It's a Small Town✔️

By Mentally_Not_Ok

28.6K 1.2K 476

Oliver's excuse for everything is that it's a small town. He know that's not the truth. There's many smaller... More

Background knowledge
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 ⚠️Minor Smut⚠️
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 ⚠️Smut⚠️
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 ⚠️Smut⚠️
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 ⚠️Smut⚠️
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 (Last Chapter)
Bonus Chapter |
Bonus chapter ||

Chapter 27

397 18 8
By Mentally_Not_Ok

I had the baby attached to my hip. She didn't like being set down and at the moment I was fine with that. I was able to pay off the medical bill, but it put a pretty big dent in my savings.

Holding Evie's head to my chest being ever so gentle with her fragile head. I walked into the kitchen, leaning over to open the fridge and take out the orange juice. I poured some into a sippy cup for her before putting in the medicine.

I mix the cup around taking her to the couch with me. Even after a week she was still incredibly dazed and it scared me honestly. "Evelyn" I whisper once I'm on the couch. She doesn't react and I sigh moving her to my lap, rubbing her tummy.

"Evie, baby" I continue shaking her tummy a bit. She turns to me with scared eyes and I hand her the sippy cup. "Here" I smile and she takes the sippy cup in her two hands.

She takes a drink and sets it back down staring off into space. I tear up looking at her. I was doing so good at holding it in, but something about her. The door opens and Lily comes in with a pile of paper work.

"What's that?" I ask and she looks over with a smile. "They're taking a few of us in the photography major on a trip to take some pictures and enjoy some actual scenario" she giggles extremely excited.

"That's amazing" I congratulate her and she nods coming over to join me on the couch. "I'm going to have leave my two babies for three days though" she whispers and I shrug. "Hey don't worry about it, we'll be fine- I'll call you if anything happens" I assure her and she nods leaning over to rub Evelyn's shoulder.

"Is your drink yummy?" She asked knowing that the girl had hardly drank any. Evelyn moves trying to hand her the drink. "No I'm okay, that's yours" she smiles and the baby nods taking another drink.

"Good job" I hum tickling her stomach, she smiles taking another drink enjoying the praise. "So when are you leaving?" I ask and she looks at the form. "In a few weeks" she looks it over some more her smile bigger than ever.

"I'm so excited for you!" I cheer again and she nods happily. "I know! They'll be so many nature photo shoots, the only sad part is that I won't have my favorite models" she sighs and I chuckle shaking my head.

"You need to let me take pictures of you and Axel still" she reminds me once again. "I'm not sure- because if something happens those pictures are going to haunt me" I joke even though it was the truth.

"My Instagram followers love you and Evie... it will be amazing- probably get some nice cash flowing in" she rubs her fingers together and I sigh. "Now it just sounds like I'm using him for money" I chuckle and she shakes her head.

"No there's love involved too" she assures me and I widen my eyes, my cheeks going pink at the word. "Love?" I ask and she nods vigorously before stopping. "Oh my god... you guys haven't said I love you yet!?!" She whisper-shouts and I nod shyly.

"Well do you love him?" She continues wrapping her arm around my shoulders. I nudge the bottle in Evelyn'a hands making her take another drink before answering Lily. "I- yes? I mean I almost told him I loved him but stopped I don't know" I groan and she gets giddy clapping her hands together.

"You guys are so cute! How long have you been together!?" She asks becoming a fan girl all over again. "Like four months almost five" I grumble getting squeals from her.

"You have to tell him!" She nudges my arm and I lean forward ignoring her. I take the empty sippy cup from Evelyn setting it on the coffee table. "Olive?" She whispers grabbing my shoulder.

"What if he gets scared?" I ask and she shakes her head. "I'm pretty sure he loves you too" she chuckles ruffling my hair. "Pretty sure, not positive" I repeat her words and she goes silent.

"Hey, when I leave... make sure you eat" she says out of nowhere and I nod standing with the child in my arms. She grips my shirt tightly, scared that I might drop her.

"Olive I'm serious" she follows and I nod again. "Eat for both of you, Evelyn wants to be home with a happy and healthy you" she continues and I groan not wanting this lecture. "Got it mom, I'm going to eat" I whine hoping she'll stop her lecture.

"Good and to make sure I invited Axel to stay the night and help out while I'm gone" I stop walking to the kitchen and turn back to her with wide eyes. "You did what!" I say as aggressively as I can through my teeth trying not to scare Evelyn.

"You heard me" she smiles crossing her arms, putting all her weight on one foot. "Dear lord kill me now- I'm going to ruin this somehow" I grumble taking Evelyn into my room.

"Oliver, I'm serious. He can sleep on my bed if that makes you more comfortable but you need to eat and I'm worried you won't when I'm not here" she follows me into my room and I groan.

"Lilyyyyyy I get it, I'm going to eat- tell Axel he doesn't need to come" I turn to her getting onto my bed. Evelyn squirms in my grip and I quickly kiss her cheek. "It's okay I'm right here, I won't drop you. We are far... far away from the edge" I attempt to comfort her and she brings her hand to her mouth staring up at me.

"Let's take a nap" I continue and she nods grabbing my shirt again. I start to build the pillows up like a barricade before rocking her slowly watching her eyelids droop.

As soon as she was passed out I put her in the little barricade, adding extra blankets on the floor just incase. I yawn into my hand leaving the room with Lily keeping the door wide open.

"He's still coming" she huffs and I chuckle knowing she was repeating that in her head the whole time so she wouldn't forget. "Well I'm going to be at... crap I can't work if you're not here" I mumble to myself getting raised eyebrows from Lily.

"Why not? Axel will be here" she drags it out. "Well- uh- I'd feel bad leaving him here with the toddler when he's technically a guest" I spit out the only thing I could think of.

I'm not sure why. I didn't want to leave him, I mean I trusted him. Evelyn loves him. "Mhmm sure, you just want some time with your boy toy" she giggles plopping onto the couch.

I look to the table with my project sprawled out on it. The pencil work starting to come together more. I had to buy paint lots of paint. "That's not true" I huff sitting next to her.

"Wear protection" she grabs the remote flipping the TV on. I quickly slap her arm not believing she said that. "Lily what the fuck" I hiss and she starts to go through movies on Netflix. "I'm serious, I mean if you don't want to use protection that's fine, get lube or something- I'm doing this for you health and safety" she sighs patting my head.

"Why would you say that!?" I drop my head, putting my face into my head. I continued to shake my head as she patted my back. "Babes I'm just saying- boyfriend over for three days, what do you expect" she laughs and I look to her with fear-filled eyes.

"Wait do you really think..." I trail off not actually wanting to think it or say it. She nods before getting excited over some zombie movie. I look off to the side frantic. I don't want him to see me like that.

"Olive?" I zone back in and look over to Lily. "Hey I was just kidding, don't do anything you don't want to do" she whispers wrapping her arm around me. I nod resting my head on her shoulder.

"Lily, I love him" I whisper and she nods kissing my head. "Yeah I know" she chuckles as a zombie jumps out of nowhere attacking a human. Just like that the cute moment was ruined when she laughed at the scene.

We silently watched the zombie eat the man, Lily giggling like the psycho she is. I take my eyes off the screen with pink cheeks. Why was I coming to this realization now.

How do I tell him? How is he going to react? The thoughts definitely stopped any chance of me actually telling him. I can't believe she fucking invited him to spend the night.

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