A new destiny

De MirkoMilazzo2

7.4K 166 8

During the trip to Kings Landing in Season 7, Jon Snow has a vision which shows him what will happen to both... Mai multe

Chapter 1 | Jon
Chapter 2 | Daenerys
Chapter 3 | Jon
Chapter 4 | Daenerys
Chapter 5 | Jon
Chapter 6 | Daenerys
Chapter 7 | Jon
Chapter 8 | Daenerys
Chapter 9 | Jon
Chapter 10 | Daenerys
Chapter 11 | Jon
Chapter 13 | Jon
Chapter 14 | Daenerys
Chapter 15 | Jon
Chapter 16 | Daenerys
Chapter 17 | Jon
Chapter 18 | Daenerys

Chapter 12 | Daenerys

318 5 0
De MirkoMilazzo2

"Daenerys, this is the second time you seem distracted" Missandei's voice said from the distance. I quickly came back to reality, only to find my bestie watching me with worry. "Are you alright?" she asked me, looking me straight in the eyes. "What do you think Missi?" I replied, fighting to keep my voice in check "The man I love is suffering and I can't do anything to help him. How do you think I feel?". Missi sighed, knowing I was right in feeling depressed: the previous night everyone had celebrated our victory against the Dead; only Jon Snow had a mournful look printed on his face. When he had left the party, I was the first one to realize he wasn't there anymore and wanted to go after him but Sir Davos had preceded me in doing so. So I spent the following minutes waiting for his return to the party. When he finally did, I saw Davos had managed to give him some happiness; however I knew the smiles the King in the North gave to his family and friends were false ones and deep in his heart he was still suffering. "I will try to talk with him" Missandei said after a few seconds of hesitation "I....I know he cares about you but he is afraid. I will try to find out what scares him so much to prevent him from opening his heart to you". "Missi are you sure about this?" I anxiously asked "He seems a very reserved person; I don't know if he will be....". "Your Grace" Grey Worm interrupted us at this point "The War council is about to begin. Lord Snow and the others are waiting for you". "I'm on my way" I answered, hating I couldn't spend much time with my bestie as a normal girl does with her friends.

"So this is the plan" Tyrion finished explaining the strategy he planned to use "By sailing on this side of the river, we will manage to reach Kings Landing without my sist.....". "How do you know this side of the river is not guarded?" Jon interrupted Tyrion, doubt printed on his face "Do you think your sister is fool enough to let us trick her in this way? I strongly doubt this". "I agree with Jon" Sansa Stark said at this point "I don't think Cercei would be stupid enough to let us catch her by surprise. I don't want our soldiers to lose their lives for nothing". "So you want to retire your soldiers from the war Lady Stark?" I asked in a cold voice "If my memory doesn't play tricks on me, I didn't have problems in sending my soldiers here to take part in your war". "You did this only because you wanted our support, not bec....". "ENOUGH!" Jon yelled in an angry voice "DAENERYS TARGARYEN HELPED US IN DEFEATING THE DEAD ARMY. NOW IT'S OUR TURN TO HELP HER IN DEFEATING CERCEI LANNISTER. WE MADE AN OATH TO....". "YOU MADE AN OATH, NOT US!" Sansa Stark shouted as well "SHE IS YOUR QUEEN, NOT MINE OR THE NORTH!". "The northern lords chose me to be their king" Jon hissed "If you don't want me as your king any longer, you just have to say it. If you want to overthrow me, you can do this. This however won't prevent me from serving Daenerys Targaryen, the woman I chose to be my queen". "Of course, nowadays for you Daenerys Targaryen is more important than your home" Sansa replied in a sarcastic voice "You would even given up your role as King for her". "I can't believe Jon is the adoptive brother of such an arrogant woman" I thought as I watched Sansa Stark interacting with Jon "She is arrogant and ungrateful for what others do for her". "I think me and Daenerys need to review this plan again" Jon announced, focusing his attention to the map on the table. "Jon are you..." Sir Davos and Tyrion started in a confused voice "We will call you when we are ready" I said as I focused my attention on the map as well "You may leave us now". With some reluctance, everyone started to walk away from the Council room, confusion evident on each face. "Bran, Sam a word with you please" Jon called when his adoptive brother and his friend were about to walk away as well. Sam exchanged a look with Bran before walking towards us. "Do you need us now?" Arya asked, Sansa at her side. "You may go as well" Jon answered, without turning his gaze from the map of Westeros "I want to have a word with Daenerys, Bran and Sam alone". Arya nodded and left the room in silence, her sister following her after a last moment of hesitation. "So" Jon started when we were finally alone in the Council Room "The truth about my true origins are a problem for Daenerys since she is no longer the last living Targaryen". "Jon you must realize everyone will want you as the new king of the Seven Kingdoms once the truth about your father shall be widespread". "As I said, I don't want to rule" Jon replied, watching Bran in his eyes "I never wanted to be king and you know this Bran. The Iron Throne belongs to Daenerys, end of the story". "Jon please, don't insist" I thought in anguish "I appreciate your loyalty but you will be forced to become King. It is pointless to refuse becoming the king of the Seven Kingdoms". "Since it is my intention" I heard Jon saying "To support Daenerys, I want both of you to keep the truth about my true origins in secret. No one must know who my true father was". "Jon are you sure you want this?" I asked, astonishment evident on my face "You have more right to sit on the Iron Throne than me. By becoming the new monarch of the Seven Kingdom, you would have a chance to make your adoptive house glorious as it once was". "Daenerys as I told Bran, I never wanted to become king" Jon replied, looking me straight in the eye "When I became King in the North, I assumed that role because others wanted me to be king, not because I wanted it. Since it is the first time I can make a decision of my own, I choose to give the Iron Throne to you; you told me you wanted it so I will not take it from you". I sighed, knowing there was no way I could convince Jon Snow to accept the throne. "Very well" I finally said "If this is what you want, then the truth about your origins must remain a secret". "As you said Jon, the decision is yours" Bran commented "If you don't want to become the new monarch of the Seven Kingdoms than I swear I won't reveal to anyone that you are the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Liana Stark". "What about you Sam?" Jon asked his friend "Are you going to respect my wish?". All our gazes fell on Sam who still hadn't spoken since we started discussing about Jon's plans regarding the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms. "I don't know Jon" Sam finally said after a moment of hesitation "I can't say I approve your decision. I mean....you should sit on the Iron Throne, not Daenerys". "Sam" I said at this point in an urgent voice "Please, look at me". After what seemed an eternity, Sam rose his eyes in order to meet mines. "I.....I understand your animosity towards me" I continued in a saddened voice "I....understand why you hate me so much. However, there was nothing I could do with your father and brother. They.....I tried to spare them, to give them a chance to serve me; they both chose to remain loyal to Cercei Lannister. What do you think I could do at this point?". Sam nodded as he realized I was right "I...understand your point" he finally said "I...I thought you killed them without giving them a chance to survive. I know you are telling the truth because both my father and brother were loyal to the old word so it is not a surprise they chose to die". He paused to collect his thoughts. "I'm still not sure you deserve to sit on the Iron Throne but I saw how you sacrificed the lives of your soldiers and friend to save the North; in addiction, I know Jon since we both were at the Night's Watch: I know when he supports someone, he is always right in doing so. For these reasons, I promise I will not tell anyone the truth about Jon's true parents". My throat constricted when I heard those words of acceptance and without thinking what I was doing, I fiercely hugged Sam. "Thank you" I said softly "Thank you for doing this". "You are welcome" Sam replied in an embarrassed voice "You can properly thank me by proving to me Jon is right in trusting you". I nodded, a sense of purpose feeling me. "Everything will be alright" I thought in happiness "I will create a new word based on justice by seating on the Iron Throne and I will find a way to get Jon Snow's heart. Only then I will be complete". Little did I knew however my happiness was destined to last for a short time since someone had been standing behind the door of Winterfell's Council Room and had heard everything we had said.

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