Princess of Asgard

By belleblossom123

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'They may have always been my enemy, but I became their worst nightmare' We all know Asgards famous prince's... More

Princess of Asgard
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note

Chapter 19

339 2 0
By belleblossom123


All or nothing


I felt a familiar feeling wrap round me as my eyes opened to be welcomed again with the warm golden glow shining through the window.

"Finally your up," a voice came from the other side of the room.

A scream escaped my mouth, "What the fuck are you doing here," I pulled the sheets over my body, thank God I was wearing Riden's button up white shirt from last night. 

"Woah calm down, it's not the first time I have had to wake you up," Loki rose from his seat heading to the door.

I scanned the room and any trace of Riden was gone it was as if he had never been here.

"Nice dream," he asked, I simply rolled my eyes knowing he probably had something to do with it.

"I am working on dream spells bringing real life memories back into dreams, see that was a previous memory but I altered it slightly," he sounded some what proud of himself.

I stared him down, "Yes well done now please leave so I can get ready."

"Fine, since when do sleep in Riden's clothes," he sent a questioning glance.

I pointed my finger to the door yelling "Out."


As soon as I chucked my brother out of my room I went straight to the oversized bathroom. My fingers flicked through many lotions and shampoos all neatly placed along the high up shelves, I roamed the room admiring the simple details carved into the stone walls while the bath was filling.

I slipped my silk robe of stepping into the steaming warmth of bubbles. My muscles relaxed as the sweet smelling scents seeped into I my skin. Unfortunately I had no time to relax we have a big day a head of us.

I clambered out wrapping a white fluffy towel around my torso. Walking back into my room I saw some armour and a little note on it.


We were saving this for your 18th birthday, but we do not think this fight can wait two years and we are sure you would want to wear it for this important battle.

Happy 17th birthday Kiara

Love Thor & Loki


I smile worked it's way on my face, at least I have a present today it is a good chance I won't get to celebrate or see my family, but the safety of my brothers and Asgard is my top priority this can wait.

I slipped into my armour; it was a gold chest plate with matching shoulder and arm pads, silver chain mail lines my waist in a V shape with a royal blue fabric wrapping round one side and flowing too another. The rest was covered in a stretchy navy material and knee covering gold boots. I had a gold V shaped head band keeping my hair out of my face allowing me to leave the blonde waves flowing freely.

After getting ready I walked out to find my way to the others, down the cold halls making my way to the same room we first arrived in. As I walked down the dull corridors a faint light filled the room, as did my curiosity. The door creaked as I pulled it ajar announcing my presence immediately

A man quickly spun round in alarm, "Oh Kie it's only you," Riden relaxed back in his chair.

"What are you doing," I asked as his hands guided my hips into his lap.

"Just writing a letter to father so he knows of my where abouts before any staff members snitch on me," he sighed as he pulled a strand of hair behind my ear.

I licked the edges of the envelope before securing down, feeling Riden's stare from the side send butterflies to my stomach.

"What happened to you this morning, instead of waking up to you I had my irritating brother messing with my dreams," I turned my head to face his.

"That is why, I would be most likely dead if I was found in your room besides I knew it was your birthday and thought he may do something like that."

"Here," he reached inside of his pocket carefully pulling out a small detailed gold bracelet, "of course I would not forget to bring my best girl a gift for her birthday, happy birthday Kie,"

I held my arm out so he could fasten the small clasp round my wrist "four stones of different colours each represent my powers," I looked up amazed.

He raised his eyebrows and smirked holding his arms out for a hug, ignoring him I pulled him in for a sweet, passionate kiss. Riden's arms looped around my back supporting my hips as I straddled him. The kiss held more hunger as I reached up to caress his cheek.

"Ahh darling your armour is not the most practical for this," he chuckled reaching up to hold my hand close to his face.

I sighed "we really must get going now Thor and Loki will be waiting."

Reluctantly I removed myself from his lap leaving the room hand in hand. We walked down the desolate corridors making our way to same door. Upon arriving Riden dropped my hand pushing the door open and letting me through first.

"Well, at least he has some manners," Loki sniggered from the far corner.

Thor stepped forward putting his beer glass down " Loki do not start we all have to get through this day with out a single argument."

"Yes so lets go through the plan one more time," I proposed.

Thor took charge leading this attack, "So we all scout the area at once finding the best tactical advantage point for each person, I will send the signal and we quickly swarm, overwhelm them so they surrender. Riden you said this is the only place they reside in Vanaheim so we use them as leverage to gain our and Asgards safety from the Beserker's."

"Sounds like a plan, lets go." I began walking out of the room everyone else not that far behind.

Thor caught up with me " you know I am in charge it should be me leading us out."

"Well, it looks more powerful with a strong woman leading a bunch of boys," I smirked at Thor knowing he wouldn't fight me on that.

He backed down, quickly changing the subject "Your armour looks nice," I smiled back "Yes, I love it, thank you."

"We wanted to give it to you when you turned 18 and joined the warrior's to fight with us, but I think you deserve it now besides 16 close enough."

"Yes it will definitely be a memorable birthday," we approached the stairs heading down to the stables where four horses were tacked up and ready to ride.


We had been riding for around an hour weaving in and out of the thick twisted vegetation of the forest. Finally making it to the familiar clearing we tied our horses up, crawled up some rocks stealthily lying flat on the edge of a cliff. Devastation covered the land; bodies being recovered, crying wives and children, damaged houses and their secure cave. A wave of guilt hit me, but I could not look weak in front of everyone, I just do what I have to as the princess of Asgard.

"Right Loki and Riden you both use stealth down this cliff and get as close as you can, Kiara and I can stay up here and fly down when necessary, you two flush out everyone from the caves and huts and we will surround and control them," Thor instructed "Loki stick with Riden he is just a kid and I will stay and look after Kie,"

"What! No, you know I hate this kid," Loki protest a little to loudly.

"Loki do not be so mean," I whispered back kicking his foot with my own.

"Just because you have a crush on this boy does not mean I have to like him."

Thor interrupted "Oh will you two shut it or this plan will be ruined," Riden sat quiet in our dispute.

"Shut up Thor!" we both yelled in sync, attracting the attention of two guards.

We all lay as flat to the ground as possible my cheek pushed against the cold stone slab, Loki radiated his usual green tones. An illusion cast over us allowed us to continue to stay unnoticed.

"You know what I will go down by myself so we can get this over with," Riden started to get up.

"Wait I will come with you," I was about to follow when Loki pushed me back down "Oh no I do not trust him with you."

"You," he pointed a finger at Riden "are coming with me." Loki got up and stormed down the edge of the cliff staying within the greenery for cover closely followed by Riden.

"Well, that was easy," Thor muttered, I simply rolled my eyes and waited for Thor's move.

We laid down waiting for what felt like an eternity; watching, studying everyone's movements. We found out absolutely nothing.

"Thor this is pointless let's just go down there," I whispered into his ear.

"Fine," he sighed "er right see that large tent over there," he pointed in the direction of a bunch of temporary accommodation "blow it over."

The feeling of the cool breeze gave me energy, I focused the wind on one path sending it cascading down ripping the tent of any cover.

"Now Riden and Loki should be heading in just about now," as if on cue we saw them slip into the deep twisted caverns.

I started to get up ready to make my assent down into battle, as a strong arm pulled me back down "what!" I yelled.

"Just wait a minute for them all to take the bait," I reluctantly waited and sure enough almost the whole camp was over trying to fix and work out how the tent blew away.

"NOW!" Thor yelled as we threw ourselves of the cliff face landing perfectly at the bottom, with a earth blast and strike of lightning. Suddenly all eyes were on us as we marched over to our enemies.

"Remember be careful, and do not die," Thor spoke quietly "same to you," I replied

"They are here ATTACK!" someone yelled.

We were thrown into a full battle, my rich blue glow filled around me as I took out soldier after soldier varying each power. I manipulated the air discarding the warriors of there weapons, using the water in their blood to control their bodies.

Thor's lightning blasts provided me with the perfect source of fire twisting and weaving it inbetween men taking them out one by one. Soon even more waves of warriors overwhelmed us including the same grey metal alien creatures from before.

"Kie!" Thor yelled, I looked in his direction as he aimed a lightning bolt in my direction, holding on tight to the energy around it I reciprocated the power setting masses of warriors on fire.

But more and more came there was no end I looked at Thor, "they must have known we would come," I yelled over the blazing battle.

"You think!" he sarcastically yelled.

I slowly got backed up into a corner by two men laced head to toe in full armour baring many weapons. I regained my stance ready to blast them away, but not before a sword stabbed each of them directly into their hearts.

I looked up while catching my breath "Riden," I exclaimed.

"Come quick," he grabbed my hand pulling be behind a rock out of immediate danger.

"You need to leave now run and do not look back unless it is me understand," he yelled in a panic.

"What, no, what happened in there."

"I will explain later go now," he was practically pushing me away.

"No, I am not going to leave you," I protested as he grabbed my hand "you promised me no matter what that we would be friends so as a friend and someone who cares deeply for you go now."

My mind was conflicted, confused over what to do. Riden squeezed my hand before running off back into battle. I decided to trust him.

I took a final look back at the raging battle, but I saw Thor trapped under some sort of rubble, Loki unconscious now with power dampening cuffs on.

This is my fault, my mess, I have to fix this for them or they may not make it out alive.

Sorry Riden I have to go help.


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