
By quantumniix

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A collection of AD character one-shots. (18+!) Includes explicit sexual content and violence. 1: Serenity (F... More



961 16 19
By quantumniix

(a/n): You finally find some privacy with Flip... Apocalypse AU. Vibes: Lay This Body Down by Sam Lee.

This is a one-shot I had in my mind inspired by the show Falling Skies. If you've seen it, that's how I'm imagining the aliens. Though you don't need to know the show to understand this fic.

CW: Explicit sexual content, violence

Word count: ~6k

A resounding boom echoes across the street. Probably one of the last hand grenades.

You duck down as you take shelter against a broken-down car, using it as a shield. Catching your breath, you check your mag. Five bullets left.

You grip your gun tightly in your hand, hearing the battle go on around you.

The skitters ambushed your routine supply mission. They crawled down the abandoned buildings and killed half of your team in a matter of seconds.

With a yell to motivate yourself, you stand up and fire at the skitter you hear approaching from the right. Its head explodes onto the pavement and its six legs collapse under it. Gross.

Firing at another one headed towards you, you continue your search for Flip. You got separated when the firefight started.

You turn the corner. A skitter launches itself at you and you barely have time to shoot it in the leg. You dodge another, not wasting time to make sure they're dead.

The team is scattered, holding the aliens back as best they can.

You hear a metallic whale cry. That's not a good sign. Dread fills your bloodstream.

Flip's voice carries over the city blocks.

"Mechs," he shouts.

You run towards his voice despite his warning. He needs help if mechs decided to show up.

He's standing in the middle of the street, firing his machine gun at the approaching mechs. They're well over eight feet tall, bipedal legs carrying the giant robots down the street quicker than any human can walk.

The lasers are flashing all around, aiming at anything that moves. You duck behind another car after firing your last shots to draw the attention off of him.

"Get out of there," you yell. He's so stubborn.

Flip hears your voice and relief floods his body. After firing off a couple more shots at the mechs he sprints to where he heard you behind him.

He slumps down beside you on the ground, out of breath, cocking his gun again after checking his supply of bullets.

Flip grins at you. You roll your eyes.

"How many?" you ask, reloading your gun.

"At least three," he says, glancing over his shoulder. He dodges a shot from the mechs that hits the pavement, blowing it to shreds and steaming up from the ground.

He shakes his head to get the hair out of his face and turns to you.

"One for the road?"

You smile. It's a tradition you developed a couple of weeks ago when either of you feels like there's a chance you may not make it back. It's better than being afraid you won't get to say goodbye.

You lean up to him and he bends his head down, connecting his lips to yours.

He groans quietly and presses his tongue into your mouth. You eagerly accept and return the enthusiasm. Hands going to each other's hair. Lips hastily moving against one another. Tongues colliding. Breath mixing. He pulls away, pressing his forehead to yours.

"Be careful," he whispers. He launches himself up and you turn yourself to lean on the bumper to cover him with gunfire, aiming for the mech's legs.

Flip crosses the street and waits by the corner to provide you with cover. As soon as the mech's attention is on him when he starts shooting, you sprint back down the street, headed in the direction you last saw one of the team.

Their shots crumble the walls of buildings. Sounds of the cars being crushed under their robotic feet echo between the abandoned buildings.

Flip is running towards where he last saw a car that would maybe work to escape. Hard to know. Most of the batteries are probably dead by now. It's been months since the skitters landed and destroyed the whole world.

He can still taste you on his lips and remembers the feeling as he shoots another skitter. He's angry. Worried. The ambush was over the top. Seriously, what are they defending? He's killed more than a dozen of them and they're still flooding the street.

He grunts as he uses an elbow to break the window, searching around inside the car for a set of keys. Not finding any, he lets out a frustrated shout and quickly uses his gun to shoot a skitter about to jump on top of him from the building opposite. He doesn't see the one crawling down the building he's standing next to.

It launches itself at his back.

With a shout, he tries to turn around. He feels its disgusting feet clawing at him. His gun goes off and hits one of its legs. Flip is stumbling backward. He propels himself towards the building, sandwiching the alien between him and the wall. He swipes the dagger out of his belt and blindly stabs it behind him.

Its blood gushes over his hand. It makes a pained scream and Flip uses the opportunity to turn around. He stabs it again, dragging the blade across its belly. It slumps down to the ground, lifeless.

Flip shakes his hand to get rid of the blood, repulsed. He whips his head around when he hears footsteps approaching from the corner.

You're out of breath. Bending over with your hands on your knees once you reach Flip, you barely get out the words, "They left."

Flip jolts forward to grab your shoulders, supporting you from the front as he swings the machine gun around his back. He looks into your eyes, confused. "What do you mean?"

"They- They left. Found a truck."

You continue when Flip just stares.

"Watched them drive off." You begin to catch your breath, standing up fully, gesturing behind yourself with your thumb.

Flip brings you closer, pulling you into a hug. His bloody hand stays by his side while the other threads itself through your hair, cradling your head. You melt into his touch, leaning into his broad chest, hands going around his sides, clutching at his flannel.

The mechs sound like they're about a block away. Flip makes a decision.

"Okay, we go through the suburbs."

You jerk your head upward. "We haven't mapped that area out yet." Could be infested with skitters.

"Route is blocked through town," he says, nodding his head in the direction of the mechs.

You nod slowly, accepting his reasoning. Without a working car, there's no hope to make it past the mechs.

At the sound of more skitters, you both spring into action and start sprinting down the street, away from the center of town.

Barely escaping the second hoard of skitters flooding the area, you both flee from the ambush. If the team decided to head back to town without you, you'll just have to find another way back to base and Flip's plan to go through the suburbs is the only option right now.

A skitter sees you both as you cross an intersection. Flip shoves you behind him and whips the handgun out from his belt. He fires. Hitting its head on the first try.

"I could have gotten that," you say, jogging alongside him once starts running again.

"I know." He grins and winks at you.

You chuckle and speed up. Flip groans and hurries up his run. He always gets so achy after running this much and he's dreading waking up in the morning. That is, if he makes it through the night.

The two of you continue jogging, slowing down as you get to the edge of town. It's quieter out here.

The cars scatter the highway heading out of the city, doors open from when people fled that day. Their ships landed without warning, touching down in major cities and annihilating most of the population.

Flip kicks a stray can. It goes scattering across the pavement and you punch the side of his arm.

"Ow!" He yells dramatically and turns to walk backward now, stepping ahead of you.

"Try not to draw attention to us, dingus."

"Dingus? That's a new one." He scratches his chin, rubbing a hand over his goatee. "Let's see, you've called me 'baby,' 'tough guy', 'big guy', 'dadd-"

"Ok, that's enough." You laugh under your breath and he stops walking.

His hand goes to your waist when you approach him.

"Hey," his voice a whisper.

You glance up at him. "Yes?" you whisper back. He bites the inside of his bottom lip, scanning your face, eyes landing on your lips. Now that he's gotten a taste today he desperately wants more. There's hardly any privacy in the encampment. He's had to make sure you keep quiet for so long. Flip dreams of hearing your moans unhindered.

He leans in and gives you a peck on the cheek.

Pulling away, he beams at you. You scoff and shake your head with a smile, continuing down the highway.

After about thirty minutes of walking in comfortable silence, you're approaching the edge of the suburbs. This area is unknown for the resistance. There could be anything waiting for you. You steel your nerves, finding comfort in the fact that even if you're walking into certain death, at least you have Flip by your side.

He swings his AR-15 around the front of his chest, placing his finger on the trigger. Flip points to the left, down a row of houses. The suburb is cookie cutter. White fences torn down. Overgrown grass. Damaged mailboxes. Broken windows on all the houses.

Flip's body is tense, anticipating a skitter to pop up out of nowhere. You're right there with him, instincts screaming at you to shoot at even the slightest bit of noise.

A flock of pigeons bursts out from one of the houses with a collapsed roof. Both of you raise your guns at the sound, aiming at the birds. You wait for a few seconds, expecting a skitter to approach the noise.

It's quiet.

You lower your weapon. Flip slowly does the same.

Without looking down, he grasps your hand in his and continues walking. You squeeze his hand in reassurance. He squeezes back.

It's still deathly silent.

Looking up, gray clouds are forming overhead. The sky is filled with dark swirling thunderheads. It's getting late. Already approaching sunset.

Flip tugs you towards one of the houses that looks the least damaged. You let him pull you along as you walk up the driveway. He wants to avoid being caught in the rain and you've walked far enough without incident that he feels okay checking out a house.

The front door is cracked open. Flip uses his gun to slowly push it. The creaking hinges are loud, reverberating through the still air.

He looks behind, and you nod.

You follow him inside. The floorboards groan under your footsteps. Flip swipes his gun back and forth, looking for anything unusual.

Just an open fridge, broken cabinets, and scattered belongings are left. The wind blows in through the open window above the sink and Flip gently slides it shut. You close the front door behind you and lock it. Not that it would make much difference if skitters find you, but you do it for peace of mind, not wanting anything to follow you in.

Flip continues striding down the hall, clearing each of the rooms as he goes, making sure nothing is in the house. You take your time walking up the stairs, very aware of the vulnerable position it puts you in to be looking up and not down.

You get to the second floor and turn down one way, making your steps as quiet as possible. The first door you get to is the bathroom. Swiping your gun back and forth, there's nothing. You swallow nervously and head down to the other rooms, checking them all. At the end of the hall, there's the master bedroom. It's clear.

You approach the queen-sized bed. Sheets all nice and white. Clean. It looks so comfy.

Slinging your gun off, you fall forward onto the bed, relishing in the feeling of soft down pillows underneath your face for the first time in forever.

Flip comes through the doorway, taking a long look at you, admiring how your ass looks from this angle.

He approaches quietly, leans over you, and places both of his hands beside your head.

"Don't ask me how, but there's running water," he whispers in your ear, kissing it softly. You shiver and flip over onto your back.

He's gazing down at you from his position leaning on his hands. "Go clean up," you say. His face is covered in dirt and his clothes are filthy. So are yours.

He grins and pushes himself up to stand. "You're not going to join me?"

"I'll go after, I'm taking a nap." Flip always takes ridiculously cold showers anyways. You want it steaming hot. If there is any more hot water. You hold out hope for a nice warm shower as he slowly starts getting undressed.

Once he's down to his boxer-briefs, he waves over his shoulder while walking to the bathroom attached to the room. Your eyes follow him the whole time.

You drift off the sleep, exhausted from all the running you had to do.

Flip exits the shower after about twenty minutes, figuring he'd let you sleep a while. It feels so good being relatively clean. Shaking his head, water droplets splatter on the mirror and sink. He looks at himself. The scar is still there. Still jarring to look at. Still just as difficult to think about the day he met you when skitters attacked his town. The faint, vertical, jagged red line is about five inches long. It strikes from beside his nose to the bottom of his chin, crossing over the left side of his lips. His goatee hides some of it and he's grateful for that. You've always said it makes him look tough but Flip is convinced that it's not pleasant to look at.

He hears you stirring and walks out. You've rolled out of bed. Literally. You're laying on your back on the floor, too tired to bother getting up.

Flip laughs and finishes tying the white towel around his waist.

At his voice, you look over. He's upside-down in your vision. Dripping wet and only wearing a towel. Oh god.

"There's another one in there," he says, referring to his towel. "Get your cute ass up, darlin', I'm not the only one who needs a shower."

You grumble and roll over, pushing yourself up to a stand. Bringing both of your hands to the bottom of your long sleeve, you slowly pull it over your head. Flip's eyes are locked onto you, frozen in his steps towards the bed. You slide off your boots and grin at him while undoing your pants. Sliding them down your legs, you practically hear Flip's heart beat out of his chest.

"If skitters surprise us, I'm blaming you for distracting me with running water," you say with a smile, pointing at him.

Flip doesn't take his eyes off you and reaches back into the bathroom, picking up the handgun he had laying there on the sink. He cocks it and says in a mock-serious voice, "Under no circumstances, will I let them interrupt your shower, but hurry up." He winks and walks to the bed, eager to get his hands on you.

You scurry to the bathroom. The shower goes quick, water only getting lukewarm. You're so much more relaxed now though, your body has been relieved of some of the tension you always carry.

As you step out wrapped in a towel, Flip is still sitting in the same position. The gun hanging from his fingers, elbows on his knees, head bowed. He looks up at the sound of the door opening and stands.

Flip sets the handgun down on the bedside table, which the AR-15 is also leaning against. He approaches slowly, swiping his tongue along the inside of his bottom lip.

You're holding the towel closed with one hand near your breasts, breathing quickening as he strides over to you. His height becomes so apparent whenever he's close. Your mind can only concentrate on how tall he is.

His hand comes to lay on top of yours, slowly taking your own away from holding the towel. It falls to the floor.

Flip's eyes scan your naked body and he groans. He brings both of his hands to the side of your head and pulls you in for a kiss.

It's sloppy. Passionate. His tongue immediately starts exploring your mouth. You reach up to your tiptoes to aid in letting you do the same. Returning his passion. His hands clutch at your head, fingers tangling themselves in your wet hair. He walks backward and turns you around.

You fall on your back onto the bed. Flip follows, his large body crawling over you.

He moves to kiss down your neck, breathing you in. Your hands grab at the back of his head, pulling at his dark hair. You're desperate for each other.

Rain starts to splatter on the windows, rolling thunder resonates from outside.

He groans louder, bringing his thigh in between your legs, putting pressure there. Your legs spread easily for him.

You quietly whimper.

His lips are traveling across your collarbone, tongue flicking out at random points, taking his time. Hot breath all over your skin. Writhing over each other. Your hands sliding over his back.

"I want to hear you," he whispers, moving further down.

He brings a nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around. You close your eyes at the feeling, gasping when he uses his teeth to nip at it. His hands are sliding over your body, gripping at you.

"Look at me," he mumbles with your nipple still in his mouth. When you glance down, his eyes are fixed on you. He moves to the other nipple and teases that one too, staring you down. Your hands tangle themselves further in his hair when he starts kissing down your midsection.

Flip feels himself get harder as he shifts down your perfect body. Heart pounding. Blood rushing downwards. Remembering the feeling of being buried deep inside you.

He settles on his knees by the side of the bed, pulling you to the edge. Spreading your legs wider. He starts kissing the inner parts of your thighs, leaving trails of saliva on your skin, nipping at small points, relishing in your quiet yelps of pleasure. He wants a bigger reaction.

Suddenly, you feel the tip of his tongue tease your folds. Running up and down, barely putting pressure on you. You gasp again and grip his hair tighter. Flip moans into you, can't tease anymore, his mouth connects fully.

His warm breath sends shivers up your body. His soft tongue circles your clit. His lips move against you like he's trying to consume you.

Flip loves it. The heat. The taste. The pulse. He grips your thighs tighter when they start to shake. He nips at your clit with his teeth, already knowing what kind of reaction that earns him.

You moan loudly, arching your body forward. He smiles against you. "Louder." His voice muffled.

"But- the sound-" You're out of breath. Used to being quiet in the camp. Not letting go.

"Louder," he groans again into you. He brings his hand up to the heat between your legs, spreading your wetness around. He teases your entrance with one finger. When you don't moan loud enough for him again as he continues his barrage against your clit, he slides his middle finger deep.

Flip feels your muscles tighten around him. He grinds against the side of the bed, cock wishing it was getting the same treatment. He bends the finger, hitting the right spot inside of you. He strokes against your walls and brings his other hand up to your breasts. Flip twists one of your nipples with two fingers. You yelp and feel yourself getting closer to orgasm.

He can feel it too. He adds another finger, easily sliding through the slickness of your pussy. He groans at feeling you clench again, frantic in his attempts to stimulate you in the exact right way.

You're writhing around, solely focused on how he's making you feel. So comforted in his arms. Safe. Strong arms maneuvering your body exactly how he wants it.

The rain picks up. A loud pattering of drops against the window. At realizing nothing can hear you over the rain, you let go.

Moans come freely out of your mouth, bursting out of you.

Flip's eyes roll to the back of his head, groaning loudly.

Your toes curl and your legs start to shake again. You're letting the feelings wash over you. His fingers quicken. Teeth nip at you again. That's all it takes before you fall over the edge. Your entire body tenses up, arching toward him. A scream leaves your mouth and Flip thinks he's dreaming.

He savors the feeling of your cum soaking his hand down to his wrist, as he continues to stimulate your clit. It takes you weakly pushing at his forehead for him to break out of the daze your pussy put him under.

He raggedly gasps, dragging himself up your body. Hands gripping your hips, pulling you towards him. His cock immediately going to stroke against your folds, teasing your entrance like he did with his fingers.

"Oh god-" you moan. Euphoria taking over your whole body. This man does things to you with his mouth and fingers you don't even try to explain.

He chuckles under his breath, bringing his fingers up to his mouth. He tastes you off of them, lewdly licking all over. You groan and lean up to press your lips against his. You're nodding against him, a 'please' slipping out of your mouth.

He slides into you without warning, unable to hold back anymore. You gasp into each other's mouths.

"Fuck, you feel so- fuck-" He breathes into your mouth, forehead pressed to yours as he slides back out. No matter how many times you have sex with him you'll never get used to feeling so full.

He slides back in to the hilt, jolting his hips to yours at the last second, increasing the power of his thrust. His legs are off the bed, with leverage to go as hard as he wants. He brings a knee up to the bed, spreading your thighs more in the process.

Both of his hands are pressing open your thighs, loving the sight. He looks down to see where your bodies are connected. Slack-jawed, he brings one hand down to your clit, rubbing his thumb in tiny circles.

"Hold your legs for me, love," he sighs. Your hands to go your upper thighs, holding them for Flip.

He starts thrusting in faster now, gaze locked onto his cock sliding in and out of you. Left hand at the base of your throat. Right hand on your clit. You moan when he hits a particularly sensitive spot and he brings his gaze to your face. Entranced by the sight, he groans and falls forward, connecting his lips with yours, bringing his hand to the back of your neck.

He kisses you, frenzied. Hips colliding harder with yours. Pressing your legs with his body so you're practically bent in half. Your hands press into his back, clutching him closer.

"You're always so wet for me," he groans into your neck. He rolls his hips, sliding out and in a few times. Building up to a speed that pushes you across the bed by his thrusts. He's feverish in his attempts now at circling your clit.

"That's it, I feel you tightening, yes- oh god," he rasps. Flip loves the feeling of you cumming around his cock and he wants to feel it now. He's getting close, overwhelmed by the feeling of being inside you.

You moan again with a 'yes', as he slides his left hand down beneath you. It connects with your lower back, lifting you towards him with an ease you'll never get used to.

"I- I'm going to-" you whimper against him. Your hips now rolling against him, desperate enough to feel any friction on your clit alongside his thumb. Flip moans deeply, loving your unhindered reactions. You're so loud for him.

"Cum for me, darling." His deep voice rumbles next to your ear, sending a shiver straight down your spine. You break for him again, tensing up around him. He brings his thumb off your clit, letting the orgasm wash over you as he passionately continues his thrusts. Slamming into you. He's moaning uncontrollably. You're tightening around his cock so much that he's losing touch with reality.

Your legs are shaking around him. Arms grasping at him, running over his back as he bows over you.

Flip can feel it coming. He brings his other knee to the bed, both hands gripping your hips, sliding in and out of you so fast now.

"Oh fuck-" A broken moan escapes his mouth while he stares into your eyes.

He rolls his hips deep. Shuddering. Riding out his orgasm. Face falls into the crook of your neck. A string of whispered curses floods out of his mouth, breath tickling your skin. He grinds into you again, not wanting it to end. Both of his hands are now beside your head, gripping the sheets in tight fists.

His body relaxes on top of yours, holding himself up on his elbows. He lifts his head. You're staring at him, fucked senseless and smiling. His eyelids droop, going in for another kiss. You return it, lips lazily moving against each other. His goatee tickles your chin and you let out a small giggle. He smiles against your lips. Pulling you with him, he rolls over, cock sliding out as he shifts. He exhales harshly at the feeling of it being so sensitive.

He sits up and brings the blanket at the end of the bed over you both. He folds you into his arms again, and you press close to him, breathing him in. His broad chest heaves up and down. Large arms encircle you. He gently guides your head into the crook of his neck. You're on the edge of sleep. So is he.

"What about-" you start to say, thinking it would be smart to get dressed again in case something happens.

"Shhh, I've got you," he whispers. He had the same thought, but can't be bothered right now to get up. He moves his face to your hair, liking the smell of your hair.

"Coconut?" he asks softly.

You laugh softly. The shampoo in the shower smelled like coconut. "Mmhm."

The two of you fall asleep in each other's arms, your leg hooked around his hips. The storm continues through the night, the heavy rain and thunder don't bother you both. It's peaceful.


A soft kiss on the neck wakes you up.

Flip is tangled in the sheets on his back, running his fingers through some of your hair. He just shifted back over from leaving a kiss on your skin.

Blinking open your eyes, you see his face smiling down at you.

You push yourself up with your hands, creases of the pillow indented onto your cheek.

Flip laughs at the sight. You're so cute. Messy hair and all.

You rub a hand over your eye and then punch him in the chest, embarrassed at the likely state of your hair.

He grins and flops over you, knocking the breath out of you. Before you can get another hit in, he dives in for a kiss. You give in eagerly. Still tasting yourself on his lips. He quietly groans, shifting his body fully between your legs.

The sheet is caught between you but you can feel his hard cock pressing into your belly. You whimper into his mouth, already soaked for him. He slides his left hand under your neck, lifting your head.

You're both falling into the lust you felt last night, totally focused on each other.

He rips down the sheet between you, revealing your body to him.

Your movements are getting more intense. Needing his hands on you. Needing him inside you. Needing to touch him.

He rolls onto his back and you follow, now straddling his hips. You grind against his cock, spreading your wetness all over. He exhales harshly.

"Good morn-," he tries to say, losing his train of thought and arching his body off the bed when you fully sit down on his cock.

All in one go. To the hilt. Your hips are pressed against him. Feels right. His hands hold onto your waist as you start to roll on top of him.

"Someone's eager," he groans out, thrusting his hips upwards.

You openly moan at the feeling when he hits just the right spot.

"I need you-" you gasp out.

At your words, Flip pulls you down and holds you to his chest. Going crazy at the feeling of being needed.

His hand slides down to your ass, gripping and kneading it in his large palm. His other hand is on the back of your head, holding you to him. His feet slide up the bed, legs bending at the knees. He starts thrusting upward.

You press your head into the crook of his neck, moaning into him. He starts going harder, feeling the vibrations of your voice echo through his body.

His cock pushes in and out, spreading you wide open, the remnants of last night still soak your thighs. Probably going to need another shower.

After a few minutes of moaning into his ear, Flip loses it. He rolls over. Turns your body under him so you're lying flat on your stomach. He's straddling your hips from behind, grinding into your ass.

He uses both hands to grip your cheeks and spread them, spitting onto your pussy from behind. He uses two fingers to spread it around your pussy, adding to the already wet mess down there. He loves it messy.

You turn your head to the side, seeing him focused on your ass. He suddenly looks at you, and bows forward.

"You just want to get fucked, don't you? My angel needs me."

You nod. Moaning into the pillow when he thrusts into you fully.

"Jesus Christ," he grits out. His rasping breaths hit the back of your neck. His hips start to move faster, fucking you harder.

He groans, watching your ass bounce from his strokes. He reaches his right hand under you, headed for your clit.

You gasp when you feel his fingers connect with the bundle of nerves. He furiously starts rubbing in circles, while pushing your hips up with his palm. You're pressed upwards, spread on your knees, cheek still pressed into the sheets as he fucks you from behind. You're so wet his fingers slip and slide all around with his thrusts.

His fingernail accidentally drags across your clip and Flip groans when he feels you tighten around him.

Changing his strategy, excited about figuring out what you like, he swipes his nail across it again, gently putting more friction on it.

It brings you to the edge so fast you barely have time to register what's happening before you're orgasming around Flip's cock.

"Fuck, fuck-" he groans and drops his hand down to the bed. Now pounding into you, letting you ride out your orgasm. His own comes fast, rushing over his body. He bows over you further and pushes you back down to the bed, grinding into you. You're on your belly, feeling his cum spurt into you. His face is buried in your hair.

You're both catching your breath, staying like that for a few minutes just loving the feeling of being close.

He realizes he might be crushing you and he pushes up to his elbows, cock still twitching inside you.

"Flip," you say.

"Yes, darlin'?" he rasps.

"I don't want to go back."

Flip drops his head down, placing a soft kiss on your shoulder.

"Can't stay here forever," he whispers, despite how much he wants to just keep you here. Fuck you again and again.

You grumble and pout your lips.

"Hey now, none of that." Flip rolls off of you and pecks you on the cheek.

He stands up and searches around for his clothes. It's already early morning, better to get going now rather than staying here too long.

You watch him dress. As he's buttoning his flannel, you decide to also get up. It takes you a few minutes to grab your clothes. Filthy, worn, and ripped. You head to the bathroom to wash up and join him again in the bedroom after a few minutes. He's sitting with the machine gun strapped to his back, loading his handgun.

He slams the palm of his hand to the mag to click it into place and looks up at you. He hungrily eyes your body. Sensing his intentions, you say, "C'mon, big guy, gotta get going," in a teasing voice. You stride out the door. He shakes his head and laughs under his breath. You're gonna get it when the two of you get back to base. When you find a moment to be alone, that is.

Stepping outside, the smell of last night's rain fills the air. The grass is wet, pavement shining with the remnants of the storm. The clouds are still overhead, a gray sky greeting you in the early morning. Droplets still mist through the air and you breathe in deeply.

Flip steps outside and approaches you. He places a hand on your shoulder and you turn to look at him.

"I think it's that way," he nods down the street to the right. You laugh, you were about to walk to the left.

"You better be right, you're the one good with directions," you say, starting to walk, gun in your hands, finger on the trigger.

Flip smiles and laughs under his breath, jogging to catch up with you.

The two of you continue down the street, walking in the middle of the pavement. Talking and laughing. Leaving behind your little piece of serenity.

(a/n) If you feel like it, lemme know what you think! <3

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