Baby Doll

By eerieecho

200 3 11

"Baby doll, don't argue with me on this. Not now. Not when you're dressed like this." He said his breath gett... More



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By eerieecho

I was seated reading a book in the living room with my aunt seated right next to me. His highness had been gone for about an hour. I knew the curse I had set up for him would bring him back to me the moment the bitterness and anger took control of him but I wouldn't tell him that. I didn't want him to be any more wary of me than he already was we could be stuck together forever at this rate. That wouldn't be so bad though, we could fake is death in about thirty years and then change names and states and live in a place where no one knew us. Maybe a third world country that is not so developed with it's tech and just go off the grid. That would be fun. We could live like a cute couple that likes to travel and not be stressed about anything.

'You're thinking about him,'

'No I'm not, wait who are we talking about?'

'Prince Harry,' I made a thinking face.

'Doesn't ring a bell,'

'Oh really? I could have sworn I saw his head on your boobs this morning while you guys were.....'

'ALRIGHT! I know who he is. And I wasn't thinking about him for your information.'


'I'm serious, I wasn't.'

'Mmm-hm.' I felt her staring at the side of my head and I knew she had something to say and she would only stop staring at me once I let her say what she had to say.


'Have you let him smell you?'


'You know, your scent?'

'No, I haven't.'

'You should you know.'

'I know but I don't to love him for the mate bond. I want to love him because he is him, Harry Aemon Calvagh.'

'So when will you let him smell you and put his Lycan out of it's misery because I am sure he subconsciously knows this but he won't let it be common knowledge until he can prove it.'


'Please do, I have a feeling things will be shaky soon but it will be easier for you to get through it if you can have each other to rely on.'

'Okay,' just then I felt the energy in the air shift as though some one was portaling in.

'Take cover!' I shouted as we hid behind the seat that I had pushed down soon after and spelled to be a shield against any kind of attack. Just then a portal opened and someone stepped in.

'You didn't miss me cousin?'

'Oh bloody hell!' I murmured before standing up.

'Hello Gina.'


We were seated in the living room taking tea that I had prepared. In my tea, I had put herbs to calm my nerves because dealing with Gina Deveraux required as much patience as one could master. Not that I hated my cousin, she was just a pain in my behind.

'Oh dear cousin, that is an awfully mean thing to say about me don't you think?' she said while batting her eyelashes at me. I forgot that she could hear my thoughts and she did it without asking. I mean I could even go through her memories without asking but I don't like it because I feel like it's an invasion of people's privacy. Now I only do it if it's absolutely necessary. Anyway, up the shields go. I put up my mental shield and made a spell to protect my aunt's thoughts from her prying ears.

'What do you want?'

'I just wanted to...'


'Oh my goodness! Harry darling is that you?'

'Yeah,' she then stood up and ran to hug him and he received him with open arms. I was taken aback by all this. He knew her? Where did they meet? When did they meet? What was she to him? So many questions swarmed my head. I sipped on my tea to prevent me from saying any unwarranted thing when I felt she was to close him than I liked and the hug was taking forever. I muttered a spell to keep his thoughts from her while they were still hugging. I decided to interrupt their hug by saying something.

'I see you've met my cousin Gina,' I said with a bit of surprise in my voice while trying to hide the abrasion I felt toward this situation.

'Yeah, I met her some years ago while I was in college for my undergrad.'

"Harry here was a little wild in that time. I can still remember him hitting five clubs in one night. I would always bail on him after the fourth club and he would always whine every night 'We are so close to the end of the night! Where are you going?' I always found it somewhat cute,' she said looking at him like he was a Barbie doll that she wanted but couldn't afford yet but she had told herself she would get eventually. I never felt like punching her as hard in her entire existence as in this very moment. Aunt seemed very amused by the scene before us. I needed more tea clearly the much I had taken was not working.

I then turned to Harry, ' What are you doing here, you left only three hours ago?'

'I got pissed off in the office by someone and then I ended up here. Then I smelt something different that made me forget about it for a second.'

'Well, come in and have tea with us. Gina, let me show you where your room is so you can settle down before you join us again for dinner.'

My aunt piped up,' No, let me take Gina to her room. You can stay here and serve His Highness some tea.'

'Okay,' I then watched the two make their way up stairs while aunt talked Gina's ears off with how much she had missed her. I let out a sigh of relief as she left the same room as me.

'That bad, huh?'


'It's obvious you don't like Gina,' he said very amused by the situation.


'It's okay. You don't have to explain your relationship with you're cousin to me baby doll,' he said while stepping closer to me. He then reached out to touch my face and just lightly graze my left cheek and finally let his palm rest on my left cheek. I then let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. He then stepped closer diminishing any space between us and leaned in to my ear. He slowly run his nose down my neck and left a lingering kiss on my shoulder. I felt the heat in my body rising as a growing need for him began to rage.

'Let me smell you Baby Doll,' he whispered, 'please.' I felt the desperation in his words and conceded to his request.

'Fine,' I answered and drew back the shield that hid my scent and made it seem human. I then lifted my face to look into his eyes. His pupils were dilated. I saw the hurt in them as well.

'Mate. Why?'

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