The Potter Twins》Draco Malfoy...

By DayneMal

29.5K 694 218

Emily Potter is Harry Potter's twin sister. They have always been together in everything. Until their letter... More

~nineteen~ ♡part.2♡
~nineteen~ ◇part.3◇
~twenty one~
~twenty three~
~twenty four~
~twenty five~
~ twenty six ~
~ twenty seven ~
~ twenty seven ~ pt.2
~ twenty eight ~
~ twenty nine ~
~ thirty ~
~ thirty one ~
~ thirty two ~
~ thirty three ~
~ thirty four ~
~ thirty five ~
~ thirty six ~
~ thirty seven ~
~ thirty eight ~
~ thirty nine ~
~ forty ~
Second Book

~twenty two~

586 18 6
By DayneMal

 (Sorry for the late update. I have been extremely stressed about the things that are happening in Cuba right now. I still have family and friends that I grew up with there so I'm really worried. But anyway I hope you enjoy. Also thank  you for 3.26k reads. Vote and comment. Lots of love <333333)

The train has just gotten off the station. Pansy and I were looking for compartment. As we looked we spotted Blaise, Daphne, Draco and Astoria all over him. The three on them looked out the little compartment window. I rolled my eyes and dragged Pansy away with me. As we continued looking, everywhere was full. We found a sit with only two boys in there."Can we sit here?" I asked and they both nodded. We sat across from them.

  One of the boys started at me with a wide eyes and a huge smile. "Um... hi. I-I'm Theodore Nott." Said the skinny boy with brunette hair and brown eyes. "My friends call me Theo."
He nodded.

  "Yes. I have had you in classes before." I pointed out.

  "You don't have friends. Just me." Murmured the the other boy. Adrian Pucey. I knew him because he was the Slytherin's chaser. He was in the 5th year, supposed to be on his 6th year but he was going to repeat.

  "Don't be mean, Adrian." Said Pansy flirty. Of course she did. He did a laugh. "I'm Pansy Parkinson, by the way. And she's Emily Potter." Both of the boys looked at me and I just smiled not knowing what to say.

  The rest of the ride we talked, ate played games and laughed.

When we got to the castle I went to my dorm quickly and changed into robes them went to the Grate Hall. I was going to sit with my Draco but Astoria and Daphne were there so I sat with Adrian, Theo, Pansy and Millicent.

All the first years got sorted and Dumbledore started his speech. "This castle will bot only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well. So Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event, The Triwizard Tournament." He said and everyone started whispering and smiling. For now, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and the Headmistress, Madame Maxime." He said then the doors of the Grate Hall opened.

  Some girls entered doing a little run and dance. The were wearing a dress, little cape and hat, all light blue. All the boys were looking at them. Well they did look beautiful. After them their Headmistress, a very, very tall woman walked in. All the guys started clapping and whistling at their performance.

"And now our friends from the north." Said Dumbledore. "Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master, Igor Karkaroff."

The doors open ince again. Revealing hot men dressed in brown clothing. "Oh. My. God." I said in shock and smile looking over at Pansy and Millicent. Pansy's jaw was hanging open and Millicent's eyes were wind.
  The men were swinging a large wooden stick around. They placed the sticks on the floor then ran and did cartwheels. After them the high master came in with the famous Krum. "Oh, my God. It's Krum! Viktor Krum!" Said Pansy all existed.
  Now, all the girls were screaming and clapping very loudly. Me and Pansy looked at each other and I smile. I stood up in the bench I was sitting on and started whistling, clapping and screaming like the other girls. Pansy, Millicent and Theo laugh at me. I looked over at Draco and he stared at me with a serious explanation.  He liked Durmstrang, so I didn't know what his deal was.

The boys form Durmstrang sat stage end of our table, where Draco was located. And the girls of Beauxbatons sat at the Hufflepuff. We all ate dinner and Dumbledore gave a speech about The Triwizard Tournament. He introduced the head of the Department of magic and the new D.A.D.A teacher, Alastor or Mad-Eye Moody.

  The next day I had that class first. None of my friends had that class, only Draco, Crab, Goyle and of course other Slytherins. I had been avoiding Draco so I didn't want to sit beside him. I told Ron to move and I sat beside my brother in the middle road. Draco sat in the table next to mine.

  Professor Moody started teaching. He was telling us about the three Unforgivable Curses. Imperious Curse, Cruciatus Curse. Avada Kedavra. It was the first day and we started dark.
  He used the Imperious Curse so move a tipe of spider. He was putting it in the students head or hands. Everyone was laughing but I just leaned back on my chair, smirking at how Ron almost died from that experience. Then the spider was on Dracos face. I finally laughed as he screamed, "get off!"

  "Talented, isn't she?" Said Moody referring to the spider. "What should I have her do next? Jump out the window?" With that everyone's laughs were off. "Drown herself?"
  This guy is weird and creepy.
  "Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did You-Know-Who's bidding under the influence of the Imperius Curse. But here's the rub: how do we sort out the liars?" Some students raised their hands and so did I. Almost the whole class did and he had to choose Neville. Everyone knows what had happened to Neville's parents because of that curse. Why did he raised his hand. God!

  "There's the... um- The Cruciatus Curse." Said Neville
  Moody used the spell making Neville watch it. The poor defenceless insect started making a squeaky sound.
  "I can't believe he's such arse. Making Neville watch that. Really?" I whispered to my brother.

  "Stop it!" Hermione shouted and everyone turned to her. "Cant you see it's bothering him? Stop it!" And the Professor stopped.

  He picked up the spider and placed it in Hermione desk. "Perhaps you Could give us the last Unforgivable Curse, Miss Granger." She shaked her head. "Avada Kedavra!" Dead. The insects died in front of everyone.
  "The Killing Curse. Only two people are known to have survived it... and they're sitting in this room." He looked at Harry and I closely. We looked up at him. I raised an eyebrow and looked at him up and down. Like I said before, this man was weird.

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