May The Gods Forgive Us (Tech...


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Cover Art by forgotteneucalyptustree on Instagram! Goddess!Reader X God!Technoblade Technoblade didn't believ... More

Prologue: The Beginning
Chapter 1: The Apprentice
Chapter 2: The Ball in Triox
Chapter 3: The Fifth God
Chapter 4: Veri, the Kingdom made of Blood
Chapter 5: The Child in the Snow
Chapter 6: A trip to Valtameri
Chapter 7: The Nightmares
Chapter 8: Valtameri, the Kingdom by the Sea
Chapter 9: The Blood Prince
Chapter 10: Fundy, Childe of Wibur
Chapter 11: Wings for The Blood God
Chapter 12: Heart to Heart
Chapter 13: Coronation Day
Chapter 14: The Queen
Chapter 15: Visiting King Eret
Chapter 16: Solis, the Kingdom kissed by the Sun
Chapter 17: Wedding Preparations
Chapter 18: Redamancy
Chapter 19: The Hunt
Chapter 20: Redemption
Chapter 21: The Dreams
Chapter 22: Invitation
Chapter 23: Las Nevadas, Kingdom of Entertainment
Chapter 24: Somber Presage
Chapter 25: Change of Pace
Chapter 26: Withdrawl
Chapter 27: The Four Horsemen
Chapter 28: The Nether
Chapter 29: The Death of a God
Chapter 30: Unfinished Symphony
Chapter 31: Fire in the Distance
Chapter 32: The New King
Chapter 33: Brave Little Theseus
Chapter 34: Declaration of War
Chapter 35: A Sacrifice made with Love
Chapter 36: The Gift of Resurrection
Chapter 37: Destroying Amon
Chapter 38: Dream's Freedom
Chapter 39: The end of the Universe with You...
Story Lore/After story stuff

Chapter 40: Day of Salvation

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In the Kingdom of Veri, there was never-ending winter. The beautiful warm days had disappeared without a trace especially after King Technoblade and Queen (Y/n) had left.

Ranboo looked out his window, being King was not easy, many memories began to plaster themselves outside. Snow fights with his friends, building snowmen with his Mother, and long walks with his Father. "Daddy!", giggled a voice next to him. The voice broke the trance he was in, his eyes met with the small child next to him. His son, the next heir of Veri, was a very shy but bright child that often reminded him of why he had to continue being strong. After Beras died in the war along with her family, she had left a child all alone in the world until Ranboo and Tubbo decided to adopt him as their own. "Hello, Michael.", smiled Ranboo, picking up his son and hiding him. The child smiled brightly and hugged the King, making his heart ease with the sudden jester. "Where's Dad?", asked Michael. Ranboo gave the child a small explanation about where he would be and when he would come back.

"Go play then. Dad wouldn't like to see us so down.", grinned Ranboo. Michael nodded before he headed for the door. The child politely closed the door after his father gave him a small wave, today was a busy day. There would be guests to his understanding, people he had not met yet because they were always busy. Michael quickly collected his chicken plush, that he had placed by the door, and ran around the halls. The maids and people that worked in the castle giggled and politely greeted him. "The King and Queen would have loved you dearly, Master Michael.", smiled Mark. To Michael, the King and Queen were his parents, he had never met anyone before them. "My parents love me already.", frowned the child. The butler offered the child a warm smile before nodding. "That's correct, Young Master. I meant the former King and Queen... The Blood God, Technoblade and our Queen, (Y/n).", smiled the man. Michael had never heard of those names, his parents never talked about the former King or Queen. "Where are they now?", asked Michael, tilting his head at his butler. The man chuckled and offered the child his hand, which Michael happily took.

"Our current King and Queen were raised by the former majesties. His Majesty Technoblade was the only son of her Majesty Sora. Our Lady (Y/n) is the daughter of Lord Philza and Lady Kristen.", began the man as they sat down. Thus, Michael learned of his grandparents and heroes of the world. "Why didn't I know sooner.", sniffed the child after the story was done. The butler wiped the tears running down his face and patted his head. "I believe that it's a great wound that no one has recovered from... They were Gods that no one will forget no matter how long time passes by.", smiled the man. Michael really wished he could have met his grandparents but now there was no way he could.

"Young Master, if you go play in the eastern hall, you might find a portrait of the former majesties.", winked the butler before going back to his daily chores. Michael had been prohibited from playing there since his parents worried about him getting lost yet curiosity makes children wander into the most prohibited of places.

In the eastern hall, the child saw that it was nothing but magnificent. There were plenty of gold ornaments around the castle but it was the first he had seen so many in one hall. After Mark's story, the child knew that this hall belonged to his grandparents when they lived in Veri. "Wow...", he breathed. He began to happily show his chicken friend all of them. "My my, what a lovely child.", giggled a voice. Michael quickly turned to see no one, he began to worry before a glimmer caught his eye down the hall. He quickly ran to see a covered portrait, without a moment's thought, he pulled the cover down to reveal a portrait of the former King and Queen. He knew it had to be them because between them was his Daddy. "Daddy!", grinned Michael, carefully tracing the painting. There was a soft chuckle before a hand patted his head.

"He was quite a cry baby back then.", said a deeper voice than before. Michael looked up to see bright red orbs looking into his. He stood mesmerized looking at the man before him, without explanation, Michael hugged the man. Tears began to spill the longer he held onto the man before him. Michael felt a longing he had never felt before and the child couldn't understand why. "Our grandson really loves you.", giggled a voice behind him. A beautiful woman with the longest (h/c) hair came into view, her warm (e/c) eyes looked at Michael before she smiled. "Sorry, my Queen. I should have let him meet you first.", chuckled the man. He leaned down to kiss the woman's head before turning his attention back at the child. "Please forgive us if we startled you, little one.", smiled the woman as she knelt to Michaels level.

Realization hit Michael as he finally recognized the people in front of him. "Mama?", he whispered before looking at the man. "Papa?", he finished. The couple couldn't help but laugh softly and nod, Michael cried as he threw himself into the arms of his grandmother. She radiated warmth and the sweet smell of cornflowers that his parents loved to grow in the garden along with alliums. She carefully picked him up and kissed his head, reassuring him that it was okay. His grandfather chuckled before petting his head, his hand was big and a bit heavy but reassuring nonetheless. Michael couldn't help but feel a wave of happiness as he was pampered by the couple. Technoblade dried his tears while (Y/n) sang softly as she began to rock him in her arms. Michael began to fall sleep as he yawned and hugged the Blood God's hand. "Don't go anywhere...Daddy and Dad really miss you...", he whispered.

Two pairs of curious eyes looked at Michael before (Y/n) raised her hand to hush them, she couldn't help but show them the child she was holding. "Small...", whispered one. A small hand patted Micheal's head before they nodded. "Tiny like us.", confirmed the other. Techno couldn't help but smirk before picking up the two small figures. "You two will have a lot of fun here.", he promised. He carried them inside their old bedroom and placed his children down. "Remember, we are surprising everyone so behave.", smiled Technoblade. The two children nodded before they decided to sleep until they could meet everyone. "We'll have company coming here soon, Techno.", smiled (Y/n) as she held Michael carefully.


At the entrance of the castle, a young man with red wings was removing his cape and placing his son down. His lips formed into a small smile as he remembered when Technoblade gifted him that cape. His son yawned before asking to be put to bed, this made the God chuckled before reassuring Shroud that he could sleep after greeting everyone. "You've grown so much, Young Master.", chuckled a voice. Tommy grinned as he saw the older man who greeted him, he had been traveling for so long that he missed the old butler. "Indeed, I'm a big man now, Mark!", laughed Tommy. Mark had missed the boy who had arrived after his Queen, he was now an adult with a son that he wished his son and daughter-in-law could have met. "Master Tommy, I welcome you back to Veri.", bowed the butler. Tommy gave him a small smile before patting his shoulder. "Thank you, Mark. Save the formalities, you're family.", he said, looking around.

Tommy frowned as he didn't see Michael, the boy usually was the first to greet him along with Mark. "Young Master Michael is playing in the eastern hall.", said the butler with a small chuckle. Tommy sighed and thanked the man, he despised that hall because he would hurt remembering his sister and Techno. "I'll go retrieve him before Tubbo gets here and scolds him.", sighed the young man. He quickly picked up his son, who snuggled into Tommy's chest, before he made his way to the hall. Tommy sighed as he walked down the hall, his eyes looked at the end of it, his breath left his body as he saw the people he loved and admired the most. In their arms was his nephew fast asleep, Tommy found himself running towards them before he stopped. His heart was hoping that this wasn't a hallucination because he would die then and there.

(Y/n) smiled before she walked over to her younger brother. "Oh, another cute child.", she giggled before Shroud disappeared from Tommy. The God stood dumbfounded as he saw his son now nuzzled against his sister's chest. "What's wrong, Theseus? Aren't you happy that we made it back?", asked Techno. Tommy snapped out of his thoughts to look at Techno, his body moved before his mind finished soaking the image of his mentor. Tommy was now hugging Technoblade, it was real... His sister and her husband were back.

The larger man hugged him tightly as Tommy began to feel the tears begin to rise. "It's okay to cry, Tommy... We're back to stay.", whispered the gentle voice of his sister as she appeared next to them. Tommy had waited so long for their return and he couldn't be happier. The fatigue of his travel weighed down on him like a ton of bricks as he slowly fell asleep hugging Techno. "Sleep well, Theseus... You deserve it.", chuckled the Blood God.

When Tommy woke up, he was still clinging to Technoblade, who smirked down at the boy. "Morning, kid.", he teased. Never in his life did Tommy BigManInnit feel so embarrassed. To his dismay, his sister and the children were a giggling mess next to them. He quickly let go and coughed a few times. "Awww Tommy!", laughed (y/n) as she hugged the boy. Tommy didn't hesitate in hugging his sister and lifting her off the ground. He missed them both dearly and couldnt even start to express it yet. His wings wrapped around them as she laughed, a part of him was scared she'd disappear if he didn't hold her tightly. "Does Ranboo know yet?", he asked. (Y/n) shook her head and explained that only Tommy along with the children knew of their return. "We'll be appearing during today's ball, Tommy.", smiled (Y/n).

Tommy nodded and let go, Michael ran over along with Shroud. They both began to ask to be picked up which Tommy never denied. "We'll keep it a secret until everyone's here then, right boys?", grinned Tommy while looking at his nephew and son. The boys excitedly nodded and agreed, earning a soft laugh from the couple behind them. Tommy smiled as he began to leave the hall, Michael or Shroud might have not noticed but his sister and Technoblade were not the same as before. Their aura was completely out of this dimension, if he hadn't trained all these years with his Father then he would have passed out from their immense aura. "Mama and Papa are super strong!", grinned Michael. Shroud also voiced this as he hugged his father, Tommy smiled as he heard this. "Yes they are quite grand, aren't they?", he chuckled.


That evening, many guest from all five Kingdoms arrived. From King George and Dream to Schlatt and his crew. After the end, all kingdoms had lived in harmony and peace owing it all to their Saviors. It was announced throughout all five kingdoms that today, the day that the Gods disappeared, would be the Day of Salvation. Even though it was meant to be a happy day for the world, everyone wore black.

Ranboo quietly sat on the throne as he watched his friends and family interact. "Shall we dance, Boo?", smiled Tubbo. He always sat quietly next to him during this day but he couldn't help but believe that his husband was doing this to distract him of his sorrow. "Of course.", he smiled, taking Tubbos hand and joining the people on the dance floor. Ranboo's eyes caught the image of Philza and his wife seated with a solemn expression on their faces. Kristen wore a veil along with Philza, they hardly left the End Portal but since the ball was planned in Veri for the first time, they felt the need to attend. Ranboo always suspected that they blamed themselves for letting his parents become the sacrifice instead of themselves.

"We should name our daughter after (Y/n), Wilbur.", said Sally. Ranboo hadn't noticed them dancing alongside them, Tubbo who had also heard Sally voiced his agreement on her suggestion. They all walked to a table to sit down and talk for a while. Tubbo was now asking how Sally was since they hadn't seen each other for a while now. "It's been a while, Ranboo.", smiled Wilbur. The young king nodded and began a casual talk with the man, he couldn't help but noticed the white streak in his hair. Most of the people who had died in the war had been revived, receiving streaks of white hair. "Mother, come dance with me!", grinned Fundy. He wore a red coat that (Y/n) had gifted him on one of his birthday and to the young king's knowledge was his favorite and most cherished possession. Sally agreed but reminded Fundy that a pregnant woman could only dance for so long before growing tired.

Wilbur chuckled and urged them before Michael asked Tubbo to dance. "We'll be right back, Boo!", smiled Tubbo, running to the dance floor with their son. Wilbur drank his wine and ran his hand through his hair before chuckling. "It looks like we all wore something else that reminded us of them...", hummed Wilbur. Ranboo noticed the necklace that his mother made for Wilbur around his neck. He slowly began to notice everyone had something that was gifted or reminded them of his parents. "Yes, it seems everyone felt that way.", smiled Ranboo.

The sound of a spoon hitting a glass, broke the music that filled the celebration. Everyone looked up to the ballroom balcony to see Tommy, smiling at everyone. Wilbur chuckled as he noticed his little brother up there. "Oh no, he's up to no good again.", sighed Wilbur as he slowly got up and headed towards Tommy. Ranboo chuckled but listened to what Tommy had to say before Wilbur could chuck him down. "Ladies and of course gentlemen, today we celebrated the day of Salvation. A day where my sister and my brother-in-law saved our world.", began the young man. Wilbur, who was planning on throwing Tommy out a window, had stopped halfway up the stairs to listen now. "Today is a day where we would usually mourn them but that is no longer a thing! I present to you the return of King Technoblade and Queen (Y/n)!", grinned Tommy.

Everyone was in shock, Philza and Kristen looked ready to give Tommy a good scolding as they removed their veils and headed where their youngest was located. Wilbur looked angry as he quickly approached his brother and as for Ranboo, he couldn't understand why Tommy would pull this kind of prank on them. Everyone had tried everything possible to bring them back, they had all accepted that it was impossible to have them at the ball with them.

"Everyone, please calm down and don't look at Tommy that way.", said a soft voice. Time froze for Ranboo, for everyone actually as they saw (Y/n) walk through the doors behind Tommy. She wore a beautiful white and gold dress along with her crown that was made by the Blood God himself. Her wings hid Tommy protectively from her family who now stood dumbfounded before them. "Thats right. Wilbur. Philza. Kristen. Why the long faces?", smiled Techno as he stopped in front of his wife and disciple. The Blood God wore a suit that was decorated with gold ornaments and his red cape was now a pair of red wings that covered Tommy and (Y/n) defensively from the shocked gazes. Ranboo was the first to teleport and hug his mother along with Tommy. "Ack! Big man! Let me go!", whined Tommy, who eventually let it go as he saw Ranboo sobbing softly. Everyone cried of joy and others laughed as they welcomed back the former leaders of Veri. The couple greeted everyone before Ranboo noticed Tommy disappear, when he came back Ranboo couldn't help but cry tears of joy as two pairs of red and (e/c) eyes looked into his.

Two children with soft pink hair held onto Tommy before he explained who Ranboo was. The small girl smiled before she asked to be placed down. "Don't cry, Big Brother!", she smiled before she hugged the King. The boy that hid behind Tommy, gave him a small wave. Ranboo composed himself before he properly introduced himself. (Y/n) and Techno chuckled as everyone looked at their twins but felt a great joy as Ranboo smiled at his siblings. The King couldn't help but smile as he offered the twins his hands, which they happily took.

"I'm so glad to meet you, Sera and Oz... Let's go so you can meet the rest of our family!"

The End...

Thank you so so much for reading this book that I worked hard on. I have so many people to thank for this, I honestly never thought my book would be as popular as it was today.

If you enjoyed this book, I will be publishing a Wilbur X Reader after a short break! Please stay tuned for that! Also will be publishing another chapter after this one as a treat for you lore fanatics.

Thanks again!


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