The Grimm Sin of Wrath

By PatrickMcWilliams

48.9K 693 70

Meliodas, also known as Y/n to the public, is an elite Huntsman, labeled a traitor by everyone he's worked wi... More

An Unexpected Meeting
Respect Your Elders
The Serpent Sin of Envy
Memories of Battle
Races Collide
The Truth
Old Friends
Mother's Daughter
Love's Hold
Time to Explain
A King with No Throne
The Worst Sin
A Needed Meeting
A New Problem
The Power of Sin
The Surge
One Of Us
The Burden of Sin
A Promise
The Incoming War
Altered Plan
More Arrivals

A War on Two Fronts

503 7 0
By PatrickMcWilliams

The gate to the southern side of Vale slowly opens to reveal Hendrickson.

"General Ironwood I presume?"

"You're correct. I was coming to oversee some negotiations with Vale over our Dust, but when I heard that The Seven Deadly Sins were attacking, I had as many troops stationed here as possible assemble."

"That's generous of you, however we shouldn't need your support, it's only three of them."

"How do you know it's just three? There could be more."

"We have our sources. We will be fine without the assistance. Your army can leave now."

"They'll stay. I however do have meetings to attend, it would be an honor to have the leader of the Huntsmen here in Vale accompany me." Ironwood speaks to the man as if he is negotiating, truly showing his skill in conversation.

"It would be an honor, you never know if anything terrible will happen here, especially given Atlas Academy's history with the Sins." Hendrickson tells him.

"My assistant will be joining us, she is a Specialized Huntress as well, though she seems to keep quiet enough during the war conferences." He chuckles at his own statement .

"Very well." Hendrickson turns as Ironwood and his assistant follows.

"Vale looks much different than it did last time I was here."

"We had to make additions when we learned the Sins had infiltrated Ozpin's school."

"Is that right?" Hendrickson turns to Ironwood.

"Four of them in fact." He tells the General.

"My my. I assume you're taking the necessary precautions?"

"Every precaution and more." They continue walking into a nearby alley. Houses line the road, protected to the brim with armor.

"Even your homes are fortified, could they really cause that much damage?" Ironwood asks Hendrickson.

"Yes they can, they're not the only ones however..." Hendrickson snaps his fingers and his men turn their weapons on the General and his ally.

"I'm guessing you figure me to be spying on you?"

"Can't have the General of Atlesian forces roaming around now can I?" Hendrickson pulls his blade out and quickly attacks the General, sending him into a nearby wall, thankfully not a house.

"Secure her." The smoke clears to show Ironwood completely un-damaged.

"Your Aura is stronger than I thought, at least your death will solidify the Sins as traitorous scum."

"So that's your play..." Ironwood pulls his dual revolvers out and aims.

"Alright Hendrickson. I have time to play with you. After that, you're going to rot in prison."

"Master Hendrickson! We'll assist you!"

"You need to focus on your own enemy." The other Huntsmen turn to see Ironwood's assistant rising into the air.

Y/n's P.O.V

An explosion rings out in front of you, Ban and Gowther.

"What was that?"

"Judging by the sound and vibration, it's half a mile away." Gowther answers.

"Come to think about it, didn't we just sense someone with crazy strength?"

"It's probably Hendrickson. He at one time was one of the strongest Huntsmen ever."

"Enough talk let's go!" You scream out. A massive Grimm lands in front of you three suddenly.

"Dammit!" You scream out, quickly pulling your blade out.

"We've gotta take care of—." Ban pushes past you.

"Get the hell outta here."

"Ban? What're you doing?"

"Giving you time to go find Ruby! I can take this thing." He maneuvers his chain sticks around himself.


"GO!" He shouts at you and Gowther. You and Gowther quickly sprint away to go find Ruby.

"Alright you big, ugly bastard." Ban smiles. Two more massive Grimm land behind him, one of them looking odd.

"That's a demon?! No, it's a Grimm alright, but part demon. That means that Salem..." Ban laughs a little and gets into a stance.

"LET'S GO! I'LL TAKE YOU ALL ON!" He charges the one in front of him, and jumps, he suddenly passes straight through it, it is decimated by Ban's lighting fast attacks. It falls apart into many pieces as Ban lands.

"Next?!" Ban is kicked into the wall of a nearby house, cratering it.

"GAGHH! NOW THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKIN' ABOUT!" He pulls himself free and begins to glow.

"Uh? The hell is going on?" Suddenly all the monstrosities explode as a figure floats in front of him.

"Uhm? Why the hell did you take my fight? I had it under control." The figure floats away, not saying a word to Ban.

"Okay then..." Ban runs to follow Meliodas and Gowther toward the fighting.

Back with King and Diane

"Can't this ride go any faster?" Yang asks King. Hawk's Mom blows steam from her nose, scaring Weiss.

"I know! I know!" King says.

"Hey?" Diane says.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"I've never seen that look on the Captain's face before, have you?"

"No I can't say I have, I've never seen him that worked up before."

"Do you think if I were the one who got abducted instead of Ruby, the Captain would get that worked up for me?"

"A-A-Absolutely Diane! There's no question about it! You mean a lot to him!"

"I know he's a nice person, but I doubt he'd still get like that for me." King's arms begin to flail about in protest.

"Hey uhm guys? Shouldn't we be hurrying?" Blake asks.

"Yeah I suppose you're right. Oh wait a minute!" King whistles loudly. Suddenly a portal appears in the sky.

"Is that a dog?" Blake asks.

"No he's a Black Hound. He's a type of Fairy that lives between the Human world and Fairy World. He's got this weird mouth that lets him transport things anywhere." Diane grows a smile.

"Does that mean he can get us to Vale!? Why didn't you tell us this earlier. It's not like the Captain would've gotten mad, he likes pets."

"Not when Oslo's favorite food is pork..." He rubs his head.

"Maybe you're right!" She laughs.

"Alright Oslo!" Suddenly he grows and opens his mouth.

"We should go first. Then Diane can follow us in."

"That's a plan." Weiss says.

"Okay, just let me know when to follow." Diane says. Yang nods and the trio jumps in.

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