters in the past, but he couldn't say he was familiar with them personally. He recognized his mom and dad and the guy with them had to be Jimin's younger brother, who was the same age as Jungkook.

Jimin trotted over to them and they all did a group hug. Jungkook looked around the station again, checking for his own family.

He felt his arm being pulled.

"You guys remember Jungkook?" Jimin said as he spun Jungkook around to face the semi familiar group of people.

He was met with a chorus of Parks, smiling and agreeing that they did. It was a little overwhelming. Being family they all closely resembled each other, especially Jimin's brother. He looked a lot like him.

Jungkook bowed politely. "Hello, I'm Jeon Jungkook." He said formally.

Jimin slapped him on the back a couple of times. "He's our magnae." Jimin said proudly.

Jungkook straightened.

"Isn't he the cutest!" Jimin gushed over him and squeezed him into a side hug, making his ears go pink.

Mrs. Park laughed and agreed. "Yes he is. Nice to see you again, Jungkook."

"Nice to see you again too, Mrs. Park, Mr. Park." Jungkook said, bowing again.

"Now, enough of that sweetie, you're from Busan, and you work with Jimin, you are practically family." She smiled sweetly.

Feeling welcomed, Jungkook grinned broadly. He really wanted the Parks to approve of him, he did like their son after all.

"Jungkook!" He heard a familiar voice call his name. It was his mom.

He excitedly ran over and hugged her, feeling his dad get in on the hug too. It was so good to be home. After brief hello's he turned around, wanting to introduce them to Jimin's family. They all greeted each other and exchanged a bit of small talk.

"Shall we get going?" His dad said after a while.

"We'll be heading this way." Mr. Park said, indicating the opposite direction.

"Text me about meeting up on Wednesday." Jimin said. "Our train leaves at 10. Don't be late."

That's right. It was Monday and they were leaving Busan on Wednesday. He hadn't really thought about it, but even though they would be in the same town, he wouldn't see Jimin the whole time. He wasn't sure if he'd ever gone that long without seeing him since they'd debuted. On impulse he reached out and pulled Jimin into his arms. After the slightest hesitation Jimin returned the hug.

"I'll see you Wednesday." Jungkook said giving him one last squeeze before letting him go.

Jimin had a really beautiful smile on his face. "See you then."

The break went by really nicely. Jungkook had a wonderful time with his family. It was as if he had gone back in time to before his life as an idol where everything was easy and simple again. There were a few people that recognized him when he was out, but it was the most normal he had felt in a long time.

Jungkook made sure to savored every moment catching up with his family. Gossip about friends and neighbors, birthdays, and family trips that he had missed because he'd been so busy working in Seoul. The most surprising thing was that his older brother, Junghyun, was going to be enlisting for his military service next month.

On Tuesday his middle school friends were super excited to see him. All of them seemed to be in awe of how famous he was; asking him tons of questions about Seoul, and what it was like to be an idol, and if he knew other idols. They asked if he hung out with girl idols and even if he had a girlfriend. He thought he did a pretty good job dodging the question. Saying BTS didn't have time to spend hanging out with girl idols, and that even if they did, they weren't allowed to date any. His friends had gasped in shock at the inhumanity of not allowing them to date, but Jungkook didn't really care.

He smirked a little to himself. Ever since he started liking Jimin he thought of him as an exception to the dating rule. Part of the reason they weren't allowed to date was that it would be a distraction from work and take time away from practice. If he dated Jimin, however, that wouldn't be a problem because they worked together. And technically Bang PD said they weren't allowed to have any 'girlfriends' and Jimin was a boy. 

He knew those arguments wouldn't hold up very well if they actually wanted to date, but that was just a silly pipe dream. After all, Jimin didn't like him back so it didn't really matter. It was a little depressing to think that he probably would never get the chance to be anything other than friends with him.

"Are you okay, honey?" His mom asked during dinner on his last night in Busan. His dad and brother had already left the kitchen and were in the living room watching TV together.

"Hu?" He looked up from his bowl where he had been pushing fried rice around with his chopsticks. "Oh, uh... yeah. I'm fine."

"Did you not have a good time with your friends today?" She inquired.

"Oh, no it's not that. They were great." He replied, shoving around his rice some more.

"Okay, that's good..." She paused. Clearly she knew something was bothering him. "Are you sad about leaving tomorrow?"

"No... Well, yeah, but no." He couldn't tell her right? He'd never asked his mom about romance advice only because he had never liked anyone before. Jimin was the first.

"You know you can tell me anything, right baby?" She pointed out.

Could he really? His parents had always encouraged him to be himself no matter what, and not to be swayed by others opinions. Especially, if he felt like something was the right thing to do. He thought liking a guy was a little out of the ordinary, for sure, but it wasn't like he was the only one. There were other people who liked someone of the same gender. And Something about being together with Jimin felt so right. It felt so good when they were laughing and joking around and having a good time. There was no way his feelings were wrong.

Maybe he could tell her a little. "I like someone." He said to his bowl of rice.

She gasped a little. "Really? Oh, honey that's great! They are so lucky to have your affections!"

Jungkook was encouraged that she didn't automatically assume it was a girl and used a gender neutral pronoun. It was probably just a coincidence, but it gave him courage so he continued. "Well, I guess, but I don't think it's going to work out." He said sadly.

She pulled up a chair and sat across from him. "Oh, don't say that. Why do you think that?"

Jungkook sighed. "I don't think they like me back." He stuck with the gender neutral pronoun.

"That's nonsense. Of course they do! No one would be foolish enough to not like my Jungkookie." She smiled brightly at him. "Have you told them how you feel?" She asked.

"No. I don't think that would go over very well. It's kind of... complicated." Jungkook admitted, feeling a lump in his throat about the very high probability that he would never be able to date Jimin.

"Complicated, hu? Is it another idol?" His mom asked. Her voice was calming and soft. She could probably sense that he was upset about it.

He nodded, staring down into his rice, unable to lift his head at that moment.

His mom reached out and put her hand on his forearm. She spoke so kindly as she squeezed his arm. "Honey, is it Jimin?"

His head snapped up, in shock that she had guessed it correctly. She had a small, sad smile on her face. "It's okay if it is, sweetheart. I will still love you just the same. You know that, right?"

He almost couldn't believe it. "R-really?" His voice cracked.

"Of course! Now come over here and give me a hug." She said, getting up out of the chair she was sitting in and stretching her arms out wide.

Jungkook stood up in a rush and practically jumped into them. It was probably the best hug he had ever had. Feeling like a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders that he didn't know he was carrying. His mom knew that he liked Jimin, and she didn't even care that he was a guy.

"You're right. It is Jimin." As soon as he said his name, he burst into tears.

"Oh baby, it's okay." She soothed, rubbing his back and patting his head sympathetically.

"What's going on in here?" It was his dad's voice coming from behind him. He must have heard the commotion and came to check on him. "What happened?" He asked his mother, concerned.

Jungkook didn't let go of her. He didn't want to explain and didn't think he would be able to find his voice anyway. He hoped his mother understood and would speak for him.

"Everything's fine. Jungkookie is just sad he has to go tomorrow." She told his dad.

"Oh, son. I know, we've missed you too." His dad said coming up behind him and joining the hug.

Jungkook was grateful to his mother, and for the hug from his father, even if it was under the wrong pretext. He would tell him one day on his own time, but for now he was glad for the support regardless.

"We'll come up to Seoul more often to see you, son. I know you're busy and can't come here too much." His dad promised.

He leaned away from his mom so he could thank his dad. She wiped at his tears as he did.

"Why don't you guys come in here and we can all chat?" He asked.

"We will in a second, dear. Let's give Jungkook a second to settle down." His mother replied.

His dad smiled, slapped him on the back, and squeezed his shoulder. "Alright. You know I love you, son."

"I know." Jungkook sniffled.

After his dad had left the room his mom turned to him, speaking in a low tone. "Do you want to talk some more?" She guessed.

Jungkook wiped at his face and nodded.

"Let's go to the bedroom." She smiled.

They sat on the futon in silence for a moment. She was waiting for him to start. He twisted his hands in his lap, still a little nervous to talk about Jimin to his mother even though she already knew. He took a deep breath. "How did you know it was him?"

"A mother knows everything." She giggled.

"Mom, seriously. How'd you know?" He whined.

"Alright, alright." She said. "Well for starters, he's all you've talked about since coming here."

"What? ...I haven't been... Really?" He said flustered.

She raised an eyebrow at him. "It's not just that you talk about him a lot, it's something about the way you talk about him. I don't know, I could just tell you were very fond of him. You've never talked like that about anyone else before."

"Okay... What else?" He wasn't really sure what she meant or how that had given him away, but he was curious as to what else he might have said or done that had spilled the tea. If she had figured it out so quickly there had to be more.

"Well, something about the way you were looking at him at the train station. Almost like you couldn't look away even though you see him all the time. And you even hugged him goodbye..." He voice went up like she was insinuating something.

"So...?" Jungkook wondered.

His mother sighed as if it was obvious. "You're not much of a hugger, sweetie. I don't know, it was a feeling in my gut, and when you started talking about it tonight I just put it all together." She finally explained.

"I see..." He wasn't really sure what all of it mean, but it wasn't a very good sign that his mother had figured it out so quickly and with so few hints.

"Don't let it bother you, hun. It's nothing to be self conscious about. Love is love, you should be proud, sweetheart." She insisted.

He smiled sadly. "Well, I kind of do have to be a little self conscious about it. I can't exactly have the whole world know that I like him. Do you think dad knows?" After all, he saw him hug Jimin at the train station too.

"Oh no, he doesn't think about things like that. And most people won't, so don't worry too much about it. Okay? But your dad will accept you, just like me. So don't worry about him either. I won't say anything to him if you don't want me too, but know that when you're ready he will understand." His mother assured him.

That made him feel really good. Even if he could never actually be with Jimin it was nice to know that his parents were still behind him 100%. He smiled. "I'll tell dad later."

She lowered her tone conspiratorially. "Alright, so how do we get Jimin-ah to like you."

"Mom!" He couldn't believe her.

She busted out in a laugh and Jungkook couldn't help but join in.

The next day he waited with his family on the platform for the train back to Seoul. They were 20 minutes early so Jimin and the Parks hadn't arrived yet. His mom told him not to stay up too late and to make sure to eat properly and to get enough sleep. His dad promised again that they would come see him in Seoul and to 'knock 'em dead'.

He hugged Junghyun tightly. He probably wouldn't see him for longer than his parents, because of military service. "I know you have 6 other older brothers now, but don't forget who your real older brother is." He knuckled Jungkook's head as if to grind the fact into his brain.

"Quit! I won't, I won't! Jungkook protested.

"Speaking of, here's one of them now." Junghyun said.

Jungkook turned to see Jimin and the Parks approaching them on the platform. He smiled broadly, excited to see him again. He wasn't sure what he was expecting, but Jimin looked the same. His light brown hair wasn't really styled, maybe just blown dry, and his face was bare. Still, he was so handsome. Jungkook refrained from running over to him and giving him a hug.

Everyone else greeted each other politely, but he only looked at Jimin. "Hey."

"Hey." He replied, a slow smile creeping onto his lips.

Jungkook couldn't stand it and closed the distance between them, wrapping his arms around Jimin's shoulders in a quick hug. He let go of him almost before Jimin could even respond.

"Jungkook, I know you're excited to see your friend, but don't be rude." Jungkook heard his mother say.

He turned to face rest of the people he had forgotten were even there. "Oh! I'm sorry! Nice to see you again, Mr. Park, Mrs. Park." Jungkook bowed at a 90 degree angle, making everyone laugh. "Jihyun-ssi." Jungkook added, not waiting to leave out Jimin's brother. Jihyun did a slight nod of his head since they were the same age that Jungkook returned.

"It's fine!" Mrs. Park chuckled.

"Nice to see you too, Jungkook." Mr. Park said. "You two must be really close. Jimin told us all about you."

"Really?" Jungkook asked, his eyes widening with surprise and curiosity. Jimin had talked about him to his family? That meant he was thinking about him when he wasn't around. Jungkook's heart swelled with the idea before looking over at Jimin as if to confirm the claim.

"Uh... I..." Jimin started, but looked a little taken back by what his mother had said.

"You guys got that too?" Jungkook's mom interrupted. "I feel like we know Jimin with all the nice things Jungkook had to say about him." She laughed as he grabbed a hold of Jungkook shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

"Mom!" Jungkook whined, trying to shake her off as if she were incriminating him. He couldn't have her spilling all of his secrets!

"It's fine, honey. Don't be shy." She smiled at him. Then she turned to Mrs. Park. "I'm so glad they are close and seem to get along well. I always get so nervous thinking about how far Seoul is and how I can't always be there for him."

"Oh I agree!" Jimin's mom said. "Jungkook sounds like a wonderful boy with all the great things Jimin had to say about him. He seems to like him very much."

It was Jimin's turn to protest. "Mom!"

"Oh relax. With how much you went on about him, it feels like Jeons are almost family." She giggled happily.

Jimin simply smacked himself in the forehead.

"Oh! That's a great idea!" Jimin's mom continued. "Why don't you come to our café sometime and we can all get to know each other a little better. The boys work together and seem so close, it's only fitting we also become friends! What do ya say?" Mrs. Park said to Mrs. Jeon.

"That would be wonderful! Let's exchange information and set something up soon!" Jungkook's mom said.

They all continued talking about the time they spent over the last couple of days, and about future plans to meet. Jungkook was happy that it seemed like their families got along well. He hoped they could be friends. He couldn't get over the fact that Jimin had talked about him with his family. Just the idea of it had him grinning from ear to ear all the way up to 10 o'clock, when their train pulled up. 

Jungkook went to say his goodbyes to his dad and brother and hug his mom one last time "Good luck." She said into his ear.

He smiled at her, knowingly. She was talking about Jimin.

"Call me if you need anything or just want to talk. Okay?" She smiled back at him.

"I will." He promised.

He heard Jimin saying similar things to his parents before they boarded the train together back to Seoul.

Once they both got settled on the train, Jungkook pulled up BTS's channel on his phone. He had such a good time with his family that he hadn't even thought to check it when he was home. They might have posted something new to their account since they'd been gone.

To his utter dismay, they did end up posting the video he and Jimin had made before they left. The fake interview about how attractive he was. As he watch it he groaned inwardly. They had turned it into a Bangtan Bomb and hadn't even bothered removing the end of it where Jimin pretended like he was going to kiss him.

He was so embarrassed. How could they do this to him? Anyone with eyes could see that he was crushing on Jimin in the video! He tried to tell himself that it was only obvious to him because he knew how he felt, and others would just think they were really good friends.

"Did you see this?" He turned to Jimin, who had his headphones in.

He elbowed him lightly in the side to get his attention.

"What?" Jimin finally responded.

"Have you seen this?" Jungkook asked him again.

Jimin peeked at Jungkook's screen to see what he was talking about. Then he laughed. "Oh yeah. I saw. They posted it yesterday."

Jungkook scoffed at his reaction. "Why are you laughing? This is embarrassing! They should have asked us!" He insisted, staring back down at the screen in disbelief.

That just made Jimin laugh harder. Jungkook scoffed again, shoving his phone in his pocket and crossing his arms over his chest in annoyance.

"Don't be mad." Jimin said through fits of giggles as he tried to settle down. "They hardly ever ask us about stuff they post. Why would they start now?"

"Easy for you to say. You look great. I look ridiculous! I can't believe this!" He objected. Maybe he should go to Bang PD and demand they take of down they he got back.

"What? No! You look perfect! Very handsome!" Jimin insisted, smiling at him and nudging him in the ribs.

"Stop..." Jungkook rolled his eyes. His appearance wasn't really what he was nervous about. His biggest concern was how moonstruck he looked over Jimin during the whole thing, and the almost kiss at the end. He couldn't say that, though, it would give himself away. 

He had to admit that he was a tiny bit subdued since Jimin was gushing about how perfect and handsome he was. 

He heaved a sigh, thinking about the ending. There would be no point in asking Bang to take it down. It was out there now and knowing ARMY, someone had already copied it and put it up somewhere else. There were no take-backsies when it came to the internet.

He sighed again, heavily.

"What's wrong? Is it really that bad? But you look so cute in your black sweater and hat." Jimin reached up and pinched on of his cheeks.

"Quit!" Jungkook whined, feeling his face and ears heat up.

Instead, Jimin began poking his side, trying to tickle him and make him laugh.

It was working. Jungkook couldn't help his smile as he tried to grab Jimin's hands and make him stop. "Don't!" He giggled, turning his body away in a defensive position. His back was pressed up against the corner of the window and the seat as he tried to catch Jimin's feisty hands.

"Or is it the end that you're so nervous about?" Jimin suddenly asked, going still and making eye contact with him.

"What?" Jungkook froze, finally capturing Jimin's hands in his grip.

"You know what I'm talking about." There was a dip in his tone. It was deeper and softer, almost flirty? The smile on his full lips went with it. There was also something about the atmosphere around them, like the very air itself had become thicker.

Jungkook tried to swallow. He couldn't speak. All of his word seemingly caught in the back of his throat.

"That little bit of fan service they decided to leave in." Jimin so helpfully reminded him of their almost kiss as he leaned in close.

"You know, other idols have kissed on stage during a performance. I've seen it." Jimin smirked. "Wanna try it for our next one?" His voice came out smooth like butter. 

He was clearly trying to get a rise out of him and it was working. Jungkook's ears were on fire and all he wanted to do was sink into the crack behind him, but then Jimin would win. 

He gathered every ounce of courage to himself and tried to make his voice low and steady to match Jimin's. He daringly leaned forward a little, closing some of the space between them. "Sure. Do you wanna practice now or shall we do it later?"

Jimin's eyes widened in surprise. Then he backing away, not at all expecting Jungkook to come right back at him. Jungkook felt a slight, involuntary jerk in Jimin's hands as he tried to pull them free from his grasp.

Now Jungkook was driving, and he liked it. Jimin tried to pull away again, all the sultry teasing out of his expression. Instead of letting him go Jungkook tightened his grip on them. "Well?" He asked, pulling him closer to emphasize that fact that they could 'practice' right then and there.

Jimin tried to get free again, this time in earnest. The other finally released him.

"You're no fun." Jimin mumbled, turning away and hiding his face so Jungkook could no longer see his expression.

He was still feeling the adrenalin from being in control and leaned towards Jimin, speaking almost into his ear. He kept his voice just as low and as suggestive as it had been before. "Maybe you just don't like the taste of your own medicine."

Jimin turned back to him to counter is remark, but yipped in surprise and quickly jerked away. He was clearly surprised to see him so close, their faces, not 8 inches apart. Abruptly, he punched Jungkook in the arm.

It wasn't too hard, but it still hurt. "Ouch! Why are you hitting me? You started it!" Jungkook complained, rubbing his sore arm.

"That wasn't fair!" Jimin retorted and looked away again, crossing his arms over his chest.

Apparently, Jungkook didn't know the rules because he wasn't sure what was fair or not. He didn't think Jimin had been playing very 'fair' in the beginning. Jimin still wouldn't look at him, but Jungkook noticed that his ears were red. Was he mad? Or maybe he was shy? Jungkook hoped it was the latter and that he wasn't mad.

He peeked around trying to get a look at his face. "Jimin-ssi, I'm sorry." He said in a baby voice to get his attention.

Jimin scooted further from him without turning around.

"Jimin-ssi?" Jungkook cooed again.

"Shut up!" Jimin turned around and smacked his chest a couple of times. It was much lighter and more playful than his punch had been. Also, his nose was wrinkled up and he looked as if he was trying not to smile. He quickly turned back around to pout, hiding his face once more and crossing his arms over his chest again.

Jungkook brought one of his own hands up over his face, trying to cover his smile. Not mad, shy. He had never really seen him act like that. Jungkook wanted to look at him again because he was so cute, but knew he wouldn't be able to get away with it. 

He had never been more pleased with himself. He had made Jimin shy and they had flirted with each other. Well, maybe flirted. He wasn't entirely sure, but either way he was through the moon. He looked out the window to hide his face, just in case Jimin looked over at him. He didn't want him to see that he was grinning like an idiot, but he just couldn't help it.

Jimin's twitter post on 01/07/2015. The day they came back from Busan.

"Jimin and Jeongguk have arrived at the dorm together~~~~~~~

Come back home~~~~~

You'll learn about this camera lens' secrets someday"


Thank You to everyone that read this! I know the chapters are kind of long, hope you don't mind! :)

Once again, not a cliff hanger, but please look forward to the next chapter!

I post on Wednesdays and maybe will more often in the future!

Please like, comment, and vote for my story! Thank You!!!

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