Where I sleep (there's your h...

By Mazikeen_0773H

5.4K 129 43

Reich tends to overwork himself and Soviet doesn't like sleeping alone. They find a solution. DISCLAIMER: Thi... More

The new arrangement

The morning routine

2.2K 61 22
By Mazikeen_0773H

There was peaceful stillness in the air that made the German man eager to seek out more of that lingering warmth trapped within the sheets. Reich was slowly gaining consciousness of his surroundings as the daze of sleep began to wear off, and he noticed a strange tickling feeling at his neck that jerked him out of his slumber. He grunted against the sensation, opening one eye carefully until he was able to register what was happening around him. It was not hard to figure out when the first thing he had to see in the morning was the Russian man's eyes aimed right back at him.

"Is staring at me part of your morning routine?" Reich sneered, closing his eyes and clinging to his shielding pillow against the early sunlight filtering through the curtains.

He had already stated several times that Soviet being a morning person would in no way make Reich one. Although he required an alarm clock at his own military base to wake him up each morning - punctuality was a necessity in his country, after all - he had got accustomed to the freedom of sleeping in late since he had been temporarily stationed at his ally's house. In the beginning, he instinctively woke up at around six in the morning, but gradually, he let himself lower his guards - something he couldn't have imagined months ago - and allowed himself to enjoy the unfamiliar serenity of the mornings in Russia.

It was strange to feel safe in the arms of the other nation - one he shouldn't have trusted but could not help but be drawn to. It was probably the reason why Reich refused to return to his own room at the end of each day. Apart from being stubborn about his sleeping arrangements, the German man also could not be compelled to do such a horrific thing as getting out of bed before sunrise.

"Why are you always grumpy, even after you just woke up?" Soviet teased, leaning onto one elbow as he peered down onto the other man.

Despite all mockery, Soviet secretly hoped Reich would never figure out how true his accusations were. He was never one to struggle with self-control, but there was something inviting in the way Reich was lying in his bed. Even now, the other's voice sounded rough from sleep and his dishevelled hair was splayed out on the pillow, looking vulnerable enough to fuel some dark ideas in Soviet's head.

"Maybe because I have to see your face first thing in the morning." Reich cut back with a small smirk, sighing softly into the sheets.

There was no response but he felt the barely-there touch of Soviet's lips on his. They lingered, tentatively brushing against Reich's mouth and pulling back ever so slightly when the other turned his head to the side in distaste.

"Nooo," Reich whined, pushing the other's face away, "No kisses until you brushed your teeth."

Soviet huffed in amusement, but surprisingly followed the other's demands. The German man could obviously not see Soviet's movement as he was still actively ignoring the other, but Reich could hear the sound of ruffling sheets on the other side of the bed. He listened to the other's quiet footsteps on the wooden floor as Soviet approached the bathroom and - just to be sure the other was complying with his wishes - Reich stole a quick glance at the Russian man, catching sight of the muscles on Soviet's well-defined back. Then in an instant, the bathroom was locked, meaning Reich would have a few more minutes of peace before Soviet finished his morning shower.

Reich let his body relax into the soft mattress, unable to suppress a tiny smile. It was strange, this new arrangement. Sleeping next to the other man felt extremely weird at the beginning. Hence it was no surprise when Reich freaked out the first time Soviet kissed him on the forehead when he thought the other was already asleep. After many nights of avoidance - and despite his own convictions - Reich was the first one to press his mouth against Soviet's that one faithful day.

And he couldn't stop doing it ever since.

There was something he didn't know could exist in his world that came alongside this new level of intimacy: safety. Being next to the other man and feeling his arms wrap around him soothed Reich beyond his comprehension. This is why Soviet was so dangerous. This is why Reich had to break what they had.

The door of the bathroom opened with a loud creak and Reich heard Soviet sneak into the bed once again. There was a peck on his lips, then another and another and...

"I don't want kisses," Reich mumbled, although he made no move to push the other away.

"You're a terrible liar." Soviet whispered against his lips before wrapping one arm around the other's waist and pulling their bodies together. Reich tried to kick him under the covers but - being already aware of the other's usual tactics - Soviet quickly entangled their legs to avoid the sluggish attack.

"I'm an excellent liar." Reich defended, pouting at the restriction of his movements.

"Then look me in the eyes and tell me a convincing lie." Soviet challenged, rolling to his side and choosing to rest his head on his arm. Not only his self-assured smile but his whole being, too, radiated smugness for which Reich despised him with a burning passion.

Nevertheless, the German man searched his mind for an idea before he came to the disappointing realization that all his believable lies would either uncover his true plans or would raise his ally's suspicion. He couldn't blow this plan, though. Even if his pride was damaged, some sacrifices had to be made.

"I hate blini," Reich said eventually, mastering up his acting skills for the obvious lie. As expected, Soviet only beamed at the reply as if he had just won a very crucial battle.

"See? Totally transparent." Soviet exclaimed, continuing his previous assault on the other and planting a series of light kisses along the German man's jawline. "You should hint some truths from time to time. Would help you gain people's trust faster."

Reich was fighting hard to ignore the ugly feeling inside his stomach as he was peppered with lovebites, and he figured that the best way to do so was to shut the other man up. So he cupped Soviet's head and pulled him up until their lips met in a searing kiss. The Russian man allowed Reich to take control, letting the other explore his mouth with his tongue while Reich climbed on top of the much larger man, pushing Soviet onto the bed with uncharacteristic gentleness and pressing himself up against that firm body. Fortunately, the knives in Reich's stomach were replaced by those familiar butterflies as soon as the German man intertwined their fingers on either side of Soviet's head.

"I like being here with you." Reich whispered against the other's lips, "And that is the truth."

It was terrifying to admit such a thing - tantamount to revealing his most guarded weaknesses -, and yet, those words came surprisingly easily and without a trace of regret. Maybe showing vulnerability from time to time could be of his advantage, Reich thought, as Soviet captured his lips in yet another passionate kiss.

"Is this your way of getting out of morning practice?" Soviet chuckled after they parted, his hands untangling from the other's and sneaking down to rest on Reich's sides instead.

"Maybe." The other replied playfully, nibbling at Soviet's lips in hope that he could draw out more of those delicious gasps from the man.

"You lied again." Soviet gritted out between a sigh and moan, his hold instinctively tightening on the other man's hips.

"I said maybe. That's a half-truth."

Soviet grinned up at Reich, luring the other into false security before launching himself into motion. Reich's eyes widened and he fell to the side as he tried to fruitlessly fend off Soviet's tickle attack.

"Not fair!" Reich hissed, kicking and clawing at the other until Soviet finally let up and jumped off of the bed.

"Let's go have breakfast!"

Reich growled from behind the man and seized a pillow to yank it in the direction of the other's head, growing even more frustrated when Soviet caught the item with practised ease.

"You're predictable." The Russian man teased as he began to prepare for another day of work.

Not always, Reich thought with a bitter taste in his mouth. Sometimes he wondered if gaining all the lands was worth losing the man in front of him. However, he knew objectively that it was just his fuzzy mind talking nonsense. When he would exit the room that served as the pair's own personal bubble, his cold persona would return without a doubt.

But he did not lie. He liked their routine. He liked waking up here. These feelings and unexplainable desires were Reich's most dangerous enemies because he was responsible for letting them take control over him in the first place. It was reasonable, consequently, that everything had to come to an end.

And so, Reich had to make sacrifices, no matter the price. He just hoped Soviet would understand it.

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